An audio-only version of podcast can be found here.
VA is committed to safely exploring all avenues that promote the health of our nation’s Veterans. In line with this goal, VA conducts studies under stringent protocols at various facilities nationwide to identify if psychedelic compounds can treat Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and potentially other mental health conditions.
In the new podcast series, New Horizons in Health, Dr. Shereef Elnahal, VA under secretary for Health, leads a candid discussion on psychedelic assisted therapies for Veterans experiencing a number of mental health conditions.
A Marine and Army Veteran who participated in a research trial nine years ago describes the experience and his life after recovery from PTSD and suicidal ideation.
Elnahal is joined by VA subject matter experts who describe in detail the research experience for Veterans and the many safeguards in place to allow Veterans to participate in the programs.
Safety considerations
Research trials include medical monitoring with proper medical and psychiatric screening done in advance. The researchers also make sure Veterans have the necessary social support and structure around them during the trials.
The panel discusses some of the risks with the drugs used and how to manage expected side effects and the monitoring of Veterans during the therapy.
A very important issue discussed is self-medication with the drugs mentioned. The risk for serious injury or death from using drugs that are not prescribed under the care of a medical professional is too high. The research protocols also ensure a Veteran receives the essential psychotherapy component of the treatment needed to achieve positive results.
VA is excited about the potential of these treatments and getting the scientific questions answered. If the science supports it, we want to bring the best and most innovative therapies to Veterans across America.
If you’re a Veteran having thoughts of suicide or concerned about one who is, reach 24/7 crisis support through the new Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) number: Dial 988, then Press 1.
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Patients at the Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Center at Jefferson Barracks VA assembled recently for a very special story hour.
With robotic surgeries Veterans experience less pain during recovery, shorter recovery period and a lower risk of infection.
VA remains committed to improving colorectal cancer outcomes for all Veterans by increasing screening and access to care.
Beech Behavioral Health Foundations current project, DMT 4 Vets – working towards funding the first round of Clinical Trials for treating PTSD in Veterans with DMT Therapy. We would love any and all support!
I want to participate in any ongoing or new studies. I have PTSD and have been on various medications with mixed results from nasty sided effects or making me more angry, nothing seems to help. Currently dealing with the nightmares and anger without any meds. Part of my anger is how VA handles it, here lets try this medication and oh there are several side effects, that just makes it worse.
So how do we deal with 100% disability, P&T, cured years later by mushroom use?
Do we prosecute that veteran?
No, we cure more.
The active drugs in Amanita Muscaria are IBO and Muscimol. I make a decarboxylated extract that is a ratio of 95% Muscimol to 5% IBO. My 5ml dose contains the contribution from 666mg Amanita M., and it’s 25% alcohol stabilized.
For the last 20 months I have been low-dosing an extract of Amanita Muscaria, just a 5ml dose(one teaspoon) daily. I’m now free after 20 years of SSRIs. I actually started with 500mg shrooms for 3 weeks, but here in Idaho they are very illegal, so I switched to the Mario Mushroom. BEWARE. In high doses it is unpredictable and dangerous. In low doses it’s benign and, for some, life saving. I could no longer live with SSRIs. They Zombified me.
I would like very much to be a part of the study
The only problem with this treatment program is their insistence of having a shrink on board. Just take a heroic dose, lock yourself in a dark room and the medicine will be the best shrink you ever met. The morons who think they somehow understand you and your issues should themselves take a heroic dose and then get a real job.
I’m very interested in this treatment/research. I’m 100 percent disabled, U.S. Public Health Service, retired veteran. Licensed MSW.
Some of y’all need to listen in on the Shawn Ryan show
That’s where I first heard of this treatment
This comment section makes me proud to have served. Speaking healing on any and everyone that hits this page.
As a veteran and physician, I would like to volunteer in whatever capacity to help contribute to this body of knowledge, such that these therapies are more made widely available to veterans.
Laura Tavernier MD, MEd, FAAFP
Please take a moment to look into volunteer work or support for our foundation’s mission to fund the first round of clinical trials for DMT therapy for veterans.
I’m a Vietnam veteran. I am 100% disabled. I have tried psychedelic therapy and impasse helped me tremendously. I am anxiously waiting to have approval of the VA for the treatments. when and where will the treatment should be available to many of us, cannot afford the out-of-pocket cost
I totally want to participate if there are any ongoing or new studies. I have PTSD & nothing seems to help. Part of my anger is how they handled it, that was worse than the event I recently discovered.
I am highly enthused about the use of psychedelics for veterans suffering from PTSD, considering the success rate.
Keep in mind that under clinical use since the 50’s, the results have been overwhelmingly positive. People in terminal situations gained powerful insights into dying and life afterward. Abbot laboratories got lambasted for the discovery, because the CIA wanted to have a corner on the market and discourage any private use. We know how well that worked out. Good luck on your trials!
Is this like using nuclear waste to treat cancer? No one wants you to leave a stone unturned when trying to find a solution, but I saw you only wanted to talk about SOME of the potential side effects. What are the ones that you want to avoid talking about? I lost my sleep cycle when I worked on the rescue squad, and without any questions my doctor put me on Seroquel. I was started on 25 mg and I went all weird, and had to be hospitalized. He said that meant it was working and increased the dose to 600mg. I felt like I was dying every night. My heart would start beating so fast and hard in my chest that it is hard to describe, but I would sleep. I don’t know what the alternatives would have been, I don’t know what the best course of action would have been if it wasn’t the one that they gave me, I only know what happened as a result of what they did and who I decided to ask for help from. Is the Veterans Affairs office the right place to ask for help? If a soldier is tormented by what you asked him to do, by what horrors he had to face, and by the decisions he had to make, are you the right place to seek help from?
This is groundbreaking research. Thank you for availing veterans of this information.
I have suffered from drug resistant depression for years. Can’t remember last time I woke up and felt good. It has effected my work greatly. I would jump at the chance to be treated for depression using this method.
I have been working in the field of psychedelics since 2014. I have seen firsthand the benefits these medicines have on veterans for PTDS. The work of Jesse Gould and Heroic Hearts Project has been deeply transformative for veterans.
There are countless studies you can look up online that support the claims that psychedelics help those with CPTSD and PTSD, you can see this link, ( Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a non-profit working toward FDA approval. “MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD is on track to be considered for approval by the FDA in 2024.” (
There is a natural fear when it comes to these alternative medicines because of the decades of fear-based propaganda, and though I do think it has helped youth from delving into drugs, there is some serious help adults can receive now.
I have been a licensed clinical psychologist working in the VA since 2011. I love my clinical work with Veterans, it is an honor to help them. The problem is we don’t have great tools to help them, especially with complex problems like PTSD.
In addition to being a psychologist I experienced prolonged trauma as a child. I have been a trauma patient since I was a teenager. I am 44 now. All of the treatment I have done (including the VA standard of care PE/CPT) in my life has been helpful to me in some way, and was the inspiration for wanting to help others. However, until my experiences with psychedelic therapy these past 4 years, I did not really heal my trauma. MDMA-AT allowed me to feel safe and undefended enough to really understand what my trauma entailed and relatedly, what is needed to heal.
Mental health professionals will have to do a lot of unlearning to help Vets in this different and very deep way. With the support of MDMA we need to step out of the expert role and trust the process.
I am excited the VA is working to figure out how to do this work. It will not help everyone, but many will be profoundly healed.
The big problem facing the VA is balancing maintaining fidelity with scalability. To make this widely available massive resources will be needed. VA is in the best position to take on this challenge.
I’ve watched one veteran’s (SOF) podcast and he has talked about taking psychedelics and it has worked for him and others. He also talked on how it also helped him to stop drinking alcohol.
I fully would like to be considered for any trials. I completely agree with this approach. I my self have never used anything like this but have seen countless others
Every time over smart people say drugs are good for this and that I see all the troops that have destroyed their lives and the smart Professionals just go oops
“VA is committed to safely exploring all avenues that promote the health of our nation’s Veterans”. All? Please include the proven, results-based, faith-based programs such as the Mighty Oaks Warriors Program. They were a game changer form me, as well as hundereds/thousands of warriors like me, where my local VA had no capability, other than medication. CBT, anger management, and medication are merely tools and/or soothers for symptoms. None of the VA methods address the primary cause of suicide, the guilt and shame we feel in not living up to our self-described, expectations that are so high, but that the limitations of our body prevent us from maintaining. Only forgiveness for our self-identified shame and guilt, for filling in our own eyes, can remove the crippling shame. We are fundamentally and by very definition unable to forgive ourselves. Only after forgiveness, can the tools the VA provides, help the residuals of the shattered lives we are left to face.
I would really like to be a participant in this trial. Please contact me if this is possible.
Ashley D. Me too
By the time VA completes the research, the FDA reviews the research and and DEA removes these substances from schedule one there’s going to be a lot of folded flags due to suicide.
Why is VA restricting their analysis to data gained from only VA studies as stated by the doctor from VASF? There are studies being conducted by numerous academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies. For VA to take this approach seems an unnecessary replication of effort and unwise use of limited resources.
Everyone has their own thoughts about a lot of things. They all think they are right, and everyone that does not agree with them are wrong.
I like hearing everyone experiences. First hand experiences. I do not like people who talk out of their asses because they have not experienced it, and it’s only their opinions.
I have used Marijuana sense April 10, 1970. It’s the only drug that makes it not ok to hurt someone. I did until retirement run a successful Engineering Construction Company for 40 years so I just didn’t get stoned and sit on the couch.
I just ordered a oz of these mushrooms. I understand I’m suppose to start with 1/4 gram. I guess we’ll see where this goes.
Start slowly. Get comfortable with microdoses. Periodically try “a couple” of microdoses (of course, when “nothing is going on”, maybe when a trusted friend is nearby.) Spend time understanding what comes up with these larger amounts, before trying that again. ‘Heroic’ doses aren’t that wonderful, and you should be ‘well grounded’ with the lighter ones before heading in that direction. Do not proceed carelessly. Check out an ‘integration session’ on Zoom from a MeetUp group. Use every resource available, to understand this process, and your mental challenges/ life story. Don’t give up, on yourself, and those who care about you. We need you!
Agreed, I would start with less than 1 gram to introduce yourself and than gradually go up if needed. I would journal your thoughts and experiences. Reminder;
If uncomfortable or confusing things come up, take deep breaths and try explore those feelings, usually I find that I speak to myself and ask why am I feeling this ? And where does it originate from. Like A. Guy said, remember you are loved! And you got this !!
Personally I can say shrooms, and other plant medicines are life savers.
For me as a veteran who had PTSD , I worked with shrooms and even did ayahuasca and I can honestly I have been changed for the better. It also saved mom’s life, she was severely depressed, addicted to prescription pills which made her numb and she had enough. So i introduced her to microdosing with shrooms and it has helped her get off her meds without any addicted properties like the prescription pills.
I hope this helps sending you love and wishing for your healing my friend ❤️
I am rather concerned as to why this option is being withheld from not only Veterans, but the public in general. The DEA lists compound such as LSD, Psylocibin and Ibogaine as Schedule 1, “extremely dangerous” compounds and has prevented their legitimate research for over 50 years!! We do not need to hear a bunch of hogwash political opinions. THERE ARE NO DOCUMENTED ACCOUNTS THAT ANYONE HAS EVER DIED OF AN OVERDOSE OR GOTTEN ADDICTED TO THESE COMPONDS.
Psychedelics and Cannabis saved this veteran’s life! I have been off VA administered SSRIs for PTSD and Depression for 4 years now. I had been on over 10 different types of these meds for the last 20 years. I felt like a Zombie and did not see the point to continue living like that, the entire time I was engaged with the VA mental health apparatus and they just kept increasing the doses. The VA did not guide me to these healing plants and mushrooms, other Veterans did. There are veterans groups that are way past the info in this article and helping each other heal. Side Note *I am not young or a stoner, I spent over 27 of my life in the Military, Air Force and Coast Guard. Kind Regards. Thomas
A most excellent and informative, inspirational presentation; kudos to all presenters and bravo VA for being in the forefront of this critical research…great job here!!
