Many Veterans are familiar with the patriotic songs that play around memorial holidays, but few songs represent the perspective of those who have served. Until now. 

Veteran-led nonprofit, CreatiVets, offers programs that allow Veterans to address their service-related traumas through art and music. With the release of over 40 songs, CreatiVets now provides the public and Veteran community with the opportunity to stream songs written by Veterans for Veterans for free.

CreatiVets logo with a montage of photos of Veterans making music

Veterans who participate in the CreatiVets songwriting program usually have no prior musical experience. Paired with a hit songwriter and a Veteran mentor, the Veterans create songs based on their own lived experiences, struggles and triumphs. Each song written touches on issues like combat, family, transition to civilian life and hope.

Music connects Veterans

While each song is unique to the Veteran behind the story, 94% of participants surveyed by CreatiVets say that they agreed they enjoy sharing their song with others. Some 96% report positive feelings when listening to their song. We also saw improvement in the mental health of participants more than tripled after participating in CreatiVets’ programs. Feelings of isolation were reduced more than three and half times after participating, and 46.7% of Veterans report they never or almost never felt isolated from others, compared to 13.3% prior to participation.

Music connects families

“There is a light in every dark tunnel, and sometimes we just need help finding the switch,” said Veteran participant James K.

“My experience with Creativets started when I was in one of those dark tunnels. A gentleman by the name of Dick Nash approached me and asked if he could have a moment of my time. At that point, I had little left to lose. After speaking with Dick and the other members of Creativets, I took a chance deciding to participate and write a song. My wife can testify that I am a man of few words, and rarely speak about my life with anyone, even her. They made me feel comfortable during the whole process and I was able to let loose. That song was a way for me to release many heartaches and emotions that had been weighing me down for years.

The true blessing of meeting these individuals in Clinton, Iowa, was they helped me turn the light on when I was lost.

It gives my wife and I hope that we can make it through anything together, “When we’re Us”.

This whole experience has been amazing, to say the least. My youngest daughter has decided Jesse and Brett are famous rockstars, and talks about Creativets and the song all the time. She is excited to see me start learning how to play the guitar and wants to be a part of my journey. Creativets has given me a new reason, and sometimes that is all we need to see the light in those dark tunnels.”

James K

Music creates community

CreatiVets’ Veteran songs are now available to stream on all major music platforms. CreatiVets is focused on providing Veterans with tools to heal their unseen wounds. Through these songs, the organization hopes to expand understanding and community to the public, to those who have served and to their families.

Music promotes health

This recent VA News article shows that music therapy intervention leads to positive outcomes in the reduction of stress in post-combat Veterans. Continued research supports these findings, and CreatiVets is on the forefront of implementing these pre-clinical strategies in its efforts to prevent Veteran suicide and increase quality of life.

Listen and learn for free

In addition to released songs, CreatiVets also offers live streaming of music and art classes for free. Learn more on their website. Since 2013, CreatiVets has served over 2,000 Veterans directly while their Veteran-written songs have been streamed over 15 million times.

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  1. J K Meyer January 9, 2024 at 15:08

    Great idea!

  2. Christy Jameson January 5, 2024 at 17:42

    I’m thinking of signing my veteran husband up for this, is it only for wounded veterans? I know he wouldn’t want to sign up for something if it was for wounded or trauma vets. He is just now getting into song writing and loves to play music so this would be perfect for him if it’s for any Veteran!

  3. Earl Hundt January 4, 2024 at 10:14

    Where can I sign up?

  4. Steven sage December 31, 2023 at 23:40

    I would really be interest in learning how to write a song have one written but know it a very rough draft I play several different but not good at any of them

  5. James McDonald December 30, 2023 at 00:06

    Have written several stories about my experience in Southeast Asia and life in rhymes.
    Don’t know how they would adapt to song but would be interesting.
    I am 100% service connected disabled and still proud of my service.

  6. Cindy December 28, 2023 at 16:20

    I think that’s a wonderful program for Veterans I would like to learn more about. I love music & I love to sing & possibly learn to write music. In the past, I’ve written some songs but sometimes I have trouble trying to express & write it on paper.

