The VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System looks toward whole health and asks, what matters to you?
What better way of doing this than by unveiling a new web page?
Whole Health is VA’s cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. It centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you.
This means your health team will get to know you as a person, then help you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs and goals.
The new pages introduce Veterans to the system, coaches, recreational assistants and programs available throughout the service areas. The new Whole Health page also will provide downloadable calendars with current schedules for the Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island areas.
Whole Health sets you in the right direction
The Introduction of Whole Health class gets Veterans in the right direction. During the class, Veterans learn more about the Whole Health approach to care and the concepts behind Whole Health living. They complete a personal health inventory before they even step into the class.
The VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System also just introduced a nine-week course called Taking Charge of My Life and Health. The class will be held in Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island. It promises Veterans an opportunity to reflect on what really matters to them. Veterans choose an area of their life they want to enhance and develop a plan for reaching their goals.
The Whole Health approach to care empowers, equips and treats Veterans to take charge of their health and well-being and live their lives to the fullest. Health coaches and peer facilitators support and listen as Veterans learn to live Whole Health.
Jeff Gates is the deputy public affairs officer, webmaster and photographer for the Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System.
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I am reading about the website and have some questions:
>Is this for Nebraska vets only?
>If not, does it allow me an easier way to ask my local VA pertinent questions without going through the usual menagerie of phone calls that are usually directed to the wrong agency/person/official from whom I originally wanted assistance….
>Can I get a definitive answer about whether I will be allowed local hospital care (if needed) without going to American Lake which I believe is the nearest site for hospital care. I currently do need hospital, but since I am 75 years of age, I am certain that very shortly I will need this care.
The article is good whereas the current health care system will save more lives with modern date technologies and advanced healthcare.
How can offer whole health when we (Detroit John Dinglle Medical Center) do not have a medical clinic for women. A OBYN Dr just came on board without an equipment need to service women.
I am a Veteran, here in Juneau Alaska. Will they have Whole health care here.
I am a disabled female Veteran with a TBI, dystonia of the facial and vocal muscle along with a host of other disability. The RARE form of dystonia I have leave me with limited care because I am the only veteran at VA CT with this. I have an excellent neurologist Dr. Tukuno who works tireless with me. He is the only neurologist their that treat me. It took three years seeing the other doctors their before I got Dr Tukuno. By this time the injury from the TBI stop communicating with my facial and vocal muscle that caused my mouth to barely open and the movement of the jaw and the strength of the muscle had all my teeth to crack of. I was swolling some of my teeth and the others were out of the groves. I went to an outside dentist that had to remove the rest of my adult. The dentist called the VA and told them I have a neorolocal problem and the VA need to help me. Still no help and the pain was so horrible the muscles started breaking through my gums and I was spitting out bone. I ended up with cdiff and spend seven days in Yale. Still no relief before Dr Tukuno. I tried commiting suicide. The VA was renovating the pys ER and sent me to a psyc unit in Toland CT and they called the VA and ask them to do the Botox injections to get my mouth open and that’s when I got Dr Tukuno and we have been doing the treatment but if he is not there I am stuck.
Have you heard of “Well of Life” it’s a group of prominent physicians producing positive results on combined rare conditions. You are welcome to contact me-I’ve been thru painful spinal situations and you can live better. God Bless & strengthen you!
How do I communicate directly to my Cochlear Implant provider by computer?
To me, includes dental and eye care.
Hope this gets me Proper Pain Care at Hunter Holmes McGuire..To talk about Pain Care and getting it is Two Different Things..
Just discovered this site, will revisit, looks interesting and informative.
Thank you
How is this similar to MyHealthyVet in Portland, Oregon VA?!
Sounds good and needed
Whole Health, to me, includes dental and eye care, all of which I enjoyed when I was on active duty, but NOT as a veteran. I guess my sacrifice and service to our country just isn’t worth what it once was?