Are you looking for your service records, or those of a family member? The National Archives in St. Louis, MO, is the official repository of millions of records for all military personnel—from all service branches—who served during the late 19th and 20th century.
Though military personnel files constitute its core holdings, the National Archives at St. Louis is the repository for numerous document types, such as the Selective Service System registration cards and classification ledgers that document the military draft between 1940 and 1975; Army General Courts Martial case files (including an index for records dated 1911-1976, and accessing records dated 1940-1976, with all records dated through 1917 in our Washington, DC building and those dated approximately 1918-1939 in our College Park, Maryland facility); and trade cards describing specific aspects of civilian work in Naval shipyards during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The holdings also include personnel files of individuals employed by the Civil Service, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps, Works Progress Administration, Panama Canal Commission, Department of State, U.S. Customs Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs and several hundred additional government departments.
Military Personnel Records
Archival records: The National Archives at St. Louis maintains Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs) of those service members that were discharged, retired or deceased 62 years from the current date. These records belong to the National Archives and become archival 62 years after the service member’s separation from the military. This is a rolling date. For example, the current year (2023) minus 62 years is 1961. Therefore, records with a discharge date of 1961 and prior are archival and open to the public. Additionally, various records of Persons of Exceptional Prominence (PEP) are also archival and open to the public. Requests for archival records do not require a signature.
A fire in 1973 destroyed 80% of our Army personnel records from 1912 to 1960 and 75% of our Air Force records from 1947 to 1964, with names alphabetically after Hubbard, James E. Please keep in mind when requesting a record from these particular service branches that the record may be fire related and require preservation treatment. If this is the case, it will take several weeks to either receive a copy of the record, if requested by mail, or view the record in the archival research room, if visiting our facility.
Non-archival records: Records of individuals who left service less than 62 years ago are not yet archival. These non-archival records are maintained at the National Personnel Records Center, but remain in the legal custody of the military service departments. A non-archival OMPF is open to the Veteran, the next of kin or to a third-party requester who has the Veteran’s written authorization. Under the provisions of FOIA, the general public may only obtain limited information from these records. Requests for non-archival records must be signed and dated.
A request for a military personnel record, archival or non-archival, should include:
- The Veteran’s complete name used in service
- Service number
- Branch of service
- Date and place of birth
- Dates of service
For archival or non-archival requests, submit a letter or Standard Form 180 with the above information to:
National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO 63138
Or, to request an archival or non-archival record via eVetRecs, visit our website and follow the steps provided.
Official Military Personnel Files, as well as auxiliary records, may also be viewed by visiting our research room. If you would like to view archival records, you must schedule an appointment with the Research Room via Eventbrite.
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Since 2010, more than 36,000 individuals have benefited from ACP's mentorship program, which equips Veterans and military spouses with the tools and resources to pursue meaningful employment.
I have requested my medical records at least 3 times and still have not received them.
I am looking to get a DOD ID card because at certain places they do not use my Air Force Retirement ID card. They require a 10 fidget number and my card only has my SS number. Thank you
I have filed for Service- Connected Disability. My personal records were almost totally destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. The Department of Veterans Affairs cannot locate two periods of my twenty (20) years of honorable service: USS Piedmont (AD-17) from 26 July 1960 to December 1964, and USS Casa Grande (LSD-13) from January 1965 to October 1967. Proof of my periods of service on these two vessels will help to expedite my claim.
About 3 weeks ago I applied for a copy of the Air Force Commendation Medal certificate that I received for service while in Thailand in 1968-1969. The original was lost. Does it normally take this long? or is it something that can’t get now?
I cannot find my DD 214. I requested one in January2023, again in February, March and April. I submitted the proper paperwork and forms and yet I still haven’t received my DD214. I’m trying to get a burial plot in the local VA Cemetary and can’t get one without my DD214.
Either way this still doesn’t help me with my father’s records -Sandy Leon Mabe or mine Leon Wayne Mabe. So what good is done?
I believe all of my Father’s records were lost in a fire where they were kept. That’s what they told me. I have supplied a few of what I knew to them. I’m just happy that they used my proof of his Service.
