Currently, VA hosts at least 165 free legal clinics in its VA medical centers, community based outpatient clinics and Vet centers across the country by partnering with external, legal-service providers, such as local bar associations, legal-aid organizations and law school clinics.
This year, Veterans Day also marks the first day of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, an annual initiative to educate the public on how they can help fix the critical but solvable problems of homelessness and food insecurity.
VA announced several key activities this week in connection with President Trump’s proclamation of November as Veterans and Military Families month.
Early results show the system is working: Clinicians now spend an hour and a half less on emails per week, opening up more time for more meaningful work and more time with Veterans.
RAMP will provide expanded opportunities for Veterans to enter the new, more efficient claims review process outlined in the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017, which was signed into law by President Trump on August 23.
Adapted from Got Your 6's national Storytellers programs, StorytellersX events are TEDx-type local activities featuring key Veterans connecting Veterans with their communities, all to help bridge the civilian-military divide.
“Our Veterans and military families are an important part of our lives throughout the year, and by focusing for the first time nationally on a whole month of activities nationwide for Veterans and Military Families Month, we can more fully celebrate and recognize their contributions to the nation."
Today, VA released a Request for Information seeking interest from potential partners who want to support efforts to build world-class health-care facilities for America’s Veterans.
“We want Veterans to work with their VA physicians to make informed decisions that are best for their clinical needs, whether in the VA or in the community,” said VA secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin.
The task force will examine aggressive and misleading refinancing propositions and will address loan churning and repeated refinancing.
The commission is a prerequisite to the president’s appointment of an undersecretary candidate, subject to Senate confirmation.
The committee will focus on matters related to Veterans’ families, caregivers, and survivors across all generations, relationships, and Veteran status.