Do you have questions about VA claim exams? Not sure what to expect?
Veterans filing disability claims may feel a sense of relief when they submit their claim but still have lingering questions about what comes next in the claims process. Many Veterans wonder what will happen at their VA claim exam (also known as a compensation and pension, or C&P exam). To help answer these questions, VA has updated two websites which provide current information on frequently asked questions:
Claim Exam Information – Compensation (
VA Claim Exam (C&P Exam) | Veterans Affairs
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
VA claim exams are an important part of the claims process. VA’s updated websites provide Veterans with answers about why a claim exam may or may not be needed, who contacts Veterans about scheduling exams and how Veterans will be contacted. These new webpages contain answers to additional questions such as:
- What to do if an exam is missed;
- How to reschedule an appointment;
- What to bring to the exam and how to prepare for it;
- Who completes the exam;
- Costs or travel expenses, and more.
Updated exam information
All Veterans—including those who have been through a VA claim exam in the past—will want to check out the new websites to get the latest information on how VA conducts claim exams. In addition to examiners at VA medical facilities, VA Medical Disability Examination Office (MDEO) also has highly trained health care professionals across the country and overseas completing claim exams. These contract examiners are trained to ensure exams are conducted promptly, professionally and at a location near the Veteran’s home of record. VA has also implemented modernizations, such as telehealth exams. During a telehealth exam, the examiner can meet with a Veteran via video to complete certain types of exams instead of traveling to an in-person exam.
Website information
VA wants to bridge any gaps in communication by giving Veterans a comprehensive and easily accessible resource for all VA claim exam questions. Please visit our updated websites to learn more about VA claim exams and to find answers to frequently asked questions.
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I was an Air Force firefighter and was exposed to AFF (PFAS ) is the VA compensating us ?
My husband was in Vietnam in 1970-72 and was in very close contact with agent orange. I have pictures of him and they’re spraying over the top of him and his friends along with him humping the jungle He had his first heart attack at 49.. he’s 72. He’s had 5 attacks, a stroke , 6 stints, open heart surgery 10 yrs ago and now he may be heading for another one. They found something else wrong. We know it was the agent orange. All the guys in his unit came home but have been dying off from cancer, heart issues etc. He deserves something better than the last 23 yrs of what he’s dealt with on top of Vietnam. Thank you.
Please veterans seek help from the DAV, Or the VFW they will and can assist you!
Question: Are VA services and benefits in the U.S. the same as in Puerto Rico? I have heard they aren’t. As a matter of fact, it has been almost 30 years I don’t go to the VA offices in San Juan for nothing, you know why? Last time I went, I had to pay $50. using my health plan instead of $7.50 they charge me when I go to my doctor. How about that?
I ve been treated for different health issues
Over the last several years and far as I knew I am still be treated am I cut out of the VA paying for my treatments I get a shot in my eyes every other month
This was a bad time to spring then again when would it be a good time
Thanks for listening
1976 to 1980 Travis AFB
WASN’t in VietNam but
Our squadron supported
Our Troops
I have an appeal awaiting can I still field for another claim.
Can you please help me with my VA claim. I am having trouble getting my claims approved even though I have documents from three different doctors stating that I am totally and permanently disabled and unable to work. I also had to get all my upper teeth removed and also have to get all my lower teeth removed soon due to the medication that I have been taking for years and it has caused me to have a secondary condition due to all the medication that I am taking but I can’t find anyone who will help me I have hard time eating and my lower teeth is cutting and causing my upper part of my gums to hurt. I have tried to looking for dentist to see if they can give me any advice or help me, but I am unable to find any. If anyone can give me an help I would really appreciate it.
I’ve been waiting years almost 5 to hear from my appeal WTF IS taking sooo long
Almost ALL appeals take from 5 to 7 years to be adjudicated. There is only so many VA Federal judges to hear all the cases from all of the 50 states. These appeals are all heard in Washington D.C. where the judges preside. Not in your home state.
If you filed an appeal 5 years ago and the judges ruling is final and “Denied”, you have wasted 5 years that you could have submitted “MORE” Evidence. As I stated, just file more evidence at your local VA Regional Office and that way your claim is handled locally. That way you can call or visit your Regional Office and get updates as to where or how your claim is progressing. Since you filed your appeal almost 5 years ago, you might as well just wait for the judges decision.
In the meantime, start gathering more evidence (doctor’s diagnosis, reports and medications prescribed), etc. That would all be new evidence from the time your appeal was filed to the present time.
Good Luck and be PERSISTENT!
[Editor: This is inaccurate. The Appeals Modernization Act has led to appeals being completed in one year. And, no rulings are ever “final” until 12 months have passed without appealing. Please see more, here: ]
I had to have an examination to raise my rating 30% higher. I have more damage and have injured my left knee. They talk about replacing them both. Yet somehow the arthritis and degenerative bone disease can heal. Of course my primary Dr. Can’t figure out how this happens.
What do I do now
I’m 70 and disabled. My scooter broke 3 months ago and finally yesterday someone called about it and said it would take at least 3 more weeks of me crawling around if I wish to go anywhere. My question is how can I get the forms to file for disability from my marine service 50 years ago. The county service office said they would send it to me but it’s been over a week and nothing yet. He wasn’t real happy when I ask him to mail them to me because of my difficulty trying to get to his office. Where can I get these forms. Thank you.
Go to the DAV. They helped me.
You can use The American legion, the VFW, or the DAV service organizations. No cost to you as veterans to have them file your claim. (Veterans service officer)
Also, your state or county have veterans support service officers.
And at your local VA hospital or clinic, they should have veterans service officers to help you file claim.
Go to your nearest VFW because I was initially turned down but I got an Representative at my local VA and most are also Veterans and my case was approved within 30 days back in 2008. I am now refiling my claim because I was only offered VA Pension without any service connection even though my medical records support my claim but they give you the cheapest option to get you to shut up plus back pay.
I got a unfair c&p exam..which i complained to the VA and got no response. and was denied comp. pay.
Please contact your nearest VFW post they can provide help. Or you should have a State/County VA rep that can be a great help!! Do Not give up And if necessary go to a Face to Face meeting with a VA Law Judge!!!!!!!!!!
Not hearing from VA claims in 3 months, had 3 exams and file for 11