In January 2023, VA will launch a new life insurance program called Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife), which provides guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance coverage to Veterans age 80 and under, with any level of service-connected disability. Some Veterans age 81 and older may also be eligible.
What is Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance?
Guaranteed acceptance is a whole life policy that does not require a medical exam or ask health questions. It also does not have a limited two year window to sign up. Whole life insurance provides coverage for the entire life of the individual policyholder, provided that premiums are always paid. Premium rates are locked in for the life of the policy, and unlike term policies will not increase as the policyholder ages.
What benefits does it offer?
Created by Public Law 116-315, the new program meets the needs of service-connected Veterans who may not have previously qualified for life insurance with VA. VALife offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance coverage that lasts for an individual’s entire life and provides the following benefits:
- All service-connected Veterans age 80 and under with 0-100% VA disability ratings are eligible.
- Fully automated online enrollment with instant approvals.
- Coverage comes in increments of $10,000, up to a maximum of $40,000, and premiums are competitive – or better – than what’s available in the private sector. There is a two-year waiting period for full face value coverage to take effect.
- No medical requirements for enrollment.
- Cash value that builds over the life of the policy after the first two years of enrollment.
- Rates are best the earlier you sign up. Once locked in, premiums will never increase.
Who is eligible?
All Veterans age 80 or younger with a VA disability rating of 0-100% are eligible for VALife, with no time limit to apply.
Veterans who are 81 or older may apply for VALife within two years of receiving a new service-connected disability rating if:
- They applied for VA disability compensation before age 81, and;
- They received a new service-connected disability rating after turning 81.
How does this impact other VA Life Insurance programs?
VALife opens life insurance coverage to more service-connected Veterans than ever before. In contrast to Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI), VALife has no medical requirements and there is no two year time limit to apply if a Veteran is age 80 or under.
Veterans who currently hold an S-DVI policy can either keep their current coverage or apply for VALife when the application goes live. Veterans can keep their S-DVI policy until the full coverage of VALife begins two years after enrollment as long as the application is received between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2025
S-DVI will close to new enrollment after Dec. 31. Veterans interested in S-DVI should apply by this date, even if they are interested in applying for VALife in the new year. Applying for S-DVI now allows eligible Veterans to have life insurance coverage while waiting the two-year period for their VALife coverage to become available.
How can you apply for both?
The application for VALife will go live on Jan. 1, 2023. Stay tuned for more information on VALife and the application process. Once the program is open, the application will be available online at
If you are interested in applying for S-DVI before VALife opens, or would like to learn more about the coverage, please visit the S-DVI webpage here:
Where can I learn more?
To learn more about VALife and whether it’s the right choice for you and your family, please visit the webpage here:
If you would like to receive email updates about VALife, please sign up here:
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Veterans and People who read this and Spread my belief email your Senators or Representative asked them to contact the the Veteran Affairs Committee passed a new Disabled Veterans who is 100 percent service connected needs a Dentist that knows how to put in G4implants for free because they don’t have one work for a Veteran Medical Centers Dentistry or have a contract with a Veteran Affairs Administration..
Question all: my father was a veteran of Vietnam who passed away in January of this year. He does not have my mother left and I am not a dependent. However after passing I sadly have seen why it was hard for him in life here and there. I found record back to 1978 where his social was changed repeatedly. The same number being a 4, not an hour 8. He was released with honors with three badges, did one year and two months and two days in Vietnam, have that time in the Republic of Vietnam. And he got injured on the USS Hancock when they were doing some VA101,212 repairs/work. Anyway, he was injured on the USS Hancock and they’re a little bit of a fight he ended up getting approved for 30% disability. He did not even receive that but instead received 10% in 2008 and application of your application, PTSD diabetes mellitus and a few others, denial but when I got all this paperwork upon request of his medical record I am finding Doctor exams okayed and clear and following denials from the VA but if you flip the papers or reports upside down and look in the mirror, it says otherwise. Like info on his proof of Bupersman… I also received this paperwork with a letter noting on it the reduction of certain peoples names and such which I thought was funny cause I had most of that paperwork already with their names already printed lol so I stapled them together but should I go toward the OIG because of illegal action of knowing of previous entitlement and trying to hide it within the paperwork provided to me in upside down almost backwards faded format…?
