***Editor’s note: Download the Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors handbook online or pick up a printed copy at your local medical center, regional office or Vet Center for free.
As part of our commitment to provide world-class care and benefits to those who have served our nation, VA is pleased to present the “2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors, and Caregivers.”
Have you applied for VA care, benefits and services? Unsure what else you may be eligible for? Don’t miss out on what you’ve earned—check out this handy reference guide to learn more.
The handbook contains a comprehensive listing of VA programs, including phone numbers and websites for easy reference. The annual Federal Benefits Guide hosts a wealth of information on most VA benefits and services, including:
- Compensation.
- Life insurance.
- Pension and fiduciary services.
- Education benefits.
- Economic development and employment.
- Home loan guaranty programs and housing assistance.
- Mental health resources.
The handbook will help Veterans, service members and their families understand the full scope of VA resources available to them to help them make the most of life after service. It provides details on eligibility requirements for each benefit, and because VA serves different generations of Veterans, it also outlines the qualification guidelines for distinct periods of service to clarify eligibility for Veterans with service spanning both peace and wartime periods.
The VA Federal Benefits Guide is available in both print and digital formats. Veterans and family members can access the booklet on VA’s website, providing instant and convenient access to the wealth of information it contains. A limited number of printed copies may be available at your local medical center, Vet Center or regional office. To find the nearest VA facility, go to www.va.gov/find-locations.
The information in this guide is validated by VA as of Oct. 10, 2024. For the most up-to-date information, Veterans and family members should visit www.va.gov, or go to the specific links provided in this publication to access information on the program that they’re interested in, as regulations, payments and eligibility requirements are subject to change. You can also call VA at 800-827-1000 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday to speak with a representative.
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Please send a copy of the guide book to my home please
Please send a copy of the guide to my home. Thank you.
Send me a hard copy
Please send a copy of the guide to my home. Thank you,
Please send me a printed hard copy.
Please send a hardcopy to my home address
I would like to have a hard copy of the 2025 veteran guide to benefits send to my home.Thank You I retired in 1993 from the U.S.Navy
I would like to have a hard copy of the 2025 veterans guide to benefits sent to my home, thank you, I was in the military in 1979.
Thanks for providing this resource it is invaluable to all veterans. Also for any veteran departing the armed forces this information should be provided to them upon their departure.
Can I receive a paperback copy?
2025 guide book to benefits hard copy please to my home
1972 in military
Thank you
Served July 66 to July 70
Please send a hard copy to my home. Thank you
Please send me a hard .copy.
Send hard copy pls
Please send me a printed guide
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Veterans benefit guide, thanks.
What about Trump and Elon. Taking over all government funding being paid out. Project 2025
It is called auditing a democrat slush fund. The democrats are using the programs to get kick backs from them. Our government when democrats have control steal a lot of money through kick backs. It is only right that as conservatives with common sense we should shut down the money cow from the democrats.
The democrats are the only ones complaining of all the auditing going on in these slush fund projects. The democrats are becoming millionaires because of the money they get back for passing the programs in their voting. Time to shut them down and keep the democrats honest.
I would Greatly appreciate a Hard-Copy of this 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide, ‘Snail-Mailed’ to my Home.
Thank You,\.
Please send me a copy to my home address.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Veterans benefit guide, thanks.
Would sure be great to get a hard copy sent to my home.
I would love to have a hard-copy sent to my home address
I would love a hard coy of this. Thank you!
Can I get a copy mailed to me . Thanks
Please send me a printed copy
Where can I get a hard copy the info above is very vague and not helpful. I called the phone number but it isn’t working.
Please mail a copy
Please send me a copy.
Phillip J Bentz
Thank You
Send me a copy.
I am certain the handbook will be very helpful, thank you.
Please send a copy to my home.
will you please mail me a copy of the 2025 veterans benefits guide?
Yes I would like a copy, thank you.
Please send me a copy.thanks
Please mail me a copy of the new benefit booklet.
Please mail me a copy of the new benefit booklet
Please send me a copy to my house.
Yes I would like a copy, thank you.
Pls send copy
Thanks please send me a copy
And any info for survivor benefits for a Caregiver
Also, would like to know if benefits for camp Lejeune were approved
Looking for a list of VA benefits for a Veteran who has just been reclassified 100% disabled and also my spouse benefits.
ChampVA needs more help, everything takes months!
yes I would like you to send me a copy
Can you send me a copy of the 2o24 affordable care act IRS document . DFAS has yet to send that.
Service connected Disabled veteran here. Is there a 25-year-old Elon Musk acolyte mining my data and information, including my Social Security number and bank account numbers and information in this system, trying to steal my benefits that I earned in the Iraq war. What is the Veterans Administration doing to protect my information?
