The Accelerated Training in Defense Manufacturing program (ATDM) in Danville, Virginia, provides training in high-demand skills that lead to well-paying jobs with military suppliers.
During this four-month program, students earn credentials to work in trades that bolster the U.S. defense industry, such as additive manufacturing, CNC machining, non-destructive testing, quality control inspection (metrology) and welding. Director, Accelerated Training in Defense Manufacturing Program
Defense manufacturing jobs offer a thriving new career path. ATDM offers not just a solution, but a promising path forward in the transition to civilian life. A shining example of the program’s success is Virginia National Guard Veteran Jacob Lease, who worked in construction for four years after his service. But as a Veteran, he still wanted to support the military in some capacity. He found his answer at ATDM.
Lease chose the additive manufacturing program because of the advanced technological training available at ATDM and the growing job market for that field.
“The full scholarships covering tuition and housing available for Veterans at ATDM allowed me to be fully immersed in my experience and absorb and learn so much in a very short amount of time,” Lease said. “All of the facilities there are top of the line; I couldn’t ask for more.”
The Veteran support at ATDM allowed Lease to earn his certifications and qualifications for his new career at no cost to him or his family.
Before graduation, Lease was offered employment from his cohort this spring and now works as a CNC machinist at Curtiss-Wright in South Carolina, directly applying all of his training from his time at ATDM.
“I love everything about it, because I know everything I’m producing is directly supporting the Navy,” he said. “It’s quite an honor to be able to do that.”
How to Apply to ATDM
- Visit
- Select “Apply.”
- Complete the easy enrollment application.
- Select “Submit” and step closer to new opportunities.
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I am a veteran but not during wartime i called to volunteer but was told when i did that my training then as an ammo specialist for the army had enough of my job type and wasnt needed. Talk about not feeling wanted. However when i was in i hurt my left shoulder reported it seen the schoefield barracks medical people but nothing was ever done about it. Again i have filed claims a couple times for my shoulder, sleep apnesa which is getting worse unfortunately and my hearing since i cross trained with Eod alot on base and blew up tons of ammo especially on deployments to asia. The only follow up they tested was my hearing which they claim is ok. Thats fine but the other 2 issues ive claimed are not and they keep denyying me with no testing or follow up at all. Im sorry but through my training and time in service we were trained to be part of and function as a team and i am proud to have served and for what we did in training troops all over the asian and pacific theater. But since the denials on my claims that has left my left arm in almost constant pain and sleep apnea means you quit breathing while asleep and lack of energy everyday due not getting proper sleep. Sorry so long, I just needed to vent and know this will not change anything. But I feelthat I was a proud member of my time in and being a team member while in but now feel not only abandoned by the team I loved to belong to and that since a war didnot happen while i was in even though i called even though had been d/cd a few years earlier that we the vets never in a war feel as though we did something wrong because we are treated like we dont matter what happened to us while in doesnt matter we are automatically denied disability. One more thing xental care only exists for vets. 100% disabled but medically anythinv basically covered. This makes zero sense since cavities broken teeth and infections which could be treated probably 80% cheaper than testing meds and wasted time spent by VA staff treating infections up to sepsis many digestive issues and if bad enough yes even death happens more than u think. Where as simple exams cleanings fillings and needed extractions would save tbe va millions a year if they were offered to all. Not saying beauty treatments like crowns bidges and veneers but basic dentures yes. For insance the newer implanted top/bottom dentures that actually snap in place. The hard ware for these are actually obtainable by all vets through the manufacturer for free but havevto have someone surgically place the 4 posts on top and 4 on bottom thats it snap them in place and done. Oops just read this will all be deleted supposed to call those who keep denying me without even seeing me. Same old same old
Hello Jeffrey,
Has anyone helped you with your claim? Or did you do it in your own? Let’s see if we can get you some help? I’m a Transition Assistant Advisor.
Is there a by State, City listing of potential employers available? I live in Roseburg, Oregon, own a home, and am not moving.
Too bad this training is so far away. Maybe offer in Norfolk or Portsmouth at some point?