VA Clinical Resource Hubs uses cross-catchments to ensure Veterans have access to quality care and innovative support, no matter their location.
As part of its mission to improve the equity for rural Veterans, VA’s Office of Rural Health has developed targeted initiatives to improve the recruitment and retention of rural health care providers and researchers.
VA is seeking a diverse background and expertise of nominees for the Veterans’ Rural Health Advisory Committee.
New counselor and therapist occupations improve VA’s rural mental health initiatives.
The comprehensive Cleland-Dole Act will provide greater access to mental health, honor for aging Veterans, self-scheduling and innovative research.
Boise's new Clinical Resource Hub provides space for VA staff to treat Veterans via telehealth and a training space for staff and students.
The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an […]
VA Geriatric Scholar Christy Rothermel is helping homebound and rural Veterans keep pace with VA’s rapid telehealth expansion.
Clinical Resource Hubs combine in-person care and telehealth to support underserved medical facilities.
Novel Infusion Care Delivery is a revolutionary infusion treatment program designed to improve access to infusion treatments for cancer care.
VA Office of Rural Health and VA’s National Chaplain Service join forces to connect rural Veterans to important mental health resources.
VA's SimLEARN program is testing a revolutionary new technology to advance Veteran health care capabilities: holoportation.