Lee Becker VEO CoS

U.S. Navy Veteran Lee Becker is VA’s Veterans Experience Office’s Chief of Staff

Lee Becker, Chief of Staff for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Veterans Experience Office, spoke with Federal News Network’s Jason Miller about what VA is doing nationally to gain the trust of our Nation’s heroes. During the radio interview, Becker explains VA is making bold moves in the way customer experience is being infused into VA organizational culture.

To listen to the full interview click here https://federalnewsnetwork.com/federal-drive/2019/05/va-showing-great-strides-in-effort-to-rebuild-the-trust-of-veterans/

VA’s Veterans Experience Office has implemented several initiatives over the last two year’s to improve the customer experience. The Red Coat Ambassador program training was implemented at every medical center across the country to assist Veterans with navigating their health care system when visiting for an appointment. For example, the Salem VA Medical Center in Virginia views the Red Coat Ambassador program as key to daily operations, rotating ambassadors and volunteers to assist Veterans and visitors.

Two Red Coat Ambassadors stand ready by the main entrance of a VA hospital to welcome guests and help them get to where they need to be.

Two Red Coat Ambassadors stand ready by the main entrance of a VA hospital to welcome guests and help them get to where they need to be.                                                                                                                                                                                

Another initiative instrumental in empowering VA employees to improve the customer experience is Own the Moment training. According to Becker, “Own the Moment Training enables a cultural change to make employees aware and empowered to own the moment. They have the ability to make the experience for the Veteran and their family members the best they can.” Own the Moment sessions cover the effectiveness, ease and emotion involved with Veteran customer interactions and help staff connect their motivation in working at VA and how they can consistently deliver the best experience for Veterans and their families.

For the Veterans Health Administration, the overall customer experience is improving. Since rolling out new customer experience initiatives such as Veterans Signals as a way of measuring trust, Becker explained, “trust is now at 87% across all VA hospitals and community clinics. This demonstrates the incredible progress they have made.”

Understanding moments that matter to Veterans and implementing standardized customer experience initiatives is the way VA will be able to rebuild trust and deliver exceptional customer service each time.


Listen to the radio interview

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  1. M. Powell May 16, 2019 at 20:21

    I hear alot about the VA, I have notice the Care they Gave my Husband who served 20 years and every doctor or appointment he has was like being a civilian. The nurses call to make sure when you ask to speak to the doctor, He has two types of doctors, and a Dentist, His treatment has been excellent especially since the VA Hired doctors for Civilian Hospitals. My own experience has been well with the VA also. I use the VA Heathvet for ordering medications that are regular prescriptions and they come in the mail for my husband and myself. My doctor send me as a female to all the right route work even schedules my Mammograms with outside entity hospital..
    My only complain is the appeal process for myself. It has been 7 year to get the first answer and 14 years still on appeal. This is the part that is offal and should have someone step in and help. The VA is Great for Medical Care for us and you cant beat FREE.

  2. Elois Lockhart May 13, 2019 at 05:58

    My biggest Issue right now Is The fact that If you call Atlanta-Va,You will be on hold at least an hour or more and Then when You ask Them To The department You need To be connected To, It is another hold at least two hours That’s If someone answer The And Then by The time They answer They will say Oh we are closed This has happened to me at least 3 occasions To much and even screened shot The date and number and hours I have held on To forward To Washington, If you are trying to cancel an appointment you will be put down as a no-show.Then This one particular doctor/female had The nerve To question me about some blood pressure meds I have been Take In for years, Like It is Crime I have committed and try to get blood pressure meds and They drill you like I’m trying To get dope and I’m 100% service connected for blood pressure etc,Discourage You from makeing appointments.It is just so much more until It is pathetic.

  3. Carolyn Lewis May 12, 2019 at 22:08

    I have zero trust in the VA as well, the John J Pershing VAMC is a bandaids station. Oh sure they will give you a pill to tray symptoms but they never get to the root cause of the problem. My husband recently passed away from heart disease that went in detected until March 19, 2019. By the time, it was diagnosed he had lung infection which needed to cleared in order for surgery. Since 2007 he complained of shortness of breath and being tired all the time. My husband never had a stress test. The providers are incompetent and FNP should not have full practicing authority because they cannot even diagnosis correctly shame on the VA for providing substandard care. The patient advocate was worthless but what do expect when your married to the nurse executive. They complete leadership at this facility should be fired they care more about a dollar then they do the Veteran and their family. The are horrible people loving a dollar more then lives.