Please send me A copy of the new guide
Please, USPS mail me a copy of the Benefits Guide. Thank you very much! And, thanks for preparing such a guide?
Let me know where to send my address for a copy.
Please send me a copy. I just returned from the Kernersville VA clinic, they have no copies and seem to know anything about it. Told me to go to the Winston Salem Regional office.
Are we looking at loosing our benefits based on this from CBO? https://www.cbo.gov/budget-options/60915
So, although we have a disability and had to go a different career route, we are now being stripped of our disability benefit if the HOUSEHOLD makes more than $135k a year????
How long does it take to get to receive CHAMPVA? My sister husband died more then ten years ago. He was at 100%. Related to angent orange. He passed so after his award. Sister has n
Been waiting on Champva to kick in. What does she need to do?
Please send me a copy.
Yes, I would like a guide sent to me
Please send me a copy.
Please send me a copy.
CHAMPVA info.! And could you send me a guide
Thank you for this information! I have a question, please…how long does it take the VA to approve, (or not), someone’s request for their pension?
Please send me a copy of the new guide and also, the latest on the Camp Lejeune benefits.
Please send a copy
Please send a Hard Copy of the 2025 Va Federal Benefits Guide. Thank you.
Mary J Burchett
Please send me a copy of the guide,
Yes I would like a copy, thank you.
Please send me a copy of the guide
I would like a copy of the book
Send me a copy please.
Please send me a copy
Please send me a VA federal benefit guide for 2025 for veterans and caregivers. I do have a copier. Thank you.
So is this guide accurate with all the cuts by Elon Musk?
SFC Frederick Gregory USA ( retired)
No Vets will take cuts, if anything WE will get increases, better service for less money, We have WAR Veterans, looking out for Veterans. It may not happen for a few months, but I can assure you, it will be much better for ALL Veterans Nationwide. These cuts are coming from the phat that’s preventing better care.
Please send me a copy of the benefits guide!
Send me a copy in the mail
Please send me a copy of the 2025 benefits guide. Thank you
Why does the VGLI go up tremendously after you turn 60? Also, why is the VGLI not like a civilian whole life insurance plan, where can you draw funds from it? You would think that with the amount of money we pay into the VGLI, we could access the cash value with a loan, withdrawal, or surrendering or selling our policy.
Please send me the information.
Please send me a copy
Please send me a copy..
please send me a copy. us mail.
please send me a copy. Olen Casstevens
Please mail me a copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide, Thank you: SFC Willie Richbourgh retired.
Please send me a hard copy I need to know more about signup for disability benefits
Please send me a copy of the 2025 Benefits guide.
i would like to receive a copy of the 2025 benefits guide. Thank you
Please send me a copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide. Thank you. Francis Czyz USNret.
I would like a copy
please send me a copy
I would like a copy mailed, thank you
I would like to receive a copy of the Veterans 2025 Benefits Guide please.
A limited number of printed copies may be available at your local medical center, Vet Center or regional office. To find the nearest VA facility, go to http://www.va.gov/find-locations
You can purchase the guide for 10.00 with free shipping from the Federal Government bookstore.
You can purchase the handbook on line https://bookstore.gpo.gov/user for 10.00. Shipping is free.
I cannot print the hand book I have no printer.
Can I receive a hard copy?
Literally says: ***Editor’s note: Download the Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors handbook online or pick up a printed copy at your local medical center, regional office or Vet Center for free.
Here’s some more steaming bull sh-t from the VA…if it is so great and wonderful why not send a copy to all registered VA patients? They are always sending me loads of worthless crap in the U.S. mail why not add to it and send this as well?
And for all you old idiots that can’t understand: They aren’t going to send you anything you request in the mail! That would be WAY too intelligent. They would rather waste their budget on salaries of people (“editors”) to place notices on line to people that can hardly remember to spell their names correctly two times in a row! So go back to sleep and hope for change!
$10.00 says this never makes it online…
Hey, it made it.I want to here. Not sure, who you owe the 10 bucks to LOL.
But I agree with everything you said
If possible, could I also have a hard copy of this booklet mailed to me?
I would like to receive a copy of the handbook.
Thank you in advance,
Can You please email me a copy
How can we get an actual hard copy of this booklet?
I would like a booklet mailed to me please
I was unable to download the booklet, and our local VRO is never in the office. Can you please mail me a copy?
James Lehman
send me a copy
Please send me a copy
Requesting hard copy
Send me a hard copy of VA benefits guide.
Please send me a Copy Booklet of the 2025 Benefits. I greatly appreciate it. Robert C. Mc Roberts. Thanks.
Are you help me ?
I would like to receive a copy of the Veterans 2025 Benefits Guide please.
I’d greatly appreciate having a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide sent to meas i do not live close to a va center. Thank you in advance for your anticipated help!
