There may not be a stoplight in your hometown, but there’s a United States Postal Service® (USPS) post office. Post offices become the hub of many communities because they are reliable. It’s comforting that “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night” will prevent letter carriers from delivering the mail. This dedication to mission is something Veterans hold dear as well.
That’s why USPS is specifically reaching out to Veterans as they staff up. USPS has a long history of providing career opportunities to those who’ve previously served and values the leadership, reliability, and high-tech skills Veterans can bring, as well as their loyalty, leadership, reliability, and integrity.
Nearly 100,000 Veterans currently work for USPS and more than 100,000 positions are available across the nation such as:
- City and rural postal carriers
- City carrier assistants
- Tractor trailer operators
- Sales and support
- Mail processors
- Mail handler assistants
These positions are available full time, or just on weekends and holidays.
Veterans, disabled Veterans, Reservists, spouses of disabled Veterans, widows or widowers of Veterans and mothers of Veterans all receive special preference for these USPS positions.
To view positions near you or across the country visit
USPS treats military service as prior employment. In order to receive preference in hiring, you must clearly identify your claim for Veteran’s preference on your online application. The Postal Service requires that you submit a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (Member 4 Copy), or other official documentation from a branch of the Armed Forces or VA showing dates of service and type of discharge. Request your military service records (including DD214)
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This post contains links to local, state, federal, and partner jobs for the week of March 24, 2025.
INvets has announced the launch of new technology designed to streamline the job search process.
Hundreds of Veterans and their families attended the New England Veteran Experience Action Center to get one-on-one assistance with VA services.
No way should the USPS be soliciting thru the VA Broadcasts . I’m a 10 point service connected veteran
that applied for the exam, passed the exam, and went to a local Post Office with the certificate. Not only
was I NOT put at the top of the hiring list back in 2000-2003 , but I was declined for NOT BEING MINORITY
ENOUGH. Talk abou outright discrimination, this was to a veteran that was Service Connected. I’m now
retired from the Veterans Administration with 4 yrs. military time for a total of 33 yrs. TheUSPS can go
to F–KING HELL as far as being non-dicriminatory!
Wow! If even half of what I read is true it would be a mistake for me to even apply for a job with the USPS.
I work there now. I rather be getting shot a then deal with the high school drama. The the union for RCA’s do nothing for you. I worked since Dec and it just getting stupid. Up to 10-12 or more hour days 6 days a week unless you have documentation to call off ie doctor note. Then your not even hired in until you get a route. It’s bs because your time in the military is supposed to count towards your retirement. But you have to pay them for it. Smh
USPS will treat you like crap!
USPS was regarded as a good job for life when I got on as a disabled Vet in the south in ‘89. In ‘92 I transferred to the NW and it was good.
Then it seemed that management from the top down starting applying more pressure and the job got worse and worse. I wanted to hang on for another few months, even a year and a half but I took the early retirement when it seemed to be the last offering.
24 years and I had increasingly hated my job for maybe the last 15 of them.
The nepotism at my mail processing center was outrageous! I joked that another generation and they would all be playing banjos.
I hardly used sick leave but when FMLA came along I was outraged at how our office used it as a weapon against us . Got the flu? Stay home, get fired! They wrote up that you had to see a doctor and if his recommendation was bedrest, fluids and over the counter medications it didn’t count. And it had to be at least 3 consecutive work days so if you got sick and took a day then laid up your two following days off before returning then you couldn’t qualify. When that didn’t give them enough leverage they made it 4 days.
I was once turned down because I told a doctor I would tough it out without taking addictive prescription pain meds so they weren’t in my form.
Then they started only accepting excuses from a list of approved doctors. If a doctor approved you they dropped him from the list. I had a bad case of pneumonia once and their doctor would not do anything for me or approve me for time off so that he would keep getting their business.
They even threatened to fire me over a friend of theirs because I pointed out to people that he wasn’t even a Vet but passed himself off as a former SEAL! He was offended but I couldn’t be?
