ETS helps service members with education, employment, housing, legal support and medical/mental health support, working to overcome stigma and connecting service members to VA and community resources.
A Veteran shares advice based on his experiences after deployment and integration back to civilian life.
A VA employee shares her feelings about the different experiences that she and her Veteran coworkers have had, and the guilt she feels as a result.
A military spouse shares her views on the ROTC and the increasing divide between military and civilian spheres.
With the ROTC debates at Columbia University, attention has been drawn to the civilian-military divide. An Iraq veteran shares his views on the situation.
VA Secretary Shinseki urges Vets attending college to graduate, speaking of the obstacles and solutions in progress to aid veterans in this mission.
A look at the civilian-Veteran divide in relation to events at Columbia University and debate on the return of ROTC.