Please mail me a copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide. Thank you for your service.
Please send me a copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide. Thank you.
Ron Crossan
Please send me a copy. Thank you.
Please send me a hard bond copy.
Thank you.
Please send me a copy. Difficult for me to read online.
Dick Strohm
Thank you for this good Info it’s Always Helpful to see and learn more about our Benefits
Pleased send me a hard copies booklets to share with my fellow DAV Members Chapter 78 Indio, California. We have 8 members just completed the service officer 11 training. Thank you.
Could you please send me a hard copy of the Veterans 2025 Benefit book?
Please send me a hardbound copy of the
Veterans 2025 guide to benefits.
I was unable to download it.
Thank you
Charle Butt
The VA has grown so much in the last decade or so. It needed to do so. Let us hope that we’ll see more true caring from the nation and the Administration.
I would like a copy of the Veteran’s Benefit Handbook
Would you please send a hard copy to me? thank you in advance.
Send me a copy
Can I get a hard copy sent to me?
Hello. Could you please send me a hard copy of the Veterans 2025 Benefit Book?
Would like to have a hard copy please
How can I receive a hardcover edition of copy of the benefits book. I am disabled and don’t live near a VA. I do not have a printer.
Thank you for your help and support
How can I get a hardcover edition of the benefit guide? I’m disabled and don’t live near a VA nor do I have a printer
Thank you for your help and support
Please send a copy of Hard copy of new edition VA Benefit Guide. Thanks for the help.
I’d greatly appreciate your sending me a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide. Under normal circumstances, I would download and print the guide via my computer. However, my computer is not functional and my financial situation is such that I can’t purchase a new one. Thank you in advance for your anticipated help!
Please send me a hard copy.
I’d greatly appreciate having a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide sent to me. Under normal conditions, I would download and print it on my computer. However, my printer is no longer functional and I don’t have the funds to replace it. Thank you in advance for your anticipated help!
Please send me a hardcopy of the 2025
Veterans Benefits Guide Book
Hi. Could you please send me a hard copy of the Veterans 2025 Benefit book?
Please send me a hard copy of the VA 2025 Federal hand book guide.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guidebook. Thank you.
Please send a hard copy. Thank you!
NOTE TO WEBMASTER: I downloaded this guide and it shows 120 pages. However, after page 99 the pages are blank until page 120. Is the guide complete or is information missing?
[Editor: Nothing missing. The practice is traditionally related to the bookbinding process.]
Please send me a hard copy of this guide.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 benefits guide.
John Repik
I would appreciate a hard copy, thank you!!
There should be a way to order a printed copy. I would pay for it. 120 pages to print is a lot!!! Being a disabled Vietnam Veteran, we were told nothing about what was available. Still finding out things or relaying what I know to other Veterans.
Please send hard copy of. 2025 Benefit handbook by mail
Please send a hard copy of 2025 VA Benefits Guide.thanks
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 veterans benefit guide book.
I would like a hard copy please.
Please mail me a hard copy.
Thanks for informing us.
We as especially myself I feel that with the way things are run today there is a lot of waste of money, time, resources, and not letting doctors and physicians assistant let them advise you. I am sure that a lot of it could also be using computer that to be modernized and staff trained better. I wish more of us veterans could be heard, and this new administration could save by investigating the VA. Hope and pray that someone makes positive changes.
Please send a hard copy
Please send me a hard copy 2025 benefit handbook. Thanks
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 veterans benefit guide book.
Please send me a hard copy of the VA 2025 Federal hand book guide.
Hi. Could you please send me a hard copy of the Veterans 2025 Benefit book?
If possible, I would really appreciate a hard copy. Thank you
I would appreciate receiving the 2025 benefits handbook
Please send me a hard copy
Please send me a hard copy of
Matthew Wilson
i would like a handbook.can i get one mailed to me?
Please send us a hard copy of the 2025 benefit handbook. Thank You!
Kris Transou
Please send us a copy. My husband is 100% disabled
I am a 100% disabled Marine Corps veteran and I would like a hardcopy of your benefit book. This is my second request for a copy of this book so I’m not real sure what it takes to get one thank you.
Could we please have the benefits booklet mailed to us verses printing it from website? 2nd request
Is the caregiver program finally available for veterans living abroad in Germany?
Please send a hard copy. Thanks
Why does anyone think they will send a hard copy to anyone? That ain’t gonna happen.
Please send à hard copy to me!
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 benefits hand book to….
Sheldon Green,
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide.
Please send a hard copy
please send a hard copy of the 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide. Thank you
Please send me a hard copy.
Please send a hard copy of the veterans benefit guide
Please send me a hard copy of the Veterans Benefit Guide.
