Working as a VA patient advocate, you need great listening skills, patience and the ability to empathize. Working with Veterans, it helps if you’ve had the same type of experiences as your customers. You need to understand how to navigate not only the VA health care system but also the wide array of VA benefits and services.
Air Force Veteran Ricky Lattimore, a patient advocate at Overton Brooks VA in Shreveport, has worked hard to develop just those skills.
“About ten years ago, I watched a patient advocate here,” said Lattimore. “I noticed how she interacted with Veterans, how she talked with them and how they respected her. I asked her what she did and she told me she solved problems and gets things done.”
“I just focus on solving the problem.”
A patient advocate at the Shreveport VA since 2014 with a good deal of in-depth training under his belt, Lattimore admits the job does have its challenges.
“Many times, patients are upset when I see them. I understand they are not angry with me but the situation. Sometimes, it’s the process they don’t understand, how things were communicated, or a misstep was made. I just focus on solving the problem and turning things around.”
Lattimore learned many of his people skills from his parents. His mother was a social worker, his father a minister and a barber.
“I’m thankful for my parents. They taught me a lot when it comes to talking and dealing with others and showing respect,” said Lattimore, who served nine years in the military. “When I joined the Air Force, I was taught how to deal with tough situations and keep my cool.”
Lattimore’s last duty station was Barksdale Air Force Base where he was the Support Squadron sports director.
“It’s about working together as a team.”
“Working with people of so many different backgrounds in the military, I learned it’s usually not the person. It’s something else pushing the behavior. I also realized after you do the best you can, sometimes you need to pull in others for help. It’s about working together as a team.”
A patient advocate works closely with staff at all levels in departments across the health care system.
“I consider myself the Veteran’s echo. After I understand the Veteran’s issue, I echo it back to the department manager or staff to fix the problem. I have built a lot of trust with the various departments here and I can get a lot of issues cleared up quickly.”
Shreveport VA offers health care services at five locations in Louisiana, southern Arkansas and east Texas. Facilities include the Overton Brooks VA Medical Center and four community-based outpatient clinics in Shreveport and Monroe, Louisiana; Longview, Texas; and Texarkana, Arkansas.
Relationship with VA makes good things happen
“VA does a lot of good, but we are all humans, so it’s not perfect,” said Latimore. “It’s the relationship between VA and the Veteran that makes good things happen. As for me, VA has been a saving grace for me and other Veterans. I get great health care here and would definitely recommend VA to any Veteran.”
Lattimore has been invited to attend the 65th Grammy Awards nominations on November 15 where he will find out if he’s been nominated for Best New Album. He has an extensive musical background and, VA, providing a flexible work schedule, has helped him achieve this milestone.
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I need help!! I was just informed that my primary health Dr.(Dr. Wu,Purple team Lake Baldwin in Winter Park Fl.)is no longer working for the VA.
I was to see her on Dec. 2 for my complete check up. They tell me all the Doctors are booked up to June – July, if I have an emergency I could do a
walk in. I just can’t do emergency walk in, I’m in a wheelchair and I call OWL for transportation, both ways. They want me to talk on the phone with the Doctor. How can they check me out over the phone. I need Med’s reordered (pain medication) I can’t get anyone to work with me.
I’m 77 and disable Vet in a wheelchair. Please Please Help Me.. I Have two weeks supply of Med’s..
[Editor: Please call your local VAMC, or call 800-827-1000.]
Hmmmm tried to get advocate to get me an appointment with my primary 8 months still counting. Same deal if you have new health conditions VA is not the place. Only maintenance Healthcare. Shame we are treated this way.
I call the bs flag
I just had to have military one source
Call the boilx Ms patient advocate
True the 1000 number the 1000 number had to call the director suite
Just get advocate on the phone it took a hour the 1000 number keep Giting destination full no longer excepting messages like I have 100 of times advocate just lie to military one source n told me I had go back the hospital where I was sexely herrast for 2 1/2 year by a VA employee n that will Never happen
I have bin with out care for over 10 years I’m 100% for ptsd I need surgerys n heart meds I have 8 broken theat the VA is the worst care in the free world had better care in 3 world sh!t hole countys
Not all Patient Advocates give the same support-some my even supporting the hospital staff more than the veteran. It would be great if their customers -the veterans – evaluated them when their problem was resolved, if resolved – but not as it was being presented to the PA.
I I I Please help my friend Darrell Wilson. He is struggling with fentynal addiction because the VA won’t help his pain. Portland Oregon is a disgrace. He borrows money from me and doesn’t give it back to me and I am elderly and disabled. I am going to talk to a lawyer also. He is your responsibility not mine. Sincerely Donna Hastings
I would greatly appreciate someone contacting me to help me, help my husband.
I’m in Tacoma, WA. Thank you
Nothing the government put out to help people really have good intentions. I have gone to the VA some of the workers including doctors out to hunt you instead of helping you. 100% facts!
Glad to hear your success story because I believe that active listening is the first requirement to problem solving. And obviously you actively listen. My wife is my caregiver and she is fantastic at it. My benefits are currently at 90% and should be at 100%. I have two spinal cord injuries and have had 15 surgeries from neck to bottom and am partially paralyzed from the waist down. I’ve been working with the PVA in N. California and as sweet and nice as the Officers are, they just don’t seem to have the ability to get things done. Can you offer any help?
Help me get Umbilical Stem Cell treatment at the Riordan Medical Center, the V.A. can only give me medication to kill the pain. Please get me to this clinic
The Durham VA Patient Advocate does not care about the Veterans. They are out to protect the VA staff. If you file a complaint they will not call you back to tell you the results of your complaint. Their recording tells you they will not call you back.
I would like to know if my wife is eligable for VA health and what are the rules
My Patient Advocate couldn’t help me get my out of pocket monies from the VA, $2684.96, due to WOLFE VS WILKIE, the Court ruling, that the VA must pay all out of pocket costs to Veterans. Anyone else out there having this problem with the VA?