Becker knows first-hand how debilitating the coronavirus can be. In mid- to late-September, he began experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, which worsened in the ensuing weeks to include pneumonia and difficulty breathing.
VHA Innovation Ecosystem collaborated with Veteran non-profit Challenge America on a series of five COVID-19 Maker Challenge events that brought innovators from across the country together.
EES’ most recent accreditation in respiratory therapy from the American Association of Respiratory Care offers invaluable up-to-date training as most hospitalized COVID patients require oxygen therapy.
Veterans' willingness to help test new treatments for COVID-19 means millions of lives around the world will potentially be saved. VA leadership thanks them for their service to their country and others.
It was once under the radar of much of the medical community. Now, research by Dr. Vincent Marconi and Dr. Raymond Schinazi has expanded into a potentially impactful finding in the search for treatments to the COVID-19 virus.
VA will begin COVID-19 vaccinations this week at 128 additional sites using the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines.
In 2013, Dr. Steve Braverman, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, was named commander of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. The institute works to solve the top threats to soldier readiness and lethality, such as disease and battle injury.
Army Veteran Michele Jones is one of many Veterans who have volunteered to test a new vaccine for COVID-19. She says her reasons are simple: To help make things better for her family and community.
Initial COVID-19 vaccine supplies are limited and first being offered to health care personnel. As the supply increases, care teams will contact Veterans receiving care at VA about their options.
The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System partnered with the Pima County Health Department on December 4 for a tele-town hall to provide updates on the current COVID-19 surge within Pima County.
The American Red Cross is urging those who are feeling well to give the gift of life by donating blood or platelets this holiday season.
WWII Veteran Milton Zaczek celebrated his 101st birthday in November. A few weeks later, he received a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. Born during the Spanish Influenza, this was his second pandemic.