Veterans with honorable service can apply for the Veterans Identification Card (VIC) to use as proof of military service.
“The new Veterans Identification Card provides a safer and more convenient and efficient way for most Veterans to show proof of service,” said VA secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin when the card was launched. “With the card, Veterans with honorable service to our nation will no longer need to carry around their paper DD-214s to obtain Veteran discounts and other services.”
If you already have a photo ID issued by the Department of Defense or a Veterans Health ID, you don’t need the new card. To request a VIC, Veterans must visit, click on “Sign In” in the top right hand corner and establish an account. Once the Veteran verifies their identity they may request to “Apply for the Veteran ID Card.” Watch the video above for more information.
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the link to get to the ID card is gone!!!
How do I sign up.?
I served in the U.S. army reserve 96 division at Fort Douglas in about 1956 to about 1968 under the command of col. Glouser but now I am 81/82 years old and i am needing some help first thing i need is a V>I>C> card so I can pay a lessor price for some items I have been trying to fill out the paperwork but I am loosing please assist me!
Walter Schmidt, Spc.
Good luck to all! I’ve been calling on a near daily basis for two months in response to the notice that my “records can’t be located”. I’ve been on hold for as long as two hours before having to giving up in frustration and disgust.. This system is broken and worthless. God help any Vet who’s really in crisis.
And what about the rural veterans who may not have internet? I live and work in two different counties and both have dead zones where there is no cell reception or internet. Or how about the older veteran who is not computer comfortable? Hello…anyone there?
Hell i applied in November still says pending sent emails and freaking nothing damn I’m tired of fooling with the VA!!!
I have tried to get a card since last fall. I recently went to a VA office and was told that I did not need one since I had a health card. I want one so I can tell other vets how easy/HARD it is for them to get one since I teach Ciast Guard classes which a lot of veterans take. I’ve got nowhere, even trying to get signed into the system!!!
I have my honorable discharge papers, will I need any other papers? the reason is my papers were burnt up in a fire,I have a letter stating that my papers were burnt up. would I be able to get the new veterans card?
I complained to the O.I.G. about and posted the O.I.G. response and this site took the post down. How rude!
Seems like no one cares about these complaints. Found other complaints across the internet.
Complained about to the OIG and this is the response:
Dear Mr. Sosa,
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline received your web submission; the reference number in our system is 07496.
OIG may take action on the following areas within its jurisdiction:
* VA-related criminal activity
* Systemic patient safety issues
* Gross mismanagement of waste of VA resources
* Misconduct by senior VA officials
After careful review, it has been determined that your submission does not fall within the scope of the OIG. Please be advised that you can procure a Veterans I.D. card at your Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Thank you for contacting the VA OIG Hotline.
Program Specialist # 13
VA OIG Hotline (53E)
Being a spouse of a Vietnam vet….can I get a card??
As with everything else related to Federal Government, this system is worthless and time consuming! The ID card is a great idea. But I’d rather keep carrying a copy of my DD214 than go through the BS I just went through again!
It’s interesting how you said that the new veteran ID cards are easier ways for people to show their proof of service. Allowing them to have an easier time would be really helpful considering that some may have injuries or be older. The easier it is for them the more likely they are to use it.
I recently successfully applied for the veteran card online. From what I understand, veterans will begin receiving the cards in March. Thank you for the new veterans cards. I risked my life as an infantryman in Vietnam for the card!
I have been engaging in this process for 6 months now without any success. I have supplied with my NGB 22 , 55 , Tx DL and photo , as requested. I have called and gone to the web site multiple times without any results.
This is total incompetence.
I too have been trying to get the card but have not been successful. I get a message to the effect that they have no records for me yet I am a Vietnam vet and have a VA Healthcard. It took an inordinate amount of time and energy to get the health card because VA had no record of my service. In spite of all the talk about improvements made by VA, their system appears still broken. I’ve thrown up my hands in disgust!
Mr. Roberts, if you already have a VA healthcare ID, you do not need the Veteran ID card. The Veteran ID card is for those who do not have a VA Health Care card or a DoD issued ID.
Hi, Megan Maloney.
What does this message mean?
PLEASE CALL THE VETS.GOV HELP DESK AT 1-855-574-7286, TTY: 1-800-877-8339. WE’RE OPEN MONDAY – FRIDAY, 8:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M. (ET).”
I log in, via ID.ME. There is NO way to reach anyone, via that phone number!! It plays a never-ending loop of “We’ll be with you in a moment.” It’s an eternal moment, I guess.
I’ve had no trouble qualifying for a Lowe’s vet card and qualifying as a user for the military exchange sites. But, the VA? Trouble.
What’s another step, besides the phone number, to get past the annoying message, above, and complete the process?
Jerry Smith, Vietnam vet
We can let the team know you’ve reached out and pass them your message.
I applied for one weeks ago and have heard nothing.
I have attempted to obtain a veterans card through the automated request system. I was successful in having my application accepted one day prior to the system crashing. Once my application was accepted the system said it would take approximately 60 days and I would have a card delivered to me. It is past 90 days at this point and I have no card. I know the system does not operate as it should and there is no response with any phone calls made. My account is currently active on the web page but offers no link to identify the status of the card. I would like to know when I will receive my card. Thanks.
I’ve been trying to get this ID card with no success also, it keeps having problems verifying my phone no. They have said it’s because I’m using a prepaid cell phone. You would think it would work regardless as long as it’s your phone and number.
If you don’t have your DD_card ; but you have your honorable discharge certificate is the # on the certificate a good number to use?
Can I get a ID card …. general discharge under honorable conditions
You should be able to get this card since your discharge still allows you access to the VA healthcare
This card is different than the Healthcare Card for disabled veterans. If you have any disability rating, you can go into your local VA medical facility and request a card; if not near one, call 1-877-222-VETS (8387) or go to Not sure where else it can be used but it has saved me $70 parking fee at a parking garage in Galveston when we go on a cruise.
iam a veterans daugther could for a vet id card and iam disable and i have poor eye sigth iam blind and my health is bad
Don’t think you qualify for a vet id card if you are not a vet, nor can you receive disability rating. However, you can call 1-800-827-1000 and ask them.
Yea, but you’ll play hell trying to get the card. I’ve been trying for more than three weeks. System was down, now up but it keeps saying “can’t find my records, try later.”
Same with me
I had the same problem John Clark. It was a nightmare. I deleted my account and waited 2 weeks and started the process over by logging into ebenefits and then going to the tab and then from there made a new account and i had success. Good luck brother.
Some states have implemented where Driver’s License (card) will have the word “VETERAN” on the front – after they initially validate your service with the DD214 (only have to do that once). Maryland complies. I have used the Driver’s License instead of military Retired ID for discounts, no issues. Ask your Motor Vehicle Administration to update your license.
Yes, we have the driver’s license with the VETERAN identifier on it here in husband and I have had them since they came out..that was a great idea for them to come out with this..i hope they do it in every state.