The Caregiver Support Program (CSP) recognizes the importance of providing comprehensive support. In addition to its robust clinical services, through a contract with MyRevelations, CSP has launched its new legal and financial services.
With a network of licensed attorneys and certified financial counselors, CSP is committed to providing timely access to legal and financial planning training and consultation, empowering caregivers to navigate the complexities of caregiving.
“Being a primary family caregiver is a noble and challenging role requiring immense dedication and sacrifice,” said Dr. Colleen Richardson, CSP executive director. “At CSP, we are dedicated to providing caregivers with the resources they need to navigate the encounters of caregiving and achieve their caregiving goals.”
Through this contract, eligible participants (approved Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers primary family caregivers in support of the Veterans they serve) are afforded access to licensed attorneys and certified financial counselors. They are available to provide expert-led consultative financial planning and legal services relating to the needs of injured Veterans and their caregivers.
These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, offering personalized guidance tailored to the specific needs of each eligible primary family caregiver and the Veteran they serve. Whether it’s understanding legal requirements, estate planning or financial management, primary family caregivers can rely on the expertise of these professionals to navigate complex legal and financial concerns.
New web-based educational tool
To complement the comprehensive support, primary family caregivers can also benefit from web-based educational tools. These resources are designed to enhance the caregiving experience by equipping primary family caregivers with valuable knowledge and skills.
At the VA Caregiver Support: Providing Legal and Financial Services to Veteran Caregiver website, you’ll be on your way to accessing essential financial and legal resources from anywhere at any time.
To gain access to these tools, primary family caregivers can simply reach out to their local Caregiver Support Team, who will provide the necessary information and guidance. Contact your CSP team today to learn about all the resources available to you.
The Caregiver Support Program promotes the health and well-being of all Veteran caregivers through education, resources, support and services. Visit CSP’s website to learn more about the Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS) and PCAFC.
To learn about CSP and specific aspects of the program, listen to CSP’s Podcast with VA SITREP.
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How do I get in the CSP for my wife being 100% disabled veteran?
No thanks I will stick with own attorney, I don’t have much faith in anything the VA creates, because they only have enough of their limited scarce programs to serve so few veterans, your programs are ridiculously low budget ones.
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Bull crap.
If support of V.A. is a given, I don’t see no support but $$165 @ mo. And don’t go far. My wife is my caretaker and she’s 74 and not in good health , due to doing V.A. job. I am a amputee in a roller wheelchair and she’s been unable to lift into my Old 2002 Tahoe, God help us if the truck goes out. Ge
Is this like those legal services plans which gained popularity some years back where you pay a certain amount each month to have access to attorney services?
Thank you!
How do I get into the CSP I’m a disabled vet
Official VA Caregivers should receive health care from VA medical facilities and private medical facilities paid for by the VA. ChampVA does not pay for eye-care, dental care and daily health care services. As the Veteran with my wife as my VA official Caregiver it is very expensive on me and my VA fixed disability monthly income. My request here has to be approved and implemented as soon as possible.
am wanting to set up some sort of a family trust, living will and end of life will. Is this service available through this or some other VA support program?
Will there be assistance on Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney forms etc?
Thank you. lookimg foward to speaking to a trust..