It is great to see the VA trying innovative approaches to mental health! I have heard of people with severe PTSD and other psychological issues benefiting from psychedelic substances. These substances are chemicals no more mysterious or dangerous than what the pharmaceutical industry comes up with to treat mental illness. The VA is not just going to hand out these substances for recreational use. They will be used in a clinical way under medical staff supervision. Why not try whatever works to help mental illness rather than be afraid of innovation? I applaud the VA!!
These guys are already smoking weed. To put this drug on the health is disastrous.
Obviously you have NO idea what you are speaking about but somehow found time to prove it by your troll comment. Sad.
I doubt this guy is a troll. I remember in my day there were no shortage of guys who found virtue in brown nosing, kool-aid drinking, and snitching. Some authority figure told him what to think and his mind will never change.
Also lol @ “to put this drug on the health” god bless the military. Even if a man can’t string together a sentence he’s only 50 push ups from having a career.
psychedelics kills brain cells!!!
Apparently they killed your brain cells. Thanks for letting everyone know.
Could you provide any research to support your statement? You’ve made a considerable claim. Any evidence to back it up?
LOL! Only if you let them.
Oh come on if your enlistments wasn’t a daily grind of braincell killing joint destroying activity for the purposes of wasting consumables for the benefit of NSN-suppliers or even just puffing the ego of an officer… then you just had a job.
The Magic Mushrooms seem to have a generally rehabilitating impact on many people and Veterans. Please publish as much current data asap!
I agree with your assertion.
About dam time! we have had non profit groups like vets for enthiogens paying to send me and brother to get ayauska treatment for ptad. I had to heal myself and get off them pill and that with
regualr cannabis us with occasion psychedelics treatment like ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, and ketemine. All these work wonder I. Comparison to the 10 pills the VA had me on.
I’ve grown psilocybin mushrooms to help myself with my anxiety due to vietnam and raising a kid with autism and another kid with with Tourette’s. As they don’t seem to work with people on antidepressant meds I stop them for two months. Still I never experienced a full blown trip. they didn’t help me. My wife on the other hand has been helped tremendously by the mushrooms to improve her life. She grew up with a mother with polio and a cold father that would beat her, her sister and her mother. So for the right people I found the mushrooms to be very empowering.
I would love to see more research involving the use of virtual reality in addition to the use of atropine and also peyote cactus (mescaline). There is a lot of potentially positive outcomes involving those adjuncts for veterans such as myself.
As a combat vet suffering from PTSD for the past 40 years and trying every other medication available without any improvement. I would definitely try these medications. I’ve read of great results for psilocybin for depression and my wife had an excellent response to Ketamine treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. I think that they should offer these therapies at all VA Hospitals.
I guess my prior comment was censored because I used a COLLOQUIAL EXPOSITIVE to categorize the VA Political Decision to stop prescribing OPIOIDS before they figured something else out! I probably killed my liver using Alcohol to get to sleep through the pain of Neck Disk damage until I got PT and used CANNIBIS! That’s the WW-2 Policies VA seems to proffer in pain relief! Opioid deaths have declined in every Medical Marihuana State but not at the VA!
Psylicybin has been very successful in treating PTSD and the other Bane of Veteran survival, ALCOHOL! So I hope the VA loses its discrimination AGAINST alternate therapies!
Didn’t they try those in the 60s with terrible results? They ARE addictive! Isn’t that why VA strongly limits Opiates now!?!? First, we should try witchcraft, voo doo/hoo doo and tea leaves but no leeches, as there are already enough of them in DC.
Why not fund full dental for all Veterans! Instead of unproven research and theories. Just 15% of the more than 9 million veterans enrolled in Veterans Affairs health care are eligible for dental benefits provided by VA. However, the number of veterans actually receiving VA dental care is about 463,000 or about 1 in 9. The dental clinic is staffed when VA clinic is open why not use them??? If not fully fund, allow Space-A at Military and VA dental clinics.
They did try those in the 60’s with excellent results. There were numerous protests from psychiatrists when the Nixon administration rescheduled and outlawed psychedelics and MDMA. There is a well-documented trail of underground therapists that continued despite the change in rules. There is no evidence that the therapies are addictive and are in a different class of compounds than opiates.
Agree 100% I have suffered with extreme PTSD from my horrific childhood. But also from a bad waterskiing accident and have been dealing with getting better. Agree on everything
Where do trolls like you find time to posts such nonsense? I take it back I don’t need to know. Obviously you have NO idea what you are speaking about but somehow found time to prove it by your comment. Sad.
Using them only a couple of times has helped me learn how to nearly fully counteract all of the negative mental mindsets I had after leaving the military. It also helped me fix other substance dependencies I had with alcohol and marijuauna.
I also agree completely with this statement I have copied from David Shade.
“Psychedelics alter one’s perception of reality. That normally is the desired effect. However, it can create paranoia and be a scary situation. Anyone using a psychedelic for the first time, either in a trial or treatment, should take certain precautions. You should have a non-using companion with you who can help you stay and feel safe. Keep decision making to simple things, like what to eat or what music to listen to. Avoid making decisions about finances or relationships. Do not drive. Your concept of reality might be forever changed. I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying it could be a life altering experience. You need to determine if you are ready for that.”
How can I participate in the trials?
NO more drugs ! NO way ! I am addicted now to a controlled drug the medical profession put me on 50 years ago because they didn’t know what to do back then. They never heard of PTSD back then. My last VA 2 doctors said they would NEVER take me off it now as it would be far too dangerous and have seen bad things happen to those what were taken off it after being on it for such a long time.. The drug works fine most of the time and with no side effects, so I’ll just live out my life with it. But I have little interest in any new drugs. I do not like being addicted to any drug, substance, nor anything else. I have had and still have MHC for PTSD but after all these years and at my age all the hyper-vigilance, flashbacks, anxiety, etc are still daily events and I will just have to suffer it out until I die.
Good luck to you all, I have no interest in being a guinea pig. To each their own.
Charles, I’m really sorry to hear bout your conditions. A lot of us Veterans suffer from similar problems. The term “psychedelics” was made out to scare a lot of people away from using the drugs/medicine, back in the 60’s and 70’s, in tandem with defunding the research for it’s use as a medicine. However, thorough, funded research, had already been performed throughout the 50’s and 60’s with phenomenal, positive results. Scientists are only now being able to continue the research that was being done back then, and they’re getting the same overwhelmingly positive results from their studies today. Contrary to popular belief, psychedelics are non-habit forming, and non-addictive. Ironically enough, one of the most important, and most effective uses of psychedelics, is for the treatment of Substance Abuse, which many of us, including myself, suffer from. This use alone, of psychedelics as a medicine, could and would save a lot of Veterans lives. Not to mention, the lives it would save by using psychedelics, to treat Veterans that have PTSD, and suicidal thoughts. All of this, current, information is becoming vast, and very easily obtained online. These types of treatments are not for everyone, but I would highly encourage all veterans who yearn to be free of substance addiction, and or PTSD, to do their research, and look into trying a Therapeutic Psychedelic Treatment.
From: Marc Arnold September 29, 2023 at 08:27 – Reply
For more information on psychedelics please visit MAPS and also take UC Berkeley’s free course on EdX. Both are great sources of information that include the facts behind this history of these substances and their use in various settings.
PTDS has been a Major problem for many veterans. The VA has spent millions of dollars in trying to get a grip on this problem. Yet the use of psychedelics to lessen mental health problems has been on-going for years. Now here’s what really burns me: All of the research on. psychedelics has had to be done thru private funding.
PTSD 100 % T &P , terminal cancer per agent orange, can’t hear correctly, tinnits screams always always, and whaa whaa whaaa, shakes, high PSA , vision going downhill, so YES count me in.
Can I get into the next trials?
Do they plan on using psilocybin?
Where do I sign up
Psychedelics alter one’s perception of reality. That normally is the desired effect. However, it can create paranoia and be a scary situation. Anyone using a psychedelic for the first time, either in a trial or treatment, should take certain precautions. You should have a non-using companion with you who can help you stay and feel safe. Keep decision making to simple things, like what to eat or what music to listen to. Avoid making decisions about finances or relationships. Do not drive. Your concept of reality might be forever changed. I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying it could be a life altering experience. You need to determine if you are ready for that.
I started a trial in August. It’s working. I have a laundry list of issues but SI a is no longer a go to. I am bipolar. The low points were potentially deadly, I now have a fairly steady middle mood. I miss the highs but I don’t miss the lows. My treatment was done in a strictly controlled environment with professional medical staff. Prior to treatment. I didn’t drink, smoke or use illegal drugs of any type. Among my diagnoses are MST and PTSD, abuse, health issues that were edging closer to hospice, cancer for 10 years. Through combined treatment of nasal eskatamine , therapy and medication, I am able to function some out in public,
it’s about time.
Kudos to the VA for their openness and willingness to research and offer MANY treatment options for our Nation’s Veterans. Avant -garde or conservative treatments – the VA does have it all!
I have “experimented” with all of the psychotrophics available periodically since 1967. I have found my use of Ayahuasca since 2017 to have been very worthwhile in helping with depression and ptsd. Be glad to help.
When will the federal government get with it and legalize marijuana? Better hungry than strung out.
Where do I sign up. I am willing to seek out peyote on my own. But if there is an option with va or clinical trials setting, I feel it would be a better option
I am very interested in this treatment.
I will volunteer to participate in this treatment.
All who live with chronic pain, ptsd, and other service connected injury deserve a look at all options of treatment. Unbiased-
I was able to stop drinking because of D8 legalization. I wish we could have actual cannabis in the red states
Not everyone has been hoodwinked by this unsafe crap. So leave your political bull out of this.
I’m a Navy vet with ptsd and bipolar. I would love to be in the trials. I’m really tired of all my issues. Thank you.
Makes me very happy that folks are speaking up and speaking out!
Saddened by those with blind spots that narrow their vision or version of Liberty.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds……
For more information on psychedelics please visit MAPS and also take UC Berkeley’s free course on EdX. Both are great sources of information that include the facts behind this history of these substances and their use in various settings.
You see all these folks asking to volunteer? They including myself know the benefits and want to do this safely and without some concoction of chemicals made in a lab. Open it up for more volunteers and get this rolling. Every minute of each day feels like an eternity for those that need the relief it provides. Sign me up waiver and all.
I would love to be a trial patient for this!
Its about time!!!!!!
If the VA deems this therapy as positive then what? How long? Where will it be rolled out? No specifics here
They’re probably figuring all that out before they even declare it to be a good idea. Gotta crawl before you run, etc. I suspect they’re only going to offer this to a handful of perfect candidates at doses that aren’t anywhere near a trip.
Probably no specifics to give other than “you know maybe this stuff isn’t so bad and we shouldn’t let prejudices limit our treatment options”. Good on the VA, hope it works out well.
As a Naval Aviation Crewman in helicopters & AMD Avionics, want to add context to this veteran’s “integrity.”
Who am I, starting as a Missionary child in a Missionary Boarding School’s 1st trauma: my father took me to the MOVIE, “The Ten Commandments”. Because I had seen a movie, was “going to hell!”. Because they liked me, they then prepared me for hell by military torture, which I do not reveal as they can be repeated on others. 1st of a long string of such.
In therapy, dealing with marrying my (now revealed, Russian Orthodox Ukrainian mother), married like her, figured out by analyzing the two marriages.
In my years of therapy, trying to figure out what was going on, I coincidently stumbled into Holotropic Breath work with Stanislav Grof M.D., Ph. D. (validating experiences of the witness in the video) and also a world prominent psychiatrist from the country I had been a mission child in.
Set and Setting are the primary conditions: which Setting, I failed to hear the SCIENTISTs witnessing experiencing the most common experiences that the “set do!”; which Stanislav Grov requires.