Some of you Vets don’t have a clue that other
Vets can’t get ANY Insurence because of their disability. Or if the Vet can get insurance, the premium is so expensive that the Vet could take our money, invest and make more in stocks.
I’m 100% permanently and totally disabled. One of my disabilities is end stage renal disease (kidney failure, was on dialysis in 2007 and got a transplant in 2009). Even after the transplant, no insurance will/would touch me. Trust me, I’ve tried many times with different approaches. As soon as my blood work is returned and my anti-rejection medicine is detected, I’m instantly denied.
Yes, this insurance could be better, stronger, and faster but some of your Vet brothers and sisters have to take what we can get in order to look out for our children and make sure any debts we owe when we die will be covered.
I found a 125,000 policy from navy mutual, no physical . non smoker 15 year term , $98.00 monthly, I have a 60% rating that does not affect the policy. I had to look very hard to get. It is also convertible or partially convertible within the first 2 years. The guy who made it happen was Eric Anderson.
I’m 50 years old widowed and 100% SC P&T — How will this life insurance work?
Why is VA offering whole life insurance? It’s always been Term through SGLI or VGLI.
There should be no cash value. You don’t get both insurance and cash in these pokicies. One or the other. Why would VA even consider this? Why not just cheaper straight term insurance?
Dear Vets and their loved ones, first thank you for your service.
While it’s admirable that the VA made an effort with this insurance program, it’s truly not the best option for most veterans.
Other private insurance companies can almost always offer the same type of coverage for a lower premium. Furthermore, most veterans despite past and previous health conditions can typically qualify for a much cheaper policy that does not include a two-year waiting period (this VA policy makes you wait 2 years before you’re insured).
Please do not assume that this policy is best for you simply because it’s administered via the VA. That is far from the truth.
Full disclosure, I am an insurance broker, and we make money by selling insurance. Even if you bought insurance via another agency, my comments would still be true.
Very expensive for the amount. Financially doesn’t make a lot of sense to sign into this.
this is of o benefit for veterans. Most insurance companies offer this already.
My husband passed away in 2010 with service connected illnesses from Agent Orange and I receive survivor benefits. I want to make sure my children have the resources for my burial and pay off any existing debts when I pass. Do I qualify for this insurance program?
I am not a disabled veteran but I am a Vietnam war vet what am I entitled to as far as life insurance through the VA?
You need to submit a claim with the VA.
I’m sure you have injuries or an illness due to your time in service in Vietnam.
File a claim. You have many presumptions disabilities being a Nam vet..u should be 100% disable by now.
Please keep me posted concerning this life insurance. I’m interested in the cost of this insur.
I am 80 years old now & have a 10% disability rating. .Feb. of 2023 I will be 81. Seems to me that will make me ineligible. Also seems unfair.
Please explain why this program ignores me & others in my position…
Seems to me you are eligible as long as you apply before turning 81. You have from 1 Jan 23 until your birthday unless I misread.
Is that a VFW vet or an American Legion vet?
I am a pissed off cold warrior and am tired of being dissed!
took me 28 years to get my rating and I had NOT heard a thing about Disability rated life until now. So its been longer than the 2 year limit to sign up that one. I feel you anguish. It like their job it to deflect, deny, ignore or flat refuse us. You gotta get your Congressman involved. Once mine called them about me, The VA was almost harassing me to get me in there so that they could Legally deny me. One they could not deny because I had an injury that was in my health records. Now (NOW) my health records are missing. I went back for an increase. Nope, We dont have records on you….. SO you see? I feel you brother. And they wonder why we have such a sour taste about them.
I hear you, brother! I made copies of all my health records including injuries, so if they lie, IT’S PERJURY!!
I hear you brother, all Veteran benefits should be uniform regardless of what era you served.
please keep me posted
Please keep me posted.