I kid that I took early retirement to avoid being the top story on the national news someday.
My wife is still a carrier and her office wants 40 applicants and has only had 2 takers (not likely to stay). She is not on the overtime list but due to being short-handed she works an average of 3 hours extra every day for 6 days and only gets Sunday off. I hope she retires soon as she was aiming for another 2 years but the workload is not supposed to change until Amazon opens a warehouse in her city and starts doing their own deliveries, projected to be at least 2 years from now.
I would like to add to my first comment about the Post Office getting rid of restricted Positions for disabled vets. I called APWU in DC about it. They told me I and other veterans need to sue the Post Office. I thought the Union duty to save veterans jobs. Its unreal !!!!!
Unions hate Disabled people — they do not want us. As a matter of fact the National Rural letter carriers association told me I should QUIT because I was Disabled and the Steward is fat, and I can out run, out lift, and physically out do most everything, as well as I hold an MBS was an Officer in the Military and she NEVER even saw me she JUST heard the WORD disabled and JUDGED me — how is that allowed?
And for the individual that posted no accommodations for disabled is a violation of the ADA American Disability Act, call a lawyer!!!
You should’ve hired a attorney and would’ve won a large litigation suit. Sounds like perhaps, that particular HR just didn’t desire to hire you due to being not scoring high enough. You do know that all federal government agencies utilize a scoring chart. My service record, infantry leadership abilities and having both Bachelors and Masters degrees helped me getting a great job within the USDOJ
I’m unsure if this comment is In reference to my comment below but if so: 1) I agree with you 2) it’s not that simple (yes I can call a lawyer…it cost money and me vs them , they’ll burn a hole in my pocket).
Anyhow, I’m in the middle of an EEOC because it’s the cheapest route for me and have been in this process since November 2020.
I retired from the US Army after 24 years Service, Looked for employment in the civilian sector in Seattle with no luck at that time, (Year 1985) No one was hiring! A friend suggested I check with the USPS since I am a 70% disable Vet, I did and was hired within a few days as a Custodian. The pay was not that great, But I had a Job. I stayed a Custodian for one year when my Supervisor asked me if I would like to try to become a Supervisor Maintenance Operation. I applied got the job and stayed with the USPS for 24 years. There is Good things about the USPS and there are Bad things as with other jobs. Discipline and hard work pays off.
Glad you got a good job and didn’t run into any issues however that doesn’t discredit what others have endured at the hands of the USPS
The details heard from my fellow veterans’ postings is appalling! And many comments describing abuse, ridicule, “mockery” and racism are ILLEGAL and needs to be addressed right F’ckg NOW.
SEEK EMPLOYMENT LAW LITIGATION ASAP. Each and everyone that is being HARASSED for your military service or denied any rights as a federal employee needs to call a lawyer ASAP! Identify those supervisors that committed harassment of any type, which in some cases can be individually sued. BLOW THE WHISTLE, file grievances, get this done. If your complaints are valid and you were harassed, then make a difference and nail the postmasters, supervisors, and facilities.
Oh so now the VA has “comment Moderators” so if they don’t like what you have to say, they censor you!!?? Give me a damb break. Just turn commenting off for these ridiculous articles then. We all know the USPS is a joke.
Postal service is looking to hire 20% to cover their turnover due to being a lousy place to work that we as tax payers FUND!! The USA Jobs web site is a total waste of time as well.
USPS receives no tax payer dollars except for Franked mail which is a program established for incumbent politicians. This program has been established by the U.S. government not by the U.S.P.S..
Thanks for setting that straight, James. It’s such a pervasive falsehood!
I hope this post makes a difference to/for some, thanks to all of you like myself who served our country and tried to continue our service through the USPS but could not for all the reasons stated above and some not mentioned. I am not going to complain about not being hired by the PO but I want to thank all of Postal employees who continue deliver and work through all of adversities they deal with to bring to our homes, offices and businesses the mail/packages we look for everyday. Again my thanks to all of you. Continue Your Excellence.
