In the winter months, Stand Downs provide shelter for homeless Veterans…and much more…food, clothing, haircuts, health screenings and VA and Social Security benefits counseling.
Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Labor are partnering to strengthen collaboration between their local staff and grantees to improve employment outcomes for Veterans exiting homelessness.
It’s known as HUD-VASH and it helps homeless Veterans and their families find a home. Here’s one example of how it works in the Rhode Island area where over 400 more Veterans could be headed to a home.
U.S. Army Gulf War Veteran Karen Jones credits the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System for getting her back on her feet after battling homelessness in 2012. Jones said “starting my life over at 47 was tough.”
After her military service, Alvina White Bull struggled to maintain […]
Awards announced today will provide approximately funding for 556 projects to community agencies that provide transitional housing and supportive care for homeless Veterans.
Vets on Track Foundation in Virginia makes a Veterans’ transition out of homelessness more comfortable by providing donated furniture and other household items, like bed linens and dishes, for their new homes.
In Greater Nashua alone – which includes Nashua, and nine nearby communities– nearly 900 formerly homeless Veterans have obtained permanent housing since October 2012.
In an effort to help homeless Veterans find and sustain […]
As someone who previously experienced homelessness, this Army Veteran can relate to the difficulty some have after leaving the military: “I understand that transitioning to civilian life can be a challenge. Many homeless Veterans are isolated and vulnerable.”
An estimated 500 Native American Veterans are expected to benefit from housing and supportive services provided under the first-ever Tribal HUD-VASH program, which launched in early January 2016.
"Being homeless, you kind of lose touch, my music has given me the opportunity to regain that touch, along with the assistance from VA."