The chart says I’d pay $142.20 a month for $40k coverage. That’s slightly less than filling up my Chevy Avalanche with 87 octane gas these days.
I do not see any mention of a cash savings component of which the policy owner can draw or borrow from? Are you sure you are using the term “Whole Life” properly or selling a whole life component?
“Cash value that builds over the life of the policy after the first two years of enrollment.” Read again…
Every service connected vet should have the same family coverage as every member of congress! Lifetime benefits, no cost, and the best providers available! And we should get to vote for our own pay raises.
100% agree! Members of Congress should never be given better benefits than our Veterans
Couldn’t say it better
Christine, I concur!
Members of congress don’t get free benefits and the benefits they pay for are not for life.
Granted that my original coverage for 500,000 was fraudulently cancelled, you are now offering me 40,000 with no compensation for the last 20 years or the missing 460,000 in the indefinite future,
What kind of VA insurance did you have @ $500,000 coverage?
I am interested via I would like a better description of all my options. I’m @ 100% and 55.
From web site: – quote “Cost The premium rate (the amount you will pay each MONTH or ANNUALLY for your coverage) depends on your age and the amount of coverage you elect. The premiums for VALife are fixed and based on your age when you enroll. Click here to FIND OUT MORE ON PREMIUM COSTS. ( The table on the Premium Rates page has rows for Age and columns for Coverage Amount for $10K, $20K, $30K, and $40K. NOWHERE on that page does it say the whether it’s Monthly or Yearly. For Age 60 the premium listed is $200.4 for $40K of coverage. If that’s a monthly premium it’s $2,404.8 a year!!! When you turn 76 years and 7 months your total premium payments will exceed $40K. If it’s a yearly rate, it’s $16.70 a month.
You must be looking at a different rate page. At the top of the Premium Rates page is stated that these are “Monthly Rates” per age.
At 76 I would pay a little over $40K in 8 yrs. time for $40K, not for me. Thanks
At age 65 with the premiums paid, the full price of the various policies will have been paid in 13 years and 6 months.
please contact me , I am 72 years of age and 100% service connected, thank you
40k? It would be good to have more coverage. You can shop around several companies will cover you at a 100% rating and quotes up to 250K No medical exam,,,,BUT you will pay a heavy premium. I missed the deadline for VGLA by days due to no fault of mine and it’s been a nightmare trying to find affordable term insurance. All in all, it is what it is.
Interested in his program since I no longer have burial insurance or a plot not, I am really interested I don’t want my family having to pay for my burial .
Whole Life is a ripoff, read the fine print. They should be selling Term to those of us that have a fixed income. Makes you wonder why they’d sell Whole Life, Whole life is the most expensive insurance and really only substantially benefits the young too middle aged adult, but even then, there are better way to invest your money.
Term is great when your young and have large financial obligations. But what happens when the term expires and your still alive??? Alive with no savings because an illness like cancer or the cost of insulin has made you broke?? Whole life takes care of the permanent problem of death! It carries cash value, it can be paid off like a house and the insured has it to pay final expenses. How many folks are able to save and not use their savings for a rainy day???
$100 a month for $40k that takes 2 years to take effect? USAA is better even for perm policies.
I’m interested please let me know when it becomes available
Please let me know when I can enrolled
Please keep me posted. BTW posting the rates would have been a nice though.
I applied for the insurance and got a letter that said I was approved but never got anything else Tommie Spikes
I would be interested in this program please keep me updated
please keep me informed
What if you dont have a Service connected disability? What life insurance policies are available to veterans without Service connection?
Why in the world are the rates so high? Veterans are already struggling financially and for 40k in coverage a 50y old vet will pay almost $150 a month. That’s barely enough to cover the cost of the funeral and will not provide any type of financial security for those left behind. You wonder why people don’t like the VA.
Cannot believe your table for the rate dont explain if its monthly or yearly. Typical government oversight.
As a veteran and licensed life broker, I can inform fellow veterans, that the posted rates are higher than many of the carriers I work with. It will be better than nothing if you aren’t able to qualify for anything else. However, there are other options that require no medical exams that a service disabled vet can be approved for.