  7. William Anderson December 28, 2023 at 10:01

    I’m retired Army. I would like to write songs about my Army experience. Where is the nearest location where I could go. I’m duel residents. Brooklyn NY and LA, Ca

  8. Rodney L. Washington December 28, 2023 at 03:14

    I am now Disabled Veteran who has been very well taken care of physically and mentally by the local Veteran’s Treatment Center/ DAV Services here in Milwaukee, WI. The local motto is “One Vet Tell A Vet” and that’s how I learned to navigate the System. There first thing I would tell a veteran seeking these services is treat your providers with respect and always communicate with the Veterans Administration through a DAV or American Legion Representative. Never an attorney because they are going to want a percentage of your settlement!

    I entered the “United States Navy” in 1969 and was stationed aboard the steaming USS Basilone DD 824” a Destroyer that made two Mediterranean and one Caribbean Cruse in 18 months. My Battle Station was the forward Gun Mount catching casings as it recoiled working on the Deck Crew and eventually the Laundry after attending Ship Serviceman after attending Class C school.

    I have no doubt that writing stories and lyrics for songs started with leaving a small town, military discipline, reading a lot and seeing the world at a very young age.

    My minor in college was in English Creative Writing which has become my Life’s Passion writing poetry, song lyrics, short stories, and plays.

    I would like to introduce you to a song and video that I wrote the lyrics, music and co-produced honoring my fraternal brothers and sisters regardless of their branch of service.

  9. James Vincent Krasinski December 26, 2023 at 22:31

    I would like to write a jazz guitar song regarding my military career. Retired USAF.

  10. Michael Spiering December 26, 2023 at 18:52

    I am a songwriting veteran. I would like to present at least some of the music that I create. I have a YouTube channel, but I don’t have any of my music on it. I will be posting some soon.

  11. george ortiz December 22, 2023 at 19:37

    I served in Vietnam 1968-69 with 198th light Infantry brigade and have written music about my experiences. One of my songs, entitled “Going Home” was published as a poem by Editors Choice Poetry. I would like you all to see…hear it.

    George Anthony Ortiz

  12. Larry Burke December 22, 2023 at 18:42

    I have a question: Are veterans are given the tools needed to lay down tracks of music, lyrics and how about music accompaniment including vocals.

  13. James Lawrence Reed December 22, 2023 at 16:45

    I play keyboards and piano mostly, but I also can get my way around a drum kit, guitar, bass guitar, and sax (although I gave my sax to the high school kid next door). Played in lots of bands. Never amounted to much. Also played in church a lot. I have a good ear and know music theory. I come up with chord progressions, “hooks”, and sometimes a good melody. I need a lyricist! Retired MSgt, USAF, 22 years 1987-2009. Messed around some on BandLab. Know and understand MIDI. Email me if you have ideas. No social media at this time.

  14. Randolph J Grossman December 22, 2023 at 13:45

    This is a Youtube song I wrote as a tribute to veterens. There is some content that compares MY time (which was mostly peace time) with those who served in more precarious times. Is this what you are looking for with this offer? Thanks Randy Grossman (Randy G)

  15. Bill Elmore December 22, 2023 at 13:10

    Country Joe McDonald used to compile collections of music performed by Vietnam Vets and he released them on Cassettes dedicated to their music. I still have one of two of them in my personal Archive. I remember Sgt. Willie, Jim Wachtendonk (sp?) from Wisconsin and his Agent Orange songs, and Martin and Holiday and their ” song “The Wall” among them.

  16. Morris Jones December 22, 2023 at 08:42

    Great Musical Program!!! Count me in. I believe in music ??!!

    • Larry Emery December 22, 2023 at 14:14

      This is a great idea for these young men.
      Music was my go to after coming home after 4 years at sea. I could share things with my guitar that others wouldn’t understand or care about. Thanks again for your service and support. L. Emery
      USN 1969-1975. Larry Emery “The River”
      YouTube, Amazon, or Spotify music.