I have been trying for years to get a copy of my DD214 from the 108th Division of the Army Reserves from 1975 -1977. At that time, my name was Elizabeth M. Machin. I joined the Army Reserves 108th Division in Charlotte, N. 1975 and left in Columbia, S
C. In 1977, after diagnosed with epilepsy.
Over nine months ago I requested replacement medals for my husband. Every time I call I am told the system is down and go on line. When I go on line and insert the request number is says in progress. What is the normal turn around for this request.
For the last two years I have tried to obtain a change to my husband’s DD 214 form from his time spent in the navy during the viet nam war. We want to get him a vet ID and need to have correct information for them. When my husband was drafted and showed up his original social security card was copied with an error and that error followed him all through his service. No one noticed the error until I was gathering information for the VA. I got assistance from the local legion who sent our original request to the wrong place and I made the changes needed and sent it to the correct place in January of 2022. Have heard nothing and still have the incorrect copy of the original DD 214 which was required for the requested change. HELP. My husband still cannot get VA benefits without a VA ID.
Why is it that the VA identifies me by my social security number when DFAS said it was illegal and for me to get a new DD form 2 that removes my SSN
I wamt my Military medical records
My DD214 from AF Reserve service omits the deployment and service medal that makes me eligible for Veteran’s Preference in the federal government. How can I get it corrected? I have some misc. personal copies of some records, but have moved a dozen times since my service, so much is missing. WhenI requested my personnel records from NARA, what showed up is a jumbled, incomplete mess – no help at all. Now what?
I was unaware, thank you
Can I go to the Archives in St. Louis and see the papers myself? Do I need an appointment?
I have applied for a lost DD214.
I was sent a DD213.
I did serve active duty on the USS ENTERPRISE CVAN 65 during Viet Nam WAR.
I was in the Naval Reserve, but I spent active duty in the Gulf of Tonka. Can or will you help.
I need my son’s DD214.He is deceased and want to get military marker for his grave.Do not send encrypted copy..Need the paper copy.
If I were you, I would go to the VA hospital where he was registered and find the decedent affairs office. They should be able to help get you what you need.
I would like to get a replacement DD214. ANG Feb 1958 – Feb 1961, USAF EAD Oct 1961 – Aug 1962.
[Editor: Do NOT publish your personal information on the internet. I have removed it from your comment.]
How to receive copies of DD214 & Honorable Discharge Papers.
My request has been in almost a year- stalled at “sent to someone for processing”… In the mean time, my husband , the vet who wanted his records and medals, has died, so I guess they will never send them.
I tried to get my DD-214 on 3 occasions, as the one I have on hand does include Basic training or my first duty station, it starts at Clark AB, PI where I reenlisted… would like to see the complete DD214 – some day, spent 21 Years + in the USAF and 24 years in civil Service with the USAF. and am 80% disable vet. Appreciate your assistance. Jimbo Pehan
Mailed a request for my husband’s DD214 (Vietnam Vet) before Christmas 2022. Received nothing. Submitted another request in April. Still nothing. I’m so frustrated. My husband needs help. The only thing offered on VA websites is to submit another Form 180.
contact you state or county veteran service officer. You can do a google search for who in your county is the person to contact. You can also get in contact with your local VFW or American Legion and they will have someone who will help expedite the process. Also some communities have begun using the 211 phone call center to get issues addressed for our veterans. There are people out there who are in place to help navigate getting you all of your benefits.
I need a copy of my DD 214. My exit date was 18,Feb 93.
Lost 2 medals ,bronze star during my military service. How can I replace it? I’m. A retired disable veteran. I’m 63 yrs old.
Thank you the above is very helpful.
i have tried to get my dd214 3 times im still waiting
can anyone help me please i did 34 years in the army no help thanks all
I’ve been waiting for my OMPF for 20 months. Status shows pending. USMC ’70-’73
I would like to get a copy of my DD214 with the discharge date November 21,1991 and all my service records and medals and awards because my ex-wife burnt them all and all the trophy’s
This was a very good article. The unfortunate thing is you’re dealing with the government and so the process does not go as smoothly as it should. I sent in a “contact us” question to the NPRC 2 weeks ago and still have not had a reply. I’m trying to assist a Lady whose Father was a POW in WWII, and continued on to serve in Vietnam. As his NOK she is trying to obtain his medals and also his OMPF. My question to NPRC was to see if we can request both at the same time. The only record she has is his Death Certificate, and has no other documents.