My psychiatrist was conned into this country and put in the VA; which he recommended I watch the movie “Article 99”.
After decades, after NDEs, stepped away from him about a year ago. His Science physical world, like evangelical dogma, was violating my intuitive, with very reliable outcomes.
Two examples:
1. after about a year after accessing D Trump (outside Clinical setting, by experience living with Narcissistic Borderline Personality Disorder, called and said, “You were correct.”, but way too delayed.
2. He, having taught in medical College, on walks we would mutually enjoy his medical lectures/conversations, which included his in-depth psychotherapy to be able to differentiate between himself and his patients.
So, when I went to read Stanislav’s book on LSD research, he panicked, warning me that medical students reading such matter needed to be medicated! When I informed him that I recognized his MUCH HIGHER EDUCATION, I had gone much DEEPER THAN HE HAD! He became quiet.
IMPORTANT NOTE on FLASHBACKS: How did the “lack of setting by doctors” create “FLASHBACKS”?
CONTEXT: When one cuts a finger, one cognitively doesn’t instruct the healing process, which is automatic. Likewise, when LSD opens the unconscious revealing what needs to be healed, as it surfaces in a failed “set & setting” condition, an emergency room is used. The medical doctors, all cognitive, have no clue and SEDATE to CONTROL THE SITUATION.
Sedation, STOPS the unconscious AUTOMATIC HEALING; which surfaces later to attempt healing. (LSD IS OUT OF THE SYSTEM IN ABOUT 8 HOURS), therefore, THE DOCTORS ARE THE CREATORS OFTHE “FLASHBACKS, by ignorant Medical/Science, residuals from the Flat earth/round earth Church Dogma!”.
Naval Avionics veteran, helicopter crewman, AMD, Mission child, NDEs, witness, shunned by an inquisition with ALL BRIDGES OF TRUST BURNED, in 11th year of solitude. Worse than Dante’s Inferno Hell, is there is more evidence of reincarnation & where would one today want to reincarnate in the Christian “Left Behind World”!
a rock seems the most reasonable.
I served for the freedom of religion; which turned out to be the FREEDOM of Evangelicals to John 15:6, prune me from the vine. Having had NDEs; which John 15:15, We are all friends like the Native Americans I did Sweat Lodges with, making me the DEVIL to separate and protect my wife’s son! (One Race, One Religion)
SUMMARY: the expanding awareness is a shaman knowing from thousands of years for survival, but likely toxic mixed with modern egos, like my past psychiatrist friend from the country I was a mission child abuse (not sexually, but military that included social sexual abuse of macho boys before the girls, an epidemic in our culture.
The only guide I trust is Stansilav Grof; which is too old, but I had the experience of 3 weekends with him & and a fourth with a study when I experienced “Wholeness” & curing of my VA diagnosed COPD with medication. It has been years since the Holotropic expanded awareness & cure.
These idiots who talk about not needing opioids for pain don’t know what Chronic Pain is! I’ve had chronic pain from Multiple Surgeries and joint replacements, broken bones requiring pins screws and plates & traumatic brain injury that left me with chronic pain fatigue and crippling PTSD. I can’t get opiate medication other than suboxone because of the politics of the opioid crisis created by mass use of these medications. Now patients who actually Need them to have a relatively tolerable quality of life can’t get them. Even the opioid Suboxone is addictive and I will probably be on it for life. But it doesn’t help as much as Morphine. The drug in Suboxone is Buprenorphine which is similar to Morphine but nowhere as effective. And who knows what side effects it has with long term use?
A drug is a drug is a drug. Many, extremely many veterans returning from Vietnam to LSA and every other psychedelics. Most went into full blown addiction and according to Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text on Recovery from Addiciton (1983) if you are addicted to one mind or mood altering you cannot take any addictive drug successfully. Also, many Vietnam Veterans experienced horrific bad trips that lead to rage and hurting themselves or others. Combat PTSD causes flashbacks as does pyschedillics and more often than not combat veterans have horrifically bad flashbacks. You cannot cure PTSD chemically, and treating it with psychedelics is ludicrous. Doctors or researchers that test these theories are probably just trying to gain access to pharmaceutical grade pyschidillics for there own recreational use. If veterans want to embark on addicting drugs the VA and taxpayers should not bear the financial burdens nor supply addictive drugs. The VA learned that from Oxycoton (Opiods) and the VA now has reasonable policy on the prescribing of narcotics for legitimate pain short term. The VA has learned that non-addictive pain medications make the difference between bearable and seemingly unbearable pain. Not really much need for narcotics and absolutely no need for psychedelics. Veterans that want to try this are suffering but they are only searching for relief, which can be a path to self-administered addiction. Please stop this research and take care of veterans with non-addictive drugs. Thank you.
You’re wrong.
Dale. Obviously you have NO idea what you are speaking about but somehow found time to prove it by your troll comment. Sad. You need help, and it is my genuine wish that you can get it.
Dale everything you said is wrong and misspelled and you cited a non-medical, non-academic, quasi-religious document from 20 years ago. You’re still entitled to have some opinions, it sounds like you might have some experiences that color your views here. It might make you feel better to know that most experimental psychedelic therapies involve doses where the users don’t even feel a buzz.
As far as VA researchers shamming to get access to psychedelics; If someone has passed O-chem, medical school, and has a MD or related PhD, there is literally no way to stop such a person from obtaining psychedelic substances, especially if they have access to VA laboratory equipment and a demonstrated willingness to involve their professional life in the pursuit of recreational drugs. People who can’t even get a GED manage to produce magic mushrooms.
I live on cape cod and four months in Florida. I am 100 percent disabled with PTSD 60 percent and unemployability 30 percent. Combat Marine 1967. I would like to receive treatment in a facility near me. Being a child of the 60’s I am quite familiar with drugs you are using. Thank you
I would love to know more about stuff like this it was a deep digest.
I have experience in the use of some types of psychedelics and whole heartedly believe in the therapeutic value of them. I’m sure that I would benefit from physician directed therapeutic research. Please include me in a study if one is available to me. Thank you,
Cactus root, Piute, and Mescaline, all three the same, we can learn from the native Indians what they smoked in their peace pipes. It is a very mellow experience with some spiritual experiences while taking it. It helps with depression and helps one develop a better inner image of themselves.
The VA is all about giving drugs and more drugs rather than help Veterans with the root issues! Terrible idea!!!
This is all well and good, but what about Cannabis for pain relief? As a Veteran, I’ve been living in severe pain for over 30 years. And since they refuse to proscribe opioids, Tylenol just doesn’t cut it. I did an oxy trip when I had rotator surgery. Never again. Hydrocodone has relief some pain, but the VA won’t proscribe it.
Agreed. However hydrocodone makes me poop cinderblocks…No Bueno.
i think its a terrible idea. many people have problems for many years after taking these.
Based on what?
J, Obviously you have NO idea what you are speaking about but somehow found time to prove it by your troll comment. Sad.
I would like to see if I am an eligible candidate.
I was told to try medical marijuana by my therapist. In my experience it probably wouldn’t be a bad thing for veterans of it was monitored. It just made my problems worse by suspending momentary anxieties which built to long term issues. Tried it three different times. Same thing. I’m glad the VA is opening up to psychedelic treatment. Was about to attempt my own seeking of treatment with psychedelics. Now maybe I won’t have to do that.
How do I sign up? I’m 100% disabled from PTSD and a head injury. I would like to take part in this as I have been using pills for nearly 25 years.
How to psychedelics work for PTSD? Is there a trial program? Thanks
So, were going back to Timothy Leary’s “Turn on, tune in, drop out” mentality? Just because we can, does not mean we should. There is another study uses LSD to treat PTSD. It also generates a spiritual experience, Of this I have no doubt. But what spirit or demon?
Scott, you may not actually be a comedian, but your answer really comes across as one. Beware of DEMONDS!! lol!
Timothy Leary was toying around with doses that would put the worst of burning man attendees to shame.
The VA is going to be administering doses that don’t even give the user a buzz.
As far as spirit or demon, I suggest you check out pubmed and the NIH websites, maybe do a google for “lsd AND (“spirit” OR “demon”) site:*.edu I’m sure the best and brightest of the medical, scientific, and academic communities spends tons of time and effort worrying about demons and spirits.
How may I learn about enrolling as a subject in these studies? Thank you.
This is very new and cutting edge information and progressive for the VA. I am really impressed and as a veteran who suffers from too much trauma. My faith in the VA healthcare system and surrounding communitites have been restored. Thank you so much! The journey is never over, we have to figure out how to do a better job to take care of one another and love one another in healthy ways during theraputic processes and treatments.
No need I got it. One of the guys I deployed with died and I was struggling be bad. A friend suggested a mushroom trip, I was hesitant but went for it and holy shit did it help.
Wow, how do you go on about to be a part of these trials?
It’s crazy how we are closer to taking MDMA then we are medical marijuana.
I am living proof that this therapy works. We need to explore this treatment more. I want VA medical grade shrooms instead of relying on street suppliers/vendors. Microdosing works without any trippy effects.
I think this is great news. On another note I would like to know why war veterans can’t get dental care from the v a. Since dental health is so important to whole body health. I have 80% connected disability but I have to be above 80 to get dental. Please help
Yes I hoped that this would come available. I am willing to try this to help with my trust and anger issues.
I would like to try this type of therapy to help open me up to treatment, as I struggle with trust and candor with counseling. I am interested in signing up for a trial if one is available.
I think this approach to therapy for PTSD is appropriate and a long – time in coming.
About time. Now about medical marijuana?
What about medical marijuana????
For the past three years I’ve been undergoing electroconvulsive therapy, ECT, every two to three weeks to control my treatment resistant depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation. I take medications but by themselves my depression isn’t controlled. There is a VA center near me which is accepting candidates for a ketamine therapy study. I have asked to be considered for the trial. I am also hesitant because I’d have to stop the ECT which works. What if the ketamine therapy doesn’t work? I just can’t make up my mind to do it or not. I am afraid of being sucked back into the darkness. If you have been there you know what I am referring to.
I also am considering something else. I have a very strong chemistry background. I am contemplating getting some ayahuasca and extracting N,N-Dimethyltryptamine from it. I know how to do that. However, I would be making a Schedule 1 substance. I just don’t know what to do but I can’t keep going down the road I am on.
John a friend of mine just returned from Columbia where she took that ayahuasca. Said it changed her life.
You just said the frickin ECT works for you. Stick with what works, g-ddammit. It’s hard to find anything that works. You’re ducking lucky. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Stop ducking around. Stay with what’s working for you. We are all tucked in the long run. You know it I know it everyone knows it. Just look at every Veteran from every war we have ever had. Don’t have to be a genius to figure out where we lie on the importance scale. We serve, we hurt, we get hurt, we suffer, we die. Period.
Is it possible to volunteer for new treatment options being researched? I understand the importance of quality research, and that there are significant risks to be considered. But, inorder for better treatments to be available someone has to take the risks.
Valid treatment modality. As an anecdotal observation, it seems most nay sayers have no personal experience with psychedelics.
Why can we get medical grade marijuana, instead of taking the risk of being laced with anything from street weed.
PTSD, suicide ideation?
1st , educate yourself & grow your own cannabis, don’t trust open market, so buy seeds, make your LeD grow tent kit and heal yourself.
Next stop mushroom spores (not illegal). Be your own doctor… these plants were our diet 12-20,000 years ago in the garden… we were beings very different without hostile ego & competition …
Listen to late Terrance McKenna oral lectures on YouTube .
It can be done, we vets can heal & awaken even if the obstacles ARE formidable. (Big pharma/ridiculous legislation …Good luck! The Universal Consciousness is attracting us all & Loves all. Peace my brothas and sistahs
Sending Peace Love Joy Hugs n nugs
Anxiety, depression, ptsd from sexual trauma…sign me the F up!!