  17. Morton December 22, 2023 at 06:07

    I’ve been writing songs since I was 12 years old. I’m ,77 now. Had my own band for many years performing in San Francisco bars but doing my own originals no covers. I don’t really know how many songs I’ve written since I am continually writing. I’m a Viet Nam vet who definitely writes about his own experience.

  18. Ral Richmond December 21, 2023 at 23:46

    Hi , I served 6 years, 4 years active and 2 years inactive with the Marine Corps, all peace time. It was a pleasure, and I’m very grateful, as I traveled extensively!!
    I started playing guitar and singing in my Forties, wish I had started sooner,{ raising a family takes a toll on your focus }and I have come up with several melodies, but my focus and not knowing what to do with them has kept me from professionally recording. The words of one song I copyrighted, but still couldn’t follow thru???
    Have played in a band and sang in a choir for several years. Course my voice is not like it was, but still wish I could finish writing and recording a few songs.. I would probably need some back up singers now?? LOL!!!

  19. Ken Masat December 21, 2023 at 20:49

    I have written and recorded numerous songs in my musical career.
    My favorite is about my cowboy hero, “Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys”
    It has a great Cristian message that would be highly appreciated.
    Just tell me where I can send my Pdf version.

  20. H. Roland December 21, 2023 at 17:49

    Searching for a buddy. The cemetary keeper said he is 2 Rows Down & 10 stones in ! I have lyrics for this. Title is “Two Rows Down & Ten Stones In ” Now what ?

  21. H. Roland December 21, 2023 at 17:44

    I have a song (poem ) that I wrote one morning at 3 am. It just popped into my head. So I wrote it down. I was searching for an Army Buddy and still can’t find where he is buried. So I wrote this Titled. ” Two Rows Down , Ten Stones In. There was my Army Buddy. The Cemetary Keeper had a list. There was his marker. Two Rows Down, Ten Stones In ! Seargent Major ______ ! There is more ! This could be a song, sung by Willie Nelson or who knows who ?

  22. Joe Martin December 21, 2023 at 17:18

    Hi Joe Martin, Air Force early sixties. Was on stand -by during “Bay of Pigs.” Have written and recorded many song all of em (c).
    Most of my songs are political, political comedy, satire, comedy and some serious and covers all genre’s. I wrote this song in a coffee shop, 2015. The person I wrote it about was sitting at the table in front of me. I received from him some incredible vibes and believe I felt everything he was going thru. He could have been very well serviced in the service. I never stop writing until I finished the words. The waitress that brought him the coffee (large cup of Joe) and food was true. He glanced at me when I first sat down but never again looked at me. Had he looked at me again I think I might have told him I was writing about him but think it was best not to say a word except in the song. Wondering how many of you could relate to my song. Would love to know.

  23. Azariah Fulton December 21, 2023 at 17:06

    Very interested in learning more!!

  24. James Wears December 21, 2023 at 17:04

    The people with whom I come into contact, don’t want to hear “War Stories” or anything concerning my military service and have told me that, “Song writing should be left to professionals.” I have found it frustrating, yet at the same time, my writing helps with my PTSD. That is reason enough to keep going. PFC J. J. Wears B troop 12th Cav #rd Armored Div. (Scout – Forward Observer) 1959 – 1962

  25. Joseph H Leccco December 21, 2023 at 15:33

    Hello,,, My name is JOSEPH H LECCO
    AIR FORCE 74-78 NAVY 81-85..
    100% disabled Viet Nam Era Vet,
    I have written a lot of poems and i have maybe 4 to 5 songs as well,
    Drummer and lead vocalist since 73,
    wanting to see if we can get the one song about my DAD, to music

  26. Michael James December 21, 2023 at 15:22

    I am a Purple Heart VietNam veteran. I am also a former Songwriter for Willie Nelson Music Inc Nashville Tn. How can I get involved with this wonderful program?

  27. Tim blodgett December 21, 2023 at 15:05

    Iserved 4 years in the Army. My son served two tours on Iraq. While he was in i wrote two patriotic songs. Do i qualify seeing i am not a combat veteran? If so please contact me.

