You may have heard about the new PACT Act that impacts millions of Veterans. This law allows VA to provide more services to more Veterans and survivors who were exposed to environmental toxins such as Agent Orange in Vietnam, burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan, or other herbicides or radiation exposures in other places around the world where Veterans have served.
The expansion of VA benefits and services eligibility is massive, and all Veterans should see if it impacts them. You can check your eligibility at: There, you’ll be able to view eligibility for all countries, conflicts, conditions and other information to determine your next steps.
To help you navigate your earned benefits and resources, VA created the Accessing PACT Act Benefits and Services map. Download it, share it, follow it.
There are three paths you should consider when applying for toxic exposure benefits:
Online or Print & Mail | Get Local Help | Meet with a Specialist | Call 1-800-MyVA411
Veterans should reapply for PACT Act related claims if previously denied. 20+ more presumptive conditions for burn pits, Agent Orange and other toxic exposures have been added.
Online or Print & Mail | Walk-In | Call 1-800-MyVA411
VA health care and eligibility has expanded for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf War and post-9/11 eras. Veterans will be screened for toxic exposure during their VA health care appointments to assess additional health or benefits options.
Agent Orange | Burn Pits | Uranium | Gulf War | Toxic Fragments
Exposure registries are based on health exams for each cited environmental exposure. VA’s health registry evaluation is a free, voluntary medical assessment for Veterans who may have been exposed to certain environmental hazards, and registry data helps VA understand (and respond to) environmental health problems more effectively. Adding your information to these registries does not create a disability compensation claim.
If you don’t know where to start, call us at 1-800-MyVA411 or download the VA Welcome Kit.
Find a VA event to assist with your benefits applications at: Download PACT Act flyers and frequently asked questions at: Sign up for weekly e-mail updates at:
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Dorothy “Pat” Rudd, 103, World War II Navy Veteran, has lived a life of service, pioneering the way for women in the military.
VA employees help return WWII items to two brothers’ families. Both brothers were WWII Veterans.
MyVetBENEFITS is a free, easy-to-use third-party mobile app and website that matches Veterans to the benefits they’re most likely eligible for.
I received a letter saying I was eligible but denied any service connection
I was in Korea from 1973-1976. My unit did burn pit every time we went too the DMZ. Why is Korea not listed?
I hope no Vets fall for this VA stuff. I applied for Agent Orange related Diabetes disability a few years ago and it took 2 1/2 years to get approved. Since no insulin was involved I received 20% disability. when insulin was added 3 years ago, my disability should have been upped to 40%. I get my health care from the VA and all my records are available to examine. I have been turned down #3 TIMES!! I was on the waiting list to get a board appearance for over a year. When I turned 75, I was supposed to be bumped up the waiting list. I was moved up the list at that point. A few days later, I was denied for the 3rd time. I NEVER GOT THE BOARD APPEARANCE!!! Found out 3 weeks ago that hypertension has been added to the presumed conditions for Agent Orange disability. I started that process and low and behold, NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! I was told that a 3rd party would become involved to set up some kind of appointment for an exam. Does the VA not trust their own doctors?! As I said, don’t fall for anything in this article. The PACT act is a farce!!
Good luck on the hypertension Agent Orange claim. Latter half of last year, I had heart attack, heart catheterization, quadruple bypass, another heart attack only 4 weeks after bypass, then another heart catheterization. Looks like gangbusters hypertension, right? Wrong, VA denied claim because my diastolic was not high enough. Of course, it wasn’t because I have been on medication 20 years. But, in the perfect Catch 22, VA is not allowed to consider the effect of medication. Chalk up one win after another for VA on hypertension claims.
