Take the lead in helping our facilities provide a clean, healing environment that’s safe for Veterans and their families as a management trainee at VA.
Female Veterans should apply by June 7, 2023, to our Environmental Management Service (EMS) Technical Career Field (TCF) Trainee program, a 24-month training opportunity that guarantees you non-competitive placement upon successful completion.
We’re looking for female leaders like you in Little Rock, Arkansas; Long Beach, California; Sacramento, California; Reno, Nevada; Manchester, New Hampshire; Durham, North Carolina; Cleveland; San Antonio, Texas; Baltimore; Gainesville, Florida; and Portland, Oregon.
At VA, you’ll also find a tight-knit team of highly qualified and driven management professionals working to improve the overall Veteran experience by providing a safe, clean and healing environment for their care.
You’ll have access to plenty of perks, including regular salary increases, job security and work/life balance. You’ll also be part of a deeply rewarding mission—improving the quality of life for the brave men and women who risk so much to protect our freedom.
Work at VA
Help Veterans, their family members, and your fellow employees stay safe at our facilities. Learn more about environmental management services careers at VA Careers.
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Why is there not enough mental helath provider and the one they do have areaways 9 times out of 10 male, which has no ideal how it feels to be sexual hasssant. I had a provider but they change the one i did have to florida and doing video calls or video is to me not connecting with the veteran, so impersonal the VA need more counlslor and out reach program.
Don’t the guys who served deserve to be protected by equal opportunity laws? Discrimination is either ok or it’s not. Quick refresher VA Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) This law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. https://www.eeoc.gov/statutes/laws-enforced-eeoc
I’m so interested.
What if your transgender???
The comments here reflect the hostile environment women face whenever they set foot in a VA. It’s shameful and shows how many males are still adverse to women in the services. This attitude shows what anger and hostility women face on active duty and that even with the services being male dominated the males still feel threatened. Why this is occurring I bet the males can’t even define. Hate is ugly an unnecessary but still it exists. Is it no wonder why women are continuously being harassed and sexually assaulted by the very males they serve alongside.
This is for
environmental sanitation, textile management, integrated pest management, waste management, and interior design.
Female vets can do so much more! This is a misleading tactic to think females receive an advantage, but job itself says otherwise. Is this a low female job series? Any Vet should apply.
To everyone saying this is sexist because they are drawing females attention to this posting, click should apply, that’s the link to the job. and
1. tell me, by the title do you want this position, because this is a female dominated sector. and
2. If you do want this opportunity, read the job posting and tell me where it says their only accepting applications from females.
Again, this is a headline to draw in attention, female veterans are less likely to apply on the site than males are.
Seriously, can it get any more SEXIST than this? Dressing it up as an “environmental management” position doesn’t make it any better when it’s targeting women veterans for a housekeeping job. It’s pretty indicative of the VA’s overall treatment and view of the value of women veterans. I just couldn’t believe something so tone deaf was still making it to print past the 1960’s. Others have already mentioned the discrimination against men implied here as well.
The VA has a disproportionate number of males employed there. It will make a huge difference for female Veterans to be able to help others make the transition from the uniform to civilian life easier.
Run- don’t walk away from the toxic environment that is the VA. Especially the hospital side. It’s absolutely terrible. The management doesn’t care about anything other than their legacy. Not patients, not employees, nothing.
Do you hav a open in South Carolina?
They’ll probably gonna get a disability rating for giving birth or having a period. Either way this is going to add more problems to the VA than good
Why does it have to be female veterans?
Bigotry? Sexism?
How about just hiring veterans…. period.
It is not restricted to women vets. In fact, it’s OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
It is not limited to women vets. It is not limited to vets. It’s open to the public.
This is just another off-shoot of Biden’s World of Idiocracy. Maybe the IG for OPM needs to review the VA hiring practices.
OR…some folks should review their reading comprehension.
That is really messed up shouldbe on mert and work history not gender perferhiring
Wow! Never seen such straight to the point Discrimination. That’s a lawsuit begging to be filed.
Wow ! Have never seen such straight to the point Discrimination.
Can males apply?
Talk about a sexist ad. WTF about us males? Oh wait this is the federal govt so we can just say we identify as a female to get hired right?
Wow, angry much ?
Is their a Wisconsin opening?
Making employment decisions based on gender is illegal and highly unethical.
I’m pretty sure basing employment decisions on gender is illegal. It is certainly unethical. Good job, VA.
And I’m pretty sure that the rate of new female veterans seeking healthcare at the VA has grown tremendously over the last few years to the point that almost every VA hospital has its own Women’s Clinic that caters specifically to the needs of women veterans.
Most of those clinics are staffed only by women. Why? Because men have NO CLUE how to integrate all the things women need into an effective treatment plan.
It’s also easier for women to open up to other women.
This ad is not sexist nor discriminatory because there are jobs the VA advertises for that are for males only. Why? Because at times the job is only open to males for the Safety of everyone involved, like for a male inpatient psych ward.
So get over yourself and grow up.
Hi what about all the male veterans who see battle first. Women see very little combat. I have witnessed this .
Give it a rest … Males already get so many other benefits…and women were not allowed in combat tell recently thanks to men anyway…who couldn’t even handle giving birth…stop being a little….
Hi Aimee
I’m curious of what benefits you are referring too? Can you be more specific?
Thank you…
Sam, when I enlisted, my civil service employer said that I was not eligible for 30 days paid military leave, because that was a benefit for men who were drafted. (It was for “military duty other than temporary.”). I eventually got my paid leave, but there was near-combat.
Numerous screw-ups on educational benefits and home mortgage stuff because the ongoing assumption was that I was a veteran’s wife who was confused, not a veteran myself.
And not a big deal, but even now, 50 years later, as my husband and I walk around the VA hospital, anyone we encounter AUTOMATICALLY thanks HIM for HIS service. He usually says, “And HER?”
Until you have been invisible, it’s a stretch to “get” how time after time it just adds “insult to injury.”
Really? Just Wow!! Not only is your comment completely untrue but sexist and offensive. When did you serve last because MANY women have been in and died In combat. Maybe the validity of your combat experience should be in question here instead because your statement is wrong!!!
The male fragility in this comment section! ?
Hi Krystal,
I agree with some of your statement. I do disagree with the ad only focusing on one gender. Seems that is not the best way to unite us. I thought the VA was helping all Veterans not just one gender or anything else that make us individuals.
For some context, I volunteered for combat but did not see it in Gulf War. And according to the CDC -(National Mortality Profile of Active Duty Personnel in the U.S. Armed …)
“Males accounted for 95% of the deaths with an overall fatality rate (100.6 per 100,000) over two times higher than for females (44.9 per 100,000)”
It’s an open competitive job posting on USAJOBS. You’re welcome to apply and serve as a maid at a VA hospital. The GS9 pay will even provide such a low standard of living you’ll get to have roommates! Good luck on your job search!!
Hello, I’m active duty. I will be submitting my retirement packet soon. I would like to do the internship program. Is the VA part of this program?