Appreciate a hard copy, VA 2025 Veterans benefit hand guide. VSO John Matias Jr
Please don’t forget VA employees who have taken care of our Vets. Especially during these times, Social Security paid by these employees for many years is no longer a benefit for them due to receiving a VA pension.
Just seems very unfair to pay into the social security system for so long and then it just disappears.
I have trouble reading content on my cellphone. I would like to get a printed copy of the 2025 veteran’s benefits guide.
Thank You
Please send me a copy of the Veterans Benefits Guide Book. Thank you
please send a hard copy of the 2025 veteran’s benefits guide
please send a hard copy of 2025 veterans benefits guide, thank you
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benifits Guide.
I would like a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guide
Please mail me a copy of the hAND BOOK
James Sasnett
The first link after Editor’s Note links to the 2023 PDF vs the new one… https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book.asp
Please mail a copy of the Guide. Thanks
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefit Guide.
Great resource! This guide is essential for Veterans and their families to navigate the wide range of benefits available. Having both print and digital formats makes it even more accessible. It would be helpful if VA could also offer a mobile-friendly version or an app for easier access on the go!
Please send a hard copy of 2025 VA Benefits Guide.thanks
please send me a copy of the VA benefits guide
Please send me a copy of the Veterans Benefits Guide Book. Thank you
Please mail me a hard copy of the VA Benefits Guide to Joseph A. Ruiz. Thank you.
Please send me a Hard Copy of 2025 VA handbook
Please send me a copy of the 2025 Guide and Handbook.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide
Hello Kevin. The VA needs to implement some sort of discounted and affordable DENTAL CARE for Veterans especially those on fixed income and over the age of 70. When Seniors cannot afford dental care, their teeth rot and they cannot eat or chew and then they loose weight and the infections from bad teeth and gums cause heart problems and many other problems in the body. In fact, dentists are way to expensive and too few. We need to help all Americans cover costly dental bills.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Handbook. Thank you.
Please send me a copy of the 2025 benefits I cannot print it elmer lloyd
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Handbook. Thank you.
Please send me a hard copy, no way for me to print this out.
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 Va federal benefits guide
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Federal guild
I would a hard copy ?
Could my husband get a Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents Pamphlet sent to him. He is 75 this year and the book he has is 2007 Efition. It is hard to read on a phone. I’m not sure what you mean by website
Please send me a hard copy . Thank you .
Have to pay $35/hr to leave for my husband to have care. Ned one mailed. Local Giaiatric Medical Clinic did not have and no clue what l wanted (as usual).
Please send me a Hard Copy of the New 2025 Veterans Guide.. Thank you!
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide.
Roman Skripkus
sad that home bound disabled vets are instructed to go to VA facility for a printed guide. The nature of their disability and distance from VA care can make that requirement burdensome. (sometimes hundreds of miles from a VA Hospital. Will they think about the benefit guide if they are there for some more serious matter? I have never seen a distribution area where a veteran is invited to pick one up I ask you to reread your instructions. They sound cruel to me. I understand that you wish to transfer the burden of cost in mailing and printing to the veteran, but they may be already struggling financially or with downloading and printing on a computer which they might not even have.
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide
Please send me a hard copy.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide .Thank you
Please send me a copy.
Hello, my name is Olga Taylor who is now my husband’s caretaker, and I am looking for guidance as to H
benefits that he may qualify for.
He served in the Air Force during the Korean War. Emmet Taylor,.
He is now 87 years old, and is bedridden with Parkinson’s Dementia.
I am 91 years old and is his caretaker hoping that the VA benefits might help.
Thank you,
Mrs Emmet Taylor
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 veterans guide book
Please send me a hard copy off the handbook
please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans guide book.
Please send me a copy
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide
Good article. Please send me a hard copy of the booklet. Thankyou to
Please send me a hard copy of Veterans Handbook.
Please send me a copy of the Veterans benefit booklet 2025. Thank you
My husband would like to get a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 VA Benefits Guide.
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide.
My husband doesn’t do email. Can I get a hard copy sent to him?
Please send me a copy of VA benefits
Please send me a hard copy of the VA Handbook.
Thank you,
Robert D. Cain
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Handbook Thank you.
Edward Robert Fontaine
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Handbook.
Thank you
How do we request a hard copy for a veteran if we are not near a regional medical center?
Please send a hard copy of new booklet for 2025
Please mail me the new 2025 benefits guide hard copy.
Please send me a copy of benefits Guide
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Handbook, please and thanks.
Greetings. Please send a hardcopy to this 100% disabled veteran. Thanks for your hard work advancing the needs of this nation’s most precious commodity – her veterans.
Please send a hard copy of new booklet for 2025
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Handbook…Please and Thank You!
I should be able to order the guide from the VA.