I was going to request a copy of my DD214, but after reading these comments, why bother?
i sent in a request for my brothers dd 214 in nov. 2022, tried again in mar. 2023 it is now may 2023 and still nothing! no phone call no e-mail no dd 214 he needs to sign up for the va. health care.
what is you do not know the exact date of release from service. how do i request.
Are enlistment photos kept someplace? I cannot find mine.
How do I get my Form DD214 corrected with the right service number?
I have 40 years training to get my DD214 .two years ago I sent all my medical records. They replied that I was in active duty 13 months. But I never received nothing.
The time I was living in Long Island,N.Y.,County of Suffolk,I’ve been trying to get my medical and personal records thru the D.A.V.,and the former office of Senator Steve Israel in the 1990s,,,and the only thing I received was my eye prescription,D.D.214,nothing else. And right now since 2022,I’ve been trying thru the internet/website vecntres,ventures, Missouri,and nothing yet. We been harassed by the same family of criminals who wants our benefits,since our military ancestor,to control everything,including harassment at the V.A. Regional Offices,And V.A. Hospitals around our U.S.Nation & U.S.Territories,thank you ,God Bless The Good Human Beings of Our Contries/World.
How do I get my DD213?
I served in the US Army for thirteen years and was honorably discharged in 1995. The NPRC has no record of my service. They refer me to Georgia where I was discharged but they have no record either. Fortunately, I kept paper copies of all my service-related records. The only reason I even know of the issue is I wanted a “better” copy of my DD214. Is there some way to get them to “update” my records at NPRC from my copies? While I didn’t do anything terribly noteworthy, I did serve and would like the historic record to reflect that service, as it stands now nobody could prove it one way or the other.
The good news is your have historical documents showing you were in the service. You’re going to have to go to a military installation or “release point” that creates Discharge Certificates and re-create your DD214. A bit puzzling that you don’t appear in the system after 13 years! Did you save any LES’? Those actually have a lot of information on them.
I requested my father’s DD-214 years ago and never received it. Now, when I try to re-request it, the VETRECS app always stalls out before the form can be submitted. If I make a trip to the National Archives in St Louis, would they be able to provide it to me at the time of my visit?
Where can my husband get his record,he wants to apply for disability. We send a letter but they can’t find his record.
Anyone that is having problems getting military paperwork e.g. DD214’s and other paperwork call or visit your congressman’s or Senator’s office.
I would like to know how long it takes to get your records after the request has been submitted. Mine were submitted June 2021 and have not gotten anything back yet. When I call and get a hold of someone they tell me it is processing and that they have a large back log. I was told they are not aloud to tell me how long it will take but that they are working on it.
I requested a DD214 for a friend of mine. I won’t kid you, it does take a while but I’m talking about 8-10 weeks, not years.
I’m having trouble just filling out your forms which is ridiculous
Why am I having so much trouble, Trying to get a copy of my DD 214?
I have being trying to get my DD214 for some time would you please help me
my name is jerry gilmore. i served in the u.s. army. i was Honorably Discharged in 4-21-1980. i’v been trying to get my DD214.
I wonder what do you mean as “fast” . I requested my dad’s DD-214 in 2017 and never had a response.
Are you able to get military police records from an assault that occurred between 2003-2005?
I understand that the National Archives gets over 5,000 requests a day. So why is Congress hiring 81,000 IRS agents (with guns too) when you guys are overworked and need more help??? Why???
I have many times tried to get DD-214 for veterans by submitting the SF-180. Silence from National Archives. I called many on the phone and no one answered the phone. Question: why the silent treatment?
Now when I submit this comment, will I get an auto-generated response that is next to worthless?
I tried in 2019 to get a copy of my medical records and was told that due to COVID it would be a slow process, I checked with them and was told that due to personnel issues it would be delayed . I checked back March 2023 and was told that the records shipped but I never received anything in the mail, I made another request and I’m still waiting, 4 years with no reply is ridiculous. When I came back from Thailand in 72 my DD214 didn’t reflect the SEA tour and trying to prove that I was there is difficult!
I only wanted to down load a copy of my DD214, you find a way to make it so complicated that I just gave up.
So, thanks for nothing!
