This scanning method could become a simple, completely non-invasive method of early Alzheimer’s detection, according to the researchers, and also has potential as a way to assess the effectiveness of treatment.
VA signed a memorandum of agreement with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on June 28 to expand collaborative research.
Dr. Sheila Rauch, director of mental health research and program evaluation at the Atlanta VA Health Care System, led the study. Despite the surprising finding, she says Veterans with PTSD should not delay treatment thinking that their symptoms will improve over time.
Veterans are at high risk for experiencing potentially traumatic events during military service. Evidence also suggests that sexual minorities are at greater risk of PTEs, compared with heterosexual peers. However, few studies have documented how traumatic experiences may differ by sexual orientation among Veterans.
Genetic testing looks for variations in a person’s genes. Finding gene variations can help with decisions about cancer treatment. Finding gene variations can also help to understand why cancer developed and how best to find cancers early or to prevent them altogether.
Today, Wade is a technology transfer specialist for the Technology Transfer Program (TTP), part of VA’s Office of Research and Development. She also cofounded and directs Science for Georgia, nonprofit organization.
Graziano and his team found suicidal ideation to be strongly related to depression, with small connections to past suicide attempts and anger. Previous suicide attempts were strongly related to the history of childhood trauma and weakly related to illegal drug use and PTSD.
Now, in what Strebel calls the “most significant” work in his seven-year VA career, he’s developed a tool that uses artificial intelligence to calculate the risk of a COVID-19 patient dying within 120 days of diagnosis. The hope is that clinicians can use those predictions to improve the treatment of their patients.
The study involved genetic data on more than 300,000 participants of VA’s Million Veteran Program (MVP), along with more than a million subjects from other biobanks, including 23andMe. With such a large participant pool, the researchers were able to spot trends in genetic risk of depression not previously known.
Frech launched a telemedicine program at VA in 2011 and learned, for one, that many of her patients had suffered injuries to their fingers due to bitter cold temperatures while serving in Afghanistan. She also received complaints that some patients weren’t getting timely evaluation.
A newly published study evaluated how well the 3D masks perform, with a focus on the filter materials used to block out airborne particles and liquid contaminants. The project team found a wide range of filter efficiency in the 3D masks, including some filters that met or closely approached the criteria needed to make a typical N95. Others did not filter nearly as well when matched up against the N95.
The National Oncology Program's NPOP is guided by evidence-based best practices and substantiated by the latest innovative cancer research.