Fairstream provides access to free events, jobs, and other learning opportunities for all communities including our Veterans, military spouses, families, and friends.  fairstream graphic

Register for a free Veteran Tech event scheduled for Aug. 26 from noon-4 p.m. Eastern time to receive information from employers, speakers, and resources! Veteran Tech connects Veterans, military spouses, and friends of the military to world class tech opportunities. Top employers that value your skills developed during service will fill roles in engineering, product, sales, marketing, customer success, and more at this event. 

How Veteran organizations can use Fairstream:  

Looking to take your virtual events to the next level? Fairstream offers their platform for free to Veteran communities. Communities like American Dream U and Claim Academy use Fairstream for webinars, career fairs, meetups and networking. The platform helps users handle registration, video conferencing, and communication in one place for unlimited attendees, making it easy to host high quality events no matter the size.

How employers can participate: 

Organizations looking for high caliber military talent for technical, sales, product, and marketing roles – can look no further.
Fairstream helps employers hire Veterans through virtual events. Connect with communities like American Dream U and Claim Academy in one place for events like Veteran Tech to take military hiring to the next level.

Interested in learning more about Veteran Tech 2021? Email skyler@thefairstream.com for more details. 

Interested in learning more about hosting your next event on Fairstream? Email skyler@thefairstream.com. 

The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of VA.

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