How can I get a copy of my medical records for active duty, CA air national guard, AF Reserve and Army Reserve?
was in a car accident while at fort Ord California 1965 Nov six months later was stationed at Headquarters area command Finance in Saigon Viet Nam when processing out never received my records back can you find my health records as I went to Viet Nam with a permeant profile Thank You James B Klein
[Editor: Please do not publish your personal information on the internet. I have removed it from your comment.]
editor, in indeed there is ACTUALLY a ‘person ie: editor reading this crap…
why do U NOT answer these VETERANS questions??? WTF.. OVER???
DOES ANYONE actually work @ National Archives??? If so… U DO NOT
EARN U’R PAY $#$^$*$ Fire Yourselves!
gettocar. TKS for NUTT’EN.
This is a damn joke trying to get into
I put a request through eVetRecs and have heard nothing.
My father served with the 12 th Pennsylvania Battalion in Verdum 1917 -1918. Returning to the US in 1919. Raymond Morris Heverling born Oct. 19, 1895 in Harrisburg. PA.
He was a good honorable dad and father.
John Heverling. US Army 1967 – 1970. 1st. Lt. 69th Engr. Bn. RVN
I have followed the precederues and I still have not received my records. I also requested a appointment and no response. Also went there in person and denied entry. Even sent a registered letter still nothing.
I am trying to find my grandfather’s service record, Joseph William Bradley senior. I do not have his date of birth nor his service record number I know that he died in the 30s, the late 30s. That’s the only information that I have on him as my father has passed but I want to pass this information down to my children and grandchildren. I am a combat veteran myself and would like to carry on this tradition can you help me?
The eVetRecs is a JOKE, like a lot of the government help for Veterans. I submitted a request thru eVetRecson April 19, 2022 and still today May 11, 2023 haven’t gotten anything from it.
I was ‘Nam, Chu Lai, Americal Div., ’70-’71. On September ’20, I requested replacement of medals, and included my DD214. January, ’21, I received verification of my signature, and an estimate of 3-4 weeks response time. Next communication from NPRC was in February, ’23, when I received a verification notice of my medals earned, (it took them 2 yrs., to verify my medals, even though they had my DD214). Still have not received replacement medals as of this date (May ’23). You’ve got a long wait ahead of you. Improving VA? – just bureacrats covering their behinds with hot air.
I tried to get a copy of my grandfather’s military records, however his were destroyed in the fire – the National Archives then directed me to the VA – since he received services and eventually died in a VA hospital. How do I go about asking VA for these records?
The article should have pointed out that these records pertain to Active Duty Service, not Reserves or National Guard. It would have been helpful to provide information on procedures for obtaining these service records. Also it should have provided info on how to request correction of errors and omissions.
My DD 214 has the wrong birth date on it. How do I get it corrected?
My husband also has the same problem. I was told to submit form DD149 for correction of military records.
I did receive an acknowledgement, that the form had been received and it’s currently taking up to 18 months before you receive a decision That was 9/11/2022 They are also aware that he has had a quadruple bypass. So I wait patiently.
Thank you. I am a hospice chaplain and this will help many families
The article does not mention Medical Records. Can I get a copy of my Medical Records for service between 1981-1987?
I sent in a request for all of my Army records at least two years ago, maybe longer. I have not hear a word about the request. My service was in the Regular Army in 1967.
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Looking for all my military records from my Air Force reserve time . Sept 1989 to Jan 1998.
Need copy of dd-214
How do obtain copies of your active duty time in the Air Force Reserves
This is a load of hooey. I submitted a request 9 months ago–to date–nothing. You can get the military records of a political opponent in hours, but completely ignore a veteran’s request.
need an updated DD214
I sent a request over 5 months ago and never received a reply. I used the standard form 180. I was requesting a copy of my medical records.
Hubchenko, Joseph, George,
Serving 16 April ’68 thru 11 April ’69 with D Troop 1/10 Cavalry, 4th Division, Camp Enari, Vietnam. I flew as a Scout Observer in OH-6A Loaches. DD214, 23a.67V2H Helicopter Repair Instructor. Is there no MOS for Scout Observer? While in country I received The Army Air Medal, 1st thru 31st Oak Leaf Clusters in recognition for 782 hours Combat Assault Flight. My DD214 states Air Medal. Please send a revised DD214 showing A Scout Observer/Light Scout specialty and the 31 Oak Leaf Clusters. I need this so the VA will understand my hearing loss is from exposure to gas turbine and transmission noise of 25,000 rpm
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My name is Will Hodge. They said my medical records were destroyed and fire and 73. I came home from Europe in April 1974 so I’ve been trying to get my records. If there’s anyway I can retrieve them will you let me know thank you.