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Benefits. Thank you
Please send me the book, The 2025 VA Benefits. Thank you.
send hard copy to 100% va disabled vet. he has no computer available . physical address lcdr kenneth r waterworth please
I was very glad to find the electronic version of this through the link in the article. I was also glad to find the VA assistance phone number.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Great Article.
I’d like both hard & ebook! Thank you
Keep On Trying To Help ,All Veterans
This Veteran Request One Paper Bound Booklet Of The 2025 Federal Benefits Guide .
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA benefits handbook ( hard copy). Thanks
Please send a hard copy of the federal benefits for veterans
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Federal benefits guide
Please send me a hard copy of benefits Guide.
if dental is not offered, then the feds appreciation is kinda shallow
Please send a hard copy of the handbook
Please send me a hard copy.
Please send me a copy
How can I get a benefits guide sent to me? Please send me a 2025 hard copy!
It would be helpful if there was a link in the article to click on in requesting a printed copy of book.
I did not see where people that don’t have a computer may access the new guide. Where do older Vets get a copy of the new 2025 book
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide book. Thank you.
Please send me the book hardcopy
Please send me a hard copy of the benefits. Thank you very much
How do I get a printed copy. They didn’t have any at the Danville VA.
please send me a hard copy of the 2025nmbenefite guide
please send a hard copy !thanks jerry labhart retired Army
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA benefit handbook thank you very much
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA benefit guide thank you very much
Please send me a hard copy Thank you
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 veteran 100% P & T benefits guide
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide!
Please send to me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide
jfc, how gullible can you people be. yall know that none of you are getting a hard copy right?
the va isn’t just going to print off a copy and dig into its rolodex and specially mail out for everyone who commented here.
if you want to know where to find the physical book just read the blog words. it says where they are and how to get one.
?? I came here to say the same thing.
That’s okay, I’m waitin’ by the mailbox for my signed copy, lol.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide and thank you in advance.
pls send me a copy
Please send me a hard copy of Veterans Benefits Guide. Thank you.
Please send me a hard copy.
Please send a hard copy of the guide.
Please send me a hardcopy. Thank you.
Can I request a hard copy be sent to me?
Pls send my father who is a veteran a copy of the Veterans 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide. Thx you
Please send me a 2025 hard copy Veterans Benefits Handbook. Thx you
Please send a hard copy of the 2025 benefits guide
Please send a hard copy of the 2025 benefits guide
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guide for veterans. I am 100% permanent & total combat related disabled
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guild.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefit guide.
Please send me a copy of the new Vet Benefits Book 2025. I am a 100% disabled Vietnam Vet.
MR. KENNETH U RICHARDS Please send me a copy of the Veterans Health Benefits Handbook 2025. Thank You
Please send me a hard copy.
Thank you
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Federal guide to Veterans benefits. I must say that this is a” God sent ” since I find trying to navigate the VA system can be mind bending at times.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guide for veterans.
Please send me a copy of the new Vet Benefits Book 2025. I am a 90% disabled Vietnam Vet. Jeff Lasher
Please send a copy of new VA Benefits Book. I am 90% disabled Viet Vet.
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 Benefits Guide.
Please send me a hard copy .
Please send me a hard copy.
I am requesting a hard copy for myself and one for the department I work for.
Please send me a hard copy of veterans benifits for 2025
Please send me a had copy for a Veteran who need to apply and does not have information.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guild
I am requesting a hard copy of the new benefits booklet.
Please send me a hard copy
please send a hard copy
I would like a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit guide mailed to me. I am a Viet Nam Veteran with a rating of 100% from Agent Orange and PTSD
Can you please send me a hard copy of the new benefit book.
Is this available as a download ?
Please send me a hard copy of benefits guide book.
Will these handbooks be available at VA hospitals? I would appreciate one copy. If possible, as the highlight here states, please send a copy to me.
Jack Montgomery.
This article was perfect, it displayed exactly what I thought it should, a brief synopsis of the information available. Short and concise.
Thank you
Please send me a Hard copy of the Handbook. Thank You!
Please send a 2025 Benefits booklet to my disabled vet:Edward Jay Caldwell
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA benefits guide. Thank you
Please send me hard copy of 2024 benefits guide book
Can I get a hard copy please.
Why so many blank pages at the end of the Handbook?
Please, send me a hard copy so that I may be able to see what is available to me. I am a Vietnam combat Vet with PTSD. I am a member of a Vets group that meets once a month at a local Legion post. Topics can get heated at times but the meetings are informative and helpful for some while others are never happy with anything the VA does.. I have used the VA for healthcare and have been treated with excellent care. Nothing like when I returned home in 1970 at VA . It was tough with Vets from Korea & WW2 being there telling us we were never as good as they were. I have had several hearing tests and have been issued hearing aids. I am very Grateful for their services and assistance when I’ve had my physicals and spoke to Docs @ my PTSD and other health issues.