I am trying to apply Yes I applied The VA Intake Claim Dept. Is asking me to provide evidence Proof > I was stationed Camp Lejeune for 2 years Yes I was > The VA has my military records also the VA has access to my Health Recorders at the VA Long Beach various Health Clinics that currently treating and for past 10 years > Health Illnesses YES > Liver Diabetes Prostate Urinary Track Problem Bladder Problem Heart Problem ALL is my Health Records > YES Camp Lejeune with PCE, TCE, BENZENE > IS CLEAR > TO ME > I DESERVE > 100% DESAVELITY
In reply to David Vann, I was stationed Marine Barracks Subic Bay naval mag 66-68 and agent orange was stored on the piers in the mag for loading on ships (Big E) when resupplying for use in Vietnam. The black and orange metal drums were often punctured when loading on and off the ships causing spills for foot and vehicle traffic and exposure to contents. Why was the Philippines left out of the Pact Act recently passed by Congress.
Im a OIF Vet. The VA has consistently let me down. Thought maybe VA had changed its past practices so I hesitantly scheduled an appt & my Burn Pit Registry exam took place in Nov ‘22. Which included xrays & PFT. Prior diagnosis w/ Sarcoidosis. Tests confirmed the Autoimmune Disorder and learned I also have Asthama as well. A few weeks ago, I received a statement from my health insurance revealed the VA billed me $478!! When I called, I was transferred 2x and then waited on hold for 42min before giving up.
Nuclear Power School, Idaho, A1W prototype, Reactor operator USS Enterprise 1966-69. Agent Orange spill on the ship, Chinese Atmospheric nuclear test fallout. Additional radiation exposure at US Naval shipyards Mare Island and Bremerton. High blood pressure, loss of all teeth, loss of hair, don’t know about PTSD but I guess there is a test for these things? Currently at 10% for tinnitus, no additional for ‘profoundly deaf’ from the Enterprises engine room noises (>180 db).
Camplaigne is not taking care of us that stuffer that sucks
i was a “boiler tech” in the navy back when vietnam was still going on .what about asbestoes exposure , and led or led base paint exposure?(being as paint hadnt been turned to waterbase yet or laytex base) the 2 i am going to put in for what are they leaving out of “the list” of exposures?? what else have we been “UNKNOWINGLY EXPOSED TO??” that they dont mention??
The PACT act is just another check in the block for the Administration to say they’re helping Veterans. After the gulf war they found a noduleon my lung. Have two letters from DOD that my unit was around the area where chemical agents were exploded. What did I get 0%. Never smoke. Did two exams. The first, there weren’t happy with the result. So I was pretty much faking it. Send me to do another exam. Ah you’re good 0% Like I said It looks good on paper.
I had 22 little qtip sized blisters on my neck after the first day of the ground war, I was on the front for the 2nd MarDiv and because it’s not in my record it obviously didn’t happen according to these chodes. I said I’m a Marine, we popped the blisters and moved on, but of course that is irrelevant to them.
A guy I went to Amphibious schools with broke two of his knuckles in an e-club fight, refused to let the Navy operate on him, they kicked him out, he gets 100% for that sht! I’m so pissed with 16 years of fighting these guys, and they do give me 80% now because of PTSD and finally gave me 10% for asthma I never had until after Desert Storm, but fck man it’s like giving birth!
Tried to get help regarding resources and was passed along from one lawyer to another. Was advised to stop paying the lawyer and do the claim myself as to keep any pending benefits. Now I’m lost and don’t know where to start.
[Editor: Please reach out to a VSO. They’re free and trained by VA to assist you with your documents and evidence search, and they can file for you. Here’s a short list of VSOs. You can make an appointment, as they can be found at your local VA facility: ]
I put this to the test today. First with the Texas Veterans Commission
who really blew it with me. So I drove down to Waco Regional office
and talked with them about getting my rating increased. Ran the gambit
on the Genesis portal looking for medical information.
After a hour, it was clear that nothing the PACT act offered would help
me in any way. Unless I was dying of cancer, that was pretty much it.
Had said this many times. Today I tested it hard, and it flopped.
Since August 2022 Ive been fighting with this. Today I put it on a
21-526EZ and looks like any head way I make will be based on word
of mouth to support possible scenarios. It didnt change any part of
Gulf War, SS 3.317, or anything I was working with.
In fact, a current claim pretty much requires a veteran know more than
the VSO, and push any ideas not suggested to them. The Texas Veteran
Commission was even worse and clueless. I will never go back to them.
Im no better off than I was 20 years ago. The PACT act is useless to me.