Also, in order to avoid being denied for life insurance and to get the best rates, get educated and set up prior to filing VA claims and getting out.
Tobin, thanks for your information. I have looked around for insurance for myself and am not satisfied with my results. Any recommendations in a direction I should look at?
I am interested being 100% service connected at age 63.
I currently have the one time offered $10,000 insurance for years now.
But I need details regarding this new one coming.
I want in on the additional $40,000 being offer.
Save my info VA.
Thank you
Would like to receive more info. Also, can my spouse be covered? I am disabled Vietnam Veteran, receiving compensation at 100 percent. Thanks.
VA Offered Service connected life insurance to all service connected Veterans. It was in the award letter packet but most Veterans never get past the dollar amount.
If you bought a 10,000 Policy of service disabled Life insurance and then became 100% disabled the VA would have given you a waiver on the original 10K policy and offered you another 20K policy. But again most Vets never get past the Dollar sign. I have both My question will be can I get another 40K policy in addition to what I have without losing the waiver or can I not.
James, I would love to learn more about this waiver. I was not informed of it.
Hello Mr.Chieco, I have the 10,000 life insurance they gave me when I became 100% disabled. I don’t quite understand how I can get the 20,000 coverage that you are talking about. Thank you for any information you can give me. Also is my wife eligible for life insurance coverage from the VA?
Thanks for your comment Mr. Chieco. At the time I was awarded 100% I was in a very bad place in many ways. I failed to meet the deadline of 2 yrs to respond. I did not apply for the Veterans $10,000 Life Insurance coverage. Not laying blame on anyone but myself, But VA basically brushed over the program and the VSO I was dealing with had his own problems so wasn”t on top of the program.
Are you aware of the best steps for me to take to reapply successfully?
Please keep me posted on additional insurance.
I would like to have this insurance. Keep me posted.
Sounds good. I, too, would be interested to know details about the expected cost to the veteran.
Hello ,I am a 100% disabled vet interested in this VA sponsored life Insurance program , Can u please reach out to me with enrollment information as soon as possible .
$40,000? That’s it? How about an amount that relates to today and not 1966?
My VGLI jumps from 33 dollars to 66 dollars in July for 100000. I’m 55 that’s getting steep. Is there gonna be an open season for S-DVI?
no one is going to contact you. maybe a scammer will but not the VA
Widow of 100 % disable veteran am I eligible to receive life indurancr
Would like more information. These are all questions with no a answers. Not very helpful.
I looked at the chart and it would cost me $271 a month for the rest of my life to get $40,000 life insurance. That’s over three grand a year. I’ll pass.
The rates are located here
Please contact me when it becomes available
70 years old monthly cost
I am interested, tell me more keep me posted.
Am I thinly person reading 40 k . Last I heard 40 ain’t poop for life insurance Pay out.
I would like to know projected policy costs for each age group. I have life insurance through army civilian retirement, will that present a problem.
I am interested to join as soon as it is available.
Interested to hear more.
This sounds like a great thing but how can we find out the price points. Will it be the same or less expensive than what is
available through regular carriers?
I have the VA life insurance do years when I received my 100 % total disability permeant. If I want to keep what I have what do I need to do, and what’s the difference. My premium is waved.
Please let me know. I don’t want to loose what I have now.
I have no service disability what can I qualify for
Are the premiums listed monthly ?
What does it cost? Is this another thing you have to sign-up for to see the cost?
40k max and 2 years to reach maturity sounds like a pretty crap deal. If I have VGLI why would I want this?
Does this include folks without a disability rating? I see 0% but wondering if you actually have to apply for disability in order to obtain this new benefit.
This is garbage coverage. 1. $40,000 is nothing. 2. The premium is double the market for my age. Thanks, I guess. Can we just sunset the VA already, and just go to straight 100% reimbursement for private healthcare? Socialized medicine is an abject FAIL!
Premium table would be helpful.
As a widow of 100 percent disabled veteran I would truly appreciate being able to get life insurance for please let me know
Yes, I am interested in more information and how much the monthly premiums will cost me.
