Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins delivered an uplifting message today as VA employees nationwide returned to in-person work.
This transition follows President Trump’s January 20, 2025, presidential memorandum directing federal agencies to phase out telework and resume office-based operations, reinforcing the importance of collaboration and efficiency in delivering services to Veterans.
“This is an exciting day, VA employees are coming back to work all across the nation,” Secretary Collins said, “and I think that’s a great thing.”
In his video message, Secretary Collins emphasized the benefits of in-person work and the positive impact it will have on the VA’s mission to serve Veterans with excellence.
VA’s phased approach ensures a smooth transition while taking individual circumstances into account.
The department is committed to balancing adherence to the President’s directive with necessary accommodations for employees currently on telework agreements. By July 2025, all VA personnel are expected to be working on-site, creating a dynamic and engaging work environment.
“At the end of the day, it’s about getting us back to work, focused on the mission and that mission is the Veteran,” Collins said.
VA remains committed to supporting its workforce through this transition while ensuring the highest level of service for Veterans.
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VA and the Veterans Day National Committee (VDNC) invites cities, towns, and non-profit groups across the country to join us in showing appreciation for Veterans by applying to hold VA-recognized regional Veterans Day observances.
VA and the Veterans Day National Committee are now accepting entries for the 2025 Veterans Day Poster Contest. Submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on May 2, 2025.
Secretary Collins touts accomplishments in Trump’s first 30 days, including eliminating DEI, revising the flag policy, and reallocating over $100 million.
“Not just for US Veterans: 7 medical breakthroughs the VA gave to the world” from highlights important breakthroughs VA researchers and doctors have made over the years. The article focuses on PTSD treatments, the nicotine patch, the cardiac pacemaker, CT scans/MRIs, coronary bypass surgery, the first successful liver transplant, and radioimmunoassay.
Secretary Collins: I encourage your pride in and careful stewardship of the Agency you lead. Thank you for your service.
I’m going to start a poster campaign stating The US Congress doesn’t care about veterans !
You were unremarkable – Doug Collins. No one will miss you including all
your immediate staff. Once your out that door, your certainly not welcome
back. You may think your special, but you did so much harm.
Secretary of Veteran Affairs should mean something, not just be a title. Do
no harm. You sir injured millions. Your actions killed thousands this year
even if it wasnt on purpose.
Im one of those you trivialized. You hurt me in several ways, and certainly for
the duration of 2025. Everything is harder, not easier. So you will excuse me
if I dont sing your praises. Living in hardship and destitution has made me a
bit cranky these days. The wealthy seem to delight in creating more hardship
for veterans this year.
You wanted praise? Ceasar? Should have earned it instead of demanding it.
Secretary Collins get off your butt and listen to us Veterans! If you want to cut staff, look to the staff in DC who make up a bunch of nonsensible policies, rules, regulations, metrics, and the like that mean absolutely nothing but keeps them employed. Get out to the field and listen to Veterans. The field needs to become Veteran-centric in everything they do.
For example, what is the central office doing about increasing security in VA healthcare facilities across the country? As you know, both the American Hospital Association (AHA) and Health-ISAC are alerting hospitals to a social media post alleging plans for a coordinated, multi-city terrorist attack on hospitals in the coming weeks. When I asked this same question directly to the Assistant Director at the VA Hospital in my community, he looked at me like he wanted to Baker Act me then and there. But, the threats should at least provide for an environment adequately preparing groups. According to the AHA, that the primary targets are mid-tier cities with low-security facilities. Instead of firing VA employees, you need to consider recruiting more security across the VA enterprise. Facts are facts. The VA should do a better job in ridding the VA of fraud, waste and abuse and take the realized wins of combating fraud, waste and abuse and invest in VA centric support. Start with the VA OIG, which has failed miserably in ignoring their basic responsibilities, including deliberately ignoring fact-supported, documented fraud, and abuse. Get rid of the surgeons who REFUSE to provide surgical services because they can, physicians who telework on the same shift as they moonlight, loads of timecard fraud by employees who expect everyone to look the other way. Reward primary care physicians with scribes to help them with all the flippant administrative nonsense they take home every night when they catch up with all the administrative flags they have to work. Get them to see patients not paperwork. Easy to do? Yes! Reward employees going the extra mile, get those who are roading all the way to the bank out of serving Veterans. They got to go. The field is where the real rubber meets the road and is where the Veterans need the effort.
I have proudly served our great nation in the Vietnam war. As a veteran I am very disappointed going to the VA hospital and
The Southwest VA clinic in Las Vegas NV. Not seeing any mention or photos of our new administration is very upsetting.
Please do not take this as a bad view of the Doctors or staff. They are very professional and treat us with respect.
Please do whatever necessary to speed this matter up. We are proud vets and love our leaders and this great country.
Why are VA hospitals being allowed to drag their feet about putting the picture of President Trump on display? They still do not have his picture on display at the facility in 6900 Pecos Rd, North Las Vegas NV .
Back in 2017, the White House directed that all VA facilities download the Presidents picture from the White House web site and display it until official pictures could be sent out. I think its a dishonor to President Trump to not have his picture on display at VA facilities or any Federal Building. This needs to happen ASAP!
I am a Veterans wife and have many responsibilities. I am so frustrated with the community care process. The VA community care representatives all have different directions . The business that has community care patients all have different directions. So nobody is working in sync. Veterans suffer ?
Here is a good example of the work Ive done for 28 years for veterans.
Ive been asking the release of the records from the Gulf war all the
way back to 1997. Back then, there were around 25,000,000 by the end
of 1995. It got whittled down to 6,000,000 given to the Office of the Special
Assistant for Gulf War Illness. OSAGWI. To the hands of Bernard Rostker
how tried to bluff everyone on there content.
OSAGWI released 47,000 records by 1999. While stating that 1.1 million
had medically relevant content to them. The Presidential Special
Oversight Board mockishly reviewed them and claimed the job was
done. far from it, as its own members descended towards the end.
Hints of even bigger things by staffers during hearings.
I wrote more than 1,019 FOIAS just to inventory those records. Even
just the names of them and where. Most of my FOIAs were never
answered by the agencies that should have. But, I did get several
massive inventory logs that showed Air Force held back lots of
bombing reports.
The 30 year mark passed, and turns out Barrack Obama signed a EO
to keep them classified for 50 years. So the day the Top Secret clearance
should have released, they did not. Which raises the question, if nothing
went wrong during the Gulf war of 1991 – why are 99.9% of the records
still sealed beyond Top Secret?
As we speak, Ive got at least 116 signatures on for a petition
to release the Gulf War records of 1991. Parts of this Ive already written to
you, and got your blow off letter that VA will not take place in this. To help
veterans get definitive evidence of exposures that would support there
claims. To me, this makes you a coward. Insincere, self serving. Because
it would not hurt you to ask DOD why?
This is the link to the petition on Its not a virus or weird subversive
website. They authenticate to rule out robots and such. Its should not even
be necessary for me to do this. But, this isnt a free country any more and
its citizens / veterans cannot look to it for honest aid. You should be coming
to me asking how we can free these up, and help 697,258 of my fellow veterans.
Instead of blowing me off. You serve us, not the other way around.
Hey Doug why don’t you y’all get off your butts put President’s trumps and your photo in the VA hospitals.
Sad, I wrote nice last few weeks. Then when you can tell that VA does not care the choice of words become less and less flowery. Your dealing with snobs, and your writing is being devalued openly.
For 28 years Ive put veterans ahead of myself. Sacrificed everything I had to be in DC decade after decade. Watching things get worse. Been so very hard. Cost me everything I had. Could have paid off a home many times over by now on what it cost me. Never giving up. Hard damn life.
But, Ive never seen any Sec of VA do more damage in the first 30 days as Ive seen you do here. Slash and burn is enough? What do we know?
You never even gave vets like me a chance while I wrote you. Im not even worth a proper letter response. Insult is all you have. You didnt do better without me. I have experience, decades of it. VA federal advisory committee as well.
Guess what, insults are all you will get from here out. Be paranoid about that. Rumors? Seems like the rumors are right since we cant expect hard facts from you or any admission of them. Leave everyone guessing, only job safe is your own.
Too late to fix any of that.
Im looking forward to the Senate hearing that removes you from office. It wont be far off. 2 years after that, no one will give you the time of day including Trump.
Your a unremarkable person, undeserving of the position you filled. Your not even a good villain, your a mediocre person bluffing people. Boy do those people find there not even welcome on LinkedIn.
Just resign, and find yourself a nice 7-11 job out of veterans view. You had your chance, and the longer you delay the worse it gets when you do resign.
June is a long time to wait to see if employees are on the chopping block..
It’s mentally abusive.
Rip off the band aid before then..
Allow veterans to seek better care in the private sector healthcare system.
please help us by really simplifying the sign in process for vets that just want to order meds or see their records and med notes
it was simple untilllll they simplified it??????
I think that BULLSHIT discribes the current sign in structure
God blessed.
“It is a sad day when our government would fire some good employee and say it was based on performance when they know good and well that is a lie,” U.S. District Judge William Alsup. Alsup ruled the Trump administration unlawfully terminated thousands. Collins will fail in his unlawful quest to shrink the VA workforce by 80,000. Collins, you are destructive rather than constructive and don’t try to blame the liberal news agencies. Facts are facts. The VA should do a better job in ridding the VA of fraud, waste and abuse. The VA OIG has failed miserably in ignoring their responsibilities, including deliberately ignoring fact-supported, documented fraud, and abuse. For example, surgeons who REFUSE to provide surgical services because they can or physicians who telework on the same shift as they moonlight or loads of timecard fraud.
This is equally as distressing is that Im seeing End-of-life
care in several states for those with ALS is conditional. It
centers around a grizzly concept, if you live past your
projected life span they set out to cost cut your care.
Patricia here is not going to get out of bed, and relies on her
family for support. Rather than honor the families wishes,
they would bill the family to stay where she is now. As if
a little more time was really that unreasonable.
ALS end-of-life care should not be conditional because it
maybe inconvenient to VA a little while longer. The person
is bed ridden, they cant fight back. Your telling them where
they will go to die just to save money. How vile.