Would appreciate a hard copy of this. Thank you
Please send me a hard copy!
Please send hard copy of the 2025 hand book.
John W Calhoun
Thank You
I would like a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit guide mailed to me.
Please send me a hard cope of the benafits
Please send me a hard copy my husband is decease he was 100 per. Cent disable.
Can I have a hard copy sent to me?
im a 100 percent disability 78 yrs olf my daughter died recently and am taking care of her 16 yr old son and hes living with me now —am i entitled to anything thru the va for him thanx len
New tech and after saving to any of these resources how do you retrieve? To what end?
I sure would like to know where I can pick up a copy of the 2025 benefit guide. Thanks
Would like a hard copy
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 Benefit Guide. Thank you!
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 benefit handbook thank u
Copy of benefits book
Please send me the benefits book for veterans.
Please send me a hard copy
I would like a hard copy mailed to me please.
please send me a hard copy ty
It seems like lot of Vets are asking for a hard copy of the benefits guide, here’s a suggestion just send one to each Vet you have on record.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide.
Please send me a hard copy or let me know how to get one.
Thank you for all you do for Vets.
Please send me a copy
How can l get a hard copy of the handbook?
Please send a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guide.
would appreciate if you could send me a hard copy via US mail I am a DIC recipent.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide. I have limited access to a computer. Thank you.
If a hard copy of this guide is available, please furnish me a copy of your 2025 Hard Copy of this Guide. Thank You.
Please send me a hard copy of this free 2025 guide, to my address in your file!
Please send me a hard copy
Please send me a hard copy of benefits
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide…thank you!
I would like a hard copy please. Don Knapp
Send me hard copy of 2025 benefit guide
Please send me a hard copy.
Please let me know how I can obtain a printed book.
Would like hard cope of va benefits if available thank you
Please send to me a hard copy of the 2015 Benefit Guide so that I can have access to the Veterans Benefits. Thank you
Please send hard copy of benefits.
How do I get a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide? Thank you !!
How do we get a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits Guide send to our home?
Yes, I would like to receive a printed copy of the benefits guide
Please send me a hard copy.
Please mail me a printed copy.
I have no way to get to a VA Medical Center or a Vet Center to see, by chance if one is available
Please send me a hard copy
This does not indicate how you can get a paper copy of the guide.
[Editor: The second to last paragraph explains where to find the hard copy: “A limited number of printed copies may be available at your local medical center, Vet Center or regional office. To find the nearest VA facility, go to http://www.va.gov/find-locations.”]
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide. Thanks
Please send me a hard copy of the benefits book. I can read it better on paper than I can on computer..
Thank you in advance
Please send me a copy hardcover, soft cover. I don’t care. I just like read it that way I can understand what I’m looking at.
Please send a hard copy of thank you
Would like to receive a book. Thanks
please send me a hard copy
Anthony j. jurjevic
Please send a hard copy of the 2025 VA Benefits book.
Thank you.
Yes – many of us need a hard copy
Please make svailable
Hard copy not free. Gov web site wants $10.00.
Need easy option for vets to click on to get free hard copy.
I would like a hard copy mailed to my home address. Thank you.
Please send me a hard copy
I would like a hard copy ty
I would like a copy of the Benefit Guide, even if I am required to pay for it.
how do i get a hard copy mailed to me.
robert ruhl
Please send me a copy of the 2025 VA handbook would appreciate so much thank you
Could you please send me a copy of the VA 2025 handbook thank you so much
I would like a hard copy of the handbook please
Please send to me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide
Please send me a free hard copy wilton touchton
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide.
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 Benefit Guide. I can not get to my V.A. Center & am not computer savvy on the Internet. My daughter is keyboarding this request for me .
Thank you.
Please mail hard copy 2025 benefits guide
Please send me a hard copy
I would like to have a hard copy of the handbook
Please advise how I can obtain a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits guide.
Please send me a hard copy.
Click on the link and print a copy…
Need a hard copy
I would like a hard copy mailed to me please.
please send me a hard copy
thx u
i would like to have a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits guide
Please send me a hard copy of this.
This Disabled Veteran Request One Hard Paper Copy Booklet Of The … 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide .
please send me one. I sure would like to have one.!
Could we get the 2025 veterans benefits guide booklet sent to us?
Could you send me 2025 veterans benefits guide booklet please.
Please send me a hard copy of 2025 Benefit Guide.
Thank You for your guide.
I would like a hard copy of this. Thank You
How do I get this benefit guide for 2025 mailed to me?
I would like to receive a hard copy of the 2025 Benefits Guide
Where is a Hard Copy available?