This life insurance should be anyone that served in the arm service military this makes no sense to do the rest of us this way I have a disability but was told all my records burn up and there’s no record of it I’m already having to deal with that and now this C’mon guys this ain’t right.
Interested….can you send prices?
Monthly cost table:
I turned 83 on 01-28-22… I was born 01-28-39…. I am disabled at 100%… will I ever be qualified for the new life insurance program… I think the the information says I might be… can you please respond to this question… I am surely interested in this new policy…Thank you
Do you have to be 100% disabled to get life ins??
$40,000.00 max, look what is the cost of just a plot and pine box now, what is it going to cost the same in 10,20,or30 years from now. Also being 100 percent is my dependents available for this program, interested in seeing cost.
You have got to be kidding! This is obviously a joke! My rate for $40,000 would be $398.00 a month. That is almost $5000.00 per year. This is extremely embarrassing that the VA would pedal this nonsense.
Look at the premiums. It’s still ridiculously expensive. Looks like a way to make money off of us.
40,000 $ maximum?? Are you kidding me – that covers nothing!
Obtw… 995 plan is… $9.95 a month!
How the insurance works ? It is different from VGLI ?
How is the cost determined if my age is between brackets listed? Also are the costs listed for $40,000 or soem other lesser amount?
Have never applied for service connected disability, am I still eligible?
I’m definitely interested in the life insurance policy! Please contact me.
Very interested please keep me posted
Lol, $108/mo for my age at 40K max coverage. This is not comparable and certainly not better than what’s available on the market. My whole life policy from TruStage is higher coverage for not even half the premium.
We are interested in more information. please contact me
Who is the underwriter of this insurance? US Government? Insurance company?
I don’t have any service connected condition. Is there any life insurance for a veteran like me?
Is this a joke? Maximum amount is $40,000? What is your surviving family going to do with that?
I’m a 100% service connected veteran. IT’S ABOUT TIME FOR A VA SPONSORED LIFE INSURANCE.
It’s not va sponsored all be it having the VA name it can cost you as much as 100+ per month.
This is absolute B.S., you put an age limit on it, my mother is 86. My next issue you are saying compete with other companies, we can’t get insurance period. I would love to sit down with who came up with this information and don’t realize, we are being denied long term care insurance, because we did what we signed up for, then you give a two year grace period… really, do you think we don’t have families that should be taken care after we went to war! Things happened!!!’
I checked 40,000 for a 56 yr old will be 169.00 month. That is too much roe such a small amount.
is there a premium waiver on the new valife for 100% permanent and total disabled veterans and who are over 81 years old?
According to the VA web site, there will be no waivers of premiums.
Everyone please read. The rates are posted at this link. (Most) of the questions that are being asked are at this link. Take a breather and relax.
I want this coverage as soon as it is available. Please contact me
Click on the “Where I Can learn More”, in the above announcement and you can sign up for updates on through the site.
How much are premiums. I would like to apply for it . I need insurance.please contact me.
Please contact me when it becomes available
Thank you.
Hello Alberto, there may be immediate alternatives that can bridge the months until the VA Insurance program kicks in. Term Insurance is cheap and with the right rider you are able to get the premiums back at the end of the term. That would be a win-win! BTW I am a Vietnam era SDVOSB – Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business and ALL-WAYS look out for our Veterans.
I would like to see the price by age.Thank You Clyde Martin
FYI: Almost every question in the comments can be answered by visiting the web page above,
There’s a link to view rates, who qualifies, and no premium waivers all listed there.
I would like to know the Premium rates for $10,000 & $40,000
Im 100% Im interestedbin this Va Life Insuranse
Are the premiums posted online a monthly or annual rate?
If those are monthly rates you’d be better off opening an investment account and putting the money in a simple index fund.
Is S-DVI ending? (this is not clear from reading the article). I am also paying premiums to OSGLI; can you hold all 3 policies once VALife goes live?
According to the VA web site, S-DVI will not end for those who obtain S-DVI insurance prior to the end of 2022; however, no new S-DVI applications will be accepted starting in 2023. As of 2023, the new VA Life program is replacing S-DVI for all NEW applications.