    • Robert Quinn May 17, 2019 at 10:11

      I have experienced the same thing several times. I avoid the Atlanta VA like the plague.

  4. Rick Lipary May 12, 2019 at 16:52

    They are goddam LIARS! The V.A. hospitals and clinics are STILL dives and zoos! Keep them from reviewing themselves, or dumb asses will BELIEVE them, and the rudeness, disrespect, incompetency, failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis, out and out MALPRACTICE, incredibly long waits, and failure to acknowledge male privacy needs and dignity will go on FOREVER!

    • Robert Quinn May 17, 2019 at 10:12


  5. Susan Tucker May 11, 2019 at 20:12

    I hate to read bad experiences at VA facilities. While I am extremely disappointed in the area of the claims arena. I have been so thankful for the quality of care I receive at the Washington D.C. Medical center. I think it is a shame that rural Veterans must drive 2 1/2 hours or more and they can’t get scheduled better treatment plans so the trip is more productive. My VA facility does everything they can to make my treatment fruitful and consolidate appointments. I also travel 2 hours due to traffic. Maybe the facilities that aren’t providing this level of support to my Veteran brothers and sisters should be scrutinized more. Veterans gave much to serve this country, we deserve the treatment we require in a timely fashion. I also get frustrated when I realize that some veterans just keep piling on just to get their benefit percentage up and others have to fight and fight to get what they deserve, and still fall short.

  6. Will Holly May 11, 2019 at 13:00

    So much for Veterans choice. It’s been a year since I was “granted” a private company for a specific health issue. It is still not resolved. My first appointment was the day that the Choice bill was signed into law. Another thing. I went to the La Jolla location ER for a very painful issue. My wife waited with me for 10 hours from 8 at night to about 6-8 in the morning. I ended up staying that night for observation. Ok, I guess, but the staff were like hotel workers. Absent. The bed was broken, and the list goes on.

  7. Ervin Light May 11, 2019 at 12:45

    The VA is only doing minor things to help most of the Vietnam Era vets and waiting for us to die off so we will be out of their hair. Our support group travels at our own expense to share our needs, problems and possible solutions with each other. Almost half have dropped out of the group because of travel expenses.

  8. Pedro Fresquez May 11, 2019 at 12:26

    I am a veteran of 20 years of military service having retired as a Sergeant First Class, my wife abandoned me and our 2 little daughters so I was a single parent soldier for 10 years of my service time who struggled to keep up with parental responsibilities and my military career. Even after military service has been difficult the hardships of being a single parent follow you for years and since the VA was not helping me much I could not afford a college education. During service several military dentists put fillings and caps on my teeth that are now falling out, the VA will not help me with dental care and I cannot afford dental insurance so to keep a cap on my teeth I buy super glue then just suffer through toothaches due to missing fillings. My car broke down a year ago so right now I am a veteran without transportation because I cannot afford to repair nor replace my car. I live in a small 40-year-old mobile home that is in much need of repairs, my air conditioner broke, my heater broke, my clothes washing machine broke, my refrigerator is not working well anymore, all things I cannot afford to repair nor replace.

  9. Ramon Ramos May 11, 2019 at 10:17

    To much dead wood in the VA and most of them are veterans,just there for the pay check.when I go to the VA I like to go there as a patient first and a veteran second, I would like to go there for better health and live longer.the so called of a pharmacy is a joke,there set up for you to call ur prescription and have it mail to you,that’s a problem my come in lunch bags,don’t fit in my mail box,don’t have a problem with me pick it up,put they always screw it up.

