The United States military is a brotherhood and sisterhood like no other. Those who serve together form a common sense of purpose and devotion to duty. It’s a level of trust not commonly found in civilian life. Those military friendships last forever. But as life moves, and when people leave the military, they often lose touch with those friends, some of whom they would have given their life for.

Tracking down old friends, particularly if you have been out of the service many years, is not always easy. But there is one company that can help. Together We Served (TWS) is a Veteran-only website, launched in 2003. It provides Veterans a highly-effective means to reconnect with old service-friends by simply entering their service history on their TWS Military Service Page.

TWS built an individual website for each branch of service and, with over 1.9 million Veteran members, the chances of finding people you served with is high.

Free One-Year Premium Together We Served Membership

The secret behind TWS’s ability to connect more Veterans is the depth of its databases. Over the past 16 years, TWS has built one of the most comprehensive databases of U.S. Military training and operating units in existence. Its databases span from WW2 to present day.

Sample Together We Served Military Service Page

Together We Served Military Service Page

Military Service Page

By creating your Military Service Page on Together We Served, you can not only find Veterans who went to the same basic training as you, or served in the same units or duty stations, but also those who participated in the same combat or non-combat operations. TWS’s search engine automatically matches the service information you enter on your Military Service Page with the service information on the Military Service Pages of all other TWS members. Those members, whose entries could match yours, get listed on your Service Page. That is what enables you to make contact with those you may know. This powerful feature helps Veterans remember forgotten names.

Finding key people on TWS can be very helpful, especially if you need or can provide witness account to support a potential VA claim.

“We are especially proud of the fact that Together We Served has been able to help hundreds of thousands of Veterans to reconnect with old service friends they would otherwise never see or hear of again. For a combat Veteran, in particular, to be able to re-unite with someone you went through hell and back with, can be a very cathartic experience”.

Brian Foster, President and Founder of Together We Served

Take this opportunity to reconnect with the servicemen and women you shared some of the most important times of your life with. In recognition of your service, Together We Served provides all VA Veterans with a FREE One Year Premium Membership, providing unlimited people searches, when you join TWS via the following link:

Free One-Year Premium Together We Served Membership

The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of the VA.

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  1. James F. Clark November 19, 2019 at 15:06

    Looking for a good friend I had when I was stationed in Washington DC. He was in the Army and I was in the Coast Guard. We met at the NCO Club at Fort McNair. His name is Vernon Harris, at that time 1976 – 1978, Vern was a Staff Sergeant. I got transferred and so did Vern. Would like to know what happened to him. We had a lot of good times together.

  2. Vincent sanchez November 13, 2019 at 08:10

    Would like to wet in contact with people I served with, maybe I will be lucky.

  3. Eugene c. Rhoton,jr November 10, 2019 at 00:34

    Biggest piece of junk I ever saw.

  4. Sgt Brown November 6, 2019 at 17:04

    Thanks for you Service.

  5. Christine Marie Radtke November 6, 2019 at 06:14

    I have been trying to find soldiers I served with in Kaiserslautern, Germany! I think of them often and hopeful I may get a chance to contact them!

  6. Steve Noles November 5, 2019 at 18:26

    I am trying to find buddies that I served with at Barksdale AFB from 1965 until 1967 in the 46 Comm. Sq. and also guys I served with in Vietnam 1967 to 1968 at Tan Son Nhut in the 1876 Comm. Group. I was AFCS 29150 Comm. Center Specialist. Thanks for this website and I hope it reconnects a lot of service buddies.

  7. vince mancusi November 4, 2019 at 10:20

    please send info membership

  8. Kerry Brumbaugh November 2, 2019 at 23:00

    A Co 34th Eng Batallion 159th Group 20th Eng Brigade Phu Lou Vietnam 11-68 to 12-69

  9. James Richardson November 2, 2019 at 10:56

    Love reading about veterans who served as I did, 1962 – 1964.