Checked local VA and no such luck.
i no what my husband deserve he fought in Korean war now he needs more than thirty percent disablity they want give dont need a handbook for this
Please send me a hard copy Thank you
After nearly forty (40) years of support, mainly in the area of audiology, I finally got to see and read about services available to me and others. Thank You. Hope I will not have to avail myself of all those services available.
I would really appreciate a hard copy
I wo
uld like a hard copy,please.
Please send me a hard copy
Please send me a hard copy of the 2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide
I spent two months trying to get help from the VA. After speaking and emailing numerous VA employees, no one could help me. So much for my honorable service during Viet Nam.
Shame on the VA. Shame, Shame, Shame
My husband was denied years ago. Then we continued and finally he is getting all the help he needs. I agree it’s not right to be treated that way. But sometimes people don’t do their jobs well. I wish you could find the patience to keep trying.
How do I get a copy mailed to me?
The U.S. Government Bookstore has the paperback “2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors, and Caregivers” for 10$ with free shipping, ( https://bookstore.gpo.gov/ )
would like a Hard copy please.
I would appreciate a hard copy sent to my home address Veterans Handbook Guide booklet …
Please contact me so you can verify my home address.
Will Veteran Services have the VA 2025 catalogs?
I would like a printed copy of the booklet sent to my address
Please send me a copy of the new veterans benefits guide!
I only have phone can you send me a copy of the guide
Many veterans can’t sit and read on the computer. Make the document accessible in hard copy so it can be used as a reference document frerquently;
I’d like a hard copy.
Reading through an email version is impossible.
Thanks, much needed, please send me a hard copy.
How can I receive a hard copy?
What about the veterans that don’t live near a local medical center, Vet Center or regional office? This really puts us in a hardship situation. To get one I would have to drive 60 miles on the chance that they might have one.
Please send hard copy
Please send me a hard copy.
How do I get a Hard Copy?
How do I get a Hard Copy of this document
Hard copy please.
May I have a hard copy, please? Thanks in advance.
Amazing guide. Thanks for making it available. Great help.
Would like a hardcopy of 2025 VA Benefits. Thank you.
Please send me a copy of the handbook,
I would like a hard copy of the guide.
Thank you.
How can I receive my hard copy!
I would also like a copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefit Guide mailed to me
Thank you in advance.
I would like a printed copy sent to me please.
I would like a hardcopy mailed to me. Thank you.
I would like a hard copy of this book of benefits, etc. please respond on where I can order one.
Paul Lang
How can I get a hard copy?
I would like a copy of the handbook
As many others have requested, I would like a hard copy.
Please send me a printed copy…..cannot get to a Center
I would like a printed copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefit Guide mailed to me.
I would like to have a hard copy of this book.
Thank you
Arthur Faddis Jr
I would like a printed copy of 2025 veterans benefits guide mailed to me
Thank you
Hard copy please
May I have a hard copy of the guide mailed to me? Thank you.
I would love to have a printed copy mailed to me.Thanks
Can I please have one of these mailed to me?
My VFW Post is asking for a printed copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefit Guide. How do I order the booklets?
I appreciate the assistance you provide veterans and families. Is it possible to receive a copy of this handbook? It would help many veterans. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I would like a printed copy of this please
Hard copy, Please
How do I get a guide or will printed copies of this benefit guide be available soon>
I would like a printed copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide mailed to me. Thank you
Please send me a hard copy of the new 2025 Veterans Benefit guide.
Where can I get hard copy not digital?
I would like a printed copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefit Guide mailed to me.
Thank you.
I would appreciate a paper copy of the 2025 guide. Can a printed copy be mailed to me?
Thank you.
I would like a copy of the book … thank you
I would like a printed copy of this 2025 FEDERAL BENEFIT Book.
Like most of the comments, how can I get a printed copy?
Please provide a direct link. Thank you.
I’d like a hard copy mailed.
Why not simply make is easy for veterans, and provide them with a hard copy of this publication? Not everyone wants to/is able to print all of these pages. I am 100%, 2 Purple Hearts, etc. Please send me a hard copy. Thanks.
Apparently, getting a printed copy of this guide is NOT a benefit :(
I would like a printed copy of this book
How do I receive a hard copy of the 2025 Veterans Benefit Guide?
How do I order a hard copy. Not fluent in computer and I have poor eye site
i need a printed copy. it is 120 pages to print it on my computer and that is too much.
Thank You!
I would like a printed copy of this book please
Where can I order the book of Spread the Word: The 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide is now available
booklet available ?
printed copy Available ???
Where can I get a paper copy.
How do I receive a printed copy
How do I request a hard copy of the new Benefits guide?
I’m with the American Legion and would like a copy of the guide.
