Relief is on the way for Veterans with VA-backed home loans and who are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. VA today announced that it would extend a postponement of evictions and foreclosures for VA borrowers:
VA will extend the existing moratorium on evictions and foreclosures, as well as extend VA loan forbearance requests, to June 30, because of COVID-19.
The current moratorium extensions for evictions and foreclosures were set to end March 31.
“We will do everything in our power to help Veterans, their families, survivors and our caregivers get through this pandemic,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “The department’s moratorium and forbearance extensions support President Biden’s Jan. 22 Executive Order to deliver economic relief to Americans amid the COVID-19 crisis by addressing economic hardships the Veteran community faces, through no fault of its own, during the ongoing pandemic.”
A forbearance allows Veterans time to resolve the reason that they can’t pay the regular monthly installment and get back on a regular monthly repayment schedule again. The missed payments due at the end of a forbearance period do not have to be made up in a single payment. However, if Veterans can make up the all the payments in a lump sum and resume making regular monthly mortgage payments, then they may do so.
VA’s Borne the Battle podcast previously tackled questions that many borrowers are facing during the pandemic, providing answers to questions on homeownership, borrowing, forbearance, VA Loans, complaint filing, and tips on financial decision-making during the pandemic.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has a “Find a Counselor” tool to find counseling agencies approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Veterans can also call the HOPE™ Hotline open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at (888) 995-HOPE (4673) for personalized advice. Other mortgage and financial resources are available at:
VA borrowers experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 can review VA guidance for borrowers or call 877-827-3702 for additional information.
Adam Stump, public affairs specialist for VA’s Digital Media Engagement team, contributed to this report.
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I agree with the folks above shooting darts, at the least at the VA. The VA is better known as a U.S. joke. Healthcare? The VA has no business talking about healthcare because
you have people doing things that outside the Va would get them fired on the spot for stupidity! Now let’s talk about disability care and compensation. Yeah, right, that is the biggest joke of all with the whole system set up to make it as hard as possible to get anything. I was drafter during Nam. Spent five days at reception center then off to basic on Sunday afternoon. By Wednesday, i was ordered into the infirmary, next day hospital where I spent the next 2 months trying to survive while losing 33 pounds in 13 days and no, that is not backwards or a typo. I could feel the weight loss day by day. Then as I was being discharged, I was literally WARNED about suing the government or the army or trying to get any benefits. He literally told me, you try it and we will make your life a holy hell. Finally, laws were changed, but no one affected was ever notified but friends of mine knew it and push me until I went for benefits. The gold old VA tried hard to help me by losing my paperwork, application and all, not once, but twice and third time they improved by only losing a part of my paperwork. Finally they knew I wasn’t giving up and my fight for disability comp went all the way thru the process and they came back and said it was a favorable ruling on my behalf. They admitted I became ill while in the army, due to the army and that I was disabled, due to the what had happened, with a kidney disease that would progress into kidney failure. i was discharged on July 6, 1966. This ruling came about in 2010. They went on to say, it happened while in the army and was teh fault of the army. I had been drafted, forced to leave an excellent job months after getting married. Then got sick, nearly died and was discharged from the army (thank God) and now the disease I got has finally progressed into Kidney Failure. The final part of their findings were I was not entitled to disability compensation. Repeatedly, I called and asked with a finding of full disability, 100% due to being in the army and it was the fault of the army, but why no compensation. Repeatedly with zero answers. Finally I discovered the truth: There is no classification in the VA for KIDNEY FAILURE. No one could take the initiative to pick a pencil and make the changes necessary – no one. To this day I still get nothing. Since 2010 I have asked at least once or twice every year, what does it take to add a classification? Still I have no comp and no answers, but the V
A is working hard to help us all out, right? IF I put down i here the mistakes and goofs and etc. that have happened during healthcare from the VA, no one would possibly believe it. It sucks, the VA sucks, their system sucks and everything about the VA sucks and their whole approach to everything is: Make it as hard and as complex and as impossible as we possibly can and when questions are asked, do not answer them no matter what! Thanks a whole lot VA for working so hard for me and as little as my case is I cannot imagine how many people are there who are veterans deserving something called help and getting nothing. I even asked if I could get compensation after the Kidney Failure progresses to the point of death but could not get an answer, as expected.