  10. James November 2, 2019 at 10:52

    I want the year free and then join thereafter

    Love reliving the moment

  11. Donice Jansen Smith November 2, 2019 at 04:04

    I served in one of the last Graduating classes of Basic….1974 and then was active til 1978. I served the next 24 years in the Army Reserve…..6 years in the National Guard in Hawaii and California…including 17 months active and then from 2008 in the Reserves with 4 years to active in the WWTU/CBWTU and then a year again in the Reserves before MRD/ Retirement. IF You were able to cover more then just one of my services I may consider…. Thank You anyway and Best Wishes….Thank You all for your service.

  12. Antolín L. Garza November 1, 2019 at 12:28

    I served in the Army in Fort Richardson, (Anchorage) Alaska. We were in the 5th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Brigade from July 1969 to July 1971. Are there any of our buddies still with us? I live in McAllen, Texas. Blessings to ALL!

  13. BARBARA D LAYMAN November 1, 2019 at 12:19

    Some time ago I attempted to ‘join.’ I was stymied because I have several periods of service, first WAC from ’65-66, then Reserves, 73-81, then Active Guard 81-86, then Reg Army 86-89 and Reserves again until retirement.

    Your program only allows one period of service entry.

    Thanks, anyway.

    • Donice Jansen Smith November 2, 2019 at 04:12

      Hey Barbara!

      You paved the way for so many of us! Thank You! i was in one of the last WAC Graduating Classes out of Fort Jackson at the end of the Summer in 1974…and then on to Korea. Sounds like you and I had much in common.. Too Bad we cant link up..>Thank You for your service to your country…..

    • Donice Jansen Smith November 2, 2019 at 04:13


      I was also a WAC in one of the last graduating classes of the WAC 1974

    • Brian Foster November 2, 2019 at 10:48

      Barbara – TWS certainly accommodates your kind of service history. You can actually join TWS citing your most significant service period and then on your Military Service Page edit your Assignments on your Page to show all the different units you were in at different times with different MOS’s and ranks. You can enter broken service gaps in your chronology. Our Member Help Desk, located at the bottom left of our site, would be able to guide you on how to do this. It is available to you 7/365 to answer any questions you may have.

  14. Jim Johnson November 1, 2019 at 12:10

    Looking for Marine Corps Vietnam Veterans who served in 2nd CAG 7TH COMPANY under the leadership of Captain R M Mallard’ The Wild Duck “as he was known”. Looking for Sgt. Williams, Sgt. Thomas both from Louisiana, L/CPL Puckett and Cpl. Dwight Motley from Weirton W Va. We served in Vietnam Quang Tri provence Hoi An
    Looking for Leonard Hamm reservist Boot Camp #1347 Parris Island may have played for Cinncinati Reds

    Cpl Johnson “JJ”

  15. John Cannon November 1, 2019 at 11:36

    I joined the Marine Corps on May 20th, 1958 and left for boot camp Augusta and was in platoon 332 Parris inland and in December was home on leave as a PFC, I’m looking for anyone that was in platoon 332 or any one that served in service Company Camp Lejeune from 1959-1960 at that duty station or Okinawa from 1961-1962

  16. Janet Lynn Creswell November 1, 2019 at 10:22

    Tried to sign up…epic FAIL!

    ZERO support for Public Affairs.

    Finally found the 71Q-Journalist listing, however there is no corresponding “Public Affairs” available in the MOS Group listings. Couldn’t proceed with the signup process.

    Thanks…but no thanks.

    Headquarters Fort Sheridan PAO, Feb 78-May 80.

    • Brian Foster November 1, 2019 at 13:56

      Janet – Your question could have been easily answered if you contacted our Member Help Desk which is there for your convenience. The 71Q Journalist listing is located under the AG – “Adjutant General” MOS Group Listing, as opposed to a “Public Affairs” MOS Group Listing. MOS Group is simply a filter to prevent having to view a long list of MOS codes. 71Q is indeed selectable and shouldn’t have prevented you from joining. We have several hundred members who successfully selected this MOS.