You can bet this will only get worse through out 2025. As they
apply red ink where ever possible to justify cost. Only, 3 to 5
veterans are dying of ALS every day. Obviously VA is not
prepared for this and wont say it out loud.
After serving in the military for decades she developed
ALS. Now the VA is refusing to pay for care where she lives.
The VA will only pay for Patricia Gallegos Delgado’s care
at a facility that would require her family to drive 80 miles
round trip each day.
Hello i just tried to post a comment that i think disappeared and i didn’t copy and save it because it’s almost impossible to contact you so we’ll see you in VA court.
Hello Doug Collins I spoke to someone @ the VA 1-800 # and it’s the same thing for 35 years and i was told to file an “Intent to file” but they have been giving me the run around YES for 35 years not even dreaming of telling me that i need a so-called “Nexus Letter” to actually receive my benefits.
Why is that hidden from black veterans? The white veterans tell me they already know that they needed that letter, well i’m tired of waiting so we’ll just have to see you in court like i did with David Shulkin but he turned out to be a thief from stealing from the VA but even if i have to constantly go to shelters or friends homes to live i need to get benefits for my 3 + injuries from basic training and Yes i am Honorable! I have been trying to contact you but i don’t like social media anymore.
This is another ALS study just posted in November 2024.
You want to recognize something? Why not the 21,599 veterans
that died of ALS between 2000 and 2023.
Been posting on more and more about the ALS rates.
How we can get hard facts after 2020. 5 years gap in the numbers.
Here is yet another study just as damaging:
Analysis of Mortality Causes and Locations in Veterans with ALS:
A Decade Review ( Nov 18, 2024 )
The all-cause mortality rate among veterans with ALS was 26 times
greater than for the general Oklahoma population.
Somebody please let Doug Collins know that i’m trying to contact him about my VA benefits
Watched you today and one of the best ways to cut waste is through the equipment bought for disabled veterans or veterans. My husband has had blood pressure kits that do not work. I was told that I didn’t know how to use it but I am an RN. There were two others in the room that were getting the same run-a-round. My husband has had bedside commodes break, shower chairs, and walkers also. I asked for the money as I could get it cheaper at Amazon or Costco and better quality. They have contracts is which is what I was told. Well, change contractors or go straight to the manufacturer. I’m sure this must be true of all their contracts. Thank-you!
Secretary Collins is not a great actor. He claims to just ‘come and see me and we’ll talk about it’. As both a Veteran and former VA employee, I decided to email him to request a f2f. Nothing! No reply. Nothing! Empty rhetoric! Just like his email response, he is empty of empathy, sincerity, and duty to Veterans. Secretary Collins, do you believe in Veterans? Get it together.
Long ago, Trump told us all John MaCain was a sucker and loser. And Trump asked “what’s in it for Soldiers? “……hmmmm???
And NOW we have a VA chief with a single mandate: MOST important, follow Trump’s lead! A president with NO knowledge of the military and what soldiers, sailors and airmen do for a living, putting their lives on the line and who has NO understanding to the cost to the Vets. &(Trump’s not one!)
Doing the math based on the DOD ALS study, the 21,599 veterans they reported
with ALS by 2020 have died of it by now. That death rate is 3 years. These folks
have been dying at least a rate of 1,000 a year for 20 years.
The current numbers in 2025 should be much higher because the data cuts off
at 2020. 5 more years, 3,000 more dead. More like 25,000 total by now. Then you
look at the CDC ALS dashboard of 30,000 total and you know something is wrong.
Ive been going on about ALS in the military. At every turn no one wants to
help. Like this isnt important enough. Been brutal squeezing out facts
from everyone including the CDC ALS registry.
Then over the weekend I found a DOD study from 2023 with some very different
and much higher numbers. Like 21,599 military ALS from 2000 to 2020. Thats
at least a 1,000 cases a year back when they were claiming 20- 38 cases. Im
already mad at the CDC ALS registry and ALS dashboard because 30,000 national
cases in 2018 would mean nearly 75% where veterans. Its there job to report the VA
rates reported to them.
Based on the math, it more than doubles the current ALS death rate. Which by
now is between 2,000 to 3,000 a year based on volume and 3 years turn over.
Because the numbers are accelerating.
The deeper I dig, the wilder the numbers – and these are government numbers
I had to squeeze out of dark corners. VA needs to be much more sympathetic
in this venue because it is a epidemic in the military growing since 1991. I will
be meeting with CDC ALS team this week to discuss why they didnt volunteer
these numbers. Why VA isnt cooperating with this. Because at a minimum there
are 10,000 veterans alive with ALS at this moment dying within 3 years of diagnosis.
At least the CDC will be doing a Gulf war ALS study at my request this year. Find
out where we are at that. VA can and should do much more for these people.
Because the last 7 years is mostly limbo, nothing really public. Which implies
this has gotten much worse because of that silence.
An electronic health record cohort of Veterans with amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis Richard J. Reimer, Andre Goncalves, Braden Soper, Jose Cadena,
Jennifer L. Wilson, Amy L. Gryshuk,”
“This study utilized the VHA Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW), a central
repository that aggregates VHA EHR data. Individuals diagnosed with ALS
from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2020 were identified by a query for
ICD9 diagnosis (335.20) or ICD10 diagnosis (G12.21) for Amyotrophic Lateral
“The number of Veterans diagnosed with ALS during the assessment
period was determined to be 21,599.”
“The VHA is the largest healthcare system in the US. Using ICD codes to
identify cases, we have generated a cohort of 19,662 Veterans with a
diagnosis of ALS.”
“This work was supported in part by DOD CDMRP Award No. W81XWH-
20-0-AL200115 and Livermore Lab Foundation with funding from the
ALS CURE Project.”
I am having trouble with my feet and all I get from VA Clinic is that it is from old age.
Insist on a referral to podiatry.
Secretary Collins, I know you will have your personnel dept do an eval of the people VA feels needs to be let go. As a Vet, walk softly on this and make sure you are cutting correctly. You have some real shortages in Pensacola, Fl VA Clinic Pulmonary dept. Vet’s have to wait 6 months to be seen for sleep apnea issues. This is real, I was told by that dept a 6 month wait to be seen because of a personnel shortage. This needs to be looked into Secretary Collins. Cutting some positions in VA is probably needed as the government is bloated is a number of areas. Just make sure the VET’s waiting period is reasonable, 6 months is not reasonable. The Dental Clinic in Panama City Beach Fl has one dentist who always seems to be gone. I have been waiting since 2023 to see the dentist there but every time my appointment is close, it is cancelled by VA and re-scheduled months down the road. There are shortages Mr Secretary in the VA system that seem to never be fixed. Assign someone to moniter if clinics are staffed correctly. Thank you Secratary Collins.
All for a red Swingline stapler and a piece of cake.
I am hoping you do not have to cut any of your psychiatrist or psychologist. If anything they are the most needed . My daughter is a psychologist for VA and a Veteran. She along eith many of her colleagues are scared of losing their jobs and not being able to take care of their patients. Please for all the Veterans do not cut in this area as it is much needed and would be terrible for the Veterans that desperately need this service and have built up a report with their Dr.
Hello Mr Collin’s, I really could use some assistance to help my sister with DIC benefits since her husband passed almost a year ago. He was 100% disabled and passed away in April last year. She didn’t work for many years because she was taking care of her husband. She keeps getting the runaround’s. I’m trying to help her with this but it’s just not working. Thank you
Secretary Doug Collins. I followed you when you’re in Congress. You were wonderful then and sorry that that pastor or whatever they call him one because he has done anything that you would have done a much much better.
Thank you for taking the range of this wonderful organization and looking forward to a future with better healthcare and help from the VA.
For VA Secretary Collin’s to say, “ it’s about getting us back to work, focused on the mission and that mission is the Veteran” implies that they weren’t working nor focused in the right direction. What a horrible statement to announce to your employees. This sows distrust throughout an organization that is already under the microscope of DOGE.
To further make the point clear Sec Collins states, “VA employees are coming back to work.” When did they stop working? This comment and this article is demoralizing and demeaning to the VA workforce and is the definition of gaslighting if I’ve ever seen. Additionally, does this imply that any workforce of any kind needs to be corralled in to a brick and mortar in order to have better “in-person work”? I guess computer platforms are outdated now. This is pathetic at best.
Decimating the VA to politically please the new regime is haphazard and damaging. Not only for VA employees but veterans as well.
Hahahaha!!! What is not funny is how gleeful these republican christians are about people losing their jobs, even veterans. Pitiful.
After 4 botched abdominal surgeries in Oct 2022 I found myself suffering from GI issues with no GI drs in Southern Nevada VA med center. I have waiting two yrs to see a GI doctor for my cancer and bleeds with no cancer Dr since march 2023 and no access when he was there. He took a job downtown. It took two yrs to get an appt at cancer center in Las Vegas. Doctors leave the VA soon after completing training . I have a really bad spine with fusion in my neck and low back. I need to see neurosurgeon and had to go downtown but still held up by community care dept. there are almost no employees at the hospital and definitely not in mental health. My best friend is a social worker and applied there to critical openings but was rejected after they took over 8 months to get him on board saying he took too long but no one was at work as they had not returned from Covid work at home yet. The same is true for VA offices.
I have stopped using my service earned VA medical benefits back in 2019 due to an unwarranted med. treatments performed in 2016 causing a gut infection 14 hrs after procedure still present in me today & oncoming questionable vaccine shots, the system must be vented of bad players & Biden sympathizers hiding in every part of the VA system, every local Med. Center retrained in VA’s only reason for existence is the healthcare of it’s Veteran’s.
How can you possibly cut 80,000 more VA jobs and say the veteran is not going to suffer healthcare! I am not stupid and I hope your not either. You seem to bel following Trump and Musk guidance to keep your job! Have a spine and stand up for the VA healthcare workers! Its a sad day in America when those that have served our country are being threatened with limited healthcare workers. The doctors, nursing, pharmacists, counselors all have very important roles to there veterans. The outcomes are huge! Look at the data! Show the president & Musk! There are far more areas in the Trillions of dollars deficit that could be cut! Nothing should be cut form the VA system unless you have facilities that are not being used. Most facilities are strategically located so our veterans have close access to a hospital or clinic. They deserve them! They have put there lives on the line for EVERYONE OF US! God Bless the Veterans and all the healthcare workers in the VA system. I am appalled to say the least. I am not even a veteran and my heart breaks for them all! Please reconsider your plans on cutting the 80,000 employees to appease Trump and Musk….they are detrimental for all veterans needing to live a normal healthy life like most USA citizens.