  10. Sue Scalise May 11, 2019 at 07:37

    My husband is 100% disabled, prior to this (2018) , our experience at both Pittsburgh and Erie, PA, VA have been less than favorable. But now, things have changed drastically, for the better! The staff and everyone involved with his health care are exemplary. His doctor in Erie is constantly updating him by mail regarding results of tests and taking charge of his conditions. Although we go to Pittsburgh once a year, they are working together for his benefit. The 2-1/2 hour drive is reimbursed to us (gas and travel time). He had thyroid cancer and it was removed in 2014….NO follow up was ever done. Now we have a specialist doing follow up and has ordered the tests to check for reoccurance! The only thing we wish would improve more is for more local (Erie) doctors and technicians be available, making it easier for him. Everyone is kinder, more interested and explain procedures and tests so we understand the need for them. Always a pleasant and informed visit. GO ERIE, PITTSBURGH, PA!!! VA
    (Wife of Vietnam Veteran)

  11. William Perkins May 10, 2019 at 22:32

    They still suck here in Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana

  12. Daryl Bird May 10, 2019 at 21:34

    That’s Bull Shit at least here in Fayetteville Ar! V A is there to make their employees happy 1st and foremost then and only then can the employees treat the Veteran like we’re a interruption of their time. I have been since Oct 2018 trying to have a Ear Nose Throat Doctor 3rd party fix my issue. There is a strong probability that 1 phone call out of a 100 to the V A gets answered. How do you justify that if someone calls because he or she needs you that you do not have to answer. The V A is the armpit of Health Care

    • Robert Quinn May 17, 2019 at 10:16


  13. Hector R. Del Rio May 10, 2019 at 20:38

    There was a time when I did go to VA for
    Medical care. I am a diabetic and I required
    certain medications that I used in the private
    sector. Va was not willing to give me the meds. I needed because they said the meds.
    were not on their formulary of drugs(drug list). I went vack to the private sector and
    got the meds. I needed. It is also a little cheaper for me in the private sector..
    Some of the staff at times acted like they
    doing ne a favor for attendi g to me.
    Thank you Hector D

  14. Terry Blanchard May 10, 2019 at 20:22

    The VA in Brockton, MA has always treated me well. I can’t complain.

  15. Frank S Ushler May 10, 2019 at 20:04

    As a member of the VFW and a 100% rating I am finding it harder to be seen by a doctor and scheduling appointments as Doctors keep leaving the VA.MY Fellow veterans seem
    To have the same opinion. Now I find out that the VA has temporarily stopped the using of outside doctors approved by the VA until June or longer.They complained that the program was not being used enough and when we did they stopped it.I have long waiting time to see a dentist as there all booked up.They need to get more doctors and nurses.Where is all this improvement there talking about.

  16. Lawrence Kelley III May 10, 2019 at 17:42

    These alleged “improvements are so vaguely stated by this Veterans Experience big wig that you are left to guess what it really means. This is VA’s habit of being as vague and ambiguous as possible so you can’t nail then down to specifics. They’ve done this for decades. But do you see any posters or notices posted anywhere in the VAMCs or clinics? Not in mine and I’m there several times each month.

    As for the claim by this Lee Becker that there is an 87% approval rating by veterans getting care, I know that is demonstrably FALSE. If you look in the fine print on these satisfaction surveys VA sends out, you’ll see that the survey was mailed out to less than 25,000 veterans. See how they manipulate and LIE

    The VA has lost my trust and will Never get it back until I see significant sweeping changes

  17. Lawrence Kelkey May 10, 2019 at 17:39

    These alleged “improvements are so vaguely stated by this Veterans Experience big wig that you are left to guess what it really means. This is VA’s habit of being as vague and ambiguous as possible so you can’t nail then down to specifics. They’ve done this for decades. But do you see any posters or notices posted anywhere in the VAMCs or clinics? Not in mine and I’m there several times each month.

    As for the claim by this Lee Becker that there is an 87% approval rating by veterans getting care, I know that is demonstrably FALSE. If you look in the fine print on these satisfaction surveys VA sends out, you’ll see that the survey was mailed out to less than 25,000 veterans. See how they manipulate and LIE

    The VA has lost my trust and will Never get it back until I see significant sweeping changes

  18. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:38

    All areas of the VA Health System are equally unsatisfactory. Please VA, that’s what you really need to fix. Who cares about Red Coat Ambassadors standing by the main entrance!? It’s all good bt let’s now stop the media show and do what’s really important… we need timely, professional medical care by REAL doctors, NOT INTERNS.

  19. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:34

    Been waiting over 6 months for a crown. I’m in constant pain but all they do is stuff me with more Amoxicillin 500 MG for the recurring tooth infection. Hopefully I don’t develop resistance to antibiotics!

  20. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:28

    Also been waiting more than 6 months for a crown on lower right side. I’m in constant pain but all they do while patiently waiting for months for my appointment is stuff me with Amoxicillin 500 MG (hopefully I don’t develop resistance!) for the recurrent infection. If I lose this tooth due to the long wait and infection… it will be the 2nd tooth I lose due to their inability to provide timely and professional dental care.