  17. Arlene (Bivens) Adams November 1, 2019 at 00:16

    Trying to find people from basic. Was at Ft.McClellan from Sept 59 to Dec 59. Company D -1. Cadre were Sgt.Walters, and Corp.Swenson. Also people form Fitzimmons in Denver Colo. Was there until discharged in 1961.Appreciate any help. Thanks.

  18. Douglas Theron Ginney October 31, 2019 at 22:05

    I served Army 1st of the 9th Air Cav Viet Nam ’69-’70. Don’t know friend’s names, but nick names. One was Sleepy I would love to locate.

  19. Dick Rohde October 31, 2019 at 19:23

    I am looking for Jim Hinton He was a barber on the USS Delta AR 9 from 1952 to 1955…last I knew that he had duty in San Francisco 1955 Calif.
    Looking for Don A. Ford he also was on the USS Delta AR 9 & was in ship service 1953 to 1955 I believe he was from Texas
    Contact Dick Rohde Seattle Washington

  20. Larry Hubbard October 31, 2019 at 18:39

    Looking for 1371, Vietnam 70-71

  21. Mike Morrow October 31, 2019 at 16:33

    I’m looking for a James Montgomery who joined the USAF 1963 with me. I ran into him once after basic but, lost contact after that. He was a munitions specialist and a Staff Sergeant at the time. He graduated Mar Vista High School in Imperial Beach, CA in ’63.

  22. Alfred Castillo October 31, 2019 at 14:52

    I like the “Free” part of the TWS membership, but what happens AFTER the one-year free membership? I didn’t find any info about additional fees for succeeding years, nor anything regarding privacy issues, etc. Just curious.

    • Brian Foster November 1, 2019 at 11:33

      Alfred – You would be in a password-protected website with other Veterans. TWS is administered by Veterans. You can supply as much information on your military service as you wish to reconnect with people you served with. You can choose to remain a Free Member after one year or you can opt to remain a Premium Member which is very nominally priced as low as 60c per month.

  23. John G Morrill October 31, 2019 at 12:59

    I joined the USAF in Feb 1955 and retired Aug 1984. Taught at Keesler and Retired in Maine. Have been trying to locate a couple of buddies from the days spent as B-52 Gunner. Walter W Barclift, and Willie Tolbert, both Gunners, I hope they are still alive and kicking. Buddah I miss you and Willie every time I look at a banana and think of the time we cut the ones at Mod 6.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 13:55

      John – we have over 250,000 Air Force Veterans on TWS which is probably the largest community of Air Force Veterans existing today. There is a good chance you will find people you served with on this website. Look forward to welcoming you on board.

  24. Lawrence Handy October 31, 2019 at 12:57

    MCRD Paris Island 1974 Ptn 250. Senior Drill instructor Staff Sergeant wommer. Anyone out there from my platoon .

    Sgt Handy

  25. John G Morrill October 31, 2019 at 12:35

    How do you use this to locate buddies from the B-52 gunners in Guam and Utapao 45 years ago ?

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 14:03

      John, by simply entering all your units/squadrons and years in on your Military Service Page on Together We Served we will provide you a list of all other TWS Members who were in your units at the same time. This is the best way to locate people you served with. TWS has members who served from WW2 to present day so 45 years ago should be no problem.

  26. Thomas Martin October 31, 2019 at 12:11

    I’m looking for Patrick Bingham who was my good buddy at Camp Humphreys in Korea 1973-1974. Are you out there bro…!!