Collins plans to lay off almost 20% of VA employees.
Anyone else go into the va and think it is overstaffed?
Resign you traitor.
I cannot believe how so many fall for the propaganda from the left!
Hahahaha, seriously? They are cutting a chunk of one of the most criminally understaffed government organizations, that serve the MOST deserving percentage of the population, they say it to your face, then follow up with some propagandized platitudes, with zero explanation of how this doesn’t make it worse. And here you tell people with basic common sense, who listen to the actual words coming out of the admins mouths, and want to claim they got suckered by political propaganda. I can’t decide if I want use a pot/kettle reference, a dunning-kruger comment, or waste more time explaining what projection is to a Russian bot. If this is a real person though, I can’t how so many people fall for Russian propaganda.
Doug Collins,
As a Navy vet I’m disgusted with you and your Trump sycophant behavior. How far up Trump’s ass are you? As a chaplain that should be representing a somewhat moral authority, how do you justify yourself and the support of Trump and his administration? Does honesty and integrity mean nothing to you? I know another veteran that isn’t able to go to work in person and works from home, doing a fine job from there. How is working in person supposed to be more efficient if certain jobs are able to be done remotely? Is that persons job on the chopping block as part of the 80,000 cuts from the VA that isn’t supposed to affect Veteran care? Do you have any dignity, empathy, or care for the people you’re firing or the veteran care you’re negatively affecting?
Hey Secretary Collins please add BlueSky to “Share this Story”. Thanks and please keep us informed about attempts to add costs for TRICARE for Life for us retired veterans. Thank you!
And now you’re letting 83,000 employees go and telling us this will not affect veterans’ care? I’ve never seen such a backstabbing Secretary head the Department of Veteran Affairs.
This Fobbit-sychophant only got the job because he bent the knee and kissed the Orange Felon’s ring; he doesn’t give a damn about vets – if he did he wouldn’t be helping to slash staffing (which, as anyone who has ever been to a VA facility are all woefully understaffed) and now is ‘welcoming people back’ – what garbage. Dragging people back isn’t going to help anything, it’s just another shiny banner to wave that accomplishes Nothing and Helps No One, while instead moral is being destroyed and people are losing their livelihoods. He has no honor.
This is not the way to destroy employee’s and their families career. I’m not totally against people going back to the office, but the massive firings of personnel is nonsense and should be addressed by you to the political pundits that are involved. Always stand up for your employees when they have done no wrong. That is a significant sign of respect , gratitude, leadership, and having the balls to do what is right…
Believe it when I see it.
I’m a veteran at a VA facility right now going through treatment. I hope that the VA can get back to in person care as soon as possible. I’m ashamed that my VA facility has fallen into disrepair and been down sized due to the lack of personnel
If anybody’s reading this please come out to White City Oregon and do an audit and listen to the veterans and see what they need. The whole housing first program is not working we’re losing veterans due to addiction and isolation I feel that long-term on station treatment would be a way better option
It’s a terrible thing that destroys morale and makes the organization run less efficiently.
What a crock of shit you all are.
Trump has a plan…..fall in line or be left behind.
He has concepts of a plan that will fail miserably
Secretary Collins – you do NOT care for Veterans. We see right through you. Spineless and coward does not begin to describe your hatred against Veterans!!! 80,000 employees cut?
Doug, I guess I would be interested in knowing how many VA employees were working from home and what they were doing. My VA go-to place is Worcester, MA and I have nothing but good things to say about them. In fact, within the last 40 days, my VA optometrist recognized and arranged for my macular degeneration treatment that my civilian MD ophthalmologist did not “see” for the past year. I did not begin to utilize my VA benefits until I was 76 years old. I only hope you do not cull personnel that ARE productive and needed.
Does this include the 83,000 VA employees providing services to veterans you’re planning on cutting?
Doug Collins is a spineless coward. He will be remembered in the future for gutting the VA and allowing profit to come before veterans. Mark my words, history will remember Doug Collins for the spineless tool that he is.
So. .Collins lied. Now the VA target layoffs is 80,000.
Benefits are next.
Collins does NOT about veterans
Here is another example. VA relies on search engines to be exclusive
on search results of PDF documents. So past events can be ignored
and pretend all is well. The 1996 shift to electronic records was mostly
digital images and pdfs for years.
I was at many events on then hill from 1999 to 2005. One of them was
the first hearing on Project SHAD. In fact, I was at a Pentagon brief
when it was first leaked in front of Deployment Health. After that
brief I rushed to NARA to search the naval ship records. Very misleading
data on crews during that period. But, the point is these were live
chemical, biological, and nuclear test during the Vietnam era. That
those participating had been denied service connection to those events.
By 2002, only 6,000 still remained.
Here it is 2025, no public registry or data about the outcome. One study
in 2007 that is long outdated and hindered by lack of social security
numbers as a stall tactic. The goal was to say mortality rate was same
is general population in 2007. The following studies were equally as
I for one felt VA never took Shad ( Project 112 ) serious and biased its
medical studies in favor of general conditions without detailed analysis
of body tissue for forever compounds. They generalized data so that it
looked like standard geriatric issues.
Project SHAD never had fair representation and is another episode where
America both dropped the ball, and made the veteran suffer for it. People
following orders, later betrayed for there loyalty. Where the term Toxic
Exposures has been trivialized and down played to save money. I know,
I was there.
JULY 10, 2002
Campbell, Hon. Ben Nighthorse, U.S. Senator from Colorado, prepared state ment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
61 Hayden, Paul A., Deputy Director, National Legislative Service, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, prepared statement …………………………
70 Ilem, Joy J., Assistant National Legislative Director, Disabled American Vet erans, prepared statement ……………………………………………………………………….
61 Love, Kirt P., President, Desert Storm Battle Registry, joint prepared state ment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
64 Lyons, Paul, President, Desert Storm Justice Foundation, joint prepared statement ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
64 National Gulf War Resource Center, prepared statement ……………………………..
66 Wolf, Dannie, President, American Veteran Justice Foundation, joint pre pared statement ……………………………………………………………………………………… 64
This morning the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs will hold a hearing on so-called Project SHAD, an acronym for Shipboard Haz ard and Defense, a U.S. Navy project in the 1960’s. This program was designed to test effectiveness of both delivery and protective systems relating to chemical weapons, and it was comprised of many tests, more than a hundred. A number of issues have arisen as to the propriety of subjecting U.S. naval personnel to these tests: whether there were deadly bio logical agents to which they were exposed; whether such exposures were intended, or merely incidental to collecting data on animal subjects; whether VX and sarin—very lethal agents—were used; and whether the U.S. personnel were really, in effect, guinea pigs, which the Department of Defense has denied. There is a problem in the present of identifying the people who were subjected to these exposures, and this committee has decided to convene this hearing to try to make a determination as to what the facts are, whether the action taken by the Department of De fense was proper, what exposures there were, and what were the circumstances of those exposures. There has been an assertion that consent was given, but no formal written consent forms have been located.
[Editor: Kirt, please only post each comment one time. When you submit the same comment multiple times, the automated filter interprets all of your comments as spam.]
Ive tried to post across 4 different locations to get better coverage.
All 4 VA Sec of VA video post. Reason being, Google search engine
has been limiting me since 2021 related to my website –
Its been censoring me heavily. You have to type “Kirt Love Gulf war”
to find all my materials instead of just my name. Then VA has been
removing my public comments and letters submitted to the VA RAC
since 2021. Ive attended every meeting, and VA has been scrubbing
the public comments. You folks make it impossible to be heard, and
Ive been doing this 28 years. I should not have to be struggling down
here in the public comments mosh pit. OIG has been no help.
Im not a idiot, but thank you so much for implying it publicly.
Do you see it yet?
Each location starts with “VA Secretary Doug Collins….
Your not looking at what comes after that. Numerous times
Ive written to all four locations at once, but same material
only once. Do you think that is easy? All the steps involved?
So this raises the question, only 25% of my past comments are
getting out over the last 2 weeks. I havent been wrong about
my remarks. Just being singled out of the crowd. Ways to make
this even harder, to discourage me.
“Coming back to work”- how absurd. More than 2,400 Department of VA jobs have been cut so far- and those who are back in the office were already working. You’re a lying pawn with no empathy or care for Veterans.
One of VA’s biggest problems right now is its unwillingness to face certain statistical facts about a variety of its veterans issues. Its quick to adopt medical studies with the NIH if its substance abuse, somatic illness, smoking, or lifestyle choices. What it does not like to publish with Gulf war vets is specific or unique illness rates, service connections by year, service connection rejection rate, and death rates. All of this once done by the GWVIS reporting system created by Paul Sullivan that applied last year for VA RAC position. Then rejected.
In 2006 we could not get a honest answer about how many GW vets had ALS or not. Studies gave conflicting reports of 20 to 38. Secretly VA knew of 496 cases of ALS in the military since it was first diagnosed around WWII. So Sec of VA James Peake service connected 100% in 2010 and the CDC VA ALS registry was formed as the VA one was dropped. Only, its information was sparse and depends of voluntary self reporting. In forensic circles ALS is a secondary cause of death and often not reported other than primary cause of death. So numbers were small, and samples were slow to the VABBB brain bank. The years passed.
By 2018 there were 30,000 cases of ALS nation wide. One part says of the registry said 5,000 in the military, another part says 10,000. But, A NIH study posted the death rate would match diagnosis rate within 3 years of this. Just at 1,000 cases a year, CDC registry told me death rate is now just at 1,000 for VA in 2024. Problem is, all data sets feeding the CDC dashboard are to 2018 when the diagnosis rate has accelerated. 7 years the data has been suppressed. Most diagnosed only have 2 to 3 years. Barely enough time to service connect as diagnosis rate is delayed in veterans ( as per the CDC ).