Is there a way to get military awards documents suitable for framing?
This entire posting is a complete lie of major proportions with the intent of collusion to cover a longterm disaster at the NPRC pertaining to responses to requests from the intended audience. My latest of multiple attempts to obtain some basic information and documents pertains to NPRC Request Numbers is approaching five months without a “Kiss my Ass” or other reply. Telephonic contact is impossible without a bathroom break and leads to millions of “hang-ups” before contact. This is just my latest problem with the NPRC, and I have kept documentation of those problems which I was able to correct only by multiple personal visits to the facility (this was prior to “Covid 19”).
I retired in 2000, requested my service and medical records in Dec 2020 and have STILL not received them. However if I was a reporter looking for my records they would have been sent almost immediately (as shown by several people running for election). I actually called the center inquiring about the status of my request, was told that they would look into it and received an email a few days later saying that they were still working on it and didn’t give a time frame for completion. Needless to say I’m extremely disappointed in how I’ve been treated. Maybe if I run for election I’d get results or just tell them I’m a reported looking for answers about someone’s service record.
I requested a copy of my DD214 almost 2 years ago using form 180. Received confirmation that the request was being processed and there was no need to further contact them. Do you think after 2 years I might have gotten lost in the system?
Were Airfirce records destroyed From 1950 thrue 1956
I requested my record on February 16 and it is now May 11 and is still in the received phase.
Do these records include medical records and performance evaluations?
My service record was not passed from the USCG to the records center and the USCG says they do not have it as they provided to the US Attorney. The US Attorney says they do not have it. It is part of a court case and no one in charge will get it and send it to the records center as required. What can I do?
I got treatment in the VA hospital fromSanJuan P.R. from 1978.I need the records so i can apply for benefits.
Hey, my Fiancè lost her DD-214 and we are trying to replace it. Her name is Oddessa Lemons.
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I have requested my records twice in the past 2 years. I have yet to receive a reply. From my experience, the information in this article is wishful thinking at best and BS at worst.
I don’t have a service number and a guessing abt service dates. Thanks
Does this offer include Reservists from 1970 – 1976??
My problem has been trying to obtain my husband’s 1099R. DFAS access shows thousands with the same problem.
OUTSTANDING. THANK YOU. but @ THIS hour it’s still hard for me to understand how to get my DD214. SERVED OHIO NATIONAL GUARD 1975 TO 1980. MAYBE YOU CAN HELP ME WITH THIS.
Having a hard time locating my service photo that was taken when I entered Air Force in Nashville Tennessee, 1970
How To Receive A Military ID Card. Could I Receive It By Mail? Reason Is I Am Almost 100% Homebound.
Thanks for the information.
how to get a copy of a decomising lst 1158 home port was san diego from 1965 thru 1968 just need from april to may
Need copy of record
I would like to get all of my records,awards, and complete paperwork while in the service to get my v a help
How can I get a copy of my DD 214?
I would, love to find my Photo of my crew members, in front of the C130A, Ubon Air Base, Thailand..
Blind Bat mission.. I don’t have any names to give.. only that I was stationed at Naha Air Base, Okinawa, 817 TAC , between 1968 – 1970.. I was a Loadmaster, dropping Night Flares, and Markers , Flying over the Vietnam, looking for convoys movements in the Darkness.. we even flew in hazardous zone,, Known as the Funnel, .. very Dangerous, a Rocket miss our Left Wing.. must have been a yard or two from hitting us..
We were lucky that night, we were able to fly back to Air Base..
I remember that we did lose a C-130. Then a Navigator accidentally had his Chest Chutes Open. Out he went, fortunately they were able to recover him in the morning..
I looked at all my photos and military papers., it was a 8 x 10 group photo..
Maybe someone may have a copy somewhere.. Who flew, on that mission,
I submitted a request for my service records on 8/16/2022 and to date, still haven’t received anything.