  27. Richard Buffington October 31, 2019 at 11:46

    R. Buffington A-4-1 2nd platoon Graduated sometime about late spring 1978 Ft. Jackson
    Company commander was Capt. Shipe.
    One of my DI’s. was Robinson…and he could not stand me lol

    I and the other 11B guys shipped off the very night of BCT gradation to Harmony church Ft Benning

    Anyone remember a medic with the 3rd Ranger company by the name Of Slate? He and I kind of hung out together when we both could. My 1st Sgt was Pearson and I remember likely the guy but I was his gopher quite a bit. At any rate, the picture above reminded me of these yesteryears which are so long ago now…Best wishes to all branches of service and to all those veterans.

  28. Lyle Johnston October 31, 2019 at 11:35

    Any Hydro commando’s from Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam 1969-1970. Hydraulic shop. Are you out there????

  29. Michael David Wojcio October 31, 2019 at 11:30

    Dear Sirs:

    I was on Okinawa for almost 2 years in the Army as a Sentry Dog Handler since I was an MP in
    1968 through May of 1970.

    I met a good friend (Tim Niles) who was from Southern CA. I am 71 years old now and do not know if
    Tim is alive anymore. I tried so many different ways to get in touch with him again but I did not succeed.
    (There are many other people with the name Tim Niles which makes it nearly impossible.)
    Also Facebook could not help me either. (I think he married a girl named Yvonne.) We walked our dogs
    together on guard duty. He was an excellent bowler on our bowling team.

    There is one last way that could help me find him so I could write to him. You see if he were alive Tim would
    probably getting social security or maybe even Veteran benefits. Therefore the government would know his
    address. One thing I know is that Tim is alive he is somewhere between 70 and 72 years old.

    Isn’t it possible for the government to send his address to me? You see if they got 1, 2, or 3 addresses of Veterans with the same name I could write to these people and finally get in touch with my friend Tim.

    Thank you for your support.

    Michael David Wojcio
    Las Vegas, NV (originally from NJ)

    • BARBARA D LAYMAN November 1, 2019 at 12:36

      Write a letter to your friend, Put it in a sealed envelope with his name leaving the address blank.

      THEN, write a letter to National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) National Personnel Records Center, 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63138. Explain your request and ask if they can forward the enclosed letter to him. IF they can find him, they will. They won’t provide the information to you.

      ALSO, write a similar letter to the Veterans Administration providing as much info as you are able. Include a letter to your friend in a sealed envelope. IF he has received benefits and they are able to locate him, they will forward your letter to him.

      Social Security is a last resort but will only work if you have his number.

      IF you have copies of orders of any sort on which he may have been included they will have his name, rank, and social security number (guessing based on your age that it will be there).

      Hope this helps you to find your friend.

      BTW, I did a quick search for Southern California and these folks came up in response. One of them MAY be your friend

      Tim L Niles
      United States Public Records, 1970-2009
      residence: 1 December 1996 Laguna Hills, California, United States

      T S Niles
      United States Public Records, 1970-2009
      residence: 1 October 1997 Seal Beach, California, United States

    • Lynn Stucker November 1, 2019 at 16:55

      Found him on Been Verified

  30. Barbra Duke October 31, 2019 at 11:02

    company 28 Bainbridge Mayland. Chief Lawrence, company commander., Barbra Fails.

  31. Richard D Walton October 31, 2019 at 10:57

    what’s the cost after the first year?. Do you have a premium version and if so is it free the first year as well

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 11:07

      Richard, after the complimentary first year, you have a choice: continue TWS Premium Membership which is priced very nominally – as low as 60 cents per month or $9.95 per year – or Free Membership which is free.

    • Bill Maynard October 31, 2019 at 17:00

      You can also get a free lifetime premium membership thru USAA credit card. Not sure if it’s still in effect, but that’s how I did it.

      • Mary K. Van Tilburg November 11, 2019 at 15:04

        Bill Maynard

        How do I go about joining as I do have a USAA credit card.
        Retired USA LTC on 31 Dec 1990
        In Army 26 Oct 1964 to 31 Dec 1990.
        WAC Enlisted 64 to 68
        Officer 68-90


        • Mary K. Van Tilburg November 11, 2019 at 16:00

          Please disregard.
          Reason Too hard to fill out all the info as won’t accept a lot of answers if they don’t match or aren’t on the list.