Anyone know if Medicaid can legally take a home in Iowa, paid for (completely) in early 1990’s by honorably discharged G-pa, lived in by his widow, my G-ma till 2018 when she fell and went to care center with the stated and continual check on, documented, rehabilitation facilitated goal of returning home following vaccine, which she died from shortly following on Feb 2.- Thank you saddened and mad G-Daughter.
Still 22 suicides a day or has that number gone up?
Thanks a lot for “helping” vets by allowing us to get relatively high-interest loans with no down payment. Oh, but wait if you actually know how to do math that means we just end up paying more interest over the length of the loan than someone able to afford a down payment. Keep selling your horse sht as fertilizer, but something fcking stinks.
I guess it’s better than the alternative right? Being trapped in an apartment and/or paying off someone else’s mortgage. Imagine the good you could actually do if you wrote about the real impact that these programs are having, effective dates, or at least something relevant. This article is pandering to the WRONG CROWD.
Stop filtering all the bootlicker comments to the top.
[Editor: “22” has had lasting status despite being based on incomplete state data; it was updated in 2016 and again in 2019. Yes, it’s lower, and the report is a worthy read:
As for the home loan guaranty, VA is not a bank or lender. You’re free to shop around for the best rate, which, right now is at a historical low. “No down payment” is an option, not a requirement, as are other terms, like 15-year…]
Was anyone allowed to put their forbearance repayments on the back.end?
I currently have a VA backed loan being maintained by
New Rez. I’ve become unemployed and making my payment is depleting my IRA savings. Am I able to refinance or qualify for a forbearance ?
Usmc Vietnam era, I am 67, had a va home loan in the 80’s lost it, can I get another va home loan?
[Editor: Thomas, please contact a VA home loan representative. Phone numbers and email addresses, here: ]
Mr. Flores,
Your loan is controlled by New Rez, so they should answer the question. A forbearance will let you pay about 50% less for a year. That’s what I did in 2012, but Wells Fargo had my mortgage and when the year was up they said okay so now we need that money to get you current. I think it was about $10,000. Back then they never said okay we’ll put the balance on the back of the loan. This kind of thing was why so many went into foreclosure.
I think that this time there won’t be as many foreclosures, but still, you must get a job by the end of the forbearance period.
I am married to a Veteran. We currently do not have a VA home loan. We would like to refinance under a VA loan or apply for forbearance for our home. Can you assist?
[Editor: The VA Cash-Out Refinance Loan enables those with a conventional loan to refinance into a VA loan: ]
I am a peacetime veteran, I paid off my house and am looking for a home equity loan can you help me.
[Editor: This is what you’re looking for: ]
Medically Retired from the Marine Corps 100 percent disabled combat vet. my wife and two children have been homeless several times since I started my quick 6mo VA process in 2012. In 2016 we recieved a partial back payment from the VA. We applied for a 109K morgage and was approved thank you Navy Federal!! The wonderful Navy federal credit union that we have been with for 13 years or so 1 mo prior paid a 28million class act lawsuit for freezing member accounts. 2-3 months after buying or home backed by the VA Navy Federal Credit Union froze my accounts for 7 months, and did an electronic check no body has any knowledge of withdrawing all my families money from the VA, DOD, CRSC Pay, as well as my children’s and my social security disability income, I had one late payment on our truck they repossessed with my GI bill school material and tons of personal documents that they didn’t no or admitted they repossessed for 6mo. Fast forward to 2019 we received a certified letter in the mail on our way home from church on a sunday morning in our home mail box the letter from Navy federal credit union stating the are auctioning our home due to no payment in over 2 years. Please Google the CFPB and navy federal what’s 20million here and their to a multi billion dollar Financial Institution of organized crime. We can’t even get an attorney the VA states us Vets have Access to we cant hire one cause they are afraid of the largest financial institution in the US maybe even more. The VA home Loan office quickly jumped to their side as well as the CFPB but more and more issues are coming up with these criminals it sad to say they had the best customer service ever The VA talks a good game tell they get held to the fire! my attorney General as well as the state Congressman Boozman stated “not on their watch” to send a letter stating they looked into it and theirs nothing they can do. VA Home loan Office us worthless. The simple fact is the more Veteran Suicide the less VA DOD paperwork and money! As for me I have our savior The Lord Jesus Christ! I have list several buddies in the Marine corps due to manipulation from our “just ask” every program in the world is their ti help. I cant even get travel pay to and from the VA 140 miles round trip let alone health care because they dont care as well as all the non profits if they seem like they are helping its usually because their making money from you God Bless you all. Thank you Jesus for nothing but mercy, truth, love, and always being their!!