Im positive this is the work of DOD Deployment Health trying to hide several disease trends in the military and veterans. DOD wants all this reported as deployment wide, and it used to be by war era. All this started with the NIH study of Gulf war vets with ALS , and VA changing the contract to ALS in the military to water the numbers down.
VA should be transparent in all its activities, and it should run realistic access for veterans of any data that might help them. Including awareness of VA short comings and information that would motivate VA to improve rather than hide facts. Gulf war veterans have been marginalized and insulted for decades. Now they are dying of ALS at alarming rate much higher than general population, and VA simply suppressing this fact to save money. A gruesome morbid unfair death stalking us just out of public view. Mostly because those that have it are house bound out of view, and die quickly out of view within 2 to 3 years. That VA itself wont publish numbers, and hands off to the CDC to do so. Which isnt right since VA is the source.
I cant find people fast enough to talk to them. Major Christopher Muholland and Lt Col Andy Werker were even advocates of ALS. Both dying in the last 3 months of it. I cant even prove they were in the CDC ALS registry?
This is a act of cruelty on behalf of our government, and should change to reflect our commitment to those that serve our country in the military. We should not wait out there people, and we should recognize all those that did die of ALS in the military veteran circles. By asking the families to come forward about there loved ones that died of it. Accountability.
I was there at every stage of all of this long ago. As I pursued the AFIP that would not volunteer information. When I presented the AFIPs attitude, the VA RAC helped create the VABBB. I met the first ALS cases to come forward. Jim Thew is still alive. But, my VA federal committee wasnt given information and was disbanded in 2009. If we had continued, this would been one of those things we would have addressed. After 2012, VA shut down information in general to Gulf war vets. We have and still live in the dark about our issues as we have no real places to go, or current information. In essence, we just arent dying fast enough for VA 34 years later.
But we were already working.
Thank you for your service….your fired! It’s the christian thing to do.
Doug needs to grow a spine and tell his masters that they’re destroying the VA. Return to office, mass firings, and OPM delaying hirings is directly affecting patients.
They never stopped working. And now traffic and congestion and pollution and quality of life becomes a thing again— and all that work could be done at home.
Director Collins: You are in a position you have no right to occupy. The role of the VA Director is to support veterans and those who provide services to them. Not to kiss the President’s ass.
You are a white evangelical male from a red Southern State. None the less the people of Georgia who know you best decided they would rather be represented in the Senate by either a black male or white woman, someone other than Douglas Collins.
While you wore a military uniform you were not really in the service. Chaplains are not part of the mission of any military unit. I was in the Navy. The officers who I served under had a gold star on their epaulet not a cross. We depended on them for leadership and to understand what the people they commanded did.
When Trump’s ‘buddy’ Elon Musk got a burr up his butt and decided that everyone who works for the Federal government should post five things they did in the preceding week some of other Secretaries realized that this unsolicited intrusion invaded their province as the agency’s leader and told their employees not to respond. I’m thinking of Secretaries Rubio, Hegseth, Noam and FBI Director Patel. You had a chance to stand up for your people and by extension the people that they serve but of course you did not. You simply fundamentally lack any semblance of courage to determine what is the right thing to do so you just let Musk take control over your agency and dictate what your employees should do. Because of who you are I suspect that you will continue to be Trump/Musk toady and will likely serve out your term as Director. I can tell you one thing while you may serve in the role you will not be respected either by those you are in charge of or veterans.
Hey Ed, majority of citizen across this great nation of ours voted out the idiots that got us here in the place where we are now. Of course you don’t approve of any of Trump’s cabinet because it does not fit your agenda or narrative that the left dictate to its munnions. This is the thing that a lot of people don’t like about the freedom of speech, the freedom to carry, the freedom of RELIGION that we all cherish and protect. We Veterans deserve better treatment by our government! The sacrifice and dedication of our veterans will never be appreciated enough. Point in case, Vietnam veterans returning from Vietnam could not proudly wear their uniform in public, why? I am a Vietnam veteran, even though the people protesting that war did not care if you were coming or going to Vietnam, you still got harassed and cursed at. It is different today but I still see the hatred for our brave men and women of the military. And of course, having to put up with the crap in the VA system has been terrible, somewhat better now that the deadbeats and dead weight has been removed. Those of us who are still struggling with disabilities that we can not get support for until we pass away. Sounds like you support Fraud, Waste and Abuse. I call it stealing, over spending and abuse of taxpayers dollars. Trump wants to stop this crap once and for all. I guess you love to give your tax money away for DEI and other stupid pet projects that put money into the pockets of even our enemies and corrupt politicians who are on the take for every cent that they can get. Two things that I know you can do right of the get go. One, run for a pollical office. Two, move to a different country if you are not happy with the American way. I am sure that there is a country that would like your money. Good luck with that. I believe in what Trump is doing for our country by putting the right people in the right place. In the military and at home, I have to account for every single thing was and is in our budget. Receipts for everything for taxes and measures in place so we don’t go over budget. Is that too much to ask for our government? Some don’t want anyone to know or see what and where we send our money is going for. Those days are over. Deal with it.
Yes, Chuck. And having worked the majority of my professional career in the private sector, I was required to validate myself and itemize my productive. It’s called metrics, efficiency, value to the organization. I have no issue whatsoever submitting five bullet points. In fact, I could submit 105 bullet points with context and specifics. I see keeping track of all I do to earn my wages (and maybe even a promotion) prepares me seamlessly for my annual evaluation. From my perspective, I view those who are outraged and making fools of themselves protesting as exposing themselves as less than valuable assets. Why else would they be so infuriated to be asked to share just five things they did in a full work week? The answer to me is obvious. Grifters, deadweight, underperformers….
Oh shut it , Chuck the commie. I bet my left nut you’re no veteran, and if you are, you’re an incredibly dumb one. Which isn’t surprising, I served with a bunch of useless idiots, much like yourself.
Whats even more fun is that there are plenty of legitimately sourced information out there, but you refuse to listen and continue to parrot the same propaganda from your russian bought masters. Again I doubt you’re a real vet, but in the chance you are, how does it feel to have your fellow servicemen maimed and killed by communists, only for you to survive to become one yourself.
I should add that amongst those fired, were maga-tards such as yourself. You do realize that there have been negative changes to benefits to veterans already? You do also realize that all those remote workers, who were working remotely well before covid, were actually saving tax payer money? Because this meant not having to rent even bigger office spaces. Claims were moving at record speed during covid when every employee was 100% remote. You can most certainly look up all that info, but you won’t because it doesn’t fit your narrative.
You are absolutely dead on!
I feel so heartbroken for my fellow Veterans due to these mass firings. The VA is already short staffed in some areas. And the way President Musk and his minion Trumpy are villainizing federal workers, no one will feel safe being or becoming a federal employee in the future. How will this help veterans? How will reducing the workforce and have them WAITING FOR CARE bettering this agency? Private sector healthcare is no better with the wait times. Federal employees are tax paying US Citizens and were HIRED to do a job. Let’s say that all the VA medical staff doesn’t respond to Muskrat’s email insisting on 5 bullet points, will they ALL be fired? No care for veterans. It’s just stupid nuances. Also, some positions in the VA CAN BE DONE FROM HOME. What is the purpose of wasting tax dollars to rent buildings and keep stock of building necessities? Is it so more people can spend money on gas? Spend money on local restaurants for lunch? So the parking garages can get extra income for a federal worker paying $200 to park there just to go to work? Working from home saves money for the VA AND their employees. So many people will quit because the government is treating its employees like crap. I pray for this country. And I hope you no longer are Muskrat’s or Trumpy’s puppet in the near future.
You say “coming back to work” like they weren’t working.
Work is something you do, not a place you go.
Well, it’s something some people do. I haven’t seen any evidence you work.
Ref. Johnathan Fields. I have just been told that one of my ROTC students, an Indiana University graduate has received a letter indicating that he should look for other employment. I can’t believe it. This young man was commissioned and led his infantry platoon down the street in Iraq. The Army sent him back to IU to acquire a law degree. He is now an ethics lawyer in Wyoming working for the VA. Why would we want to DX an ethics lawyer? Ethical decisions have been a problem for the past several years. By the way, he was not one you had to greet coming back to work.
Welcome and I look forward to you effectively leading the VA down a pathway of Veteran-centric opportunities. You are off to a slow and possibly questionable start, but let’s hope for the best.
1. You may consider identifying the incompetence within the Office of the OIG. I wish I could say the OIG office recruited top talent but I would be lying. As a one-time member of a military IG team, I am appalled that the VA Office of IG has failed in basic responsivity to and responsibility for following credible and factual evidence. They seem preoccupied with achieving their own preferred outcomes rather than following evidentiary matters of facts.
2. Take a hard look into the credit CO elitists take from field operators just to embellish their own report cards.
3. A commentator reminded us of the Bonus Army of 1932. Don’t lose sight of GEN Patton’s treatment of PVT Joe Angelo, despite PVT Angelo having saved a then COL Patton’s life.
4. Resolve outstanding skid marks still plaguing the VA (escapades of orgies with participants still employed, hiding proven incompetent leaders in offices reporting to CO, ample professional, paraprofessional and administrative ROAD employees, and the violation of privacy for Veterans by holding clinic operations in facility breezeways, while select others hide in their offices escaping to watch YouTube videos (no joke – I saw it with my own eyes).
5. Develop new and provocative methods to recruit professionals to deliver healthcare services to Veterans, especially in rural settings. We can and should do far more for Veterans who travel hours to get healthcare services.
6. Increase access to care for Veterans by reducing redundant and nightmarish administrative requirements for providers, increase competent administrative support to clinicians, and focus on proven efficiencies adopted by organizations in the private sector that have mastered efficient practice management standards.
7. Laser focus on recruiting and retaining the best and brightest surgeons, anesthesiologists, internists, and other specialists in the world! Perhaps look to recommendation (6) and ensure specialists are free to provide their valued expertise and not just inundated with paperwork. Veterans at large would be shocked by the amount of administrative workload piled on to physicians and surgeons! It’s crazy bad!