  28. Elroy December 21, 2023 at 14:50

    I am very intrested in attending classes. Music helps me focus and stay calm .

  29. Allan Hall Hall December 21, 2023 at 14:01

    I have written a song several years ago. I was told by one musician that I should get it published. Not knowing how to go about it, I never followed through. The song has deep meaning to me and I believe it would connect with others who served.

  30. Harry Alphonso BLANDING December 21, 2023 at 13:54

    I could use assistance in song writing

  31. kimmel kirk EVANS December 21, 2023 at 13:45

    I have a song written and copyrighted. How do I get it to you?

  32. Gerald Steven Barnett December 21, 2023 at 13:20

    I am interested in learning more about this prohram

    • Michael Surrell December 21, 2023 at 13:44

      I’m interested in this program , please send information on how I can enroll.

  33. Justin shaddox December 21, 2023 at 13:05

    I had just started to try to write songs on my own. It would be good to have some guidance.

  34. Robert E. Cañedo December 21, 2023 at 12:44

    Man! I’m ready to do this. I got into music about 3 years ago; and I certainly have stories to put into music. Thanks.

  35. Perry Muse Sr December 21, 2023 at 12:25

    I’m a Veteran that really would like to record some songs that I have written years ago. I play the keys and drums. Who do I need to contact?

  36. Undrae Lamar Holland December 21, 2023 at 11:02

    I do not have any combat experience.

  37. Lance Sumpter December 21, 2023 at 09:04

    Are there any opportunities for veterans who are songwriters? Writing has saved my life. (songwriting, journaling) I need to find an outlet for my creativity. It’s killing me. I just need one song produced to get my creative life started. Right now I just live in a hole trying to meet musicians and afford studio time. Do you do anything like helping veterans bring their creativity to life? Just reaching out and wondering… Thanks

  38. John Pomerville December 21, 2023 at 08:29

    Irish, Scottish, Robert Burns, Country, Bluegrass, Christmas, Rock, Folk etc, Haven’t published my own yet but maybe!

  39. Joni Brown December 21, 2023 at 08:13

    Will you accept songs written by widows or mothers of veterans ?

  40. Michael K. Annal December 21, 2023 at 07:21

    I’d Very Much like to be a Part of this particular Program. I have an Excellent Singing Voice; ( Tenor or Bass ) and I’d Love the opportunity to Team up w/a Professional if at all possible.

  41. Tim Masters December 21, 2023 at 07:21

    Good morning I was wondering how I could get started and participating in the music program thank you

  42. Steven Francis December 21, 2023 at 06:39

    This is a wonderful idea. As noted in my application. I am an internationally published producer / writer and would be happy to collaborate. 100% T&P HB

  43. Sam Paris December 21, 2023 at 06:33

    Served/Retired; half of my career was spent in foreign lands including deployment to OIF. Disabled Vet but not obsolete. Have played music, sang some, and dreamed mostly. Just happy to post this alongside my brothers & sisters who’ve served. God Bless you all!

  44. Freddie Walker December 21, 2023 at 06:05

    Hey there! I’m a creative type, writer especially! I’m very interested in this program! I spent my early 20s in Cold War Europe in the US Air Force & NATO! Boy could songs come from that experience!! Let’s talk! On my way back to Europe after 37 years on a Eurailpass!