Im a Veteran. I have a conventional home morgage at conventional bank. I will like to change to a VA if possible. Do VA provide this services? Thanks.
[Editor: Yes, you can convert from conventional to VA under VA’s Cash-Out Refinance Loan: ]
I am coming off a forbearance with Carrington Mortgage after 6 months, I only took the forbearance because I was informed that I could put the payments on the end of my loan and start making payments without penalty. Well I was informed that I would have to qualify for the option to have those payments placed at the end of the loan and that I am expected to make up 6 payments unless I qualify for another option. I attempted to make my normal payment and it was rejected due to the expectations of my mortgager was full payment for the full time of the forbearance. I specifically asked for the option of having the payments added to end of loan and was told that was one of my options, there was no mention of having to qualify for this option. So now I am getting letters about foreclosure or quick sell which I don’t have any desire to sell or lose my home. I have sent in everything they requested to see what I qualify for in regards to my loan. I feel like I was lied to and they have every intention of taking my home. I am a disabled veteran and retired on disability for civil service. I can’t work at this time even if I wanted to due to health issues and I can’t qualify for another home. I also take care of my mom who is also disabled. I have a FHA loan is there anyone I can consult for help. I don’t want to lose my house and uproot my mom. And I can’t refinance due to having the forbearance for 6 months. Please tell me I have someone to consult for assistance. I served in the Army and then worked and was retired from the VA. I have served my country since I was 17years old. I’m not looking for a hand out, I just want to make sure that I am treated fairly. I have had my payments put on the end of my loan before with a different lender a long time ago without having to qualify for it. I thought I was very specific in requesting that action and it was not mentioned that loan would have to be caught up at the end of my forbearance nor anything about qualifying for the option I requested. I need help and I need it soon.
Janet, you should call the VA and ask to speak with someone in the VA loan department. What your mortgage company is doing seems to be unethical if not illegal. Good luck
Janet Hamilton,
I went through losing my house in a similar way, I contacted someone at the VA as Mr. Richter advised and that person was in the VA loan department, or housing. That was in 2012 when I went through it I remember him saying “there’s nothing they can do.” So back then I did what my wife asked, I signed it over to her family as a gift. Her family / sisters ended up just buying the house (Townhouse) from the bank. Since then we live there and I just pay my wife’s sister(s) rent, they own the house.
My son is autistic and low functioning, he is not so bad physically but it’s mentally disabling, as he is non-verbal but now tries to speak some. I had to move out several years ago, just too many problems and now we’re recently divorced but it’s an okay relationship (always for the kids, we have two) they are grown now but our son is still disabled / autistic.
I am a Korean war veteran.
On the face page of these articles it was said the the covid19 vaccine is available for the veteran and family members.
I received my initial shot and asked if my non veteran wife was eligible.
The clinic said no.
Who is right?
Chester Hinman
I’m just hearing about a helping hand on extending an a eviction from my apartment,well it didn’t help me
Ok who can I ask to help me find a new apartment that also be able to use my age as well as my va status ?