I would like to volunteer to be a subject of the study.
I would like to participate in this study. I ah e tried many different approaches of treatment and I still not connecting back to where is was before, Iraq.
I would like to volunteer for any tests to treat TBI, depression and bipolar. 100% device connected disabled Army veteran. Nothing else has worked for over 20 years.
I suffer from a TBI can this help me get what I lost or help ease the pain of the lost memories.
How can I be a part of this ? The V.A. has almost killed me three times on store bought meds.
Sign me up yesterday!
Are you taking volunteers from the veteran community?
I’m interested in joining one of these studies, how do I go about signing up? I meet criteria, plus I’ve been absolutely fascinated about the prospect of using psychoactive therapies to treat mental health. This is an untapped resource. We need to get past the stigma and start utilizing these methods that have been around for thousands of years.
I support the idea, sign me up
Im a TBI RESIPENT from a motorcycle accident, anti depressents didnt work, dont wirk, on my chronic depression. Ive lived a really difficult life since 1984. Guess i’d be up for a trial!!! Ha
Can you say “MK ULTRA”. Look it up. Govt. experiment using psychedelics in the 50’s. Did not end well.
MKUltra was administered to unknowing innocent victims using high doses to see about “turning” Soviet spies. This is a voluntary, opt-in with microdosing under clinical research standards for a medicinal purpose. I’m willing to sign up.
I’m seeing a lot of people comment negative things regarding the use of psychedelics. I was on ketamine for my spinal cord pain and it not only helped me with that but also my mst and ptsd. When they fired my community care provider and cut me off cold turkey for all of my prescriptions it could’ve killed me. A sudden withdrawal of those types of medications is very dangerous. The ketamine really was so helpful. I didn’t take it recreationally and I was under the care of a physician. I think it would help a lot of people and the ones complaining about it don’t understand why it would be a good thing. If it stops people from going out on the street buying it from an unknown source and fishing the fact they are taking it that is dangerous.
Just an observation…this is THE most intelligent discussion I have ever read and participated in on the VA News site. And it gives me some hope that the numbers of respondents are skewed so far towards the pole of open-mindedness
Id like to try the meds as I have bad PTSD, like 100%
Agree ?
Hello I am excited to hear about the psychedelic medication for mental health. I have heard before that psychedelics have helped people with mental health diseases.
I have been a drug addict and alcoholic all my life. I have traumatic.stress. I have been in and out of seven rehabilitation hospitals. I have a psychiatrist. I would love to participate in this program. I am trying to go the way of God I am trying to find peace. Can you please possibly help me thank you.
I’d like to know how to sign up!
Brought to us by the same people who told us Agent Orange was safe enough to drink.
Gave the Gulf War vets inoculations for gas that wrecked their health.
The VA just wants to downgrade or take away the ratings for Vets with PTSD. They want to save money, not lives. We have been expendable since we enlisted, and always will be.
Twist our minds on Psychedelics? I mean, what can possibly go wrong.
Not much in comments from the vets who weren’t successful. Who knows maybe they can’t write anymore.
I’d collect a million signatures to help make this an option for anyone suffering mental health problems. People deserve options in America. If we can save lives through natural medicine, combined support from mental health professionals this could help heal our nation. Thank you VA for leading the way of healing ❤️?
My WWII 101st air. hubby jumped DDAY hubby is my Hero…he is 98.5 I am his caretaker been married 46 years I am much younger my question is have you ever done resherach on PTSD and corilarion to Dementia he has both and it’s very stressful scary at times…Thank you…maybe studies done would be great!!
Doped up is no way to go through life.
Ayahuasca changed my life each time (4 separate ceremonies). I learned to cry after 10 years. I was faced with images and memories that had been locked away for a long time and was able to move forward. I was able to acknowledge a rape that had haunted me for years, and afterwards, never thought of it again. I gained a better understanding of myself and the bigger picture of life. I went from a raging angry person to the calm one in the family, changing the family dynamic for the better and able to gain a closeness with my family.
My experience with mushrooms was a “cousin” to Aya, and provided more healing. I do not take it recreationally, only in a quiet and comfortable setting in my room. I fully support psychedelics for treatment because I know what it has done for me. They show you what you NEED to see, not what you want to see.
Kambo is amazing and not a psychedelic.
How can I become a participant in psychedelics trials?
Are you kidding? This is nothing but a recipe for murder and suicide. It can go so bad so quick. There’s noway to stop it once the trip starts. I tripped back years ago a few times and the results were good but even as I was tripping I knew how fast it could go bad. That was in the 70’s when everything was a lot weaker than anything today. I say no to this idea and it will get people killed and many suicides.
You”ll never get that high of a dose. The therapeutic dose is so low you won’t have hallucinations . You also have to meet certain criteria to be in the program. Just because you want to take it doesn’t mean they’re going to give it to you.
It figures!: Taking the brain for a walk{???}. It’s no longer AMAZING!; that the local[back ally] drug pushers/dealers have secured their future with the Pharmaceutical companies. Along with the Military and the the tax payer. “Conflict Chaplin”!: War has created; many torments/troubles; and NOT Just Conflict’s. Not only for those whom serve; but those that care for the member of the service[including] the families. The more screwed up the better{I Suppose}. Life long patience’s; with a lifelong taxpayer paid for PAY CHECK. As the old saying goes: Place the Guy and Now Gals in charge!: WITH NO Brain; and Everyone else, line up and get dumber!
W. It appears you really need help, and I sincerely hope you get it
I support the use of pschodelics
I tried to talk with my VA psychologist about “Magic Mushroom” therapy but he wouldn’t even discuss it because of federal restrictions. I’m pleased that a new crop of medical professionals and scientists are studying the benefits of Psychedelics. I would volunteer for this study.
I’d like more information on new horizons. I am chronically depressed, have PTSD and anxiety. I’d like alternative information. I’d like to sign up for trials. CBT therapy isn’t really helping me.
While psychedelics are unique compared to stimulant and depressants drugs there needs to be a great deal of care and caution considering this treatment. Our veterans have earned every degree of care and support that can be made available. Not used as lab rats to “see” what’s going to happen. Unfortunately this has been done in the past, should never happen again. While there might be some merit in “listening” to anecdotal stories, treatment should be based on vetted research before given to humans. History has taught us the best course in new medication in one work. Thalidomide. Had it not been for a very courageous determined new director of FDA thousands of US babies would have been severely damaged or died. She was under tremendous pressure from business and politicians, but held her ground. I know psychedelics do not pose the overdose death risk some other drugs do, however, it does cause brain change (neuroadpatation) with high risk of unwanted consequences.
Where are these trials and how can I apply
The VA seems to be run by a bunch of WW-2 Mentality prone Administrators that are averse to “NEW” approaches to Mental Health AND PAIN! After 30 or more years the VA makes a POLITICAL DECISION and eliminates VICODIN overnight and tells suffering Vets, YOU’RE ADDICTED, SO F-CK OFF! Some Vets killed themselves! I guess they proved to the VA that they WERE SUFFERING! Meanwhile some VETS, lucky to live in LIBERAL States got Cannabis Medical Cards and found their pain substantially diminished if not terminated! This has been statistically verified that in Medial Pot States death from Opioids has dropped! Where’s the VA? Back in the 50’s and evidentially the same provincial mentality extends to Psylocibin! PTSD is a KILLER and is always lurking in our subconcious to come pouncing onto our reality from a seemingly innocuous smell, scene, word or somebodies innocent act and we need help! Not JUDGEMENT!
This is ridiculous and dangerous. No one knows the long term effects of such damaging mind-altering drugs: possible Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, dementia, preclude to violent and/or murderous behavior and who knows what else? What is this doctor’s background and bio?
This is what happens when uninformed boomers make snap decisions from years of brainwashing.
Psychedelics are given to people with terminal diseases such as cancer and has almost in every case given these people the ability to accept death with dignity and removes their depression.
These controlled sessions are in a hospital with staff ready to help in any emergency.
keep your 1950’s reefer madness in the past and lets move on shall we?
I would like help with the rest of my life, I am not a terminal patient.
What we give terminal patients is to help them with short term pain and suffering, the long-term results don’t matter for them.
But for me, the rest of my life matters, and I have to live with this brain, not the VA Bureaucrats or the Big Pharma corporations. Neither one has my best interests in mind. They just care about the money.
please research.
medical research has found your comments are not accurate. watch HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MIND on Netflix series shows MEDICAL LOOK n take a look at AMAJ on recent research…..other countries have used natural( in nature) accruing psychotics. what do you think our ancestors used before BIG PHARMA….a closed mind is a wonderful thing to lose…. May your life improve
No one knows the long-term side effects? come on pal, the testing has been going on for DECADES with GREAT results! do some fact checking before you spout out your “opinion”(which is 100% respected). The evidence is HUGE! with many respected hospitals and doctors (not just one, but HUNDREDS).
Cindy! Obviously you have NO idea what you are speaking about but somehow found time to prove it by your troll comment. But your rant about “murderous behavior” was funny!
I’m a veteran 1973 -1980 USAF K9. I’ve had problems with C PTSD, Depression etc. I recently tried ketamine therapy an d have found it to be really helpful. I recently tried getting the VA to cover ketamine and while my primary care doctor signed off on it, community care turned me down flat ..
How do sign up?
Early 70’s a lady friend gave me a blue pill and said it was mescaline. I carried it for weeks. Then on one of my angry days I finally took it. It was the first time I felt like myself since 1967 in RVN when I seem to escape my own body and ended up with dyslecsia, verbal and written, self destructive behavior and anger I went into the service A+ and came out D-. The mescaline day I ran a pool table for hours in NYC. jioned others in crashing two parties..At the first i became co host almost immediately. Same night faced down a group of thugs intent on hurting a woman. Returned to bar, ran the table again and celebrated being me again. It was gone the next day and still has not returned. i have been unable to find mescaline and want to retest and reexperience me.
Mescaline is now unavailable due to overharvesting of the source. Read ‘How to Change Your Mind’ and it’ll fill you in. The psychoactive ingredient of it is available in San Pedro cactus–which you can legally grow and can be plentiful–but it becomes ILlegal if you harvest it to use for getting “Stoned”, brother. Go figure…
It’s about time the government has opened their minds to the benefits of “Plant Medicine”, and a more naturopathic and holistic approach to mental health care without harmful psychotropic big pharma meds! Next please consider Cannabis.
If you are seriously thinking of this then you are out of your minds ! Literally . How far left and extreme are you willing to go to make this country 3rd world ? How about this? STOP ENGAGING IN OTHER COUNTRIES AFFAIRS. STOP THE WAR MACHINES OF THE MIKITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. NO MORE POLITICAL BS THAT PUT ARE SERVICE MEMBERS AT RISK FOR NO REASON.
I am hardcore right and support psychedelics.
You dont speak for the rightwing.
There is nothing wrong with using what was given to us on this earth.
Only a fool with assume that the big man made a mistake
Amen Brother, AMEN!
Well said. It may not work for everyone, but it has saved and improved lives for many. I would absolutely try it.
I agree with you but we are talking about God’s medicine here. Mushrooms and hopefully cannabis soon instead of rockafella big pharma poison. It’s definitely not a leftist thing. It’s a good vs evil war and we have to stand up against ALL of their BS. And yes, putting a stop to their power grabbing/money making fake wars.
Does this study include other neurological issues, such as Parkinson’s? I have heard of test to see how it can relieve certain neurological issues with tremors and balance.
I would just like to offer a word of warning. Psychedelics alter one’s sense of reality. Maybe that is the desired effect. But I think anyone participating in the trial or being treated with psychedelics need to be aware of the possible side effects. Making decisions, other than what to eat or what music to listen to, while on a psychedelic could have dire consequences. Someone using a psychedelic drug should always have a non-using companion nearby to assist in any emergency. Psychedelics can take you out of reality and you might need help coming back to it.