          Thanks anyway

  32. LaDon Hill October 31, 2019 at 10:46

    My basic training station was fort Dix New Jersey in 1979 Delta 3/5 and AIT trying to find members of death-dealing Delta I also served in desert shield desert Storm and operation Iraqi freedom retired in 2005 if there any battle buddies out there send me a round down range LaDon Hill

  33. James E Eagy Sr. October 31, 2019 at 09:50

    Who posted the picture above, that looks like my basic training photo? I went to basic in Charlie 2/4 At Fort Dix, New Jersey in October, 1981. Two of my close battle buddies where nick named Tank, and Tiny and i believe Tiny was from Ohio. Does anyone remember “COLD STEEL CHARLIE” our company motto.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:29

      James – The photo is of C 42 AIT Platoon 3, Fort Ord, 31st May 1967.

  34. Ray Blaylock October 31, 2019 at 09:24

    Just started on this site and already thank its FUBAR.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 09:58

      Ray – you don’t state where you are having difficulty. Our Member Help Desk, manned by our Veteran Admin Staff, is prominently featured at the bottom left of the website and is there for your convenience 15 hours a day/ 7 days a week to answer any questions you might have. We have over 1.9 million Veteran Pages successfully completed so we are sure your issue can be easily resolved.

  35. Michael Mcconnell October 31, 2019 at 08:44

    Hello my name is Michael Mcconnell I was in the Air Force as a crew chief aircraft mechanic. I served in Okinawa for 18 months and the the balance of my time in Indiana. I would love to connect with some old friends. Julie Brown, Scott lasuer , Gill, Bob Bishop.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:34

      Michael, we have over 250,000 Airmen on board TWS – the largest Air Force community on the web. Join at and complete your Unit Assignments on your Military Service Page and all other TWS members who served with you will be displayed including perhaps the ones you mention.

  36. Bob Lastman October 31, 2019 at 07:32

    Where is the cancel account feature and why is it impossible to locate?

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 09:52

      Bob – Our Member Help Desk, manned by our Veteran Admin Staff is prominently featured at the bottom left of the website. It is there for your convenience 15 hours a day/ 7 days a week.

  37. VITO FERRANTE October 31, 2019 at 06:43

    How much does it cost after the trail year is over.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:39

      Vito, After one year, TWS Premium Membership is priced very nominally – as low as 60 cents per month or $9.95 per year. The Free Membership option is free.

  38. Marsha J Mitchell October 31, 2019 at 06:27

    Brian my husband Rickey Louis Domaschk was a Vietnam Navy Veteran from 1969 to 1975. Dates may not be exactly correct on the USS Krishna and on land in Vietnam the brown water group. Brian when he came home for good his his belongings were stolen at airport. My question is, is it possible to locate any pictures of him in uniform? His life story is very unique, April 18,2018 he passed away 2 Years after receiving a double lung transplant. Exposure to agent orange in Vietnam and asbestos on Navy Ship. He was not a smoker yet he died from COPD, emphysema, ITP, TTP, ILD, . He wrote a story of his time in Navy before he became too sick. I just would love to a picture of him in Uniform. Thanks for your time. We knew each other since 1968. He was my first boyfriend.

    • Wayne quick October 31, 2019 at 08:28

      Sorry for your loss. How old was he? Been fighting COPD since 1096, exposed to Agent Orange in 1966. I,m 72 now, looking at “how much longer” .

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:05

      Marsha you are very welcome to create a Remembrance Page for your husband and this would allow you to locate others who may have served with your husband who may have photos of him. If you have his Discharge Certificate – we can help you request this – we can help you build his Page and provide guidance. Just contact our Member Help Desk prominently featured at the bottom left of our website and we will be happy to assist.

    • Robert Smith October 31, 2019 at 11:35

      Sorry for your loss Ma’am.