  21. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:27

    I’ve been waiting over a year to have a single molar implant replaced. They say they don’t have the required equipment/ tools/ materials/ professionals to do the job, so they need to send me to a dentist on the outside… but it’s been over a yr.

  22. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:26

    I’ve been waiting over a year to have a single molar implant replaced. They say they don’t have the required equipment/ tools/ materials/ professionals to do the job, so they need to send me to a dentist on the outside… but it’s been over a yr. Also been waiting more than 6 months for a crown on lower right side. I’m in constant pain but all they do while patiently waiting for months for my appointment is stuff me with Amoxicillin 500 MG (hopefully I don’t develop resistance!) for the recurrent infection. If I lose this tooth due to the long wait and infection… it will be the 2nd tooth I lose due to their inability to provide timely and professional dental care.

  23. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:21

    Heck I’ve been waiting over a year to have a single molar implant replaced. They say they don’t have the required equipment/ tools/ materials/ professionals to do the job, so they need to send me to a dentist on the outside that is close enough to where I live… but it’s been over a year and I’m still waiting! And also been waiting more than six months for a simple crown on the lower right side. This thing is killing me. I’m in constant pain but all they do every time I go while patiently waiting for months for my appointment is stuff me with more and more Amoxicillin 500 MG (hopefully I don’t develop resistance!) for the recurrent infection. If I lose this tooth due to the long wait and infection that keeps coming back… it will be the second tooth that I lose due to their inability to provide timely and professional dental care.

  24. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:20

    Very funny how the place the ‘Post’ button to post your comment right over the CAPTCHA so as to make it impossible for veterans to comment and Ixm guessing to deter people from posting their complaints. The button seems to work for short irrelevant comments but it won’t post longer posts with real complaints against VA. Quite slick on their part!

  25. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:15

    Heck I’ve been waiting over a year to have a single molar implant replaced. They say they don’t have the required equipment/ tools/ materials/ professionals to do the job, so they need to send me to a dentist on the outside that is close enough to where I live… but it’s been over a year and I’m still waiting! And also been waiting more than six months for a simple crown on the lower right side. This thing is killing me. I’m in constant pain but all they do every time I go while patiently waiting for months for my appointment is stuff me with more and more Amoxicillin 500 MG (hopefully I don’t develop resistance!) for the recurrent infection. If I lose this tooth due to the long wait and infection that keeps coming back… it will be the second tooth that I lose due to their inability to provide timely and professional dental care.

    All other areas of the VA Health System are equally unsatisfactory. Please VA, that’s what you really need to fix. Who cares about Red Coat Ambassadors standing ready by the main entrance of VA hospitals to welcome us?!? I certainly don’t! I mean, it’s all good but let’s now stop the media show and do what’s really important… we need timely and professional medical assistance by REAL doctors (NOT INTERNS).

  26. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:13

    Heck I’ve been waiting over a year to have a single molar implant replaced. They say they don’t have the required equipment/ tools/ materials/ professionals to do the job, so they need to send me to a dentist on the outside that is close enough to where I live… but it’s been over a year and I’m still waiting! And also been waiting more than six months for a simple crown on the lower right side. This thing is killing me. I’m in constant pain but all they do every time I go while patiently waiting for months for my appointment is stuff me with more and more Amoxicillin 500 MG (hopefully I don’t develop resistance!) for the recurrent infection. If I lose this tooth due to the long wait and infection that keeps coming back… it will be the second tooth that I lose due to their inability to provide timely and professional dental care.

    All other areas of the VA Health System are equally unsatisfactory. Please VA, that’s what you really need to fix. Who cares about Red Coat Ambassadors standing ready by the main entrance of VA hospitals to welcome us?!? I certainly don’t! I mean, it’s all good but let’s now stop the media show and do what’s really important: We need timely medical assistance by REAL doctors (NOT INTERNS).

  27. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:05

    What… red coats?! Really?!?