I’m a disable veteran of the VIETNAM WAR. I got infected with Agent Orange in Vietnam. I was in the hospital for about a month and fell behind on my payments. I hired a lawyer to file a ch-13 to save my home and she said that a ch-7 should be done first then a ch-13 should be filed. She being a lawyer I though she know what she was doing. SHE STARTED THE CH-7 WENT ON VACATION AND FORGOT TO FILE THE CH-13 AND I LOST MY HOME OF 40 YEARS. Because of the ch-7 and the foreclosure on my home KNOW COMPANY WILL GIVE ME A LOAN. HUD said because of my circumstance can get a loan with out waiting the two years., but know one will give me a loan. Is there any help for me.
Can I get help through the VA if I have a conventional loan and looking at foreclosure. I am a Vet and have had a VA home loan in the past?
How do I sign up for the COVID Vaccine?
Why can I get a loan to buy a house but can’t get a loan to repair my house? I need a new roof, siding and interior flooring. Can I get some help?
[Narrator: Actually, you can. More on VA’s cash-out refinance loan: ]
Can combat disabled vets get relief on rent payments? My case I have been in my building for 25 years with a great payment record.
Thank you!
I have a 15 year VA Mortgage with 5 years left and have never missed a payment. I have $100,000 + in home equity and would like to apply for a home equity line of credit. Does the VA have such a program and can the VA help me obtain this from US Bank, my mortgage lender?
[Editor: More info on VA’s “Cash-Out Refinance Loan” option: You’ll need to ask your bank/lender.]
I am a widow of a 100%DAV and my ID card expired a year ago. I’m unable to get any local,VA place to answer a phone and give me any info as to how to get my ID card renewed. Any help?
Mrs. Clark,
You should be able to go to the nearest military facility and get an updated card. Try this website
There are several factors that play into this type of relief that the VA is so called offering that never seems to be reported. Like one of the biggest things are whom you get your VA loan through! Was it a bank? Or was it a credit Union? Most wouldn’t know the difference. There is a Huge difference & this type of miscommunication is the problem. Especially with anything Government related under this current administration. All they ever offer are, Just Statements, without any Substance! Like this article for instance, “ we will do everything to help veterans, their families, etc.” Without the How? What if your bank or credit Union simply is not offering a relief? What if they do, but they base it off of how they feel you make enough to be able to cover everything so they decide to just deny you? All they need to report, are the numbers of people who apply. Not the amounts they approve. Another program that just goes through the numbers & checks the blocks! I’ve come to terms with it! It’s just really pathetic to promote “FALSE HOPE”
Could I get another VA Loan?…
I had a VA home loan in 1996. I lost my job, divorce, and Bankruptcy. I did not include house at the time of Bankruptcy did not think I would not be able to find another job. I had to relocate.
I’m listed as 100% Service Connected Disabled.
[Editor: Loans come from banks and lenders, and VA has no minimum credit score. VA determines your program eligibility, and you can sign in to to view your home loan COE.]
How do I get my loan forbearance extended to June?
I am a disabled veteran of the United States Marine Corps. This is my third VA loan. My loan company, PHH Mortgage reported my VA Loan as a modification, ONLY AFTER THEY ALLOWED MY FOREBEARANCE AND I WAS ABLE TO PAY AGAIN. This move by my loan company caused a 77 point DROP in my credit score. I had NEVER been late or behind AT ANY TIME, during my loan. PHH WAS PAID AN INCENTIVE to allow my forebearance DURING COVID-19, which was OBVIOUSLY NOT MY FAULT. During forebearance I was allowed 6 FULL MONTHS. I only NEEDED 4 months, but that was NOT TAKEN into consideration. PHH did not report during forebearance as expected, but once I began to pay early AND on time, I was penalized. This CANNOT be allowed, especially during a PANDEMIC. I AM JUST PUTTING THIS INFORMATION OUT THERE FOR OTHERS. IF YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL OR BE ABLE TO PAY DURING A PANDEMIC, HOW CAN THE MORTGAGE COMPANIES PENALIZE YOU ONCE YOU ACTUALLY START PAYING.