The use of psychedelics by the medical community is very controlled. You don’t “fill a script” and use at home. It is administered at the medical facility and you stay there until the “trip” is over. You are monitored the entire time.
How do I become part of this study?
Dors this help with anger issues? I feel it is getting worse. I feel like loose cannon because I go off with anger in the matter of seconds
Same for me if someone is talking while i am watching TV i even get mad.
Have you heard of eft tapping? I believe the va has used it to help veterans with PTSD
How do i join the study?
The federal government is decades behind state legislation on drug policy. We need legalization and serious medical research on these substances yesterday.
The substances being researched aren’t being abused significantly, aren’t physically addictive, and are incredibly safe when compared to alternatives. The fact that these substances have potential treatment applications and yet are still scheduled should make veterans furious.
I’d like to volunteer for any trials for psychedelics to alleviate symptoms of PTSD
Been micro dosing MDMA n Cubensis in liquid form for last 4 years (not on a daily bases) for PTSD . Keeps me calm n I don’t trigger all the time…’s nice to have relief from PTSD
Legally on the Cubensis?
some areas of the United States have decriminalized use of mushrooms so yes Cubensis here is only decriminalized.
Good morning, I’m a 22 year, retired Veteran and have 5 combat deployments that I’ve experienced. I’m interested in being part of this study if possible. PTSD, depression, vivid nightmares are part of my everyday life. I need some relief. Please consider me for this. Ty, Mark
I’m up for being part of the trial. Anything is better than pharmaceuticals. I have done my research and I am planning to do ayawasca. It’s not tripping it’s bringing your subconscious to the front so you can deal with it. Im avaliable please contact me.
Id love to learn more about your methods please email me
Awesome, It is fantastic to hear the VA is considering alternative medicine to support us veterans. I have been using marijuana to help with my ptsd and suicidal ideations for several years and recently began research into psychedelic treatments in the civilian medical community. I would definitely be interested should the opportunity arise in the San Antonio VA system.
Why hasn’t VA announced the alternative trea6by using Ketamine treatment and other such programs. I have been finding it difficult to get the primary Psychiatrist to allow me to participate.
I have wondered about psychotherapy for years, for aiding in my PTSD. Local providers are too expensive and possibly lacking in expertise. Treatment through VA would be wonderful.
If you need a participant for psychedelic treatment for ptsd I’m available. Medications haven’t been helpful
Those looking to try just Google Ketamine centers in your area.
Ketamine was approved to treat PTSD and depression and other mental disorders by the FDA. But yeah the VA is still way behind.
And everyone I talked to said it was life changing. We are talking about people who had depression for 20 years and didn’t know why. It let’s you figure out why you feel the way you feel.
It might be covered by the insurance. So I recommend you give it a shot if the VA clinic and meds aren’t working for you.
This would be fantastic. i have read so much about this treatment helping so many who are not helped by other drugs. i have crushing depression that is so frustrating as none of the prescribed medications do anything but moderately affect the depths and the suicidal ideation that is a constant loop in my mind daily. its become normalized for me. i just accept that is how i feel and throw out anchors to keep me here through the love of my pets and not wanting to abandon my responsibility to their well being. but god its exhausting.
If the VA is exploring the therapeutic use of psychedelics, I wish they would also do the same for CBD. It would help many patients and help cover the cost. Hopefully someday soon.
This is how the Govt will get patriots and veterans. Cant control veterans once out they can with drugs. Need to get all the veterans under control before the New world order can take over. Don’t be blind….
Are you ok? You may need to go talk to a professional.
Luke, he does have a valid point. Maybe you should wake up .
You have a point. Anthony . Many have wondered the same thing . Key word . Get us under control.
I respectfully hold a different perspective on this matter. It is my belief that those among us who have unwittingly succumbed to the constraints of the “war on drugs” ideology are, in fact, the ones ensnared by control. The pervasive misinformation surrounding psychedelic substances has, regrettably, caused more harm than the substances themselves ever could.
In my estimation, the recent initiative by the VA represents one of the most progressive steps taken in the past decade. It is disheartening to witness this commendable effort being mischaracterized as an attempt at control. The prevailing apprehension towards psychedelics is, in reality, more detrimental. We have been systematically conditioned to harbor a fear of hallucinogens, perhaps because they stand as the sole agents offering a fleeting glimpse of true freedom.
I have to disagree. Exactly how; is tripping out on hallucinogens; supposed to HELP ME? I ALREADY HAVE LIFELONG DAMAGE DONE TO MY PSYCHE, SOUL AND SPIRIT.
DROPPING ACID. is a line Marnita S. McNeill won’ t cross. Look! up in the Sky….. it’s a Bird, No its a plane, No its a Wacked out Chick who thinks she can Fly!
U.S. Air Force
Speaking from experience, hallucinogenic substances worked better than CBT therapy and pharmaceuticals to treat my depression and PTSD. These substances, when taken with reverence and respect, help create new neural pathways and can potentially heal the traumas experienced from war and childhood.
I am also interested in any upcoming trials.
Do the research It has shown more promise than anything lately. 1-2 treatments and no pills for the rest of your life
Sounds like you misunderstand. I have taken shrooms before and to me it feels like a good antidepressant especially if you take a small amount. I know this because I have been on a few different anti depressants. Small amounts will not make you hallucinate or trip. It also calms anxiety.
Hi Marnita. I highly recommend a documentary on Netflix called “How to Change Your Mind”. The second episode explains this psilocybin treatment very well. It explains the history of the study as well as the process for treatment. Best wishes.
I don’t believe chemically blocking receptors in the brain is the way to go with this. The American Legion had an article called “Mind Shift: Innovative PTSD therapy has a 90% success rate for veterans, first responders and others grappling with traumatic experiences.” (September 2023). All done without drugs.
Exposure therapy using virtual reality glasses
Hey VA, the SCIENCE is already there regarding the use of psychedelics as treatment for pain, PTSD, Depression as well as for marriage counseling. I suggest you read it instead of taking 30 years of “testing” and “discussion.” Up until big pharma created the worst treatment for depression and other mental issues in anti-depressants, psychedelics were widely used in mental health facilities with astounding success.
I suppose if a veteran already uses them the VA would mark the record as psychedelic compounds disorder
Becacuse the VA is controlled by the federal government. Veterans who use even cannabis cannot receive or be prescribed this by the VA. It will be 100 years before we can get this and/or psychedelic compounds.
How can we become part of the research trials for this?
I want to use this treatment!! Please contact me
Who are you talking to ?
This is an article in an online newspaper.
Who are you talking to and asking them to contact you ?
It’s like yelling into the wind !
No one can hear you…
Are you a physician with the trial?? If not than I’m not talking to you.
I’m not talking to you! So don’t single me out and say anything if your not a professional with the trial.
I would like to be considered for testing with psychedelics to help with PTSD and other issues
I’m interested in psychedelics for Psd have the symptoms.
As a veteran with mental health diagnosis this is something I can support! This is great progress in positive non-chemical drug solutions! Let us know when we can get started & see real healing results!
Please provide contact information. Thank you.
I pray you can get this treatment to the Vets as soon as possible. I lost my 100% disabled (all PTSD) Vietnam Veteran husband a year ago. He never found relief from his PTSD, and I pray others can in a timely manner.
This pending legislation is something you may want to follow if your late veteran meets certain guidelines:
This bill increases the monthly rate of dependency and indemnity compensation payable to surviving spouses through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Dependency and indemnity compensation is a monthly payment made to eligible survivors (i.e., spouses, parents, or children) of (1) certain veterans who died as a result of a service-connected condition; (2) service members killed while on active military duty or active or inactive duty for training; or (3) veterans who did not die from a service-connected condition, but were totally disabled by a service-connected disability for a certain period of time.
The bill also (1) reduces, from 10 years to 5 years, the period of time that certain veterans must have been rated totally disabled due to a service-connected disability in order for a survivor to qualify for benefits; and (2) specifies the amount that is payable to survivors of veterans who were rated totally disabled for a period of less than 10 years before their death.
Sorry for your loss @ Sheila Reed. The Va always wants to shove anti-depressants down our throat . I took Myslef off of them , and said no . The side effects to those drugs were worse . Micro-dosing with shrooms , I am willing to try . The only problem is getting all the Va’s on board. If I were to move and one Va doesn’t cover it , they would label us vets as drug seekers .
I would like to be a part of this clinical trial study. Please contact Uzodinma Onuora
BRING IT ON! I would like to be part of your trial, WHAT’S THE HOLD – UP?
Coming from a home of drug addicts and constant domestic violence. The list of abuse can go on. Also, living in poverty in gang related neighborhoods. What help deal with this traumatic experience was ayahuasca. Im able to feel emotions again. It helped me not smoke and even stopped me from drinkin. I had to force myself to start, haha but even then its not like before. I can drink and not look disgusted ( pure hatred) at myself in the mirror. The only thing that stayed the same was the saftey habits. Im glad i got emotions back!!
I will try most anything to replace or rid the VA medicine for PTSD that makes me lazy to where I have to force myself to get up, get out and stay active. If not, I’d sleep most of the day.
It’s odd to me that they are adding possible hallucination causing treatments when the VA lowers the numbers for low Testosterone down to numbers in the 150s rather than the normal standard of 300 in order to save money from treating the effects of low T that look and act very similarly to depression anxiety and ptsd. Low T is an easy fix. It’s almost like there is a new industry being built on ptsd and there is a cash flow in having enough military members with to continue getting that federal money. Just do the veteran a solid and treat Low T at the 300 and below level and you’ll see many feel and act mentally healthier.
Not touching psychedelics. My treatment that I am on is working very well, thank you.
I would like the “Peyote and Sweat Tent” plan please. Maybe some Enigma Shrooms too.
I’m interested in any upcoming trials.
I would consider this treatment…but why bother on us older Vets.
When will there be new trial openings?
It’s sad that you are barely looking to do this. Shrooms do wonders for ptsd and depression. If you push this to be issued out freely before the end of 2023 I will believe the va looking out for us. You gave me oxycodone for years but now natural has been studied 10 years now and not released. Think we are stupid? Because we see and we learn. You have proven that you don’t care many times over. Maybe try another approach? Just care…
About time and marijuana is cheaper then paying for medication that you have to keep checking your liver and kidney functions I smoke marijuana I’m 100 percent service connected with PTSD and Bipolar the farmers would be cheaper then the Pharmacutical Companies making Billions
Article lacking the description of what psychedelics are being considered.
how do i participate in the trials
I would be interested in participating in this trial. Currently diagnosed with multiple mental health issues and prefer an alternative treatment aside from taking pills everyday that seem to numb me along with alcohol use.
This is old news and too little too late. There isn’t even a war anymore and by the time this does become available or even any kind of structured national system it will be far too late for many vets.
We’ve known the results for years. What we want is an actual timeline on these things and not some ooh and ahh story about what might come to us.
How do we become part of this trial?
Finally! I travelled to Peru to seek treatment and it was the best decision I’ve ever made for my mental health. It was a tough decision because I’ve never tried psychedelics before but it had made a huge difference.
I’m glad the VA is recognizing the benefits of this type of treatment.
Wishing you all the best!
I would be interested in exploring this type of treatment.
They will not give the needed meds when you are on them.
This is a bad idea.
Your gonna give trained killers suffering with pts psycadellics but the va is opposed to cannabis.What if the veteran has a bad trip starts thinking hes back in war you guys gonna do what this whole idea is bad.Its always about ways the goverment can better control you and make you comply that’s what it’s truly about.
I would very much like to be apart of this study. Who is the point of contact for this research?
I’d like to know more about this.
How can I help? I would like to participate as a clinical or research assistant, therapeutic guide, etc.
Hello, I’m interested in participating in a trial for therapeutic psilocybin or MDMA.
Wait, Y’all got drugs?
I am a Spanish psychiatrist based in Madrid. I have received many soldiers and NATO workers with mental health problems over the years.