  45. Robert Hagan December 21, 2023 at 04:48

    I am a published singer/songwriter who has performed some of my original songs on Nashville Network Television in 1984. That same year I wrote a song and performed in the background for a commercial for the National Blood Donors Association which featured the actress Jackie Zeman walking along a Florida beach with a child who needed blood. The theme of the Blood Donors drive was “The Gift of Life”. The song I wrote for it was “Do The Same” and it was published by Tourmaline Publishing in Nashville Tennessee.
    I am a Vietnam Veteran who went through the Navy School Of Music and performed with the Navy Band between January 1967 and 1971. I performed behind Bob Hope with the Navy band for the troops, played on 9 different ships as one of the Admirals band members and played for hospitals and because I am a trumpet player I played for more funerals than I can count.
    I continued on as a full time musician when I got out for 18 years based out of Pensacola FL tours from Florida to Alaska and back and for the past 35 years I have played keyboards and trumpet and sang professionally as a One-Man-Band. I’ve lived in Sequim WA since 2011 after performing in the tourist hot spots of Lake Of The Ozarks, MO for twenty years with my one man performances.
    I would be interested in talking to someone about helping the vets tell their stories through music. Who would I contact about that to give my personal information to? You can find me through my website which has YouTube performance links and videos of my first television performances in 1984. I know the healing powers of music and your program sounds like an excellent way to help heal my fellow veterans who need it. They deserve to be honored by helping them express their stories.

  46. Thomas o Plumb December 21, 2023 at 03:55

    You have my attention, we will talk soon.

  47. Todd Ash December 21, 2023 at 03:54

    I would love to participate in this program. I have been involved in writing poetry for years but I haven’t tried to put them to music.

  48. Koleta Thimpson December 21, 2023 at 02:52

    Not a musician but your words have awakened an idea to work on some sculpture. Surviving spouse, gold star wife!

  49. Sid Simpson December 21, 2023 at 02:48

    I’ve been composing music since before enlisting, and finally recovering expression of self 20 years after getting out. I’ve been blessed to have a few professional musicians to help record a couple of my songs, but I really need a mentor to advise me on managing the business of professional songwriting, and feedback on works.

  50. Loretta Hutchinson December 21, 2023 at 02:16

    Would love to do my part….seasoned artist…?? How can I help?

  51. Victoria Jean Smith December 21, 2023 at 02:14

    I sing no writing and learn

  52. Leon Tisdale December 21, 2023 at 01:39

    I am a baritone who had been a member of more than one choir at different times and groups. I enjoy working with other singers to develop a perfect harmony in the songs performed.

  53. Michael K Love December 21, 2023 at 00:58

    I am a US Army Veteran, Cold War 3rd Armored Division 1978-1981. I have been a song and poetry writer for 40+ yrs and am my own worst critic, my wife and friends all say I should pursue it. I would love to participate and show some of my work. How do I do it!

  54. Michael Yawn December 21, 2023 at 00:31

    What an excellent idea! I know many fellow veterans who would love to participate in this program including me. I play multiple instruments and have been told my vocal abilities don’t make the dogs howl. LOL! I live in south Orange County CA, so contact me and let me know who I can speak to. Thank you!

  55. Cornelius Burkey December 21, 2023 at 00:03

    I am a disabled Veteran; I’ve been writing music on and off for years. How about instrumentals?

  56. Lawrence White December 20, 2023 at 23:53

    I am a Vietnam-era veteran and a survivor of the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks in NYC. I would like to submit a song I wrote and recorded with other musicians about the challenges trauma victims and those with deep depression struggle with. Do you accept this sort of song submission?

  57. J. Filkins December 20, 2023 at 23:09

    Must it be patriotic or military songs? I write lyrics, but they are far from anything to do with the military.

  58. Carey Cutler December 20, 2023 at 22:53

    Seems like more of an ad for yet another streaming service vs. the offer of songwriting guidance initially mentioned inthe email.

  59. Jose R Gutierrez December 20, 2023 at 22:22

    Hi – what a great idea!!
    I am an active duty US Air Force Officer and a singer/songwriter; I produce and distribute my own music. How can I volunteer to produce a song for a fellow veteran?

  60. William Johnson December 20, 2023 at 22:22

    My musical partner and I (both vets) would love to participate in this program.
    We are both Vietnam Era veterans, I have severe PTSD, and would love another avenue to try and get some relief. Let us know. Thank you ?

  61. Bruce A Moore December 20, 2023 at 22:00

    I’m totally interested in doing music that will help, and inspire others.
    From basic AIT with multiple MOSs jump school,Air assault, jump master to the Special Forces RC/ Correspond phase to the many correspondence courses to going to night college.