My only advantage is 20 years of medical records that have built up
since my 2002 rating decision.
Only, Genesis isnt finding things like they said it would. VISTA is awful.
They showed it to me, and if I knew something they didnt about access.
In fact, they said some really embarrassing things at Regional that I wont
repeat. Only because the person working with me was really trying.
I pretty much guarantee 90% of claims processed this next year with VA
will fail in a staggering land slide. 10% to 30% at best unless your terminal.
Because of the biggest thing in all this, attrition. New people working
claims that little or no experience that will do to them what they tried
to do to me – protect there jobs even if they are wrong. There going for
volume rather than big claims.
The PACT act failed me once more, and its supposed to. False hope.
Make people think its doing something – then silence the people
that get nothing. Largely due to new VA employees and dishonest folks
that cover up there mistakes. Blame the veterans. This is VA’s idea,
not the people who fought to get it passed. VA twisted it.
Its time to service connect by location and time in region. Stop saying
the vet has to prove without DOD’s help of concrete evidence of exposures.
Its also time to do tissue collection with the Toxic Exposure Pathology
Center to provide that physical evidence VA / DOD is dodging now.
This is all huff and bluff. Enough Sec of VA Denis McDonough, come clean
on Genesis portal, and the PACT act VA loopholes. Your getting paid to make this
work, make it work!!!!!!
I’m Desert Storm Vet.& you sent me several publications encouraging me to Apply for Benefits that I may Qualify For. I thought that the P.A.C.T. ACT. PRESUME this Happened to you in the Military. I attended 3 C&P EXAMS Last Year for C.O.P.D. And you still Denied my Claim. I be Coughing Everyday .I Also take Trelegy Medication .I’ve never Smoked in my Life.
I am an atomic (nuclear) veteran. I participated in the 1958 Operation Hardtack on Bikini and Johnston Island. From Johnston we fired two atmospheric 3.2 megaton detonations. I am, and have been, registered as a nuclear vet. Currently I receive a 10% disability due to hearing problems. I have had GERD for over 50 years and have take medication for high blood pressure. I have a pacemaker that was just replaced under V A care. At 85 we need in home care from time to time. Would I qualify for additional compensation?
You definitely should get more disability compensation. Try visiting a DAV and they will help you with your claim.
There is a serious problem with the way the VA / contractors are processing these claims. Even when a veteran has all the correct medical records from military treatment facilities as stated in the legislation, the process treats the veteran like an enemy agent trying to take hostages. The veterans are not the protagonist and should not be treated as such.
The process should be set up to assist the veteran.
The veteran shouldn’t have to seek assistance from a third party or pay a lawyer to get VA compensation that congress and the White House are professing they are entitled to and already receiving.
What about Military & Civilian Fire Personnel exposures to Actual & training fires? Military installations are quite complex & have dozens of Hazardous occupations.
In my 4-year military career I had on average weekly drill fires required by NAVAIR 80-R-14 . The flammable liquids were a witch’s brew of contaminated hydrocarbons generally contaminated & costing 0$$ to dispose of if the Fire Dept. burned it up. I continued 30 more year as a civilian doing basically the same thing & the same ways in asbestoses protective gear & no Breathing apparatus until the mid 80’s. This happened at every Air Base inside the US & abroad around the world.
What about veterans exposed to things but are not in the pact authorized countries. They destroyed my barracks because of asbestos, lead paint, radon and black mold. Congress only helping certain veterans sure not helping all veterans that served their country.
Are they doing any studies on second hand exposure ie taking care of patients after exposure at sites that are listed?
I receive a 40% disability. I also applied in June 2021 for Hypertension because of my Agent Orange exposure . I was recently granted another 10% which the VA did NOT add to my existing 40% because they claim that they use a matrix were they Average and combine these %’s. In other words I got Nothing more and also NO retroactive payment. I called the VA several times and they were unable to even answer my questions. One Agent was actually clueless about any of these issues.
[Editor: VA calculator, here: and a video explainer, here: ]
It depends on if you are actually 40% or if that is your adjusted rating. At 35% – 39% they round up to 40%. So if you have multiple ratings then most likely you are in that range and 10% won’t move the needle.