Status shows:
Awaiting processing
Thank you for contacting the National Personnel Records Center. We’ve received your request, and it is awaiting processing.
i requested my DD214 since march of last year, i received my documents apr. of 2023 and my DD214 is not included, where should i request my DD214 next?
How do I get a copy of my Military Medical File? I served from March 74 to March 94 and put on retirement status on 1 April 94.
Thank U for this information. In 2022, my daughter and her husband townhouse caught on fire. I lost mine and my late husband’s DD 214.
He served in Vietnam and I served during the 80’s through the 90’s as enlisted, and 1993 to 97 as an officer in active Army and 98-03 as a CPT in the active Reserves.
I need my husband’s records for his medal. He was a Meddic in the Navy.
He also served as a in the Grey Ghost.
He told me his record were not kept with his original file.
It would be fantastico if U could help me.
Carolyn Jean Andrews (Cole)
Hopefully, one day Reserve service records can have this same consistency when it comes to discharge paperwork. Lacing active duty I got my DD214 immediately but it took over a year to get see my Guard paperwork (NGB 22).
I am a former military member and I appreciate the information being provided to us all, thank you. Yolanda
This is a good service.
thank you for that information on retrieving DD214
Now for another DD214 issue that interests many Vets
That is “how can one update their DD214”
Specifically as it relates to being discharged BEFORE ones unit received Medals & Awards.
My specific case in point was my participation in the blockade during the Cuban Missle Crisis for which awards were approved after I was separated and thus not on my DD214
How do I (we) resolve this issue?
Thank you
Is there a way to get an I.D. card showing that I was in the U.S.Marine Corps. for three years?
What about medical records. How would I get my out process medical exam records
I requested my DD214 from here and it took a ridiculously long time to get the record. I recommend that everyone in that office be fired.
The Archive form would not allow me to access the Electronic Signature area
I went on line to the government site and requested my 201 file it still says requested. That was over a year ago
Please send address to get copies of military records in St Louis.
Thank You for your time in this matter.
Would like a copy of my records and my father’s. Me Leon W Mabe and father Sandy Leon Mabe.
I used terminal leave and the extra days available upon my departure giving me nearly three months before I was actually separated. Meanwhile I had already processed out DD-214 and all before I was given the MSM on my actual departure date so it is not on my copy of the DD-214. What I need to know is how to get an updated copy with the MSM listed on it.
I need my dd-215
My original DD214 has me getting a GED in Fort Polk LA. In 1975. I had to get copies to buy a house and for college throuout the years after my honorable discharge in 1978. All of those also had my GED ON THE DD214. However when I got a job that required my to have a high school diploma, the DD214 I received had no information unde education. When I called to find out why they told me I failed to pass my GED test in Fort Polk. I know I passed that test and even was awarded with a certificate stating the top score that year. Now I have no proof of my GED. Why the discrepancy between the DD214s I got in 1996 for college, in 2001 to buy a house which stated I had a GED and yet in 2008 my DD214 had no GED. When I joined the Army in 1975 a high school diploma or equivalent was required yet according to the people I talked to in archives told me I did not have one? If I didn’t have a GED then I should not have been able to join the Army, correct?
Excelent opportunity to get our records, I had problem with my records I have 7 different year that doesn’t appear on my records, I spend 22 years in service.
This is bullsht. I have been waiting OVER a year for my records and when I call them to see where they are they blow me off and blame it on the COVID-19. I gave 35 years of my life (20 active duty) to the DoD, the least this stinking Government could do is send me copies of my records.
I filled out all forms and sent them to St Louis some 3 months or so ago and have heard absolutely nothing. Just wanted copies of my old DD214, which I’ve ‘lost’ somewhere in a file. So even though your factoid sounds factual, it hasn’t worked for me.
As a Vietnam combat veteran, I am SO frustrated by the VA/News article on obtaining a copy of my DD214. As with many Vietnam vets who derosed from Vietnam (no further assignment within the military), my DD214 original had many important items (awards, medals, etc.) omitted. Because I kept all of my orders from Vietnam, I eventually requested a DD215 and submitted the orders /copies that verified receipt.