  28. JJ May 10, 2019 at 17:01

    Heck I’ve been waiting much longer than that (over a year) to have a single molar implant replaced. They say they don’t have the required equipment/ tools/ professionals to do it so they need to send me to a dentist on the outside… but I’m still waiting! And also been waiting more than six months for a simple crown on the lower right side. This thing is killing me. I’m in constant pain but all they do is stuff me with more and more Amoxicillin 500 MG for the recurrent infection. If I lose this tooth due to the long wait and infection, it will be the second tooth I lose due to their inability to provide timely dental care.

    All other areas of the VA Health System are equally unsatisfactory. That’s what they really need to fix. Who cares about Red Coat Ambassadors standing ready by the main entrance of VA hospitals to welcome us?!? I certainly don’t! We need timely medical assistance by real doctors (NOT INTERNS).

  29. LOUIS SELLEES May 10, 2019 at 16:26

    I have been dealing with the VA since 1980, PTSD did not get real help until 2018. Was sent to Community Health Center here in Miami,Fla as the VA was over whelmed with patients. I was told to apply for Agent Orange, I will not past experience showed me that few if have real experience with Agent Orange. It has improved so I stay with the VA. I do not care for private take over. The Koch Brothers do not care about me. I do have carding DRS/NURSES/TECHS. Watching over me.

  30. Larry C. Stone May 10, 2019 at 16:21

    Like to know more about getting treatment at civilian hospital rather than traveling 2 hours.

  31. Steven Kientz May 10, 2019 at 15:40

    Try the PCP receptionist at Topeka VA. It is an experience dealing with her but not a positive one. You are supposed to know what she has access to on her computer and if you don’t know then the insinuation is ???????????????????

  32. Ernest M. Correia May 10, 2019 at 14:55

    I have been dealing with our VA since 1969, the system like everything else has evolved. It is not perfect but I can state that it is much better all the way around. I was in the hospital last for several days I would compare the care and service to anywhere in particular the West Roxbury VA in Boston. I did call the director and made it known and praised the staff. . Let me tell it like it is. Many of my fellow vets waited to long to start for benefits and health care and want things done right away. If you went outside the VA to get a specialty or a new PCP you have a wait list as well. Many time non Vets tell me how bad the service is . I politely tell them how wrong they are. Again it is not perfect .

  33. Ken Key May 10, 2019 at 14:22

    I am an Honorably discharged veteran. Who worked with vets since coming off Active Duty. Is the Ambassador Program for Retired Seniors also we would like to make some extra money while helping veterans. Also is the program good for 6 months only.

  34. Twain E. Robinson May 10, 2019 at 14:15

    My personal opinion is these V.A. employees that are mean to veterans have this belief and it’s true in some cases because I was there for a time myself, that some veterans have decided not to participate in societal processes. Meaning if they are treated badly they won’t follow it up by reporting it. They don’t want the hassle or the fake “I’m gonna get to the bottom of this” routine. They just don’t want to deal with it. They just want what ever it is they came there for so they can leave as soon as possible because they don’t want to be there anyway.These unprofessional meanies know this so they continue to get away with it.

  35. Edd Nelson May 10, 2019 at 14:11

    I’ve been visiting VA Baltimore for many years and always leave with the feeling that employees including doctors, feel as if they are doing you a favor. There is no such thing as “good customer service”. They are rude. You can have four to five employees at a department with customers waiting to be seen and one person is working and the other four are standing around laughing talking and joking about their weekend or family. I have the visit. Please, please look into improving customer service
    I feel that VA don’t look to hire doctors who are interested in curing and maturing their patients but doctors who are interested and able to teach their required number of last four digits per day. Week or month.

  36. Alacyn Pegher May 10, 2019 at 14:06

    I received a letter from the VA 3 weeks ago and on the right side of the letter was a man’s name and a number. I thought this was my husband’s case managers name. When. I called with s question I was informed that the worker inadvertently put an other veterans name and SSN on the right side of the letter. There were 3 pages to the letter. The worker was apologetic and said they would change it. I received the changed one a week later and they changed the first page, but the other two pages still had the other veterans name a d SSN. Hmmm. I have some serious problems with this mistake. Fortunately I am honest person and would never use this information, but this is an extreme breach of confidentiality. I have not heard another word about this.