Please send a hard copy of this guide
where can I get a copy, unable to print one. Thank You for your help
This publication is 120 pages long, print both sides 60 pages. Everyone can’t afford to print that or may not even have a printer.
Why not provide local Libraries or City governments with some funds for a place for vets to go to get this printed. Must be some way to help Vets get this 2025 information.
Can I get a copy of this booklet mailed to me? Thank you
Very comprehensive and a great read! Printing it takes a while!
We should be able to get a free printed copy!
Could you send a copy of the new benefits handbook thank you !!!!!!!!!
May I please get a printed copy of the hand book mailed to me.
Can you please send me a copy of new va handbook?
Thank you for the great, consolidated information. I will definitely read this.
Can you please send me a copy of the guide R Markie
Thank You
Please send me a copy
Can You please send me a copy.
Why isn’t there a place here on this page to click so that the veteran or family members can post their name and address to have a hard copy sent to them. No one wants to print 120 pages from their personal printer….if they even have one. Not making it easy for the vets…..no one has time to go to a VA office where there are “limited amounts”. Meaning there won’t be any left.
I need a herd copy!!!
Can I get a copy of the. 2025 Veterans Benefits Guide sent to me ?
Thank you
Could I get a printed copy. Much useful information
I’m a 100% disabled, combat wounded vet and been trying to get a printed copy of the new guide book for some time now. Been to East Orange hospital in New Jersey and they don’t have them. Stopped at the DAV (disabled American Veteran) Newark, NJ and they don’t have them. Called the VFW and American Legion posts near me to no avail. Please someone post a site where we can request a hard copy.
Need to get hard copy please.
I wish I had a printed copy.
Could I please get this updated guide mailed to me as my printer cannot handle 120 pages?
I am a 100% compensated disabled veteran.
Thank you,
Thank you for the benefit guide, lots of helpful information
Please send me a copy.
How do I get a hard copy 2025 veterans guide ? Reading on the computer really hurts my eyes .
Is Wegovy an approved medication that can be obtained from VA with a script.
How can I get a paper copy mailed to me?
I am a Vietnam veteran living in the Philippines now but I can’t get the health care that I earned because I am not disabled
How can I get a copy please
Is it possible to get a hard copy of the new guide ?
How can my husband receive the booklet?by mail
Can you please send me a paper copy.
thank you,
how do I request a hard copy to be mailed to me ????????
would like to receive the 2025 Handbook
How may I request a print copy of the guide, please don’t refer me to my local VA, they are no help. I need to know the source of the information to request a hard copy as I mentor other veterans as well.
How and where can I get a hard copy of this guide.
Can I get a copy of this in book form?
Can you please send me a copy
I would like to request a print copy of the Federal Benifts Guide for Veterans, Dependants, Survivors, and Caregivers. I am not near a Veterans Medical Center or Vet Center to pick up one up. Can one be sent to me.
Request a hard copy please.
Please send me a copy of the Federal benefits guide for veterans
Can You please send me a copy. Wayne Walker
I went to a veterans administration event in 2024 and received a printed copy. It does contain a lot of useful information. Thank you for the digital copy, which I find easier to use.
Request a copy please.
Please send me a copy
Congrats to Veteran Eugene Burton & Qwen on their 2025 new years marriage!
I have been with this hospital as a patient since 2007
Yup another bit of platitudes which the VA won’t follow!!!
I am a Department Service Officer for the American Legion. How do I get hard copies of this important resource to provide to the Veterans I serve?
A limited number of printed copies may be available at your local medical center, Vet Center or regional office.
So this isn’t for veterans it’s for the care giver great job click bait…. fk you VA
[Editor: This guide is definitely for Veterans and anyone else that wants updated information on VA care, benefits, and services.]
Hey Get Bent – Let’s take things a little easier, buddy. Reach out if you feel anxious or bothered – we’ll help you.
Do veterans who apply for benefits ever get approved for benefits when they apply for such
Without the aid of an attorney or agency ?
I did. Go to youtube and look up the thecivdiv and veteransinfotap those two channels pump out a ton of info every day one how to correctly file for benefits every day.
Yes. We have not used an attorney or agency to file any of the forms needed to file for disability benefits for my husband who is a Vietnam Veteran with many presumptive Agent Orange illnesses. We began our first filing around 1980. His first disability rating of 30% was received in the 1990’s. Most were denied initially. We always appealed. We submitted more documentation and letters from his medical providers as his condition deteriorated. In 2016 he received his 100% P&T rating. It’s been a long, sometimes frustrating process, but it has been worth it. Don’t give up. It can be done.
I’m a VSO and I’m kneeing how can I get hardcopies for clients? Thanks
Please send a copy.
2025 VA Federal Benefits Guide for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors and Caregivers.
Thanks for all the Help, we need it.
Please send me a copy of VA Benefits Guide