My question is: As highly digital and electronic as the Military Records Center in St. Louis, MO is, why WHY why has there not been an effort to place the information that I submitted onto ONE single copy of a DD214/DD215? It is very frustrating in that if I submit a copy of my DD214 as originally generated, there are many things missing. How does this serve my purpose when I apply for membership in a veterans organization or submit for other purposes. Please respond. Thank you.
I asked for my military records, including medical over a year ago and still have not received them. I can understand a delay, but a YEAR????
Is there any charge to obtain my military personnel Records from the National Personnel Records
Center in St. Louis/
Yeah good luck with that. I’ve been trying to get the medals that I deserve and that I am entitled to. I’ve reached out to the archives several times. I was told that’s not a priority.
I applied for my DD214 three years ago and have followed up two or three times and haven’t received the form yet. I’m always told that I’m on record but they are too backed up to get it even after all this time. I’m very disgusted with those who act as if it’s no big deal.
Would like to have my DD-214 sent to me
-. Like to get a miniature DD-214 like I got i Viet Nam
2. Like to access my Dads records to see exact places he was at in WW2
How do I do both!
I am trying to get the service records of my older brother who is now deseased. I don’t know his service #, and I would have to guess at the year he entered service ( around 1958). He was a lifer and retired as a Sgt. Major, if that is the highest rank for an NCO. Three tours of duty in Vietnam. His name is Henry Lee Tomason, but he also goes by John. And I know his date and place of birth. Would that be enought information?
When will I receive my Medical Records that I requested??? I have been waiting for months to receive my Inpatient and Outpatient treatment Records from 11/9/1976 through 10/17/1991.
Good to know
I requested a complete record 14 months ago. Nothing received yet!
i filled out form #180. request pertaining to military records on 5/13/2021. for record of metals earned and replacement of lost metals.and of course i have not heard anything from name is larry prater
Is there anyway to get a set of dog tags
I had to get a copy of my 214 back in the 80s and went round and round with the federal bureaucracy for about a year, maybe two. Then a local vet. advocate told me that there was a STATE agency here in Kentucky that had copies of all military records for Kentucky vets. I drove to Frankfort, state capitol, and got my 214 in a DAY. This was before the internet and everything, but I would say doing the state thing might be better, for those people who live in states that have it.
Would I be able to retrieve documents like certificates of training such as Primary Leadership Course and photos ?
Not fast service. I have been waiting since October 2022.
what rights do the veterans have if they don’t want their records released…
I need medical records from my basic training
I’ve done all this SF-180 3x now NPRC, ING and Army Reserve. I have been to 1600 Sperhead Div Dr HRC Ft. Knox, called from Barr Library numerous times looking for my son’s Brandon Colby Britton’s (Died 6 April 2022) records since 28 April 2022 filed at NPRC. He was Born at Ireland Army Hospital Ft. Knox. It’s not so dam easy. When it’s medical or under special circumstances like mine was too. Took me years to recover mine. I had to go to HRC in 2016 to get mine. No help you’re on your own. Your paper trail is broken. And no comments allowed on your U-tube channel to ask about anything.
Just what I needed to know
As I was reading through the first part of this article, I thought to myself, “this is terrific!“. I thought I’d be able to get my service records (since I can’t get in New Hampshire veterans license plate without them) and I also thought I’d get my father’s service records. I only know he was a private in the Army in the First World War and always wondered where he was stationed.
Then I came to the line requiring that we provide “Service number”. I don’t know what the service number is; and, this would certainly be impossible for me to find for my father, who passed away in 1970.
Oh… Thanks anyhow. Just another disappointment. Sorry to say, suddenly the whole thing seems quite useless.
How can I get copies of my US Army Reserve orders. My unit was located in New Orleans, LA. The unit closed after 2005.
Been denied?
I’ve been waiting 2 1/2 years to receive my service and medical records from St Louis and I have to say I find the title of this article offensive. No wonder the VA has such a bad rap if you think 2 1/2 years is fast and easy.
Copy of DD-214
New Year’s I get my medical records got them yet
I did 14 years in Air Force, NO DD-214 for the first 10 years. This has definitely affected me.
Hopefully, one you knowledgeable people will contact me.
My Father Thomas Edwin Bunting.
I requested my records on June 3rd 2022 and everytime I call they tell me they are processing them it’s aggravating trying to get them
What’s this DD215 I’ve been hearing about?