  37. Twain E. Robinson May 10, 2019 at 13:57

    I’ve been receiving treatment from the V.A. since 2006 for a service connected disability. The service, when you receive it, is great! The only problems I’ve had has been with customer service. Some of the staff at these places are so frigging mean. I went to school for customer service, human resources, etc. I found a class using my G.I. Bill that certified me as a “Customer Service Specialist”. That is how important it is. The job I have now with a federal agency is 80 per cent contact with the public. I get it when it comes to customer service. I don’t see how these folks keep a job. When you have to have an entire division dedicated to handling patient services there is a really big problem. Bad customer service should only be isolated incidents. You shouldn’t need an entire division dedicated to handling customer service issues. Doesn’t make any sense.

  38. Jeanne Lawson May 10, 2019 at 13:53

    First, my husband is the veteran and I am the caregiver. We have been using the VA system in Maine. Usually we go to the Bangor clinic but speak with those at Togus in Augusta sometimes. We are very satisfied with the experince we have had since we moved here 5 years ago. Without fail the staff are responsive, timely, and caring. His doctor is great. However, I stay on top of his care and advocate for him. Overall, very few complaints. The VA can’t do everything but what they have done to support us through my husband’s illness is appreciated and priceless. Sad to hear others are having such difficulties.

  39. Nyle LaGrange May 10, 2019 at 13:40

    I have no confidence in the VA HC system. Lost X-rays and imaging, misidentified cancer as rosacea, rejected disability comp because I didn’t name the ship I was on and my shipmates. I was in the US Air Force. Called and told me I missed appointment with neurosurgeon while I was sitting in his clinic waiting. Waited in chech-in for 2-1/2 hours, while representatives were having private conversations about weekend parties, hair styles, boyfriends, etc. Then I was told to take another number and wait because I was directed to the wrong desk. Left complaints with veteran advocate and never received call back. It’s more of a concentration camp than hospitable hospital.

  40. Stevie Tatum May 10, 2019 at 13:00

    At Montrose VA Medical Center, they have restricted our ability to have a meal while attending SA programs and appointments. The new director has taken it upon herself to be a corporate raider and slim the budget at our expense. I’ve been a patient here since 1990 and this has never been a problem. For some vets, this is there only real meal of the day, it’s an atrocity that denying veterans a hot meal is the way the VA chooses to balance the budget.

  41. S M Wallace May 10, 2019 at 11:24

    Sounds to me like building trust means helping employees feel good about themselves and not really about the veteran’s experience. As a veteran, I am not happy with my V.A. A lot of that has to do with the incompetence of the “front end” employees but also has to do with a lack of good customer service in general. The “front end” employees, or MSA’s, in at least one clinic are rude, they expect veteran’s to wait for them to finish personal conversations with the other MSA’s about their latest shopping experience. The veteran’s come first, not their personal conversations which probably should be saved for their breaks and lunch period. As a consumer of services at V.A. there are two things I expect, follow through and follow up. Follow through means if you tell me you are going to do something and get back to me, you actually do it. Follow up is actually getting back to me. I’m tired of poor excuses for why something doesn’t get done and no one gets back to me. I constantly feel like I’m being lied to. Another big issue is money. By that I mean, if people actually used common sense vets like me wouldn’t end up with DME that is useless to us because “it doesn’t fit”. Example, I have a rolling walker, it’s too tall for me. I can manage to use it but sitting on the seat, my feet dangle and don’t touch the floor. Not good for my legs or back. I have a request in for an appropriately sized one since the one I have is ergonomically wrong. I was told that I “was sent the “standard” wheeled walker” which is why it doesn’t work for me. Because I am “the acception” to the rule size-wise, I got measured and a shorter one has been ordered. Meanwhile, V.A. won’t take this one back because it’s mine, paid for. Really?? It should be automatic that all patients get measured to ensure they get a size DME that “fits”. If you really want to earn back the trust you lost, train your employees in good customer service.

  42. Barbara Harris May 10, 2019 at 11:14

    If anyone with the ability to make changes is interested in our abysmally ineffective (to the point of malpractice), 8 month experience with the VA medical system, please contact me. The actions or lack there of, are too numerous to describe in this small space. My husband is a 100% disabled combat-veteran. I continue to hope that someone with the ability to enforce change, will hear his case, and take action. Barbara Harris wife of veteran (redacted)

    • Bilal Sabir May 10, 2019 at 14:19

      My husband is in the same situation, it’s a nightmare dealing with the VA, I had to file a Writ of Mandamus to get my husband’s case finally decided! Good luck!