  39. Anthony P. Stanco October 31, 2019 at 06:25

    Helping to locate old service buddies sounds like a great idea! Good luck!

    • Robert Smith October 31, 2019 at 11:29

      I’m with you Anthony. I wish them the best at trying to provide a service. Something is better than nothing and this site has gotta be better than looking up names in AKO or Facebook. Unfortunately I seem to be reading more comments from “winers & complainers” than from those offering constructive criticism… damn! 1ID, 8ID, 7ID,1AD

      I feel for you Brian Foster. You’ll be busy just cutting through alot of the B.S. to get to the legit.
      SOS… some things never change.

  40. Patrick Cavanaugh October 31, 2019 at 03:39

    So what membership fees are required after the first year?

    • Paul Hyland October 31, 2019 at 08:21

      I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

      • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:08

        Paul – if you served you we would be happy to have you as a member. Together We Served is a place only for Veterans. A virtual online Military Base, so to speak, where you can be in the company of like-minded folks.

      • james l vail October 31, 2019 at 10:18

        amen paul

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:40

      Patrick, after one year, TWS Premium Membership is priced very nominally – as low as 60 cents per month or $9.95 per year. The Free Membership option is free.

  41. Wilfredo Hernandez October 31, 2019 at 02:35

    How can I get a copy of my basic training picture from 1975?

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:11

      Wilfredo – when you join Together We Served and enter your Basic Training Unit on your Military Service Page, it will automatically appear in your Basic Training section. You are more than welcome to download it. There is a good chance we may have yours in our database which contains over 13,000 Basic Training/Boot Camp photos and we are adding new Basic Training photos all the time submitted by TWS Members.

  42. James R. Davis October 31, 2019 at 00:52

    If you are already a member of TWS then the links just let you sign in but you don’t get a free year at Premium status. At least I couldn’t find out how to get that upgrade. I am a Vietnam Vet.
    Peace, James R. Davis, USAF

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:47

      James, the provided link is for all VA Members who are not yet Members of TWS to take advantage of TWS Premium Membership for one year as a special promotion. The link was not intended for existing TWS Members as you would then have a double presence on the site. You can contact our Member Help Desk at the bottom left of our website who can assist you.

  43. Ronald Bert Everitt October 31, 2019 at 00:48

    Looks good but gotta go light duty due to screen eyes,maybe later after another V.A. appointment later today.

  44. George Pruitte October 31, 2019 at 00:22

    So how can I find a young sailor (1965) on the USS Coral Sea CVA 43 named ‘David Thomas Berry” ????

    George of the Jungle

  45. Robert Mantell October 30, 2019 at 23:29

    Website is f**ked up. Military journalist MOS not recognized, and it isn’t a branch of the army so that question can’t be answered. Asks for most important assignment, then assumes that was first assignment. I had a half dozen assignments in three countries in less than three years. Make life simple. Just let us list them. And it is too intrusive and restrictive. While I understand the reason for standardization, it’s not well done and is a pain in the butt.

    • Mike Donohue October 31, 2019 at 09:28

      Thanks for the heads-up. Life is too short to have to deal with shoddily thought out applications.
      Mike Donohue, 249th, 1963-1965

      • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:53

        Mike – maybe you should try for yourself instead of listening to hearsay. TWS is a very well-engineered, tried and tested search engine. Which 249th Unit were you in? Join via the special VA link and enter this unit on your Military Service Page. We’re sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:22

      Robert – happy to address your misunderstanding and sorry you are having difficulty. Did you attempt to contact our Member Help Desk, manned by our Veteran Admin Staff is prominently featured at the bottom left of the website. It is there for your convenience 15 hours a day/ 7 days a week and they would have you squared away in no time. 1/ You don’t state your service branch however if you were a Marine or in the Army, you first select Public Affairs as your MOS Group. All the MilitaryJournalist MOS’s are listed there for you. 2/ On the Join Form we ask you for your most significant Unit, the one with the most folks you might like to reconnect with, as we then immediately provide you with a list of people you served with. On your Military Service Page, when you enter the site, you can list all your Units from Boot camp to Separation.