I will make here a call for precaution for all these “new approaches” (“all options are on the table”, you write) that include the use of extasis and amphetamines. In other words, medications that make out of a mental suffering another one. I speak about the severe issue of dependence and withdrawal.
Be please very careful in the prescription of medications that can induce severe manic episodes or even bipolar disorders type I or II. Not to speak of psychotic episodes in the frame of a severe withdrawal syndrome.
IMHO, all these induced psychopathology destroys the patients and their families more then the index disorder (like PTSD for instance).
While you’re at it, lets have a big “Pot Party” at the VA. You can hand out Quaaludes, Asid and Weed! WTH!
Schedule I Controlled Substances
Substances in this schedule have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of substances listed in Schedule I are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), peyote, methaqualone, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“Ecstasy”).
Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of the drug on hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel. The Central Intelligence Agency’s covert operation, the MK-ULTRA program, which ran from 1953 to 1964, SF Weekly fully exposes the bizarre world of the CIA’s unethical drug tests.
I tried to talk with my VA psychologist about “Magic Mushroom” therapy but he wouldn’t even discuss it because of federal restrictions. I’m pleased that a new crop of medical professionals and scientists are studying the benefits of Psychedelics. I would volunteer for this study.
i have PTSD and i am bipolar depressed…..i have been free of alcohol and drugs since december 1989 and very concerned about taking any kind of drug that would potentially get me high…..i would need more info about this before applying to participate
I would like to be considered as one of the veterans willing to be apart of the trials, I need help with my PTSD.
Loxie U. Sanders III
100%Army Veteran
I’m an active duty veteran and have been participating in self healing with Psilocybin. Microdosing has helped with my anger outbursts.
I had psychedelic treatment at a state license facility and had to pay for it out of pocket because the VA wouldn’t pay.
It definitely works or I would not be alive today. It would have been nice to have some help.
When is this treatment available? I have treatment resistant major depressive illness, I have been waiting months for ketamine, which isn’t available..
I would like to be part of this trial
This is crazy! They will treat everything except actual physical pain! Why don’t they talk about that!
Using LSD no matter it purity would be a benefit to veteran with PTSD , I’m speaking from experience as I have used 100 + times I’m 70 yrs old years service usmc , when you give someone lsd , going through the stages , a person with a more of a affraid or paranoid mind will conjure the most frightening moments of their life , that would be in the first stages and some people got stuck in that stage common occurrence ,
Don’t put our warriors and the best we have through that ,
I’ve eaten mushrooms it’s a similar experience but not the same harsh intensity as LSD , I wouldn’t think that a doctor under 35 has done any drugs other than smoke some pot snorted a little coke ! Lsd will no let the devil out of a person’s brain, I don’t drink or smoke pot any more so of a sober mind I would urge you not to use lsd on veteran’s with ptsd they have given there all , your president gave what our veterans deserve , The fool should have sent Marines ! Job over ,
I have asked about this in the past. I will try anything to get help.
Don’t think about it just do it! I’ve seen studies where psychedelics work for the majority. Some NFL quarterbacks use it to keep focus sharp. It gives old people clarity. It’s not addictive. It’s better than a bottle of booze!
Hello, I have multiple Psych problems. I would be very interested in being a part of your trial. I am on Medical Assisted therapy for substance abuse. I am one of thousands of veterans who are stuck on this medicine for the rest of our lives. I would like to detox off this medication with the use of this new therapy. THANK YOU, RICK RUNDLE
Don’t trust them. They will f-ck you over like they did me with the ketamine. They will Cause more damage to your mind with the bullsh-t! San Diego VAMC Sucks!
Dony trust them. They will f-ck you over like they did me with the ketamine. They will Cause more damage to your mind with the bullsh-t!
Cannibas for Veterans is a great idea
Medical facts exist already.
In real time.
About time, been doing research, and waiting for the VA to offer this option. PTSD/Mental Issues is a life ruiner. Every option should be considered so Vets can get and enjoy their lives.
I volunteer as a female veteran with a mental health issue, PTSD, as a result of MST. I am 57 years old and would love to safely explore psychedelic therapy.
I have Parkinson’s disease and am very interested in this program.
Please contact me.
I live in Oregon. Is there any trials that are available here.? 100 % Cronic PTSD service connected veteran.
I commend the VA for this! VA is a big part of my life. Never thot I would see this.
Psychedelics is spelled wrong in your link. It’s p-s-y-c-h-e, not -a.
Which means people searching for it will not find it, nor will it show in optimized searches with the correct spelling.
Not the most convincing first impression for recruiting support. Doctors who can’t even spell their topic. -yikes
Is there currently a research study that is possible to sign up for?
How can I get screened for this trial?
I have 4-6 othe mental disorders besides ptsd..100% service connected for it..I would like to participate
If a veteran has “sucess” with treatment of their PTSD, does that mean they no longer qualify for their disability rating for it?
@ Shay Sanders good question.
How do I sign up to be on the trial I am a 100 percent connected for combat ptsd?
I would like to participate in a VA supported psychedelic assisted therapy study for anxiety and depression.
I have been on these antidepressants,and anxiety medication for the past nine years. All they do is dull my senses I feel like I’m emotionless and dead inside. I was admitted to the psych ward two times for suicidal ideation and attempted suicidal. I eventually found this IV Ketamine therapy that made me feel like my old self again, only problem is it’s expensive and I can’t afford all the treatments. Trying three or more of these antidepressants medication that doesn’t work put you in a class of Treatment Resistant Depression yet the VA ignore this and continue to pump me full of different medication except the ones the actual work. I’m begging and pleading for HELP can I be considered for you studies, I’m at the last of my ropes and need this help
My primary care doctor that I thank the Lord for finding has been extremely supportive in helping to find alternative therapies for my PTSD, MST, anxiety and depression. He said he thinks I would be a great candidate for micro dosing. It honestly makes me a little nervous and at the same time wanting to jump right in. I wish it was that simple. Just typing this comment gets me emotional. I am so ready to try something different to help me and my family. I feel like my marriage is slipping away and I don’t know what else to do. I’m the one who needs to do the work.
How closely are you working with the veterans from Special Forces, SEALs, Marine Raiders, CCTs, TACPs, and Rangers from Regiment? We are the ones who experience the most issues per capita and need solutions outside of the medical industrial complex.
You are 100% correct! Please check out these 2 websites:
Over 1000 Vets (SOF, with multiple deployments) have been treated, OUTSIDE of the USA, with funding from private donors.
They both have LONG waiting lists.
Don’t give up!
I would like to take participate in this…
I’m 100% service connected anxiety/depression
The Lawrence Psychedelic Society changed my life. ????
This is going to have very promising results. In Utah ( and im sure other states ) have been treating drug addiction with a combination of typical treatment and in combination with psychedelics in a therapeutic setting. MDMA Ketamine and Mushrooms all have the ability to create lasting positive change if done with the right intention of clearing out the past unresolved issues that many of us are brainwashed into just letting it eat us from the inside out. Sign me up.
I would love to participate in any trials related to this.
An open mind to what works is the key to our struggles. I feel that these types of research groups are key to using more natural and some chemical treatments to piece the puzzle of the mind and it’s reactions to create another pathway that’s not as painful and being able to understand how to alleviate or stop the issues we combat vets are plagued by RET. SSG. US ARMY
I’m willing to try anything at this point as I do suffer from severe PTSD, anxiety and depression. How would this treatment be available to a veteran if applicable.
When is the VA going to authorize, support, and fund psychedelic assisted therapy for PTSD? We who suffer await a response.
Wow! Look at the comments. So many open to psilocybin. Hmmmm
I will volunteer for almost any trial on psilocybin. Please contact me for any trial/study.
This is life-changing news. Bravo VA
Great idea to help. I’m up for it, and grateful for important research
I wish this was available already. I can’t metabolise mental health medications or painkillers so I self medicated using THC for two years but without medical professional assistance I ended up with a severe dependency and I began having allergic reactions to THC. I have severe PTSD from an MST that’s well documented but I struggle with zero medication options.
I would be interested in taking part in this
This is a truly interesting development. I would be very interested in participating in any trials that may be administered in the future. I’m tired of the “dead” or detached feeling that comes with the prescription medicines I receive for my own mental health issues.
I would be interested in being part of the trial. Thank you
I would like to be better , I would like to participate in a h trial , maybe it will help me and other veterans
I understand the VA needs to do their own research, however there has been numerous research/clinical trails on the use of psychedelics to treat PTSD and Major Depression which produced positive results. The VA and Federal Government need to get on board with the use of psychedelic assisted therapies.
I would also be interested in participating in the research/trials to address my Major Depression and PTSD. I have been on medications for 20+ yrs and prior to that self medicated for 20+ yrs as many Veterans do, unfortunately.
How do we sign up?
I’ve been self medicating with them for some time now. Really helps
I would like to be considered for the trials. I have been diagnosed with PTSD from deployments. Thank you
Is their a formal process to apply for entrance into such a therapeutic trial.
I hope he use of psychedelic drugs is well managed! Giving people LSD is indeed risky and needs to be well regulated. There are options of course. Other hallucinogens such as peyotes orushroomsvcoukd be given in very minute quantities as to not overdose the users. However , there are other drugs that don’t put the user at risk. This research should be done to evaluate the outcome and determine a cute ,as small doses do well in treating PTSD and other mental and emotional problems,plus a good teaching of well being and solitude. Best of luck implementing this program ,and I hope your team uses caution and care ..
I a 100% Service Connected Disabled Veteran with 100% PTSD and can’t get any help from The VA.
Iron mountain Oscar G Johnson Chief of Staff is an -sshole and I’m in fear for my life to have them treat me anymore.
I have read that these drugs can be life changing. Sometimes only a couple of sessions are needed. Happy to see the VA exploring this option.
It’s a shame that no organization–VA or otherwise–has a therapy for keeping Vets from jerking their knees irreparably. Please use fewer caps; we’re not deaf.
I had presented such cases to the psychologists whom I had meetings with and they weren’t too sure of it. They were more pricy to the herbal supplementation you would find such as ginseng and other remedies like tongkat ali, but not to psychedelic mushrooms, and other items. It is great to see the Mikitary finally shifting its perspective. It would be great for them to introduce other items lioe reishi mushroom whole and extracts, and other items used for thousands of years in aiding people to better their physical and mental health. Anything at the level of mentsl will also help the emotional and physical bodies as all are interconnected to spirit and its energy. I would like to be a test subject for the use of psychedelic mushrooms if possible, since I have the scientific mind already embedded witihin me and am not afraid of testing max doses as necessary. Since i feel things on a much deeper level testing the min doses would be great as well, and would serve not just my intellect but also the greatness that is the Army corp itself. Considerations as an ambassador of this area of study would be great, if so email me
I would love to take part in the study @ VA
I have done psychedeiics on my own during and post Viet Nam. I found some clarity, and insight.
I would very much like to be a part of this study, for your data and my satisfaction.
I’m interested to be apart of the trial
This is great news, and I am a little surprised but very pleased that the VA is moving towards this forward thinking, researching and implementing! Good job and gives me hope I I too am a Desert Storm Veteran who suffers with PTSD etc. I just stopped reaching out after years and years of seeking help but finding no relief and I lost faith, so I just decided to try to endure it on my own, which incidentally I found out recently, only made it worse. I would love to be on any trials if I am a fit for this or any other possible future research for safe and effective treatments. Thank you and thank you for sharing this new with all of us.
When will treatment be available? I also wouldn’t mind helping with the trials. I’m a disabled veteran with mental health disorders, to include PTSD.
I wish mushroom or microdosing was an option. It’s the only thing I felt really worked. That was decades ago with a fellow veteran from Oregon who turned me on to them.
If you need anyone for trials, Please consider me. I have asked numerous times if that could be an option, always told No. Please help. Legalize medicinal use NOW.
Thank you.
It’s sad that the VA is resorting to these types of drugs. I had a lot of friends in the 1960’s who tried psychedelics. Most didn’t live to see the 1970’s.