I am so done with the discouraging tactics and jumping through hoops to manage my affairs via coc with the VA. I never received an insurance packet when I was service connected in 2017, and once I requested and received one, it was a very poorly xeroxed copied faded non-ledgeable example of one. Yes I am interested in this life insurance.
You can get the same insurance from Colonial Penn (995 plan, how can you not know about it… There’s a commercial every 5 minutes!), along with other companies that offer final planning life insurance!
Obtw… 995 plan is… $9.95 a month!
Posting the cost would have been nice.
Please contact me.I am service connected disabled and I would like to get this life insurance.Thank you
Good initiative by VA, thanks.
stop asking them to contact you. you have to apply in January
My husband 100% service connected disability tried 4 times to get life insurance through VA. Each time told he had to apply within so many months after discharge and couldn’t now that to many years had passed. He died March 9, 2020 in a VA hospital. Can I now get life insurance as his widow?
similar my questions…Thank you
Life insurance is only available to veterans, not their dependents.
My husband died of a service connected disability. I too, would like to know if widows could be considered.
Would rather have the rates posted to see what the premiums would be for coverage.
This is a teaser yo hook veterans and get their hopes up!
Yes it is a teaser!
Go figure!
Are widows and dependents included??
Life insurance is only for the veteran, not dependents.
My name is Teryl Winstead Sanabria, an employee and 100 per cent disabled veteran. I retire from the WLA VAMC October 30th, 2022. I would love to have this insurance. Please contact me. Thank you
I am interested for sure
Why the hell do you have to be disabled is my question! Can’t the VA do anything for those members of the military that kept themselves well during their years of service???
I’m disappointed! I still served!! At the ready as required!
Good morning,
How much will the monthly payment. I am 51 years of age born February 20, 1971., 100 percent disable veteran.
I’m sorry but $40k doesn’t even come close to the $1 mil I could get for $35 a month but can’t get it because of medications or dissability. They should at least have the option for more. Just saying.
The program hasn’t even opened yet. Follow the “Learn More” link at the bottom of the article and sign up for e-mail alerts until the program launch……. in January 2023. :-/
Very interested, please keep me posted.
Please save info for me. I’m very interested….
Research folks, this is not term life insurance it’s whole life. Be careful, very careful Whole life premiums can cost five to 15 times more than term policies with the same death benefit,
Please give me more infomation about SVDI ins.
Can I get some kind of refund.
So, it looks like the selected coverage under VALife is void, except for premium returns plus interest, in the initial 2 year period. I read about the ability to keep your S-DVI going until you have two years of VALife time to get full coverage.
What’s disturbing is that it appears that the Veteran would have to continue paying premiums for both policies while getting coverage under one policy and premium returns on the other policy.
How is this considered a benefit??
What can I do with my current life insurance SERVICES group life insurance that I had for 20 years.
Can you keep your current life insurance like the SGLI.
I am a veteran. I am on SSDI. I am a type 2 diabetic and have had two toes amputated on my left foot. Also, I had to have my lower right leg amputated in September of 2020.
We’ve had this for years. Do we need to change? Can we add more? Thanks
I’ve been paying vsgli for years and know I pay 155.00 a month. Can I apply for new program to reduce my payments. My insurance is 160,000. Need info
According to the VA web site, the maximum coverage is $40,000 – way below your current coverage.
I bet your vsgli is for 10x the payout of this though…
I want to know more about both insurance options. And what the cost will be. I’m a service connected disabled veteran.
Is there a WAIVER of premium for Total and Permminent Disabled Veterans compensated at 100%?
According to the VA web site, there will be no premium waivers for this coverage. If you have (and keep) your S-DVI policy, that waiver of the first $10,000 will remain in effect.
Can’t wait to hear the good news about VA Insurance !!! count me in !
You would think so, but I doubt it. It would cost me 100 bucks a month. I cant afford that anymore than I could afford sdvi or whatever.
There are no premium waivers for the VALife program
I would like to have this life insurance. Please keep me posted.