Every Thursday evening, Veterans all over the United States meet up to practice yoga. The Veterans spend an hour together, but they never see one another and likely will never even meet. This yoga class requires no travel, no membership or studio, and no special clothing or mat. Veterans perform the weekly yoga nidra session in their own space, on their own bed, couch or favorite chair. These Thursday evening classmates meet over the phone to participate in an hour of yoga nidra that follows the iRest methodology.
Yoga nidra, also called yoga sleep, is an altered state of consciousness in which participants meditate and go into a state on the cusp of the sleep state. Participants must completely relax and rest while the brain remains active and able to hear everything the instructor says, though the person may not be fully aware.
Integrative Restoration (iRest), is a version of yoga nidra developed by Dr. Richard Miller with Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the Department of Defense. It was first used by soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from PTSD. This meditation method is very helpful for issues like PTSD and anxiety, sleep problems and chronic pain. Data collected from iRest participants indicates the practice improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety, and enhances resiliency in stressful situations.
Guided, weekly sessions
VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), located in Palo Alto, Calif., offers weekly phone meditation sessions. The virtual guided meditation begins Thursday evenings at 5 p.m., Pacific time, and all Veterans are invited to join the class.
“It relaxes my whole mind and body; all stress melts away,” said Air Force Veteran Joe Valentino. “A lot of it is sensing your body and quieting your mind. So while I’m meditating, I’ll picture my blood stream running through a coffee filter that’s filtering out all the bad stuff that I’ll throw away when I’m done.”
Valentino gets his care from the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System’s medical center in New Orleans. He first learned about yoga nidra and iRest from a flyer his provider gave him.
“I try not to miss a week,” Valentino said. “It helps release anxiety, tension, helps me sleep better. I really enjoy it.”
No referral, experience, or prescription needed
Veterans can try yoga nidra any Thursday evening of their choice, without referral, prior experience or prescription. They only need a phone, an open mind and a quiet, safe space to meditate.
“This meditation is all about increasing and enhancing your own sense of awareness, your sense of being a whole person that is perfect just as you are,” said Louise Mahoney while teaching a weekly class. “We all have everything we need inside of us. We just are not always aware of it, so this meditation helps us to become aware and to allow that awareness to creep into our daily life more often that it did before. So whether you’re at work, taking care of your kids, with your significant other, by yourself, you will find a way to remain at ease and to navigate stressful situations.”
All Veterans are welcome to attend the weekly live sessions over the phone. Just call 800-767-1750 and type in access code 24953#. Learn more about yoga nidra at www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/WARRELATEDILLNESS/clinical/integrative-health/ca/yoga-nidra-meditation-veteran.pdf.
Veterans who would rather try a prerecorded eight-session series can find it on the WRIISC website at www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/WARRELATEDILLNESS/meditation/default.asp.
Learn more about VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Centers located in California, New Jersey and Washington D.C. at www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/WARRELATEDILLNESS/index.asp.
Jamie Mobley is a public affairs specialist at the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System in New Orleans. She is an Army Veteran and a graduate of Kansas State University.
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I tried last week on Thursday 8pm EST. Called 1-800-767-1750. Access code 24953#. Recorded message stated that extension did not exist. Please let me know if the extension changed or if I have to call a few minutes before or right at 8pm.
Sadly, so few people take the time to actually read all of the information, and then follow instructions.
The only time the number and access number work is on the day, and at the time, that the class actually happens. What you need to know is that the class is ONLY offered on Thursdays. It happens live, so that is when you need to call in. The class happens at 5 pm Pacific Time. So, you need to adjust that for your own time zone.
The number and access code are: 1-800-767-1750. Access code 24953#
Find the time for YOUR time zone, it’s the only time the number for the live class will work:
Class Time In
*Standard Time
Hawaii 3pm
Alaska 4pm
Pacific 5pm
Mountain 6pm
Central 7pm
Eastern 8 pm
If can’t make the live class or don’t want to – they offer an alternative:
Veterans who would rather try a prerecorded eight-session series can find it on the WRIISC website at http://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/WARRELATEDILLNESS/meditation/default.asp.
All this information is in the article above.
I leave in WPB Fla, at what time would I sign in to do the virtual yoga? That may be the problem most people is encountering, where is the virtual yoga instructor at?
8 pm, Eastern Time, on Thursdays only.
I’m interested in joining the yoga program.
Looking for signup page…
no sign up page, just the number to call and the access code listed above.
I would like to join the Thursday class. Thanks
I pulled this off the link
For more information
WRIISC CA Yoga Staff:
650-493-5000 Ext. 62355
* Note: Class observes daylight
savings time. Start time may
vary in your time zone
Time Zone
Class Time In
*Standard Time
Hawaii 3pm
Alaska 4pm
Pacific 5pm
Mountain 6pm
Central 7pm
Eastern 8pm
Unfortunately while you have provided the correct time zone information, the number to call that you listed is incorrect. What you listed is the number for the yoga staff at the WRIISC. The number to call for the actual class is: 1-800-767-1750. Access code 24953#
This mistake in information may be part of what is confusing people, in addition to their not reading all of the information listed. Some are calling on the wrong day and/or at the wrong time. It only works on Thursday, at the proper time based on their time zone.
I hope this helps.
Thank you for offering the yoga program to veterans.
I am interested in doing weekly yoga program,
Thank you for this gift
Hopefully I will get some decent rest.
I have been a veteran since 1978, and I have never encountered so many varied outreach activities as I have in the last few months! I like it!
Sign me up.
The Yoga/Meditation tele-class on 10/24 was great. Just be sure to dial the toll free number and input the code at or near the start of class, in my case, 5 PM. Also, put a note on your door to specify that you’re busy for the next hour. While doing the meditation and feeling almost in a trance-like state, my friend came knocking on the door $$##@@!!!! I feel with continued, repetitious sessions, positive results will transpire.