  46. John Bonacci October 30, 2019 at 23:17

    The year 1978 place Fort Leonardwood boot camp. D1 3. My nickname was LittleJohn. I remember Gary Adams aka Slick. Drill instructors Rose Schwab and. I DONT BELIEVE YOU ARE. Remember that

  47. douglas morrow October 30, 2019 at 22:48

    need info on chemical corp

  48. William Pearson October 30, 2019 at 22:41

    Ranger School October 1968

    • James P Kretzmann October 31, 2019 at 09:46

      James Kretzmann 1971-1993 USAF (ret)

  49. Marsha A Stage October 30, 2019 at 21:59

    Don’t think that you can help. Being raped in A-school only deserves a 50% disability. This affects all of your life just not 50%.

  50. AJ MAIMBOURG October 30, 2019 at 21:11

    I was secretary to a general and 2 full bird colonels at Ft Meade, MD and can’t find a category for that

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:24

      AJ – did you select MOS Group – Adjutant General? All the Administrative MOS’s are listed under this group. If you have any difficulty, contact our Member Help Desk, manned by our Veteran Admin Staff is prominently featured at the bottom left of the website. It is there for your convenience 15 hours a day/ 7 days a week

  51. Joseph Jessup October 30, 2019 at 21:02

    Already signed up a month ago per a random link, free membership with limited access, provided link does not allow premium access.

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:44

      Joseph, the provided link is for all VA Members who are not yet Members of TWS to take advantage of TWS Premium Membership for one year as a special promotion. The link was not intended for existing TWS Members as you would then have a double presence. You can contact our Member Help Desk at the bottom left of our website who can assist you.

  52. Sammie E Hardaway October 30, 2019 at 20:56

    Where was the picture taken and what year?

    • Brian Foster October 31, 2019 at 10:54

      Sammy – The photo is of C 42 AIT Platoon 3, Fort Ord, 31st May 1967.

  53. Clarence E Heard October 28, 2019 at 14:24

    Why is there not a classification for Tank Crewman in the profile site?

    • Brian Foster October 28, 2019 at 23:20

      Clarence – we do have Armor Crewman specified on the site. I assume you are referencing the US Army site. First Select MOS Group: AR-Armor. Then open the dropdown adjacent to show the various Armor MOS’s including the one for Armor Crewman.

      • Brian Foster October 29, 2019 at 22:37

        If you are a Marine Veteran, select MOS Group 18XX Tank / Amphibian Tractor then 1812 – Tank Crewman in the MOS dropdown.

      • Roger Scott October 31, 2019 at 11:06

        Brian, Several current TWS members are asking whether the one year premium offer is available to them and if so, is there a promo code?

  54. essaywriter October 24, 2019 at 04:25

    Is the online shadow box available for all family members who retired as 1st Sgt, USA? How much will it cost? I emailed admin @ but there’s no reply so far. Thanks.
    Brian Sage (Sage group)

    • Brian Foster October 25, 2019 at 18:06

      Brian – All our online Shadow Boxes are free to all TWS Members. You can specify your own URL which you can share with family members. We also offer an 18″ wide printed version which is printed on high-quality photo paper mailed to your door. Our printer charges us $24.95 + shipping for this service which is your cost. TWS Admin.

  55. James J Bubash October 23, 2019 at 23:07

    Looking for AIT class Fort Belvoir VA. 1974 March 1975 51l refrigeration mechanic.

    • Brian Foster October 24, 2019 at 16:53

      James, that school is listed in the TWS database under Professional Advancement Schools. Just add it to your Service Profile Assignments section. TWS Admin

  56. James Collins October 23, 2019 at 19:21

    Hope fully the spell check for this will allow me to enter what I want to.

Comments are closed.

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