8. Telework or remote work will be debated for years to come… some will sing loud praises while others will condemn telework as a waste. Tele can make sense for certain professions. A radiologist, for example, could be very productive reading x-rays from home, social workers reaching out to serving Veterans via telehealth systems, coders providing coding services from home offices, and a host of other extremely valid models of home office setups make considerable sense. However, when a physician claims ‘work-life’ balance, refuses to see or speak with patients, works another full-time physician job in the community during her ‘home’ tour of duty, and then files a bogus discrimination complaint, despite her being the ONLY physician in the facility teleworking working from home- well that’s a problem!!
9. Please do not cancel or minimize Town Halls. Rather, focus on deliberately increasing communications between field operators, Veterans, and CO SMEs. It has become a real divide because so many who work in CO have no real concept of what is happening in the field. Oh sure, they think they do but…. In fact, get all physicians seeing patients. The number of physicians assigned HQ duties is staggering. Have them go out and provide direct care services to Veterans. Imagine that! Access may improve by getting physicians to work in exam rooms seeing patients. After all. one physician was clear when he wore the badge inscribed “I’m the Doctor, you’re not”.
10. And for goodness sake, have all the phones repaired in the healthcare facilities. As a Veteran seeking assistance, I cannot reach anyone in the VA by phone!! No live person. I get the same recording each and every time!!
You’re off to the races if you start here and rest assured, you will be the example to emulate if you adopt some or all of these recommendations. You are the Secretary invoking a desire for a Veteran-centric environment. You started off in the wrong direction but just do a 180 and make it happen…for Veterans!!
I am a veteran. Sad to say Mcguires VA Medical Center, Richmond, VA, has no USA flag flying at it’s main entrance. Answer given, no money. Side entrance flag has been shredded for over a year. Why? Answer, no money. This is my I believe you look. Please fix this
I bet they had money for pride flags over the past four years!
Please take a good look at the VA Hospital in East Orange NJ and the Hackensack VA facility in Bergen County NJ. My husband suffers with PTSD. He has nightmares and terrible dreams and sometimes he acts out in his sleep and I’m the one who lives with the benefit of these nightmares. He has not had a counseling sessions since the pandemic. His psychiatrist gives him meds that turn him into a zombie and he can’t handle being in crowds anymore. He gets angry driving and it scares me. I tried to get him a counselor outside he won’t talk to them they don’t understand. I want him to go to a counselor at Lyons Hospital but he is having trouble with a referral. I’m not the patient just the wife who sees things everyday but my opinion doesn’t count.
I’m asking you as I our representative and unhelpful Senators. I’m asking for a surprise inspection I asked Joint Commission to review but as usual nothing.
If you could take a look and help I know you how your hands full.
Thank you I know you have our Veterans welfare a priority.
Pathetic and dishonorable, traitorous and dirty how you continue to peddle bulls—- to actual American heroes.
Secretary Collins, surely as a former Navy Chaplain, you know of the hardships, sacrifices and injuries sailors sustained while deployed on vessels across the oceans in support of defending our nation. You also know of the enormous sacrifices made by Veterans across all branches and how family members experienced hardships of separation. This part is a given or at least should be. Now is the time for you to resort to those experiences as a Chaplain and stand up for what is right for all Veterans! You know firsthand the enormous courage Veterans and family members provided our nation. We are all counting on you for your leadership in support of all Veterans. Stand up and fight and we will be right there with you! Fight for all the Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, Marines, and Coasties who accepted the challenges of defending our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. ‘Some gave all and all gave some’ are not merely words…these words provide special meaning to all of us. Congressional mandates provide for fiscal means in support for Veterans. VA healthcare and other Veteran services are funded from mandatory funding, not from discretionary funding. We need to protect the rights of Veterans and the laws that explicitly provide for Veteran benefits. Slashing 2400 VA employees does nothing to impact budget deficits and only serves to effectively erode earned benefits afforded to Veterans. Veterans have done their part. We are a country facing a $36 trillion dollar deficit. Our country could terminate every single federal government employee in the nation, and it would represent less than 3/5 of 1 percent of the total annual federal budget of $6.3 trillion. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that cutting 2400 employees in the VA does absolutely nothing to decrease the budget but does serve to make things worse for Veterans. The Constitution provides for the President, Vice-President, elected officials and public servants to be held ‘to the strictest accountability’ The standards to care for Veterans should be held to the strictest accountability as spelled out in the Constitution.
To the person who asked earlier about the orgies being reported in the media, at least a dozen of those admitted participants are still actively employed at the facility. Cutting this dirty dozen from the ranks may be warranted but not 2400 employees.
How about reviewing VA educational benefits and how a number of poor performing robocolleges (like the University of Phoenix, Purdue Global, and Liberty University) prey upon veterans and their families? I’m afraid the amount of oversight with be curtailed. It’s bad enough that the VA-OIG stopped responding.
Some of these comments are what is uplifting, not this exercise in stenography joke of a story. Some of the commenters, unfortunately, are still delusional and think president muskrat and minion trump are on their side and not actually out to extract as much profit as possible from our citizen funded government. SMH
Amen. Let’s see if veterans present any resistance. Remember the 1932 Bonus Army.
Secretary Collins: If you take a moment to read the comments and you have any empathy, understanding, and a shred of intelligence, you can ‘hear and see’ the frustration your blind support of the political nonsense is having on Veterans. It is both challenging and disgusting how we Veterans are trying to grasp why the current leadership is not building upon previous successes in the VA. Take a moment to look at the VA Healthcare Administration. I have personally witnessed how nurses came in on the weekends during COVID to offer Veterans immunizations against COVID. That is not all. I remember vividly how a nurse, after speaking with a Veteran who did not have transportation, actually drove in her own POV to the Veteran’s home and provided the Veteran the inoculation at his home. Or how about the time when scores of VA employees volunteered their own personal time to provide assistance to our Veterans and their families in local communities suffering from the natural hurricane disasters? Surely this strikes a chord. The MO with our current Administration is to go in with swinging DOGE sledgehammers only to cause serious damage and destruction and chaos. It’s not too late to engage order and common sense. Just take a gander a Veterans willing to help, recommendations of Veteran-member panels, and all the dedicated employees in the VA WANTING and having a heartfelt DESIRE to care for Veterans. We need to look at improving service for our nation’s Veterans who were willing to give their lives for this country. We can improve and with your genuine leadership and holding leaders accountable with appropriate authority, we can do this. Please listen to the Veterans and employees reaching out to you and provide stable, strong, and encouraging leadership. Thank you.
And while Dougie was doing that, he flat out lied to every veteran saying he was cutting wasteful spending. Here’s the truth:
He went on video and said they were cutting $2B in “wasteful” contracts. Read the full story. Disability ratings. PACT Act access. Contracts to calibrate radiation detection equipment, to support cancer care and veterans cemetery management. Toxic exposure database, which is how they knew burn pits almost killed me in 2015 with a pulmonary embolism.
Call and write your Congressional member. Demand he be fired before he can break anything else.
Thank you for pointing this out, well done!
The VA benefits are hard earned benefits by our fighting force. We should be looking to expand these benefits for low income veterans now approaching retirement age. 10-20% of our homeless population is veterans and housing this population in Veteran facilities would benefit the veterans as well as the population writ large. We need to be looking at what the needs of this population are and tailoring the benefits. As a veteran I waited almost two years to apply for my benefits due to the enormity of the process and paperwork. I was encouraged by my local congressional representative and am enormously happy with the outcome. If we continue to raise the bar and erect hurdles for our veterans we are failing on our promise to care for them. I am immensely disappointed in the present governmental initiatives to downsize the force that cares for this vulnerable population.
I’m was praying for your appointment
I actually sent out emails when that occurred
Why aren’t the VA medical clinics staffed with armed security
I reside in Trumbull county Ohio
Locally there have been 2 incidents at the Ravenna Ohio facility
On the last occasion the Ravenna police could not send assistance
Our local VA in Warren has a armed Trumbull county sheriff
All VA hospitals have guns since 911
I know there are staffing issues in Washington but think this is a bad situation that can only get worse
Finally what is the coarse of action for those directors who were involved in the orgies n emails that made national news just a couple months ago
I wish you well and feel confident you can add valuable assistance
Cool, so now we’ll have our telehealth appointments with our shrink in a call center, instead of our shrink’s quiet, private house. You gonna fire probationary shrinks next, like how you fired the probationary Veterans Crisis Line employees?
Just work with physicans they’ll tell you who needs to go and who needs to stay
Some of the physicians themselves need to go. Sloppy work leads me to have to Google the majority of issues / lab results.
We can barely get appointments and are then told we can only discuss 3 items.
Some of the physicians themselves need to go. Sloppy work leads me to have to Google the majority of issues / lab results.
We can barely get appointments and are then told we can only discuss 3 items. DF!
VA Clinic Stockbridge GA
Not that anyone will see or care about my comment but explain to me how bringing remote workers back to the closest federal building does any good? Remote workers that come back into a building in their local area still hold the same positions. I work for a VISN not in the state I live. My supervisor who is back to being in an office is in another state than me and our VISN. We still have to have remote meetings as a team. Lol. But somehow this is supposed to be effective and beneficial to the Veterans? As a Veteran I find it insulting that that our leaders hide behind the mantra that they are doing any of this for Veterans. Do they think we are all that stupid that we don’t know this is being done because of selfish and retalitory agendas? This administration is only out to make their lives better. They are a disgrace to the offices they hold. Money and stature can get you power yes. But it certainly does not bring you any respect. You earn respect. Our so called leaders have no experience with earning anything respectful. They think power and money equal respect. They are the stupid ones. I can’t wait for history books to write their legacy as being the most foolish leaders. Which, ironically is what they value the most, their image. Trump will be remembered as a fool. You sir, will not get the last laugh. We as Veterans, civil servants, and citizens will. I can’t wait to see that. It will happen.
You sir must speak for yourself, for a bankrupt country Trump has taken on the task of bringing us back to financial stability instead of writing checks for everyone who asks. We’ve been funding the countries who want us dead and living costs of those same countries with nothing in return. I am a Vietnam era vet and have lived through many changes both good and bad, sometimes change hurts but if we continued to spend money we don’t have the US economy would never survive. The last president did more damage to this country than any enemy could. I am thankful we now have a president who genuinely cares for America and it’s citizens and not for padding theirs and families pockets. Trump is taking this position again without pay and if you hate the fact that this will save America then maybe you should give up your citizenship and leave to a country that is corrupt to your liking..
