VA Innovation Ecosystem’s (VHA IE) Diffusion of Excellence (Diffusion) is designed to discover, support and spread innovative projects, forging the future of Veteran health care. Since its establishment in 2015, it has brought multiple health care innovations from frontline experts to scale across VA. From this charge of spreading innovation, Diffusion established Basecamp.
Diffusion of Excellence Basecamp
Basecamp is a three-day, virtual training that brings experts from across VA. Their goal is to jumpstart a process that replicates Promising Practices across VA sites. Promising Practices are field-developed and tested practices that promote positive outcomes as well as improved experiences for Veterans and employees.
For example, eScreening is a Promising Practice that allows Veterans to complete clinical screenings remotely at their convenience. Basecamp unites leaders of Promising Practices, known as Diffusion Fellows, with representatives from VA facilities to implement practices at their own sites.
The event offers presentations from subject matter experts, project planning led by facilitators and networking. Most importantly, it allows time for Diffusion Fellows and VA site representatives to collaborate on an implementation plan for the next 6-8 months.
Dr. Ryan Vega, chief officer for the Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning, spoke during the first day of Basecamp. Vega highlighted the importance of Diffusion and Innovation and why collaboration is critical to both its success and the future of Veteran health care.
Diffusion resources
Basecamp is just one of the many Diffusion opportunities that promote the spread of innovation. Shark Tank, launched April 11th, shines a spotlight on employees who are passionate about solving some of the toughest challenges across VA. It provides them with a platform to bring exposure to their practices that are elevating the standard of care for Veterans by pitching those ideas and practices to Medical Center and VISN directors.
What’s next?
Now that Basecamp has concluded, the process of Facilitated Replication will begin. During this time, the team of Diffusion Fellows and implementing facility fellows will use the plan and other content created during Base Camp to replicate the Practice at the implementing facility.
During Facilitated Replication, the implementation lead will provide the support of regular check-ins and practice support. Leads will assist in managing the replication process and goals, as well as providing site-specific support to each Practice.
Blake Henderson, director of Diffusion of Excellence, has spoken about the importance of diffusion and programs like Basecamp. “Diffusion of Excellence enables our partnered practices and innovations to sustainably scale across our nationwide health care system to maximize their impact.”
Get involved with innovation
To explore some of the promising practices and innovations featured at Basecamp, you can explore the Diffusion Marketplace. To learn more about VHA Innovation Ecosystem, visit our website.
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