This sounds great! They may need to work out the kinks at first but this is such a great tool for anxiety, PTSD and other issues! Thanks for putting this together!!
So you call in at the time and use the access code?
I attend the weekly yoga classes in the Orlando VA. I find them very relaxing, helpful, and interactive. I enjoy the time that I spend with other veterans. The instructors are very supportive and caring, some of the positions are challenging, but the instructors make it clear that everyone attempt the positions according to their abilities. I’m really looking forward to IREST sessions.
Please count me in. How do I get started?
This would be something I would be interested in but, like all other information sites giving it doesn’t work either. Thanks Again for nothing.
Excatly! I even talked to an operator, turns out each session has a unique code, and when I asked how I get will another code, he says he has no idea. What in the fck! They can create the NSA to monitor every packet moving, but cannot even run a basic telephone service, AND the fcking operator doesn’t even know how it all works. Just wonderful, good thing I love being stressed out. This will be another program to shine how they are doing so much for us and it’s just another goddmn dead end. He told me he wasn’t sure who told me this code number, and 3 times I said it’s on the Va.gov website I was directed to through an email, and he said oh well tell whoever sent it… Right, that would be the VA which was who I was talking to. AfckingMazing.
Joshua I pulled this off the link
It mentioned the actual staff
For more information
WRIISC CA Yoga Staff:
650-493-5000 Ext. 62355
* Note: Class observes daylight
savings time. Start time may
vary in your time zone
Time Zone
Class Time In
*Standard Time
Hawaii 3pm
Alaska 4pm
Pacific 5pm
Mountain 6pm
Central 7pm
Eastern 8 pm
Bill said in response to my post that it is valid at the start of the session. Try again tonight.
Is there a code that works? 24953# is not a valid code. Trying to call 650-493-5000 ext 62355 was useless. Based on the previous comments, looks like this may be too.
The access code is a valid code. Unfortunately VA failed to include in the article that it is only valid at the start time of the session. That start time should be 5:00 PM Pacific time. (8:00 PM Eastern Time zone) 1700 PT, 1800 MT, 1900 CT, or 2000hrs ET
Bill – thanks for your response. I will try again tonight.
This sounds wonderful!
Yoga and such religions are a very dangerous path.
Religion is a dangerous path and yoga is not a religion
You’re an idiot
You have absolutely no clue about yoga.
Um, yoga isn’t a religion.
Why would you say such a thing? So it might not work for you, that doesn’t mean it won’t work for someone else.
ONLY to those closed minds…which come to think of….NOTHING progressive would penetrate anyways….just the same-ole–
same-ole sh_t
I am a Veteran with 80% service connected
Yoga nidra Looks & Sounds Interesting…. Thanks for Sharing!!! Lyle
I would love to do yoga and learn to play guitar
I’m in Daytona beach fl and I do not think they offer it though
At the same time? Just kidding.
great, about time
I would like to try by phone, the Thursday evening Yoga. I am a post Korean Vet.
I’ve been doing Mindfulness training and yoga plus PT thru the VA for chronic pain and mental trauma. I am looking forward to adding this to my therapy and to taking this on as something I can do on my own in the privacy of my own home, especially with winter setting in soon. THANK YOU
My daughter has been giving free Yoga classes to vets and spouses, at our local VFW, for about seven years now.
More power to her and her good contribution to vets and families.
“Just call 800-767-1750 and type in access code 24953#”
I dialed the above as instructed and received the following response: “I’m sorry, your entry 24953# is invalid.”
10/23/2019 @6:43PM
Hi – I am so sorry for the difficulty you have had accessing the class.
The class is offered only once/week and the code only works at the class time.
On one occasion in the last few months someone cancelled the call so the code didn’t work so now I tell everyone, if you know you are calling in at the right time and day, wait about 15 minutes and call back in. I have the ability to set it up again but it takes time for me to log in and get the code set up again.
We meet Thursdays at 5pm Pacific time (8 pm eastern). 1-800-767-1750. Access code 24953#
I hope you try again,
Louise Mahoney
Thanks for letting us all know. Sorry about everyone’s frustration level. Sounds like we all need yoga
I scrolled far enough, many, many entries before I hit upon one that describes the sign on time and date; in a comprehensible way.
We meet Thursdays at 5pm Pacific time (8 pm eastern). 1-800-767-1750. Access code 24953#
I hope you try again,
Louise Mahoney
Well, I thought I’d give the virtual “yoga” a go on Thursday. I entered the 800# and the 5 digit code & # and got invalid message. After trying it twice I may just need a bit of restful yoga to relax..annoyed
The 800 number with the code does not exist according to their system…great
Do you have a regular yoga class?
I have been having problems with my sleep habits and need a change.
I will do this yoga exercise to see if it helps.
How do I sign up for the on line yoga?
This sounds uplifting.
I have never take yoga class so I goin to try this one
I have never take yoga class so I goin to try
Yoga for all veterans (and civilians), their families and communities, especially those suffering from PTSD, is so important to support recovery and resilience Veterans Gratitude Week is November 8 – 18th.Look to this video series or find a yoga studio, veteran support group or clinic at your local VA that offers FREE mindful resilience yoga classes. For more info, check out Veterans Yoga Project. All teachers are certified yoga instructors and have successfully completed the VYP training. VYP-trained instructors teach over 100 free yoga classes each week for veterans and their families. By providing support to all veterans, whether they are currently struggling with severe symptoms, or they are focused on increasing resilience and giving back to others, Veterans Yoga Project is doing its part to serve those who have served.
What other
Am interested in joining the weekly yoga program.