Veterans filing disability claims have said they want choices and faster decisions. Due to improvements in the appeals system and processes, Veterans are now getting more options.
PCPG will provide transitioning service members, Veterans, and eligible beneficiaries with tailored education and career services, including resume writing, interview skills, and referrals to VA and community resources unique to the participant’s career and education goals.
While there are many resources to support those managing the impacts of COVID-19, we narrowed a few down to create a COVID-19 fact sheet with GI Bill students in mind. You can see the COVID-19 resources described below and find them listed in our COVID-19 Fact Sheet.
VA is steadfast leading the way in President Joseph Biden’s Jan. 22 Executive Order to deliver economic relief to Americans amid the COVID-19 crisis by addressing economic hardships the Veteran community faces during the ongoing pandemic.
Veterans who receive federal benefits should sign up for direct deposit to receive their benefit payments electronically.
VA has provided life insurance for over 100 years to our nation’s service members, Veterans, and their dependents. Life insurance protects loved ones financially after the death of the insured.
To learn more about COVID-19’s impact on GI Bill trends, VA analyzed social media data. The results help inform VA's communications on future programs.
Family members and caregivers often assist their Veterans through the claims and appeals processes by providing invaluable evidence and insight.
During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, over 695,000 service members deployed, while 2.2 million were in service during the war. As of 2019, there were nearly 5 million living Veterans, of whom 2.7 million served exclusively during the Pre-9/11 time period. Here's how the access VA.
On Jan. 1, 2020, the Blue Water Navy (BWN) Vietnam Veterans Act went into law, supporting Veterans who may be eligible for benefits based on presumption of herbicide exposure. One year later, VA reflects on its progress.
If you disagree with the initial decision VA made on your claim and decide to appeal the decision to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (Board), you have a few different options to choose how to proceed. But many people don't know what to expect, which could cloud their ability to choose the best option for them.
On Dec. 31, 2020, VA resumed in-person disability compensation and pension (C&P) medical exams performed by VA contractors. The C&P exams are now available for scheduling in 42,516 U.S. zip codes.