Columbia VA Health Care System’s nutrition and food services wanted to do something special for its Community Living Center Veteran patients. The idea of a “MockDonald” menu was a welcomed change.
A therapeutic sensory device at VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System’s Community Living Center uses lights and sounds to either stimulate or calm Veterans. Nurses report it helps with dementia population.
Veteran’s daughter disclosed that her father tended to hide his personal belongings. That’s probably why his wallet went missing and was found 17 years later by workers – inside a Biloxi VA wall.
Renee Radermacher recommended converting a family room adjacent to a patient hospice room to a negative pressure room, allowing up to three family members to visit for one hour each day.
Recreation Therapy department offers numerous creative and flexible recreation and leisure activities to enhance and normalize Veterans’ lives. The main goal is to improve their quality of life.
Isolated Veterans in the VA Central Western Massachusetts community living center know they haven’t been forgotten thanks to the hundreds of letters they have received through Operation Mail Call.
Veterans at VA medical centers across the country are celebrating Independence Day with creative solutions to today’s restrictions. Walking, waving, even tiny horses.
Veterans in the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System community living center (CLC) can now do their own kidney dialysis without leaving the CLC and potentially being exposed to COVID-19.
VA Chaplains are using tech to connect Veteran patients with their families and friends at VA Community Living Centers across the country.
Meta Monteleon, our country’s oldest Army nurse Veteran (105), connects with her sister Virginia (100) on her smart phone. Both were Army nurses in World War II. “We’ve come a long way.”
When their Community Living Center did not meet the high standards their Veteran residents deserved, this VA medical center went to work to improve things. Continually improving CLC’s quality of care.
Army Veteran and licensed massage therapist Terry Smith volunteers the expert touch of her healing hands to residents of the Columbia VA Health Care System Community Living Center.