Editor’s note: The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on the part of VA. Veterans should verify the information with the organization offering.

Are you a Veteran with aspirations of entrepreneurship and business ownership? Do you need guidance to help you put your idea into action?

Warrior Rising is positioned to help you. A non-profit organization launched by Veterans for Veterans in 2015, Warrior Rising is dedicated to transforming Veterans into “Vetrepreneurs,” providing them opportunities to create sustainable businesses, perpetuate the hiring of fellow Veterans and earning their future.

Warrior Rising’s next Service-Disabled Veteran Entrepreneurs (SDVET) online course starts June 13, 2024. This free program, sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration, includes four weeks of web-based instruction, followed by participation in other programs Warrior Rising offers (Warrior Academy, Warrior University – our Veteran Business Accelerator program, virtual-live Coaching and Master Class sessions).

This program is funded specifically to assist service-disabled Veterans.  

Warrior Rising does have other training programs for Veterans looking to start or accelerate their own business that do not have the service-disability requirement.  You can find out more about them at  www.warriorrising.org/our-process.   

Please ensure accuracy of all information (especially email and phone number) before applying. This is absolutely critical—if the email or other information is incorrect, Warrior Rising will not be able to provide you with necessary links for the program.  

You do not need a Google account to register for this program. If you meet the requirement of service disability, you will be automatically admitted to the program.  

Warrior Rising will email the link for the session 1-2 days prior to start. Please check your spam folder. 

Course Information

Session 1

  • Introduction and overview of starting a business, as well as advantages to purchasing an existing business or starting a franchise.
  • Identifying opportunities in business.

Session 2

  • Understanding markets and competitive space.
  • Building your economic model.

Session 3

  • Legal entity structuring and insurance.
  • Financing options (including latest in capital agreements, ex. “SAFE” agreements).

Session 4

  • Business plan creation.
  • Available resources and VOSBs.

The course is offered by Warrior Rising as part of its SDVET Program, sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration and is free to all verified service-disabled Veterans (see qualifications below). Attendees may be located anywhere throughout the U.S. 


Please mark on your calendar. Virtual live sessions (via Zoom) will be at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) on the following Thursdays: June 13, June 20, June 27, and Tuesday, July 2 (please note the day change is due to July 4 holiday). The Zoom link will be provided to you by email 1-2 business days prior to start of the sessions. If you miss one session you can still join the remaining sessions.  The course is offered four times per year if you’re not able to make this session. It is not offered on demand or recorded for later viewing.

Please ensure your information is correct when registering (especially email address). Please check your spam folder (or in some cases, if you have auto-routing rules set up for your email, it may be bypassing your inbox altogether and going to trash or another folder you’ve set up in your email). Every session will use the same link. Also, please be aware that the Warrior Rising email provider also distributes newsletter and other information. If you unsubscribe you will not receive any messages (including the links for these sessions).


For verification, a DD-214 is required (please remove your SSN) along with a validly-issued letter of disability from VA (you can cover the benefit amount). Class attendees must also provide documentation from VA showing disability (any disability rating is sufficient).

Current or widowed spouses of qualifying Veterans may also participate, but you must provide the required documentation above.

Interested Veterans must be pursuing a career as an entrepreneur or business owner at the concept or early stage of business development for this program.

Please note, while this program is funded for service-disabled Veterans, Warrior Rising has other programs available (Warrior Academy, Warrior University, coaching/mentoring) that any Veteran can participate in. More information can be found at www.WarriorRising.org, under the tab “What We Do.”

Apply no later than 6 p.m. ET on June 10, 2024 at Warrior Rising SDVET Program Registration. The next presentation of this course will be in late August/early September 2024.

Warrior Rising is a 501c3 non-profit comprised of Veterans, and it offers free entrepreneurship training to current and former military service members. Visit Warrior Rising for more information or contact them at SDVET@WarriorRising.org. Please include your email address in the body of your message or they will not have a way to respond to you.

Warrior Rising does collect demographic information in the application solely for purposes of reporting for grant purposes and does not use the information for selection or identification purposes.

Link Disclaimer

This page includes links to other websites outside our control and jurisdiction. VA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-VA Web sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policy or terms and conditions of those sites to fully understand what information is collected and how it is used.

Statement of Endorsement

Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Leave a comment

The comments section is for opinions and feedback on this particular article; this is not a customer support channel. If you are looking for assistance, please visit Ask VA or call 1-800-698-2411. Please, never put personally identifiable information (SSAN, address, phone number, etc.) or protected health information into the form — it will be deleted for your protection.


  1. Reginald Fullard June 13, 2024 at 14:12

    I am interested but did not check my email in time to apply this time

  2. Robert May June 10, 2024 at 11:29

    Since I am already sign up could I start the meeting with you again

  3. David Hernandez June 7, 2024 at 00:26

    Hello my name is David Iam very interested in this business program but looks like it’s aimed towards disabled veterans only. Is there any other business programs program for veterans that aren’t disabled.

  4. Jim Jennings June 6, 2024 at 15:09

    My Name is Jim, and I am trying to join this PROGRAM for WETERANS for my Business.

  5. Steve June 6, 2024 at 13:16

    There are videos available on the site as well as live sessions 3 days a week

  6. Jerome E. Fulton June 6, 2024 at 12:39

    I wrote a book on how to start a small business. It covers the basis understanding of a business.

  7. brian June 6, 2024 at 09:52

    Have any winter classes for windows 11 computer

  8. LaRae Jackson June 5, 2024 at 23:16

    Wow thank you for offering this course, I desperately need help learning and understanding establishing, running and marketing a business. I get so confused reading online information. I will complete my application ASAP.

    • Edmundo Chaparro June 6, 2024 at 20:32

      Would a NB23 enough

  9. Blake Terpstra June 5, 2024 at 23:06

    Class is already full, hopefully there will be more

    • Theresa Marriott June 6, 2024 at 21:00

      Thank you for offering this course to widows of vets.
      I am a vet also but do not have disability status.


  10. Helen Lange June 5, 2024 at 19:23

    I don’t have a current copy of my DD214 as I am out of state, although it is in the VA system. How can I apply or obtain a copy?

  11. Pamela M. Juniel June 5, 2024 at 01:07

    I was bummed to see class was already full. Hope they open up another section soon!

    • Larry Payne June 5, 2024 at 21:54

      I was frantically working on my documents when I saw your post about the full course. I tried getting in several months ago but couldn’t load my documents.

    • Alexx Pachon June 5, 2024 at 23:54

      We can email this organization and stay on top of the next section to take advantage of what looks like to be an excellent program. Heck, I just received an email with this offer about three hours ago, to find out that it’s full. really a bummer. Good luck with your entrepreneur prospect….

  12. Phillip Cunningham June 3, 2024 at 21:56

    They are currently not accepting new applications

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