    I would like to write a book of my poems, and rhymes I have written.
    Also a book of the creation of a Special Forces Military Intelligence (CEWI) test unit 5+years start during, and some of the operational ( NOT CLASSIFIED) to the end.

    I also paint, and draw, and would really like to help other Veterans get into the amazing with the goal to .. teach .. develope .. how to market their Art online .. write a start to finish book on the how to, and what to avoided from the various Art sites.

    But the most important thing is INSPIRE .. TEACH/GUIDANCE .. OFFER HELP ..

    I don’t know much however in my life, and experiences if I could shine a light of hope. I love to paint lighthouse, and visit them my family said if you liked them so much why didn’t you go into the Coast Guard instead of the Army.
    Anyways I have started writing years ago about helping, but just stopped, and I should finish it. The name is. THE LIGHTHOUSE I believe that it may serve to help, and guide to success.

    Now that I have written you a short book, please let me know what you think.
    If you are interested in some of my Art my website.
    Also go to Fine Art America type in Pat b Moore
    Thank Bruce ??

  62. Alfred DiRaffaele December 20, 2023 at 21:51

    I wrote a song in Vietnam that I think tells my story very well it’s called “Christmas in the jungle”

  63. Alfred DiRaffaele December 20, 2023 at 21:47

    I have a song I wrote while in Vietnam I think tells my story very well… it’s called “Christmas in the jungle”

  64. Henry James Peterson December 20, 2023 at 21:39

    I like the idea. When can I get started

  65. Steve Willhite December 20, 2023 at 21:30

    Great idea! Be nice if the VA could pay for a patent on one of my latest inventions like Hap’s hearing aids.
    Many of my ideas I gave out iver the years have been in production since the late ’50’s We All need my novel hearing aids!

  66. Elvis Bray December 20, 2023 at 21:21

    As an author of novels, screenplays, memoirs, and cowboy poetry, I think setting up a song writing program to help soldiers peek inside song writing possibilities is great. I have two Army officers who claim I helped cure their PTSD by helping them write their stories. I also have an Air Force medic claim I helped cure his survivor’s guilt by helping him write his story. All of their stories have been published. I think song writing is the hardest form of writing anyone can do. I’ve attempted to write a few songs myself, but fell as flat as my hearing is. God blessed the men who put this program together. As a two tour Vietnam veteran I’d love to participate if this program is available in the Phoenix area. My body is a little broken but my mind is as crazy as it’s always been, so I’m good to go.

  67. Donnie Cooksey December 20, 2023 at 20:47


  68. Tynsley Calistena Simmons December 20, 2023 at 20:34

    I would love to be able to do this!!! How wonderful!

  69. Ryan C Brown December 20, 2023 at 20:27

    Disabled Vet, OIF/OEF, dropped in to Baghdad behind special forces, built Camp Sather from ground up. As a heavy equipment operator I was grading around missiles (UXO’s). I turned down a recording offers with Arista & Columbia Records during my career to complete my service comment. Turned down Tops In Blue to raise my kids. My kids are raised and now I’m retired. Today my life consists of writing music and improving my health, it would be an honor to be involved! Music has been my gateway to maintaining my mental health, transitioning to civilian life and overcoming mental and physical struggles. I look forward to learning more and I’m interested in getting involved. ? ??

  70. Ryan C Brown December 20, 2023 at 20:27

    Disabled Vet, OIF/OEF, dropped in to Baghdad behind special forces, built Camp Sather from ground up. As a heavy equipment operator I was grading around missiles (UXO’s). I turned down a recording offers with Arista & Columbia Records during my career to complete my service comment. Turned down Tops In Blue to raise my kids. My kids are raised and now I’m retired. Today my life consists of writing music and improving my health, it would be an honor to be involved! Music has been my gateway to maintaining my mental health, transitioning to civilian life and overcoming mental and physical struggles. I look forward to learning more and I’m interested in getting involved. ? ??

    • Ryan C Brown January 9, 2024 at 10:49

      Not seeing any reply’s, when should we expect responses ? Very interested to be involved.