I a vietnan vet, USMC, 67-68, I AM having the same b/s as Crystal Stotesberry . My loan company gave me the 3 months forebearance in the summer, then took another 3 months ,which help cleared the bills up. , now iam on another plan called ‘ VA Modification ,Trial Period Plan, which the mortgage company sets up a payment for 3 months ,at a higher monthly payment then i was paying. What a bunch of crap and b/s…… They said if i can make these 3 months payments, they will look into this and try to lower my interest rate I HAVE 4.50% NOW, and lower it to 2.75% and do 30 yrs,wow , im 72 now, i dont believe i will be able to pay this off ….. Iexplain and even ask them when i did this , the payments i dont make now , can they put it on the REAR of the loan till things get a little better, sure , thats what this is all about, all non-payments will be in the rear and stop when you dont pay, great, this will help. Well, was i taken over by some stuip *ss clerk on the phone and was told i will be getting paper work explaining thi,yea right!!! Screw again. Also they did contact one of the credit bureaurs and got a hard hit, but this issue is in dispute now., I was informed under the CARES ACT, this wont happen!!!!! Nobody ata the VA call centers can help NS EVEN TRY WAITN ON THE PHONE FOR SOMEBODY, THAT WILL BE SPRIN TIME FOR THEM TO ANSWER,
If these are the facts, then you should file a complaint with the CFPB here:
Under the CARES Act if you were up to date on payments prior to COVID-19 and backed by the VA they have to report your account in good standings as long as when you start making payments they are on time.
You have to watch PHH as we are making our payments, but once we requested Forbearance, they reported it to the VA that we were not making payments.
Switching back to New Day Financial ASAP.
Interesting. My mortgage company has applied forebearance – but, my community HOA just sent me a notice of collection with threat of lien and foreclosure !!!!
where does the cares act mention HOA payments and/or property tax payments thst are not part of a mortgage payment ?
Following. Same situation.
… and USAA refused to make accomodation, and has now cancelled ALL of my insurance policies (home, car, property).
I am 89 years old. I’m on oxygen, I have three blocked arteries, I’m unable to walk mor that a few feet. My vision is very poor, I can’t drive to doctor appointments and don’t leave the house due to virus wife is my caregiver 24/7.
I am gtatf to the BA for giving me my first COVID e shot but my wife can’t find a place to get an appointment for her first shot. It isn’t safe for either of us. How can the VA help my caregiver/wife?
Thanks, Donald Wolfe
the gddam va does not help veterans that are homeless and or their families stop fcking lieing to veterans i spent over 6 mo pn the street liveing [n my car with 5 people and 4 dogs im finally getting back to maybe buying my own house but the va home loan is a gddam joke no dam good at all
Hello, Ronald. I am not sure where you live but I can testify that the VA does help homeless veterans by possibly putting you into a hotel for a period of time and then helping you rent a home where they provide rental assistance, utility deposits and utility payments for 3 to 6 months and maybe even further than that if needed. It is a program called support for Veteran families, SSVF. I am sorry you have not received help, but I hope you don’t give up and try to find someone to help you. You could probably get more info through the veteran’s crisis line or call 211 in your area and ask if they have any info to share with you. You can also get help with fuel, food, and car repairs, help with car insurance and maybe car payments. The Goodwill also has a veteran’s program to help with things like rent, 6 mos of car insurance, or whatever your need is. Also, Catholic Charities, American Legions, VFWs and other agencies available in your area. Reach out to your local Veterans Commission to obtain phone numbers and area agencies. Also there are food banks in every city nationwide that you can receive help with food. Good luck
You really want to do something big, huge, outstanding for all the Veterans! Start digging into the system, policies and operations of all the insurance companies, auto, homeowners, rental property and many more. I made my math on this and with barely covering and in some cases under insuring my property I pay about $5,600 yearly with $4,900 going to USAA. Add to this that the cost increases every year along with property taxes which elevates the monthly mortgage payment for property.
require Vacine for covid-19
[Editor: I have deleted most of this comment. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR SSN AND OTHER PII ON THE INTERNET. This blog post is not an official way to sign up for the vaccine. Please read and heed the blog post’s information on how to obtain a vaccine.]