I’ve been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and social anxiety from the military I’d like to be a part of this how can I sign up
I would like to be considered as well so please contact me with more details
I am interested in being part of the trial I suffer from PTSD suicidal ideation and bipolar 1 with anxiety and panic attacks
I am very interested in finding out more.
Kudos, but why haven’t we had legislation for medicinal use cannabis in the Veteran population to start with?
So they won’t prescribe/allow me to smoke Marijuana to help me but they’re completely okay with giving me more drugs.
Are there are any clinical trials in the better Houston metropolitan area, or Texas City, TX? Sounds very interesting. For my mental health I’ve been on the same medication for at least a decade. The problem I have is chronic pain that then turns into anxiety because I can’t think around the pain. I recently decided to research the edible gummies with CBD & THC Delta 9. I was shocked how well they work. In my younger life I did diddle around with THC, a joint, but after I was discharged I haven’t been able to allow myself to ever feel vulnerable or trusting towards my surroundings.
I’ve been working with VA counselors for years and choosing to
“unarming my mind & allowing myself to be vulnerable. I haven’t been able to mentally “drop my pack” for over 22 years. If I’m able to actually try new age medication with the supervision of a team of doctors. To be 100% specific, when my nerve damage causes enough pain it triggers full blown memory panic attacks.
PLEASE CONSIDER MYSELF. I’m highly self motivated and would be grateful to look at life with a “new pair of glasses”
Semper Fi
I’m an Afghanistan Veteran. I have been battling for years. I am willing to try anything. Please sign me up for the trials.
Have service connected Ptsd and would like to participate.
I would think they would research cannabis and CBD as well.
how do I sign up for this study.
Yes! This type of therapy has been studied since the 60s and is proven to do what opioids, I mean “medicine” has failed to do. This stuff literally cures/ severely reduces heroin (opioid) addictions within 24- 72 hours. A good resource about this topic is Trevor Millar. You can hear an interview with him from The Shawn Ryan Show and he talks about all the advantages of this. A great one to follow it up with would be the interview with Marcus Capone.
Is this trial still available and where can more information on how to apply be found?
This is more disgusting and absolutely insane idiocy by this administration and when will it end!?!?!? I guess you have to be trippin on acid to think this is a good idea! Maybe thats why these idiots gave up Bagram and kicked out thousands of experienced service members for not taking the jab bc they were all wacked out on LSD. This is appalling beyond words and you idiots continue to try and solve spiritual problems with earthly wisdom and thats the problem, you willfully deny God and come up with garbabge like this. YOU ARE GOING TO HURT AND KILL PEOPLE!!!
I support this. This would certainly be beneficial for many different reasons.
I would love to be part of this.
I would love to be part of this trial! Please contact me if possible.
Where are these trials taking place?
I participated in a Ketamine study at Mpls MN VA Hospital it was a double blind study. They could tell by my reaction to the infusion that I had the ketamine and not the placebo. To get to the point it worked., it was like switching a light off. I had mdd for many years and tried every group of depression medication over 10 years and two suicide attempts. Nothing worked and I was at high risk of suicide. Ketamine infusions work for me. The bad news is the VA doesn’t provide this treatment. So I have to get my infusions in public clinics., at my expense even though I am 100% service-connected Disabled permanent. I just wanted you to know that it worked for me an nothing else did. I don’t know why I have to pay for it. I have maintenance infusions every 3-4 weeks to keep me depression free. Thank you for the video it was awesome.
How do they pick the cases to study? Is there a sign up option? What have we learned so far with this style of mental health?
I’m very interested and would like to know more.
I can tell you right now, it’s the only thing that’s worked for me since I got home.
Why limit it to treatment of PTSD? I’ve heard there might be some efficacy for chronic pain sufferers.
Most asinine thing I have ever heard. Don’t you people remember the 60s with bad trips and not ever being normal again. What about the experiments in the 50s with LSD in the army. US had to go to Montreal for that to be made possible. It’s against the law. You will ruin people’s lives.
I would like to try this. Why is there no info on signing up for it?
My dead friends keep coming to me to talk . I think they should go to you to talk , I’m tired of them .
Is Marijuana going to be considered?
I had six sessions of ketamine. My PTSD disappeared and, after 50 years my depression is barely noticeable. I now have my life back.
I would like to b part of the trial and I know for a fact it helps
I am interested.
How do I join the psychedelic treatment program?
Can I please be apart of the trial
I would be very interested in participating in this study. I suffer from aggressive PTSD.
Please list any and all clinical trials and their availability.
I volunteer!
Blah, blah, blah… that’s all it is. Typical VA bureaucracy. I’ve been reaching out for help at the va in New Orleans and and they seem to take comfort in putting the blame on me. I’ve been having better luck going to look for options on the street. I don’t care anymore.
I’m a good candidate for the trial. I have done acid and mushrooms they work. But I can’t afford them anymore. I would like to be considered for a candidate.
I am a veteran who would like to be a part of this study. Please contact me.
I volunteer as tribute
100% BEBE. When can I can start?
I like that the VA is finally exploring other options. I struggle daily with ptsd and nightmares and the meds only do so much. I would love to see if something like this works. Joe Rogan is a big advovate for it, so is Mike Tyson. ?? ??
Please contact me I would like to participate in the trial
Count me in!
please keep me in mind for ur trial. i was in vietnam for 30 months
I’m pleased to see such forward thinking from my VA. More please!
Yes please
I need help, but I don’t have va Medicare. Do they that blue cross blue shield private insurance.
Approving narcotic pain medicine enables a person to be more active and motivated. I live with pain in my senior years and life would be much better physically and mentally with proper pain medication.
every time the VA finds out something works they cancel it. long term ptsd groups? most all got axed, longer term 1 on 1, good luck, they just try to act like they care
How do veterans qualify for treatment, experimental or otherwise?
Acid, For PTSD is fine. Yet I can not use THC for my documented issues.
I would like to participate in the trial of psychotropic drugs.
Would like to participate in study,please.
Not logical to me. ECT may be best.
Where do I sign up?
I have suffered over 40 years from mental illness and 20 years now with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, extreme, chronic pain all over my body with chronic fatigue, insomnia, and weakness of muscles I had watched an ESPN special on how controlled environment with the use of psychedelics had helped many people with trauma please by any chance I would like to be a candidate thank you
Im a 61yr old male diagnosed with PTSD. I served in the USMC for 4 years stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC. I feel my PTSD and Anxiety is increasing as I age. I’m very interested in participating in the trial. I have family, friends and Providers active in my life. I have been interested in this practice for many years. A Grateful Veteran.
Where do I sign up to be a study subject
I have been looking into this for treatment for my chronic pain. I would be interested in to your study if that’s possible.
Where can I get more information about the possibility of participating?? Please.
I’m wondering if there has been or there might be, a study with veterans that are experiencing chronic pain. I thought I might have read something about it.
I am a Vietnam vet that has been having reported pain since 2003. The options I presently take dull the pain fipor a short time, but never the full interval before next dose.
If there becomes a study, I would volunteer as a test subject. One day of full relief and I could dance a song with my wife of 53 years.
Sign me up
Let me know when there trials.
Is this treatment available for veterans with chronic anxiety and Bipolar disorder?
As a parent with a teenage daughter suffering from ptsd and suicidal ideation. We sought many types of medical help and after seeking all types of treatment we finally found that ketamine therapy helped. She managed to get 8 sessions covered before tricare then denied. And they only denied after we filed for travel reimbursement. She is currently no longer on medication which is great but she still suffers. But it’s not like it was before ketamine treatment.
Thank you for this informative podcast. All options need to be on the table, and the VA is best-suited for conducting this promising and much-needed research into MDMA and psilocybin assisted psychotherapy for veterans. My hope is that the ball gets rolling ASAP, before more lives are needlessly lost due to suicide and/or substance use disorder.
Are they looking for volunteers for testing of psychedelic therapy? I’ve been treated for PTSD amongst other TBI symptoms for 10 years now. Ive done extensive research for CBD/THC medicinal use for PTSD. I’ve only briefly heard of psychedelics but know of history from Sociology and Anthology courses in college. If so please contact me.
Thats insane! psychedelics can be a bad thing for people with PTSD! it could send them right back into the war zone!!! it’s well known cannabis (THC) helps with depression and PTSD and other brain issues.. Just legalize Cannabis use …do not go with psychedelics!
Finally, the military is overcoming biases in medical treatment and coming to the cutting edge in overcoming the diagnostic trap of PTSD and moving towards the PTSD-G model! Relief coupled with life goal setting to focus on (G)rowth is a model for recovery. Thank God for organizations like Boulder Crest that have championed this approach.
Glad to see the VA is involved in this issue!
Marijuana was a great help for me and ptsd.
Very interesting and NEED it… stop hiding what really works in the name of our FAMILIES…
How can I be part of the studies????
You can’t even get it right with cannabis, so to even entertain this is a joke. I was *just* told yesterday by a nurse at an OPC that if I used cannabis, even under a doctor’s supervision,I would be denied testosterone replacement therapy,and they’d stop all my scripts immediately. So please, spare me the theatrics. This has about as much chance of happening as me getting accurate diagnoses from the VA. Please, call me and let’s talk.
How do veterans sign up for the trials?
I am a Vietnam Vet with PTSD. I have 22 years working with drug addicted veterans who have used all types of psychoactive drugs some prescribed by doctors. The only thing that worked was long term in patient talk therapy.
I have read some brief news about these procedures. How would I know if these would help me forget my times in the Navy? That’s my one nightmare, I’m back in the Navy and I’m desparate to get out of there. I know now that that is PTSD, but I’ve not approached the VA with this complaint. I am finding though at the age of 62, I really want to find a way to resolve those dreams. Pls advise if I qualify to be a participant in these trials. R/Scott
Finally. I have been using shrooms off/on to cope with anxiety/ptsd/insomnia for 5 months now. I find that I mellow out more than drinking liquor with them. I would be happy to join any studies because I feel like there is some positivity. Shrooms are not destroying my heart like liquor…
I’m interested in these trials. Who do I contact?
I would like to be in the program, how does a veteran qualify?
This is a lie and will never come to fruition. The experts already know how psychedelics will help veterans through an ego death, hence allowing them to touch back down.
The VA doctors won’t even acknowledge VHA directive 1315. Which to me is complete disregard and discrimination towards the veterans in compliance. Why even have a policy if it’s not upheld.
Where is the leadership at?
I am a big proponent of this as I experienced this treatment and it led me to pursue a degree in psychology and now towards Masters/PhD. It’s in clinical trials and will be the future of treating PTSD effectively .
I would love to be a part of this study.
Was this trial conducted on Women with PTSD? If not all inclusive then the trial is NULL to treat all Veterans. Also, I would love to look at the research model as well as the testing methods and results. Thank you for your time.
This is great, now work on medical Marijuana for vets!
I would definitely participate!!!
I am a veteran with severe Depression, severe OCD, and possibly PTSD, for sure Social Anxiety Disorder if not PTSD. If I do qualify for any survey’s, then I’d be very much so interested in helping take part in the survey.
This trial was conducted nine years ago! Nine!! Out in town I can go in as a new patient off the street and have ketamine treatments done as a walk in with doctor and nurse supervision with money out of my pocket. But the VA won’t support this treatment today? SAD!!! Typical VA STANDARD. Let’s just keep putting off treatments that could potentially cure individuals and no need for pill popping the rest of some of our lives. Disgrace.
It’s time and I’m ready. 100% disabled, ssd, retired
I am very interested in your PTSD study trials and would like to volunteer to hopefully see if it can help me.
What VA Facilities will be participating in the trials.
