We all face challenges in life. You do not need to face those challenges alone. If you’re a Veteran going through a tough time and thinking about reaching out, what’s your first step? Text a friend you served with? Call your doctor?
Here are answers to some questions you might have. You are not alone and the Veterans Crisis Line is here to support you.
Who can contact the Veterans Crisis Line?
If you’re a Veteran having thoughts of suicide or in crisis, call now. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect.
Is it confidential?
Yes. You don’t even have to share your name. Just tell us what you’re going through, and we’ll listen and work with you to connect you with resources to assist. If it’s helpful to know more before you call, chat with us, or send us a text, you can find out exactly what to expect.
Is this service free?
It doesn’t cost you anything to contact the Veterans Crisis Line. We’re here to help whenever you need us.
Is it available all of the time?
Yes. Day or night, contact us for support. Responders are ready to help.
When I call, who will I talk to?
You’ll talk to a caring, compassionate responder who wants to listen and support you.
Can the responders help me?
When you call the Veterans Crisis Line, you’ll connect to a qualified responder trained to help Veterans through any crisis. They’ll work with you to make sure you’re safe and, if you’d like, connect you to the services you need.
How do I know if I should call?
If you feel like you may be headed toward a crisis, you can take an anonymous Self-Check Assessment to see if stress and depression are affecting you in a harmful way.
After taking the assessment, you have a few options: You can talk with a VA responder, get a referral for further help, or decide to wait to take action. It’s completely up to you.
You don’t need to meet any special qualifications to contact the Veterans Crisis Line. Call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or text 838255 to receive confidential crisis support 24/7.
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VA and the Veterans Day National Committee (VDNC) invites cities, towns, and non-profit groups across the country to join us in showing appreciation for Veterans by applying to hold VA-recognized regional Veterans Day observances.
Each week, we post relevant and timely events for the Veteran community, including benefits and health care info, wellness events, job fairs and more.
VA and the Veterans Day National Committee are now accepting entries for the 2025 Veterans Day Poster Contest. Submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on May 2, 2025.
Seems the system cannot locate the grave site even when I have all the correct info in front of me. It continues to ask me to modify my information in the required boxes. I know she is there, I went to the burial. Bernadette H. Hammer, Born 20, 1921, Died Jan 25,2010, Interment April 20, 2010 in the Arlington National Cemetery. Even to report this, I had to jump around until I found a place to leave my comment. It was on this page that I am finding many many veterans have a tough time with communication with the SYSTEM.
The VA could save a lot of money by getting rid the crisis line and the suicide prevention department. Neither one helps the beleaguered veterans.
n/a to me
Thank you to the veterans who gave their comments. I suspected what you described, but I was tempted to call anyway to chance it. I am glad I read the comments first! My own experience with the VA mental heath system has been bad. When I told them what I was going through they said “no one feels like that!” I don’t think the VA takes PTSD seriously enough. Or those psychologists with their PHDs don’t really give a damn unless we fit their profiles. What is the statistic now? 22 veterans a day commit suicide? More of us Nam vets have committed suicide than died in the war? If they’re not going to help why not just admit it!
If it’s a “crisis” line why didn’t you put it up front in the first paragraph on the teaser page, instead of burying it at the bottom of a second click. You must not think it’s important, or that the veterans who need it are important. Think, man (or woman), think!
Why does this number belong to the National Suicide Prevention? Why is the VA acting like they are doing us a service when they are not? Why can’t the VA see things from our eyes and realise its just another reason not to trust the VA for not being up front? Why do you state if in a “crisis” when by definition of the word crisis suicide is not mentioned? Why are we seeing reports about veterans having private conversations with this number having their conversations released in custody battles or having their homes raided by police? Who do we call if our crisis is a home flood or about to be evicted? Those are crises as well. People are distraught in crises and then they find out they called the national suicide hot line? Do you really think that would help a Veteran or make things worse. Come on VA step down and talk to us common Vets to gain a better perspective. Stop conversing with good idea faeries from politics, those who never served and or Sr officers and Generals who lived in a bubble.
The VA beaurocracy doesn’t care about me or any veterans I know.
When do they put the flags on all of the gravesites at the Sarasota fl national cemetery and how long do they stay.
The veterans crisis line has failed me time and time again.
It is a superficial representation of services.
More times have I been hung up on and had the police called, than I can even count.
They suggest they can provide you access to services but are hyperfocused only on suicidal intentions, while not even being educated on nuances such as l, passive and active suicidal ideation.
These are people getting paid $70k to $100k to just talk on the phone.
What an exxagerated system of support.
I can’t even get a 12$/hr caregiver, but they can afford a $50/hr VCL responder who doesn’t even know what they are doing?
This isn’t funny, but it is a joke.