    • Malachi Rhett May 11, 2019 at 13:52

      Ms Harris and Mr Harris,
      I am sorry to hear that the two of you are having to go though the pains of fighting for earn benefits that was paid for long ago by the sacrifice your husband made for “AMERICA”, Even though I am in no position to make any changes at the VA that may help you directly, since I am a Military Retiree and Veteran of the same VA organization that is probably the largest care facility in the world but have no direct employment or other connection to the VA, as is the case with most veterans, and since there is no way to know from your blog, no one out side of those official you have contact knows what problems with the veteran adminstration that you have, However, I Hope that my comments help you in some way in case you can get to the right source by going on line or calling a Veteran help organization directly who can answer all of your questions and help get your family the needed help with those what seem to be long term stressful problems,
      I would hope that since your husband is a one hundred percent disable veteran in which The veteran administration, once approved as far as I know take good care of all that immediate authorize family needs, and for all other veteran once they reached sixty five, and are not able to do at least two of the normal functions that is required of them on a daily basis such as eating and bathing, The VA will pay for most of their care and if the veteran is deceased they will pay for most of their spouse care under a program called “AID AND ASSISTANCE” which can also be checked out on the web at http://WWW.VA.GOV, I will be eighty years old in a few month and only have used the VA Hospital seven or eight times since I retired in 1987, on core pay basis, established by a means test system, and I have never used any if my other VA benefits, However my greatest fault I find with the Veterans Administration has been their SURVIVORS BENEFIT Program, that the VA implamated I believe in the seventies that requires all married serviceperson to start monthly payments from their pay check in to a fund that will once they retire and they pass away while they are continuing to pay into this manditory VA Government controlled system one they can not cut of untol they have paid into it during combine active duty and retirement for 360 month or 30 Years, if they live that long after retirement and re still married, with no clause in the program to pay the living spouse a dime if the spouse die first, I paid into that system for the full #) Years payment that started at the beginning at around $50 Monthly and had risen to at least 115.00 when the 360 month was up at the beginning of 2018, My wife passed on July 31, 2018 and I did not get uven a thank you for your donation note from the VA or the Defense Finance And Accounting, not even a break on my taxes, But again When I think about all of the soldiers who sacrifice their life and those who were premanantly disable during all our engage military conflict ,J ust as your husband was, I never look back because it was God that brought me on this far and he is the only one who can lead me home. Hope that with that same god continuous blessing every thing will work out for you and your Family. Good Luck, my wife and I had been together for 58 tears and we have four children ages 52-57. Thank you for letting me share also something about us to youall,also Thanks to your husband and you for his service..

  43. Kenneth Bevil May 10, 2019 at 10:49

    Having dealt with the VA since 9 May 1989. I can say that my experience with the VA has not changed since then. I will not travel 2:30 minutes to seek care at the VA hospital in La Jolla CA. I was told that it would take approximately 6 months to pull most of my teeth on the bottom, implant bone in my jaw and get implants. After the bone graft healed I was told that I would have to the 5 hours of travel several more times and wouldn’t have teeth on the bottom until possibly the 1st of the year. I will not go to the VA seeking health care again.

  44. Evelyn Kelly May 10, 2019 at 10:39

    A year ago the VA built a new output clinic in Macon GA. This clinic is outstanding. The staff is friendly and most of all helpful. They cover most anything connected to Veterans care. If you or a family member needs help this is the place to go.

  45. Sam B Travis May 10, 2019 at 10:30

    My most recent experience with the VA has left me with a bad taste. They’re no longer treating the individual’s need, but policy plans. Especially at the G. V Sonny Montgomery center in Jackson Mississippi.

  46. James May 10, 2019 at 10:28

    The thing is, after more than 30 years of battling the VA for legitimate claims, my trust of the VA is permanently gone!

  47. Charles Pisano May 10, 2019 at 10:17

    “Own the Moment Training enables a cultural change to make employees aware and empowered to own the moment. They have the ability to make the experience for the Veteran and their family members the best they can.”

    What a joke. I’m EMF radiation sensitive. They allow cell phones and other wireless devices in every part of “heath care’, not only the VA. I brought this to the attention of the local VA, they blew me off. Said they would make no accomodations should I need to be hospitalized. Wouldn’t put that in writing however. They know that garbage was never tested and it’s designed to kill people. I had to move to the country to get away from the cell towers. People are in for a rude awakening.

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