Now not to discard anyone else’s comments the Hiring System for the USPS needs to be SERIOUSLY addressed and fixed from top 2 bottom. This is what’s broken.
My brother and I both worked for the Postal Service. He made a career of it, and I credit his work there with adding extra years to his life. He worked in a city in Connecticut. I worked in Philadelphia. I had a college degree and moved on to other employment. I would not consider the work at all stressful. It’s like the military, just do your job.
It is the worst job I ever had. Everything was wrong with it. Should have seen this from the beginning. The lady that was leading the orientation was piss poor. They only promote from inside, e.g. a cleaner can become an engineer. I kid you not. What a waste of time.
I’ve worked for USPS for almost 2 years now and I love my job. I am a disabled veteran and have had no real issues with my current boss or the postal service in general. My first postmaster was very opinionated but I’ve met worse in my time with the army.
Working in big offices can suck, but I run a 4 hour office and don’t have to deal with the drama. Going in with realistic expectations and knowing you’ll be working alongside civilians makes a difference.
I just can’t believe all the complaining on this comment section.
I am a honorably discharged veteran and was told I didn’t get the job as my veteran status didn’t compete with the
minority preference. Looking back I’m glad I didn’t get the opportunity to work in that entitled union environment.
Terrible comments. I did not see one positive comment.. ÚSPS needs to change.
The only jobs in southern California that are offered for USPS are temp jobs that only work a few days, at least that’s what their website advertises. I have been watching their website for years and I have never seen a carrier job for a carrier. I am a veteran and would love that job but I need a full time job so I can never take one of the CITY CARRIER ASSISTANT, or their RURAL CARR ASSOC/SRV REG RTE jobs. Why wont the USPS offer full time jobs? I know there are career carrier jobs but I hardly see them and never see them in the areas I live.
I work for the USPS. You can’t get hired on as a “regular” mail carrier. You have to start off as an assistant, then when a position opens up, you get it based on your seniority in the office compared to the other assistants. City side where I work gets converted a lot quicker than the rural side. You get force converted to full time after 20 months if nothing opens up. You do get limited benefits as an assistant, but that time does NOT count toward your retirement. I am pretty happy with my job (good people, hours, and pay).
Contrary to popular belief, USPS is NOT funded by taxpayer dollars. Believe what you want or what you “heard”, but it’s not.
Wow, lots of ‘kind’ comments here. I retired Civil Service after 35 years, it was not the best of jobs, nor the worst. They gave me a job when the company was working for suddenly went bankrupt, so I cannot complain.
I am a disabled Veteran, I worked for usps for over ten years had a crazy 204b supervisor that fire me for no reason at all they don’t care if you served you country
Want to have a laugh work for ups or fed ex you’re treated just as bad because they got you by the horns. I call it “ working in miseryland”. Good benefits but you have to put up with a lot of b s.
Well that just sounds like 99% of the jobs out there anyways. Try being a cop for 20 years after the military and THEN you will know bureaucratic BS to no end.
The post office where I live, in Lawrenceburg Indiana is a joke. They couldn’t deliver mail to the right address twice in the same week. Over 2 dozen complaints and nothing has changed in the 18 years of living here. I get other neighbors’ prescriptions, my mail gets delivered a mile down the road, I get everyone elses mail, everyone else gets my mail. Got signed up for Informed deliver, we never get what we are supposed to get when we’re supposed to get it. They are a joke out here. I have my address on both sides of my mail box pole, inside the mailbox on the door, outside of the door, both sides of the mailbox and a sign behind the back top of the mailbox that’s 4″ x 16″ long and they still can’t get it right. We gave up on them years ago. These people would NEVER last at a regular, commercial job in the real world. Complete idiots!!
I’m very concern from what I’m hearing from all the people. This saddens me.