You can find calculator apps for smart phones that can add them up for you.
I was in Desert Storm, in the Army, but attached to the 2d MARDIV heading up to Kuwait City. At any time, I was easily able to count over 100 burning oil wells and sneezed black boogers for months after I got back to CONUS (Ft. Hood). I signed up for the VA’s Gulf War Registry, got an appointment, and went to that. The guy doing the interview wanted to know *exactly* where I had been in theater. I responded with something along the lines of, “Where was I?! I was an E-4…I was wherever I was told to be and they didn’t share the longitude and latitude with me!” The interview was a waste of time for everybody involved.
Now that some years have passed, I am starting to have nerve and musco-skeletal issues. I suppose that I should restart the process of submitting a claim, but “the system” has a way of wearing you down. I wish luck to all who involve themselves in this process.
Hi Steve,
I’m Desert Storm Veteran as well, and deployed with Army. I couldn’t tell you exactly all the base camps and locations I was at either. I’m 100% sure I covered every inch of that desert.
I’m having similar issues with nerve and musco-skeletal problems. These problems are really. I hear this from many Desert Storm Veterans. He need to keep pushing back with the VA and do the burn pit registry as well. If possible find a very good VSO (which is some times hard) or a Law Firm that handles VA claims.
You are not alone with this problem. VA really needs to treat Gulf War Veteran better.
You have to find a good Veteran Service Officer. I am a DS91 vet boots on ground and am hosed with neuro-muscular issues…..joint replacements every year. Don’t give up. When I am able to get involved, I have gone to VSO school and help my Brothers & Sisters get their compensation. The Bible of Ratings is the 38 CFR….google it and become familiar and find somebody to help you. You need diagnoses of all of the health issues.
Change the dates for my station at Chanute to Apr 69 to Dec 72.
I haven’t seen anything related to Chanute AFB, Rantoul IL ground water contamination. AF Firefighting school was there and the foam or whatever they were using poisoned the ground water. I was there from Apr60 to Dec72. My wife and I lost our first baby to severe birth defects. I taught in the AGE Tech school and my wife worked as a Floral Designer at a local flower shop and later a gift store arranging flowers. I have a chromosomal test that was done. Our child had no kidneys, among other abnormalities.
I served in the Chemical Corps MOS 52 A later 54 B at Fort Mac, Al for year in a half Fort Mac was the most toxic Army base. I got a lot of health issues, diabetes, higth blood pressure, respiratory Asma, peripheral neuropathy and many health issues.
What about FT. McClellan? it was a chemical base that housed the chemicals/training for Vietnam. Monsanto was involved with this facility for the development of many toxins such as agent orange, mustard gas, and rainbow colors related to agent orange and many more substances. Don’t understand, how this base has not been considered. I have been denied as stating I was not in Vietnam…. but these chemicals and the training with them were done at this base. Please help me and others understand how you make your decisions regarding exposures?
Hi everybody, I had my AIT in the Army Chemical Center & School, in FT Mc Clellan Al. As part of our training was involved nerve agents, chemical agents and mustard gas, and when we finish the training all need to take off our garments including the uniform and interior clothes and they dispose all in a military way!!! When we graduate the MOS was
54 B-20 Decon Sp
When where you there? I was there in summer of 82.
Does the pact act cover project 112/ project SHAD
William, your spot on about a forgotten topic right up with ionizing radiation
events of the 50’s. Only, in 2000 when this got first called out at DOD meeting
I sat in on – only 4,000 remained then. This is 23 years later.
VA waited them out. The fact that they werent mentioned last year during the
legislative drive of the PACT act the few that remain dont speak up.
Ship Board Hazards and Defense. Live bio-weapons, chemical weapons. and
nuclear detonations to ships told to say nothing afterwards till 2000. 40 years
of forced silence. Dying of cancers without VA care. Ignored, insulted, and
driven off.
Im one of the few thats been to NARA to look at the actual ship records. Not
much in them other than crew manifest. But, more than 40 ships took part.
Back when Suiteland let you into the military reading vault.