  71. John Fredericks December 20, 2023 at 20:15

    I am a veteran with a musical background, keyboards, vocals, and songwriting. With a great story to tell, about how my newlywed wife, a fellow Army MP saved my life during a terrorist attack on our missile site. How do I connect with CreatiVets?

  72. Jimmie Ruth December 20, 2023 at 20:13

    Hey this sounds like a great idea and opportunity for veterans to bring their unique experiences to the forefront thru lyrics and melody! I would love to be a part of this community as a singer songwriter who has had diverse musical influences!

  73. Jerry Taylor December 20, 2023 at 19:55

    I wrote and played a TEST song for myself that had to do with my “true love” leaving me while I was in the ARMY including 13 months in Korea where few other soldiers had similar issues. I WAS NOT PHYSICALLY WOUNDED WHILE IN THE SERVICE. I play my song just to myself, especially when riding on my motorcycle. I feel guilty using this free service over anyone who was physically wounded in the military.

  74. Lillie Dearman December 20, 2023 at 19:48

    I am a veteran wife and I have been waiting for something like this my entire life

  75. Jim Moore December 20, 2023 at 19:47

    Please contact me to assist in helping our Vets in need.

    Semper Fi,
    Jim Moore

  76. Christy Carlson December 20, 2023 at 19:35

    Singing is my soul..
    It is the only thing that really helps me with PTSD, addiction, and feeling close to God. Please call me as I would love we to be a part of this in ANYWAY possible!

  77. Michael Millspaugh December 20, 2023 at 19:32

    The music for vets is a terrific idea so cuddos to that dude! Is there a platform for other disabled vets who play music to get involved? I agree wholeheartedly the sound of music soothes the soul.

    Have you ever thought of hosting webinars where you could teach a lesson and other vets could chime in via online platforms?

  78. Craig wise December 20, 2023 at 19:20

    I am a veteran and have found lots a shelter in writing and I’ve wrote some pretty deep stuff and would love to have someone turn something into a song to help others who are struggling with the same problems!

  79. dennis mcgillicuddy December 20, 2023 at 19:18

    FYI: Clear Path New England for Veterans at Deven,MA has a music program and Veteran Band that performs for Assisted Living people as well as for Veterans eating lunches at their Facility. Other Veterans are welcome to join the group or just listen.

  80. Angela Doughty December 20, 2023 at 19:12

    I’m a retired Coast Guard and Air Force Reserves Fire Fighter/EMT!! I have served in Iraq and Qatar. I love music ? please help me get into this!!!

  81. David Philip Léasure December 20, 2023 at 19:04

    It’s not just combat veterans. All veterans experience some kind of loss after they are released from active service.

  82. Christian Rutherford December 20, 2023 at 18:55

    My name is Bliss Babyy. You can find my music on all streaming platforms under this name. I just want a stage so I can perform. I been getting booked and making a name for myself in my city Houston, Texas. I served 4 years and some months in the army as a combat engineer(12B). I been out a year or so. Hit me up!!

  83. Channing V Taylor December 20, 2023 at 18:50


    I am interested in joining this program, can someone show me the way to apply?

  84. Roy Casto December 20, 2023 at 18:43

    I would love to listen and get involved, every Veteran has stories to tell

  85. John December 20, 2023 at 18:24

    To the answer to my prayer,
    Thank you for opening a door that I’ve been looking for, for quite awhile. CreatiVets seems to be a prayers answer, to a long time prayer request.
    I have been writing all kinds of crazy things, in notebooks and stickups, just making notes of things rattling around in my head, that needed to come out. Keeping them in there was kicking my ass.
    I don’t read music, I learned to play the guitar by ear, and a couple other instruments I beat on at times.
    Somethings I write come out as rhymes or poems of sort, sometimes rants and raves about Vietnam experiences, VA short comings, political bull shit and tears?
    Putting words to music, or music to words is frustrating at times, maybe CreatiVets could offer a direction for me? Not sure if I need a Therapist or a Publicist?
    Thank you for your attention to this matter, looking forward to your reply and hopefully some direction. I live in Okeechobee, Fl, am retired and an Ex-canoe club member.