Well Kyle, I would think you would be more concerned with what this idiot president is doing to our country and the world right now instead of worrying about the USPS.
As well the USPS was know for discrimination against people with disabilities so if you are a Disabled Veteran PLEASE DO NOT subject yourself to the USPS they will try and destroy you they do not care about Veterans and even more Disabled ones the VA should be ashamed for posting this
Kinda shocked to see nothing but negative n lousy experiences at Usps perhaps I was fortunate to have decent managers n supervisors in my career there . Now retired after 35 years federal service at Usps n military. Worked with disabled vets n they were respected. My career there provided me my family a good life n now a good retirement. Yes this job is very demanding n stressful not for everyone. Being a city carrier is not as easy as some think it is. Especially in the beginning when u are low in seniority.long hours working weekends and holidays delivering parcels different routes n assignments until u make career status.T he only negative thing I can say is wasn’t crazy about new technology GPS – scanning micromanaging but I guess I’m old school. I was blessed to have this career.
I have applied at USPS multiple times and NEVER got a response. They are worthless.
I worked for USPS & retired .I fought for our veterans jobs. In 2007 the board of governors voted down restricted positions for Disabled vets which USPS held for years. USPS still a federal org. I thought that was so dirty to our vets.
If it wasnt for our vets there would be no jobs at Post Office. Thank a vet & give them respect benefits they earned. PS every healthy male needs to serve so that they understand what vets go thru.
It goes as far as the state, but no city’s. So you fill out the application to find out is nowhere close to home. You can’t accept it, now , next time you apply you will have that mark on your application record.
Usps treats disabled vets and other employees like crap. Do not work here they suck for a reason
They give hiring preference to Meothers of Veterans? What about Mothers?…spell check and proof reading would’ve done weonders here.
Too bad that you don’t know how to spell.
I retired from the USPS and it’s the worse place that I’ve ever worked.
Usps management treat employees very poorly: harassment, bullying,etc.
Try another employer.
I cannot believe the comments posted here by our Veterans. Blows my mind!
Well if they are true, suck it up butter cup. What, just because your a veteran, you can’t speak your mind about a screwed up employer?? Get over yourself.
Scott You must not be a veteran? Some of these veterans came back be it body, or mind screwup. Show some sympathy. Post Office needs to teach the supervisors the results of combat. Veterans as many are trying their best. Plus Post Office under federal laws to help disabled veterans. You need to read guide line the government has lay out for them.
This disabled retired Combat Vet worked for USpu for many many years and was treated like crap and disrespected at every turn. I wouldn’t recommend working with them to anyone!
USPS is not a veteran friendly org
Father in law works for USPS; the battles he has is amazing. They actually mock his service. Thank god DOD has different standards.
I remember The Best Bet Yet Is Hire the VET but wasn’t true in 1972 so I don’t believe it now!
Arthur, you should have worked for the VA. Talk about a joke……
The USPS does have a lot of veterans but they don’t care about your service and especially disabled vets. I worked for the USPS (when I applied, I used my veterans preference) 7/2020-9/2020 and was forced to resign due to discrimination due to my disability. They don’t accommodate disabilities and I am currently fighting for my job back or at least back pay via an EEO…
what about dependents of retired veterans?
As as disabled Veteran,I worked for the PO and was treated poorly and verbally abused by a racist Post Master that constantly violated rules with no repercussions. The irony was, is he was a disabled Veteran himself.
Not recommending the PO for anyone who values a good work ethic and seeks a career.
what about dependents of veterans?
Its sad but true.
Will the USPS hire a 100% disabled veteran?
They hired me and when I had a medical emergency the supervisor refused to call 911 and I could have died. They said she was inexperienced. Really she doesn’t know how to push 911. I have a pending EEOC and look at their record as I didn’t know they do not like disabled people as I now know. I could have died and they punished the employee who called 911. Do not apply
No veteran you cant 100% means totaly disabled.