You are delusional.
Steven D., you are completely right. Well stated. Working from home was supposed to be an emergency measure due to the “COVID pandemic”, it wasn’t intended to be permanent. I have to show up for work. Gasoline, traffic, long commutes, wear and tear on my vehicle. When my kids were young, I had to take them to child care. That’s what working adults do. I can understand emergency backup work-from-home-days only in areas of the country where weather conditions are extreme. Below-zero temperatures, freezing winds, massive snowfall. “Snow days” reserved for emergencies only but employees otherwise show up in person at their work stations.
You are not a Vietnam vet, you are a russian bot. Your IP gives you away, nice try.
Well said.
Well, at least one thing is now going in my favor. Google News rebroadcast several of these video post. In doing so, it captured the public comments with my text that VA ignored.
I’m working on several things.
1. Release of the Gulf War 1991 records from 34 years ago. 6 million of them, with over 1 million medically relevant. The petition is over at
2. Release of current statistical information of the veteran ALS death rates in VA care. Which is just over 1,000 a year by now.
3. Release of current statistical cancer death rates among Gulf War Veterans in 2025.
4. Amend pl 105-368 and redirect misused assets of the WRIISC program.
5. Removal of Deployment Health from VA as a fraudulent entity used to hide disease trends of military deployments.
6. Verify current rate of Visceral Leishmaniasis in OIF / OEF veterans.
7. Create the Toxic Exposure Pathology Center to assist in complicated medical methods for data collection proof.
8. Create open door policy with VA executive staff at 810 Vermont Street like in the old days.
9. Reinstate the Advisory Committee for Gulf War Veterans to provide current platform for our Healthcare and Benefits. There is no other method, and the VA RAC is unsuitable in this arena.
10. Instate a permanent GWI advocate on VA executive staff for future representation.
As time goes by, information will be leaked. Media will be bypassed. Sooner or later VA will no longer be able to hide from Veterans in plain sight. Congress will step in. I plan to be there, and work on a new VA that treat Veterans with the respect we earned in combat.
Kirt P. Love
Director, DSBR
former member VA ACGWV
Release the Gulf War 1991 Records –
Liar, liar, election denier. Traitor to your fellow vets…
Making people go into the office and spend hours of their day in traffic for functions that don’t require being there in person is just going to make them leave and find a more accommodating job in the private sector. Not ideal given how understaffed the VA already is. Also, there are many people who were hired under remote work agreements that would have to relocate to abide by this or even drive to some federal building to sit and do the exact same job they do from home without that so-called “dynamic and engaging” work environment. Some VAs have inadequate space already too. Stop trying to spin this as some great thing – it’s bad for employees and bad for Veterans and really makes no sense at all.
What a terrible joke. I’ve been working in remote and in-home care with the VA for nearly a decade with awards and outstanding performance reviews. I’m so disgusted with this Orwellian propaganda. I’ve been providing incredible and compassionate care for veterans! I’ve been working! This RN is absolutely fed up. I’m thinking of jumping ship for my sanity and safety. You’re really not looking for the best to serve veterans, are you?
Who decided this speech was “uplifting”? Stop genuflecting to Elon Musk and protect your hard-working staff who are actually delivering the services veterans need.
Not being able to manage a remote workforce is a skill issue (at the very top)
Interesting that VA IS CLAIMING remarkable performance in processing claims for FY 2025, when the fiscal year does not end until 9/30/25. What gives?
See below for the transparency being given, starting at 50 minutes
See below regarding yesterday’s congressional hearings.
Can you please provide accountability and transparency for the lack of answers Ms Therit was unable to provide starting at 50 minutes.
Also please clarify what support and suicide prevention is being offered to veteran employees who are among those who have been fired.
Really? Full on MAGA spin? I’m done with this website.
Doug Collins is a fascist moron.
God help us all.
Doug Collins touched my hotdog in a men’s room stall in Atlanta Hartsfield airport in 2014.
Making the VA employees return to an office full-time will cause mass confusion, chaos, and staff leaving the VA. The Veterans Crisis Line has always been remote. If a suicidal vet calls they will answer. They have saved 100s of not 1000s of life. You dragging the providers back and the Crisis Line will be even more understaffed. These deaths are on our administrations hands, and yours Mr. Collins
Exempt the VA Crisis Line, doctors, nurses, purchasing staff, contracting staff, and anyone who is remote that helps Veterans care.
Thank you (2-21-25) . I can be a liaison if needed in my community to help. I support the veterans 100%.
Thank you Secretary Collins!
Why is the Federal Government cutting monies from the Veterans Administration Healthcare and Social Security ?
Are you looking to rise veteran suicide rate from 22 a day to more than this!!! It’s already higher than the national average. Are you , The Government,” attempting to kill off veterans?
We sacrificed & gave all; for God , Country and Family. We have been shot at, Jabbed, , spit on, poisoned, and much more in our sacrifice, for our country and standing up for our country. and again it feels as if our country is letting us down.
I feel as all I had done for my country I’m kicked in the head and let down by my country. I’m out there helping fellow veterans daily as a out for myself. Now it’s like you guys turned your backs on us and our Fallen veterans. Sad that people in congress, judicial system and Doge have know idea what we Veterans have gone through. ignorance is bliss for those that never served
RED HORSE forever, fellow Veterans active and retired share a connection of mutual understanding that exist stemming from their shared experiences of military life , unique challenges and bond relating to camaraderie, ‘ been there done that!”
You of all people should know!!!
There are health care professionals in the VA that would GLADLY take VERA if offered.
Stop firing vital VA staff and clinicians and lying to us.
It’s terrible that you’re cutting the already understaffed VA and then have the nerve to say it will make care better. It’s disgraceful what your doing to vets healthcare which FINALLY was in a good place and shocking that you would insult our intelligence with your better service statement. This purge MUST STOP!
The VA has one of the largest employee counts of any govt agency. Cry more crocodile tears
If they’d stay off their phones laughing at videos and stop holding unnecessary personal conversations they could get more work done.
And they can get rid of those ‘mall cops’. They’re not equipped to protect anyone … not nobody.
VA Clinic Stockbridge, GA
VA employees are desperately looking for guidance as far as the vague emails coming down from DOGE. My wife & I are both employees & we’re dedicated to serving our veterans. Your silence on this matter is deafening & goes against the spirit of working at the veterans affairs. I was optimistic when you were first hired but you immediately changed my mind with your lack of compassion for the people that are serving the veterans, many of whom are veterans. If you can’t find a way to lead us & stand up for us, what does that say for your abilities as a pastor & a father. You should know you are the talk of our VA for your lack of transparency & leadership tactics. It’s time for you to stand up for us.
Suckers!! We knew we would get
Back into this do nothing job!
Returning useless employee to VA
to the dismay of every vet who thot
Trump was a man of his word!
Another suk a.zz move to bow to
The system. COWARDS????
Doug Collins is nothing but trained dog on a short leash who rolls over for Twitler and Mango Mussolini. Keep up the great work complicitly screwing over your fellow veterans’ livelihoods. GFY
Are all the posts you’re not allowed (SENSORING) coming from opposition to President Bone Spur and his crazy cronies. This VET will never vote republican again and will make his opinion heard with real veterans.
For all you people who feel it’s necessary to leave nasty comments to our new Secretary of Veteran Affairs probably never lived under other Secretaries who most of us Veterans never knew who they were or what their policy positions were. We now have a man who served our great Country and who has a vision like all Veterans do. He’s a yes-man to Veterans. “TCULWTCY”, Take Care of Us Like We Take Care of You.
Bro he just fired thousands of vets
So I am assuming you are his friend. He has done nothing but get the VA EVEN WEAKER than already was.
He will get new leases to make his dad happy instead of hiring more physicians, he will make physicians quit because they can’t see their patients remotely, he fired all the red coats in a facility but sure HE CARES ABOUT VETERANS, he only cares about his pockets and his friend
Indiscriminately firing nurses, crisis line professionals, HR people who process employee paperwork, creating an atmosphere of fear against saying anything at all, no regard for employees whatsoever, ignoring record production of claims from REMOTE AND TELEWORK people
His vision is not his own. Its Trump’s and its for sale to the highest bidder.
Back to work???? We never stopped working. The only work stopping is being done by you as you continue to fire valuable and needed employees employees.
Back to work????? Where? Where are we going back to work at the overcrowded medical facilities that have no offices for us? Should we just work in our cars, oh wait no room to park those.
You are a disgrace. You have blood on your hands.
One of the biggest problems I always encounter is phone call communications. Either with the VA or Community Care for purposes of setting up appointments. I spend more time waiting and hearing recordings about getting back to me. No connections are ever made or if they connect they only give you another operator and you are back in the waiting room again. All I want is to make a call and have the person pick up and talk to me. Very simple.
It will get worse since he fired so much people.
Doug Collins,
I am writing you as not only a concerned veteran, but also as a concerned American. I believe that context is important, so before I get into my grievances I would like to provide you with said context. My name is Stephen Morrison, I was active INF with the 173rd ABCT for 6 years before moving over to PsyOps with the Reserve. I have been fighting for 100% the entire time. I have had a psychologist tell me ‘I don’t believe you saw more than 5 dead bodies’ when we had a suicide bomber blow himself at a voting booth because the people wanted to exercise their right to vote. I helped pick up the body parts of men, women, and children (this is just ONE example, there are many). I have had the disability side of the VA blanket deny everything, only to walk into a veterans help organization, have them send THE EXACT SAME PAPERWORK WITH 0 MODIFICATIONS for it to get accepted. I have filed with my own DOCTORS note, ON TOP OF the evidence necessary and been denied because the fucking primary care PA that the VA hires out disagreed WITH MY DOCTOR and the VA decides to side with THE PERSON THEY PAY (that’s not a fucking conflict of interest AT ALL) only to have my representative tell me ‘They can’t do this, their OWN RULES say they are supposed to take YOUR side’…was it because the VA was going to have to back-pay me, I wonder? I sacrificed my mental and physical health, my blood, sweat and tears, my ABILITY TO HAVE CHILDREN, MY FRIENDS, and almost my very life more times than I can count. All of this to get fucked over by the system and the very gov’t party that CLAIMS to ‘be all about veterans’ (yes, the republican party. The times that I faced more denial of benefits was when the Conservatives were in charge). I am beyond tired of it. I am not the only one. Every single person I’ve served with that I have spoken to is fed up of being political pawns, only to get fucked over. We are tired of seeing appointees to the position that are more concerned with using us as a stepping stone to further their own career or agenda.