SHAD deserves recognition because it epitomizes toxic exposures and not
collecting tissue samples from these folks that would establish cause. Which
is another flaw in the PACT act itself that need correction.
Technically “Yes” because of Environmental Agents registries under Toxic
Exposures. “No” because it does not specify them directly.
Your right to mention it William, and add to this while your at it. Elaborate.
Ask VA to answer this one? Till now it hasnt.
The PACT Act needs revision and refinement as does environmental healths programs. Because they miss one critical aspect, true tissue collection. Meaning inner tissue resection for toxicology and Pathology workup. True proof of toxic exposures.
VA needs to implement a Toxic Exposure Pathology Center for all these veterans so it can do more than conventional exams. It’s time to use a variation of forensic medicine and dig deeper to show possible physiological issues rather than merely suggest them.
Right now, every registry program will fail to provide details of toxic exposures other than survey and self report. Blood labs won’t even find much unless they push harder than Chem 7 and such. Damn sure won’t find heavy trace elements as they don’t look at anything but specified standard markers.
VA is ignoring 26 years of my hard work and sacrifice in all this for no good reason. They know I’m right, as did the VA Research Advisory Committee I pitched this all to. With good reason, I ran the entire gambit this last year and it failed me. All of it. Even after begging the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center to do a fatty tissue resection for full spectrochemical analysis.
Sec of VA knows all this, and just plans to ignore it. Let things run there course. He knows as I’ve pointed each step out this last year. Then presented my findings to the RAC in a PowerPoint they are now blowing off. Ended up in Stars and Stripes over it, so what? Really?
My suggestions are valid. I should not have to keep repeating all this in these public comments. I’ve got alot more to add but for now I’m sticking with just this part.
I’ve contacted VA OIG about you blocking my comments.
[Editor: All comments are moderated prior to publishing. This is explained in our disclaimer and on the comment submission page. As I’ve just returned from leave, there are some–including yours–that are still pending. However, please only submit once. When you submit the same comment eight times, our spam filter routes the comments to a separate spam or trash folder.]
The first time I submitted, it gave me a blank response. Did not say it was
pending moderation. It continued to do the same thing no matter what or
when I did it. When it said nothing the first time, I knew this from a previous
VA location that ignored me last week. As you let 2 others post ahead of me.
Saved that page to show this and screenshot.
So I tested doing a one liner the second day, about the IG. Yep, it allowed
that one. Your implying Im stupid and never did this before. Only, Ive been
dealing with mail list and forums for 26 years. I know when Im blocked and
my content ignored.
I sent the content of what was blocked to OIG as it happened. Had shortened
it some to see if you were doing a unofficial word count the next day. Changing
the content slightly the next day. Only after I said OIG in the first remark.
Saving this as well to show OIG. That I responded. Only once.
Being snide at my expense is certainly a message to others alright. Your implying
Im out of control and need moderation. But, there is no profanity, on true defamation,
no religious or political aspects, this as neutral and specific to topic as I can make it.
You should have left alone. Thats not how you deal with disabled veterans by
calling them out like this. Lucky for you I have skin like a rhino. This response
is so that others know they cant be bullied.
lol, paranoid much? lay off las drogas bro. ain’t no one here silencing you. in fact ain’t no one here. the va don’t care they dont even read these comments. your just talking to yourself.
Desert Storm veteran, current diagnoses for rhinitis and sinusitis. Submitted claims and was denied. Decision letter says that they were preexisting conditions. Based on what? MEPS exam had no indications for either condition.
Why isn’t the problem with Wurtsmith Air Force Base poisoning the water system but the government has put millions of dollars into trying to clean up yet nothing has been made noted about the people that were there for a year or so. I myself have had prostate cancer Sjogren’s syndrome, lost my teeth a lot of problems since I left Portsmith
Hi everybody, I had my AIT in the Army Chemical Center & School, in FT Mc Clellan Al. As part of our training was involved nerve agents, chemical agents and mustard gas, and when we finish the training all need to take off our garments including the uniform and interior clothes and they dispose all in a military way!!! When we graduate the MOS was
54 B-20 Decon Sp