“VA is committed to safely exploring all avenues that promote the health of our nation’s Veterans”
That is a lie. Everyday Veterans commit suicide and the VA did nothing. The VA is filled with people who are looking to fill in an 8 hour day. It’s just a job to them. They don’t are about anything but the money in their pockets. This is more smoke and mirrors . Their trying to make it look like they are earning their pay. They won’t let Vets have Cannabis. They won’t let Vets have psychedelics . They can’t have anything but big pharma junk that destroys your organs. Open your eyes people. Your on your own.
Finally, psychedelics are getting the credence they deserve for these issues. Congrats for moving forward. I have been through you Poly Trauma program in La Holla for a brain injury. Please contact me about any trials available near San Diego.
Many thanks,
Few questions. First, are there still studies going on? Secondly, how do I become a participant in said studies.
The company that does this kind of treatment study is called multidisciplinary association for psychedelic studies, They are who you contact. But you have to be a proper fit and they have to have a trial in your area or an area you can get to easily.
So are psychedelic treatments available now?
How can I be a part of the trial as I am a disabled vet with PTSD?
I suffer from PTSD and would like to participate in the trail. When would the trail be available. Is it offered in texas or tennessee? Thank you.
Hey and good evening, I’d like to try it as well in a supervised setting.
I’ve struggled with ptsd, Gulf war Illness, undiagnosed, among other issues that came about because of the war. I wish that the treatments were available for us to try.
I would love to be a lab rodent for this. I’ve got multiple neuropsych evals documenting measurable healing from TBIs (with more healing left to go), so I’m a good Guinea Pig with a plethora of hard data to work with as a baseline. Please feel free to reach out—I want my brain back as close to 100% as possible and this has been on my bucket list for a while.
I like this! I have been reading and seeing therapies with success on a guided therapy using psychedelics. I wouldn’t want to try it if it were not. Super excited to hear the VA could possibly off this to Veterans. Please if your asking sign me up! I’m a Veteran who hopes to benefit from MST, and PSTD.
Sign me up
I’ve recently started taking shrooms to help with my depression and anxiety. Because Texas legislators are dick bags and the VA is absolute garbage, I’ve been forced to find alternate medications. Weed for pain and shrooms for the other stuff. They’ll break you and then say it isn’t service related and lie in medical files with visual evidence right there to the contrary.
I am a Combat Vet that is diagnosed with PTSD, among other things. I WOULD LOVE to take part in this! Either be a participant in a study or research, or whatever.
Please get back to me and let me know.
Giving out extacy but not thc chewables
Where is the common sense?
I would like to participate as well.
At what VA hospital will this be offered???? I’m in N.C.
When testing is available please contact me. I would take the shot through my neck that I seen on 60 minutes to help my anxiety/depression/ptsd
Please offer this for Veterans
ive tried everything and still suffer from this shit. i hope they don’t take too long
I volunteer as tribute for the trials.
I am a Marine veteran with VA diagnosed PTSD. I am rated at 70% but get paid at the 100% rate due to Unemployability. I do get medicated for PTSD but it doesn’t always seem to be adequate treatment. I would be interested in participating in your trial, if that is a possibility. Contact me at your earliest convenience.
With a quality product administered at the right doses, possibly even one dose, natural psychedelics have been known to change people’s dispositions and minds for the long-term. It’s not for everybody but people that are suffering from chronic maladies where conventional treatments are not working, why not do something to help these people that is natural. Remember that these psychedelics can be administered in very small doses so as not to incur any kind of emotional or mental trauma. Excellent article and I’m happy to see the VA is looking at all of this. The VA has been very supportive of my use of CBD in order to help severe sleep issues. CBD has no side effects.
The reason for self medicating with psychedelics is reason enough to get it in VA clinics so it can be monitored. I paid out of pocket for a clinically administered ketamine treatment and the benefits far outweigh the political bs.
I’ve been diagnosed with several disorders and I would like to be considered for this type of treatment.
How do we get involved with these studies? I only recently earned my bachelor’s in psychology, but I would love to find employment in this area!
id like to try this treatment.
These work absolute wonders. It would be amazing to have a guided experience
Ya. Seems to help. Widowed 2020. VA kicks us under the bus
No care for me over 65yo
Ill get it dun
I feel like I’m literally running out of options. How can I get referred? I’ve asked so many times for ketamine treatment because I really need it, but the VA psychology department in Milwaukee literally doesn’t give a f-ck about vets. They treat us as if we work for them and try by any means necessary to shut you up. I want to see a psychiatrist at the VA again instead of paying out of pocket for one but they just do not care or listen when I literally beg for help. It’s going to be 23 a day at the rate things are going, I’ve lost so many friends that I just don’t even bother making any anymore.
My name is Brett Short; y’all know my history as well as my diagnosis(s).
I am willing to be a participant in the trial.
I’d be interested in this process.
I have suffered from mental illness most of my life. Have seen many Doctors with the VA and nothing has helped. I would be happy to volunteer. QM2 Newark, Ohio
I am currently using ketamine, under supervision in conjunction with VA exposure therapy. My VA therapist is amazing and we have finally, after 25 years of therapy, been able to lead me down a path that I hadnt been able to explore prior. The combination of a great therapist and ketamine treatment has been a life changer. It has allowed me to explore the difficult emotions that come with exposure therapy by assisting me explore the true, more appropriate, emotions that I have been unable to get to before now. Furthermore, it has lessened the symptoms of treatment resistant depression and anxiety. For the first time in over 30 years I feel hopeful.
Unfortunately, I am paying out of pocket. I am lucky enough to have the income to cover it. However, I think the VA owes all veterans the opportunity to receive treatments that have the potential to improve quality of life.
This is very progressive thinking, I’m impressed.
Great, how about we also train VA mental health provider to not shame/blame everything on these treatments. I’m a medical marijuana treatment benefactor and I’m able to do way more on MM than off, however I’ve come across 8 “professionals” who claim that all my problems are weed related.
I am a veteran with PRSD, and I would like to participate, please contact me.
Sign me up, if you choose.
Sincerely, DI
How do you volunteer for the trials?
The VA has used me as a guinea pig for just about every pill they can dream up. What’s one more? I’m 100% P&T homebound. Plus a full 100% for PTSD and MDD.
Just wondering about how to find out more about participating in trails for psychedelics treating substance abuse, especially alcohol.
You can add me to the list for testing.
I read about a company called COMPASS Pathways plc that is looking at a psilocybin therapy that is in Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of treatment-resistant depression; and is in Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of post-traumatic. Is the VA using this company as a resource ?
Interesting article
Risk is too high? This must come from someone who has everything to live for. They shouldn’t making decisions for us if they don’t know us
I would like to participate in the trials.
This is great to see the VA exploring options and pushing boundaries to help fellow Veterans. It’s complex work and I applaud the efforts. Semper Fi!
It’s about time. Perhaps they might actually try using it in a wide spread trial through out the VA and then, just maybe, it will become accepted by the nay sayers. I’ve heard and read of the many times it has been instrumental in freeing veterans from the prison of PTSD. It’s even been called miraculous. I can’t understand what the hold up is. The presence of qualified medical personnel and the safe manufacture of the psychedelic substances assures the safety of the therapeutic session. I’ll bet the same could be true for THC products used under the same conditions for a therapeutic experience.
I would ask if you would include me kind sirs? Ty
I have been diagnosed with PTSD. I also have Parkinson’s Disease, lower back pain, and neuropathy. I’m interested in anything that would possibly help.
Please include myself in your trials. Most recently diagnosed with treatment resistant on top of decades diagnosed m.d.d. & p.t.s.d. amongst a lengthy list. Something has to work for me…anything?????
I’m a Viet Nam veteran. I was diagnosed with chronic PTSD last December, 2022. VA gave me a 50 % disability rating on top of my existing 40% rating for the wounds I received in Viet Nam. I was an Infantry Officer. Though I do not have suicidal thoughts, I do have several of the PTSD symptoms. Would this psychadelics therapy be available to me?
I want to participate in the trials.
How can I volunteer to participate?
I’m willing to try anything to alleviate symptoms from mental illnesses. I believe this could be the future in treatments for several disorders
I was being treated with Ketamine infusions for chronic depression but most recently have been denied (from what I understand) further treatment at a Community Care provider. I am interested in any information that you can provide.
Nothing has worked for me. How do I try this?
I want to know more.
I would like to be part of your trail
I am really interested in these studies, please let me know if you need more participants. Or when more information is available.
I think this could help me
I am very interested. How can we at least be placed on a waiting list?
I would like to participate in any trials
How do I sign up for this experience?
If at all possible I would volunteer to utilize this type of therapy.
If the trial period opens back up how can we sign up for study? I would want to be included in the study. Mental health and PTSD I know all too well.
I would love to take part in program I have many mental issues
I would love to be included I have many mental issues
What VA facilities are prescribing and running the psychedelic programs ?
I have chronic, severe PTSD. Can I participate in the trials? I am P+T sure to PTSD.
I have 4 Mental Disorders documented When would treatment be available To the Vet?
Thank You
I would like to be apart of treatment.
If there’s a trial/study at the Minneapolis VA I’d very much be interested in participating.
This would be great if would ever come to fruition. I’ve been asking for alternative to chemical meds for years to no avail.
I am 100% Service Connected & would very much appreciate any additional information regarding how to participate in these trials.
I would be interested in alternative treatments for pain. I have a disability for back pain and the pain medication don’t help much.
Interesting article. I’d be interested in learning more as well
“The risk for serious injury or death from using drugs that are not prescribed under the care of a medical professional is too high.” Kinda feel like the military was a higher risk…
I would like to be part of your trial, please contact Dijuan Barber
Hey Dijuan, I don’t think anyone involved in the trail would ever contact you from your comment on this site, because these comments are only meant for discussion and not for anyone seeking care. Your best bet is probably to ask your VA mental health counselor or primary care doctor. BUT – since these are the same people who won’t use THC or even (in most cases) “let” their patients use it even where it’s perfectly legal because it’s a federally banned substance, I doubt any of us will ever really see anything come of this. That said, the VA genuinely seems to be trying to do right by veterans for the most part, so please don’t suffer in silence if you’re not currently getting care from them that you might be eligible for. Even if you’ve had bad experiences in the past, I’ve seen a good deal of improvement in the care that’s available to veterans from VA medical centers and Veteran Centers, so I hope you’re not going without help you deserve to be getting. Best of luck with everything.
So now all the drugs I did while I was in the military can be prescribed to me.
I am absolutely interested. I do not care about repercussions. Losing everything will not hurt me, it is gone regardless. Nothing has worked up to this point. I will accept any new option regardless of circumstances.
Even though Los Angeles VA has ketamine treatments I was denied because I’m 75 years old. What b*******
I have PTSD and Major Depression with Social disorder since 2006. What options do I have?
If the science supports it. Give me a f****** break
The cultivation community saved my life. I whole heartedly support this research.
I am very interested as I am a woman Veteran Warrior with complex PTSD and a woman in recovery. My goal is to continue to seek holistic therapeutic treatment which I am a strong advocate for Veterans and I am open-minded to new treatment methods being a participant of a research trial. I hope to hear back from you as I am also a Master’s Level Clinician and a woman of several joint replacement surgeries. However, I am at a spiritual place in my life and wholeheartedly came to acceptance to retire for self-care and an awesome support system. Oh, and by the way, I am in a few Rock &Roll bands as a form of my meditation giving back. I am building a wider network of as many opportunities that I can receive for ongoing care to not have to take psych meds, I am all for it.
I would like to join the trials.
Lets do this.
If a veteran has “sucess” with treatment of their PTSD, does that mean they no longer qualify for their disability rating for it?
I’d love to be apart of the trial
I have been getting Ketamine Infusions every few months for chronic pain and I do have PTSD and the Infusions make me feel better with little to no pain for a couple to few months and I feel mentally better where depression, PTSD, neurological brain abnormality. I’m looking forward to my next infusion later this week
I’d like to and be interested to participate or volunteer in any similar research and development. Thank you Dr. Elnahal, for your open minded introduction to a new therapeutic that may be helpful to veterans one day.