I haven’t forgotten that GOP denial of the PACT Act and dragging that out. I haven’t forgotten the GOP veto of allowing Reserve and Guard soldiers expansion of GI Bill benefits, I haven’t forgotten Trump threatening THREE TIMES to take away pay from disabled veterans during his last term, ACTUALLY TRYING to do it at one point. I haven’t forgotten the pulling of funding from VA centers and how abysmal conditions were during the COVID timeframe. I haven’t forgotten the firing of VA employees and the ‘promise’ that it will not negatively impact veteran care (seriously, take your bullshit excuses elsewhere.) I MOST CERTAINLY haven’t forgotten your very promise to ‘work with both sides, because veterans come first’ only to turn around, IMMEDIATELY GET CAUGHT IN A LIE, and blame it on the democrats. Do I need to remind you, sir, that Integrity is supposed to be one of our values? I do not care if you are the only one in that cesspit that displays these qualities, you are a goddamned AMERICAN SOLDIER. We are our MOST COMFORTABLE when the odds are stacked against us, and we REVEL in fighting, MORE SO when the cause is just. I have yet to see these qualities from ANY veteran that has gone into politics. Is the environment so corrupt that you all forgot where your fucking spine was located? Or was the money too good? We don’t need lies, we don’t need platitudes, we don’t need condolences. We NEED someone to stand up to the assholes in Washington and FIGHT FOR US (yes, this means even against the very people that put you into power). The examples that I listed above were just the things that I could think of off the top of my head, I KNOW there are more, all I need do is go looking for them. I do not envy your position, but it is the one that YOU chose. I only hope that you genuinely fight for us, and regardless of what happens, I wish you the best.
I strongly agree with Mr. David Whitney’s suggestion of developing a panel and like my fellow Veteran, I volunteer to be a member of this panel.
Two volunteers down just need the Veteran affairs administration to authorize. I for one refuse to just simply complain without offering a possible solution or looking into ways of changing we all need to take action volunteer ourselves to make improvements
Doug – the truth is COVERED UP by the VA bureaucracy in DC. You tell Veterans we will receive quality healthcare services but you support firing employees who actually perform the work necessary for Veterans to receive the services. What about your own home of fat-laden bureaucrats who collect fat paychecks, have no idea what it is to be a Veteran, never walked a single hall of any VA hospital, never so-much as offered a hand to a homeless Veteran, or helped a Veteran sort out benefits he/she is entitled to, or do any other value-added work in the VA? This is not so hard. Start at the top-the Ivory Tower of lazy bureaucrats that make up meaningless work for field activities that requires significant effort and time by the field just so they can protect their own six. These are the folks that need to go. Not the people you are letting go now…the dedicated people who are there for the Veteran and are very likely Veterans themselves. Purge the top waste first before anything. For example, start with a VA Asst Under Secretary who, rather than find forward approaches for recruiting doctors and nurses, or opening access to care for Veterans, or trying to safeguard the erosion of Veteran-earned benefits, believes it is far more important in her role to order the removal of an iconic photograph depicting the celebration of the end of WW2. Come on! Stand up and do right by Veterans and the people who are providing valuable service to Veterans across the land. Get rid of the BS in your own office first!! You have more redundancy in HQ than any other agency in the federal government!
Dear Doug Collins,
I have faith in your ability to improve the veteran affairs. I HIGHLY urge the veteran affairs to create a panel of veterans who know what the problems are and with a panel of VA administration and veterans. As a disabled veteran who went 28 years without health care I can tell you what the issues are from information website issues and many unknown problems. I VOLUNTEER FOR THIS PANEL
The Retina Clinc of the Lakke Nona (Orlando. FL) has forced me to seek treatment for my Macular Degeneration thru my Medicare plan to avoid blindness. I have great fear my brothers seeking similar treatment may also be suffering due to lack of GOOD staff and too many patients. I will not be dependent on them for further treatments.. I have lostt any trust of terriable attitudes. Perhaps you can improve treatment for my brothers. I am a disabled veteran of my serice in VZietnam.
He will not as his goal is not to improve the VA, this actually helps his case because instead of hiring the people you need, he will move to provitaze the VA for his friends.
1. Please do not discredit and make fun of VA federal employees to Sponge Bob cry babies! Vast Majority are dedicated to veterans and veterans care.
2. Use OPM rif procedures for displacement.
3. Be sensitive to folks not being able to make mortgage payments.
Doug Collins is the worse VA SEC. Ever appointed and it hasn’t been 60 days. Who gives a flying f$&k about this story or Doug when appointments are being canceled, staff been laid off, can’t see a doctor for months now, wait time is back up, great job Doug.
Can you tell us what iCARE stands for?
Or that’s DEI and should be banned ?
We live by iCARE in the VA
“Back to work”?
Um, you are new here but FYI Doug. VA employees have been working. Remotely or telework for YEARS. Years before covid even! “Back to work”? If we weren’t working, you’d know about it. “Back to work”? What do you think we’ve been doing, Doug?
While you’re making a video, we are working. While you’re making propaganda videos, we are working. Is the best use of your time, Doug?
You like trump’s other Cabinet picks are horrible. You begin slashing Research Funding before you even get your feet wet.
This “greets them personally” is nonsense while you are stabbing veterans in the back. What you are saying is to hell with veterans.
VA Research Funding Slashed
Though not as prominent as the NIH, VA researchers play a major role in advancing basic health science. Hundreds of projects have been cut.
If you’re interested in the long history of scientific innovation and advances at the Department of Veterans Affairs, you may want to visit the website for the Office of Research and Development before Elon Musk and company delete it. Though few Americans are aware of it, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has traditionally served as one of the nation’s largest research powerhouses, along with the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Since 1925, the website relates, taxpayers have funded “the development of microelectronics and robotics to create artificial limbs that look, feel, and work more like natural arms and legs, the creation of the nicotine patch to help people stop smoking, the invention of the cardiac pacemaker, the first successful liver transplant, the development of the CAT (or CT) scan, and the development of new drugs and treatments for diseases such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and osteoporosis.”
This man doesn’t care. He was picked as a “yes, sir”. They hate the Veterans as it has been shown in multiple ocasiones. He hates the patients and his employees, he is also supporting lies that employees teleworking or working around the U.S aren’t working. We will see when his friends take over all these projects how much it will cost to the government.
Unlike you,
We have been serving the veterans at the office or working remotely. Thanks to you and this administration we will lose valuable staff members putting the VA in deeper stress but I think that is your main goal. Make the VA private so you and your buddies can explore the health care industry and take care of the Veterans. Some of us unlike you have our jobs based on merit and live to serve our Vets but as long as Musk and the other are happy, this doesn’t matter to you.
Ive been repeating this over several of the public comments
sections. Im surprised that even pointing out the data came from the IOM
and VHA directive 1101.07 in 2021 nothing has been addressed.
“b. The IOM study noted a 1.5-fold increase in incidence of ALS in Veterans.
This estimate suggests an annual incidence rate of 4.5 per 100,000 Veterans,
yielding an estimated annual incidence of 1,055 Veterans with new onset
ALS and a possible Veteran prevalence of 4,220 given current life expectancy
of approximately 3 years. In fiscal year (FY) 2020, 4,540 Veterans received
care for ALS (1,007 received non-VA care and 3,533 received VA care). Men
are more commonly affected than women and onset of symptoms is typically
after the age of 50 years.”–
We have a massive increase in the number of veterans with ALS in 2021, and
I confirmed this with the CDC ALS registry. A thousand veterans are dying a
year in VA care right now of ALS.
This is mostly those that deployed to the middle east the last 34 years. Gulf war
and OIF, OEF. That are hidden in there homes from the public eye. No one can
see them because they are largely bed ridden.,, and others wont look into this. Those writers
are not being asked to address this. Bought off. It was a OP ed peice by Christopher
Mulholland in 2021 than even pointed this out and they didnt follow up when
Chris died of ALS last month.
What research? What care? These people have nothing to look forward to. From
what I found out VA doesnt even care about the contractors tasked to care for
these folks. Complaints are ignored.
This is one of a dozen things Ive been working on as a veterans advocate and
disabled veteran for 28 years now. Nothing really changed other than internal
reporting from what I saw back in 2006 when we first addressed this. We created
the VABBB just to track this, instead CDC took this over.
Its virtually impossible to get current statistical reporting even from the CDC, which
they are up to 2018. VA does not publish public stats of this each year. 2021 is the
closest I can find for numbers. 4 years have passed since they, the rate is increasing.
It should not be this hard to find out, and support these people. Every diagnosis is
a death sentence. They have no where to turn for a cure. 3 years at best. As OIF and
OEF vets turn 50, there chances increase they may have this. How many gulf war vets
died of this that we dont know about.
This should not be a closely guarded secret at VA.
I understand that some people feel that a return to work order will solve issues within the VA system. But that is far from the truth. The facts are that the VA is understaffed due to difficulties with retention and recruitment. Unfortunately the VA is not as competitive as the private sector and your work load is often more. The issues have more to do with leadership not addressing problems than the people who work daily whether at home or in person. The return to work requirement is most likely a ploy for people to quit versus any real concern about Veteran care. I will say from personal experience that having flexibility to work at home creates a balance and you have more job satisfaction and in turn are willing to stay at your job despite lower pay etc.
It is time that people take the blinders off and stop listening g to sound bites whether it be from republicans or democrats. We have to educate ourselves by READING because some news sources are also biased. Read what are the plans and how they impact you. Also read how it impacts others snd society as a whole. Formulate opinions based on facts and be fully informed.