That’s not true. There is 100% unemployable UE not to be confused with a 100% due to an aggregate total and compensation.
Sorry you want to work at 100% service connection .Go ahead the VA will cut you down 70%. Dont risk it.
Why would you want to with the check your getting from the Gov’t as it is? Isn’t 100% disabled rating paying out like nearly $4000/month for the rest of your life??
Im a disabled vet. Stayed in phils for 4 yrs and decided to go back to US. I applied at USPS took and pass test and the 2nd interview. After all that i was denied employment just because i have stayed overseas even if i served. They said 8 need a 5 yr current in the US.
There is no process for hiring veterans families. Show me where?
Also I worked for usps as a disabled vet and was forced to leave as well. Not veteran minorities in management routinely discriminated against non minorities and veterans and no one did anything about it. The job was hell.
Bob its I heard only for the wife if her husband died in combat.She will be given his 10 points.
RUN AWAY!! Having worked at USPS for 32 years, it is the worst job ever. 90% of the people I work with are lazy and inefficient thanks to the union. Typical government agency.
Pat, I concur with your assessment! Please stay away Vets, I could only do a year and I had to leave that place! Stay away!
I have been working USPS for 4 years. Im a DAV medal veteran. I can tell you I’ve never been treated so badly. The plant in Pensacola is full of favoritism, sexism, nepotism, and sleeping with supervisors to gain positions… it’s a shame. This facility is investigated and reported every other day. Nothing gets fixed. Shame.
The USPS like others really don’t hire veterans. I’ve been filling out applications and I always put down that I am a veteran. I enclosed my DD-214. But I always get pushed aside or passed over because I lack a college degree. Or the other is that I didn’t do 20 years, or a disabled veteran. This country really don’t care about it’s veterans.
I am a current postal worker. If anyone reading this article wants to apply for a postal job, please visit every two days.
Since 2010, the postal service has been giving their postal exams by computers online in offices located in suburban office parks. The “window of opportunity” to sign up for a postal job used to be two weeks or more. Today most, if not all career opportunities at the post office allow you only five days to sign up.
This practice meant that there was little or no time to notify the local employment office or job clubs in my town. Fewer people responded to a job notice in time, forcing the post office to dig deeper and deeper into the current hiring lists. For a number of years the postal service hired more and more people who scored low on the exam and were either unable to learn or did not care. This hurts customer service and lowered morale among postal employees in general.
Therefore, please sign on to and apply today (08/18/2021). Since these postings disappear after five days, you should visit job site every two days so you can view all jobs currently available.
The postal service needs dedicated hard working veterans to fill these jobs. As a group, we have learned that discipline and hard work pays off, for the customers and postal employees alike. Sign up today and be ready to enjoy a valuable and worthwhile experience.
Save your time and don’t give these idiots the time. Long hours, random routes, no life. God forbid you have a baby being born they want you in the office the next day. They supposedly passed this law called wounded warrior leave for us vets to attend our VA appointments but good luck getting it approved by the manager. Always denied and want you to reschedule these important appointments. Screw the USPS
Do NOT apply and do not trust the USPS will treat a Veteran right especially a Disabled Veteran because they will NOT. I worked for 6 months and they almost killed me supervisor REFUSED to call 911 when I needed medical help. Still have not been paid for my training. Have a pending EEOC and they do NOT CARE. They VA should NOT post this since they do NOT know what they are talking about.
It should be noted that the vast majority of these positions are temporary not to exceed 360 days per year with no guarantee of continuing onward for the next year.
Tim: Misleading article. It appears the USPS is doubling it’s workforce! Wouldn’t that be a HUGE story? I think your facts are wrong, misstated, or not clear here.
If the USPS has 100,000 employees, how is it that there are 100,000 going to be hired across the country? Should not the headline be: “USPS doubling number of jobs?”
USPS employs around 500K, of which around 100K are vets. So they’re not doubling jobs but looking to add about 20% new workers.
They give no accommodations at all.. So sad