  86. R.J. TORBERT December 20, 2023 at 18:14

    I wrote lyrics, to an instrumental, that is about someone they lost, I have received many compliments on it, in fact the lyrics are featured in the NOVEL, THE FACE OF FEAR: A POWERS AND JOHNSON NOVEL. however, it would need new music behind it. As a service-connected Veteran, this may be the program, I have been looking for to get music behind these lyrics.

  87. Lawrence H. Jordan December 20, 2023 at 18:06

    CreatiVets is an excellent Veterans support organization.

  88. Lawrence H. Jordan December 20, 2023 at 18:05

    I have been very fortunate to have worked with CreatiVets song writing program and it has given me more in the time I have spent with the wonderful musicians, song writers and others associated with the program then my ten years moving through the VA PTS program. I never thought I would find myself sitting down with complete strangers and feeling comfortable enough to come up with three songs: “Willy”. A song I co-wrote with another Marine I served with in Vietnam. Willy was in my rifle squad and KIA during an attack on combat base Hill 10 in 1968. “Never Forget Them” is a song about five of my high school friends and another Marine friend. They gave all. One was a USAF pilot of an OVH-10 shot down over Laos, captured and his remains returned home years later. A Marine, my best friend KIA during helicopter assault. Army SSgt lost his life when the helicopter he was crew chief on was shot down during landing in hot LZ. Army SSgt lost his life when vehicle he was in struck land mine. USAF crew chief of refueling aircraft crashed after refueling jet aircraft over Vietnam, no survivors. A Marine captured by the VC and held for two years then turned over to Communist North Vietnamese and held in Hanoi for four more years. Tortured and starved. Died a few years after release as a direct result from his torture / injuries. A third song, “The Hide [Talking To The Moon]” is about the fear and loneliness while sitting in a jungle ambush hide at night with your squad. CreatiVets keep up the great work and thank you for all you continue to do for Veterans.

  89. Timothy Randall December 20, 2023 at 18:05

    Why would you post this article and not have instructions on how to apply ?

  90. Richard Elsheimer December 17, 2023 at 12:39

    Sounds like an excellent program

  91. Val Stevenson December 14, 2023 at 17:58

    I am a semi professional singer with over 25 years experience. I would love to be able to participate in the veterans for veterans. I am a disabled, veteran, African-American female I sing every genre, except for acid rock..

    • Tony Bell December 20, 2023 at 20:28

      Wouldn’t mind checking this out

    • Samuel Nevins December 20, 2023 at 20:34

      I’m a drummer, do you offer anything to help start a band?

    • Tim Gray December 20, 2023 at 22:25

      What a shame. Acid rock is all I ever listen to (I’m just kidding). But seriously, it would be great to hear your work.

    • Tom Bailey Jr December 21, 2023 at 00:36

      Hi I’m Tom Bailey. Please contact me for some collaborative songwriting. I’m primarily a lyricist who like your self is looking for an opportunity.

    • Joe Tiffany December 21, 2023 at 03:32

      I’m a rocker but am willing to jam with other veterans. Let’s play.

    • Rhonda December 21, 2023 at 03:34

      Val, you need to go to CeatiVets website. Look up in the article and you should see a link in one of the last paragraphs that says “Learn more on their website”, and the word “website” should be their link. Or at the beginning of the article it has their name as a link as well!
      Good luck!

  92. Rolf Blum December 14, 2023 at 17:43

    Hello how can I participate disabled Combat Veteran OEF OIF 4 Combat tours Iraq

    • Joe Tiffany December 21, 2023 at 03:32

      Hey I’m in. Let’s play music.

    • Rhonda December 21, 2023 at 03:34

      Rolf, you need to go to CeatiVets website. Look up in the article and you should see a link in one of the last paragraphs that says “Learn more on their website”, and the word “website” should be their link. Or at the beginning of the article it has their name as a link as well!
      Good luck!

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