Don’t be fooled you care at the VA so t change with these orders, but it sounds good for those who feel the VA has failed them…. Must if the people who matter where already in person.
Doug Collins you are a coward and a traitor. Your actions against the VA employee’s are directly harming us vets. How can you call yourself a brother? You disgust me and may you answer to God for the harm your actions create.
As a disabled veteran, Doug Collins is a traitor and unfit to serve as director of VA. The Trump admin’s actions, as pushed by Mr. Collin have directly negatively impacted our care. The VA employees and patients deserve much better. Again, Doug Collins is a disgrace, a coward, and a traitor.
He doesn’t use the VA. He doesn’t know nor cares of what’s been done to improve the VA. The pride that people that work there have and how this back to the office will railroad the system.
This is not a one size fits all. There are many title 38 positions who were hired for telework positions before covid 19, under the Telework ACT of 2010. Many professionals conduct home visits with Veteran’s and Caregiver’s which leaves empty office spaces. Many title 38 positions were created to provide support, resources, address psychosocial issues via virtual. Telework has been saving the American taxpayer money for years. No one pays my electric bill or internet bill. There is not enough office space for Title 38 employees who require a secure, private location where others can not hear sensitive information (HIPAA) assessing Veteran’s for SI/HI and psychosocial issues. We are professional and should be treated as professionals. Now we are being mandated to return to a telemarketing hub. Given up our own secure, private location which we have been able to efficiently and effectively provide outstanding care to our Veteran’s and Caregivers. I am begging Mr. Collins to please understand this is not a one size fits all. Please look at each program within the VA and the services which are provided. Not all positions require to return to office especially when we never had an office to being with because we were hired for a telework position based on the services we provide. HUD VASH, Caregiver Support, Home Bases Primary Care, Telehealth and many other programs. Your support and consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your service.
I support this 100%
How is it okay for employees to work from home indefinitely? Why is it an bombastic issue when they’re required back to the office from the COVID hysteria that ended Long ago? This action is way past due.
I’ve had incredible healthcare from the VA because I see the healthcare workers In Person. In the private sector, this work from the office dynamic is a no-bfrainer! I totally support this…
This is where the lack of research shows. Some employees were hired remotely to work as part of the crisis line, fully staffed 24/7 clinic, and some other admin services for the employees ( not for you as a patient). Some Veterans that have questions are able to call at any time and to talk to a physician or other health professional .
This actually saves money to the VA since it opened more rooms for clinical staff at the hospitals and a commercial lease is around 10 millions for 10 years plus utilities, maintenance, IT equipment, etc. A remote employee only costs the salary for example GS-7 around 45, 000 per year the government does not pay for internet. These employees also, do not take as many sick days nor weather related days, often they work over their time since they do not have to drive, no 15 minute breaks and have lunch while on the computers. But the hate spread around the media by the administration and the guy that is supposed to care about his employees and the most important the VETERANS do not have time to review this. The goal is to privatize the VA so they can charge more when Musk open his clinic
While I understand the basis behind many positions returning to in-person work, there are some roles that industry wide have been remote for over a decade. Medical record coders and documentation integrity specialists have worked remotely in the private sector since at least 2009. Their work is 100% computer based. Team collaboration requires (monitor) screen sharing of veteran PHI and adherence to privacy laws. These workers need a quiet work environment to maintain focus, something that is nearly impossible to have in an office space shared with more than one person. Productivity and turn around time is going to suffer with return to-person work.
As, a coder for VA, I totally agree. I get so much more work completed working at home. When I go back, my day will end with my tour. They won’t be getting any more free time from me.
What is this insanity? The man behind the curtain, the Wizard Oz, Doug Collins from a video welcoming back workers WHO HAVE BEEN WORKING THE ENTIRE TIME! EVERYONE HAS BEEN WORKING, DOUG.
And then to fire more people for no actual reason?!?!! After being the biggest coward and not standing up for your people with the email craziness???
You are a traitor. A full on, no other way to describe, traitor to the United States veteran community.
It’s terrible that you’re still saying that “VA employees are getting back to work” as if they were never working in the first place. Most VA employees were working from home 4 days a week before Covid and there was NO PROBLEM with that. Then Covid hit and they were REQUIRED to stay home full time. Now that Covid is over employees who do things that don’t involve face to face contact with veterans are required to go in office FULL TIME? Make it make sense. Your VA employees have worked their asses off before during and still now after Covid keeping production and quality HIGH, BEFORE, DURING, and after Covid. With all the emails they get treating VA employees like theyre in kindergarten like they haven’t earned their jobs is terrible and you shouldn’t be allowing it. What you don’t understand is that the VA EMPLOYEES have ALWAYS put veterans first. With emails coming through as they are the villains is despicable to me. Employees should be able to focus on their work and not worried the next email they get is a firing. Support your employees and you get a great team. Advocate for your employees, THEY are the ones who serve the veterans.
Gross policy, that does nothing to help veterans.
A general order mandating “return to work” without specificity in the VA Healthcare system is a dangerous precedent and in broad application, may defeat the underlying intention of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Example. Telehealth.
*VA removes accommodation that allowed thousands of disabled veterans to work, forcing them into the office with no regard for their disabilities and needs.
Too long? Too long a headline…
Wow all you had to do was get emergency dental care outside the VA. And VA would have paid it. All you would have to do is report it within 48 or 72 hours . That is if you are 100% P&T……
Research has shown employees with jobs suitable for working from home has benefited not employers and employees. Forcing them back to the office is counterproductive.
Firing thousands of new employees is also the poorest way possible to serve we veterans I can possibly imagine. The V.A. was short staffed before the terminations. It’s more than obvious tRump despises Veterans being a cowardly Draft Dodger himself. Veterans bruise his bloated, pathetic ego.
Why is it so hard to get an appointment to talk with Secretary Collins about Veteran’s benefits and resources?
Because he has no spine and has not made his contact public as well as disabled all the comments in his YouTube video.
Hey Doug…please submit five bullets to your bosses, all of us veterans, specifically outlining what you did to improve VA last week.
Shaking hands, making self-promotion videos, and sucking up to Trump and Musk do not count.
Coumity Cair through TriWest needs to be looked at. I have Coumity Cair and because my town does not have an Xray business that accepts VA so my doctor submitted a request for xray at the VA. The VA doctor declined the request and scheduled me for a pulmonary test. When she did that that blocked my doctor. The program only allows one primary doctor either the VA or Coumity Cair not both. As a veteran I should have both because Coumity Care does not have all the access the VA has. The VA in Loma Linda is understaffed with a minimum 30 minute call just to the operator and no personal access to the doctor and billing the VA is absolutely horrible. Biden left a mess not requiring enough knowledgeable people to preform their task
It was not Biden alone. And this guy will not make it better with all the firings to make Musk happy. You will go to Musk care instead of the VA before you know it
Secretary Collins does an extreme disservice to every VA employee teleworking or working remotely by continuing to echo the President’s false narrative that we need to return to work. VA employees have continued to provide the high level of service regardless of where they work from. This is a return to the office, not a return to work. Secretary Collins should be ashamed to betray VA employees this early in his tenure.
Are yall going to pay for childcare?! Forcing people to go back to in person work is crazy.
Vietnam disabled combat vet here, loving President Trumps team. MAGA!
He just fired 1,400 VA employees who are directly in your team of care.
It is my sincere feeling that our Veterans are more likely to receive often difficult information from a live person rather than an impersonal telephone call.
Great. Dougie can pose for a photo op. He also has not answered the following:
1. Do you support means-testing for eligibility for VA disability compensation, as outlined in the report at
2. Do you support ending VA’s Individual Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age for Social Security as found in the report at
3. Do you support VA’s Disability Payments being included as Taxable Income, as found at
4. What planned changes are you advocating for on the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities that affects our disability payments, as laid out in Project 2025 that says you want to partially cut benefits for Veterans? (See
Veterans…do not be fooled by these talking points. He wants to cut facilities and your benefits. Contact your Congressional members now to tell him cuts are a non-starter.
My husband was a veteran who was exposed to asbestos and died 2 years ago of COPD as well as other breathing issues, heart problems and diabetes.
I filed for D I C and have had correspondence wanting me to tell them where he came in contact with asbestos when they know ships had asbestos everywhere on them. It seems like the spouses are not helped but are continually hassled by the V A. I’m disappointed and upset that they aren’t living up to their responsibility.
CURIOUS. We these ‘leaders’ ever held accountable for taking unathorized bonuses ? Where is the accountablity?
Then turns around and tells them that they are fired.
Good!! Hard to believe that gov jobs were able to do this for so long!
Holding back not to say more.
How? Do you know these include doctors, nurses, mental health professionals?
How does a VA HR person not in office affects you?
Please inform yourself this guys are a disgrace and do not care about veterans.
Going to pitch a idea for everyone coming here. Instead of you posting once
and walking away, look for others you share similarities and unite.
VA does not want any of you to rally. They want you to remain individuals
on here and bicker. That way they can claim there is no common interest
and nothing to answer.
Best possible place to try: and set up a petition of things you all
would support. Single idea, easy to agree on. Dont write a book, Get the
first or second idea running with a few thousand on board. Then VA cant
ignore you. Like “Open door policy at VA”.
Right now, they just want to see who the loudest people are to ignore. This
is a test bed on who to turn away or frustrate. Even the service groups. These
folks want to rule by keeping you all “Armies of one” No matter how good the
idea, VA only responds to numerical support – angry mob.
Been doing this 28 years, watched what hasnt worked. Been pitching this to
advisory committee to bypass there own deadlocks. You only have to be a team
for that one idea folks. Regardless of personality.
Other wise, sec of VA Doug Collins is going to ignore every one of you. He is
already doing that with me. All talk, same old song and dance as the others.
Its easier than you think folks. Commit to a idea, and unite on it.
Although the article mentions “in-person” work (twice) the direct quotes from Mr. Collins’ (twice) seem to counter the idea and (taken alone) would appear to represent that, for the first time… “…VA employees are coming back to work…”, and infers that somehow there’s a failing with his comment about “…it’s about getting us back to work…” Wonder why Mr. Collins doesn’t think VA employees “work”?