VA announced will use two innovative treatments to ease the everyday challenges associated with living with TBI and PTSD.
Researchers at VA’s National Center for PTSD developed a simple and effective, medically-validated survey to test the likelihood of having PTSD.
It’s important to seek treatment for trauma-related sleep difficulties. With treatment, Veterans can work to improve sleep difficulties and get more restful sleep.
The number of Veterans with co-morbid SUD and PTSD in VA care has risen over three-fold during the past 10 years, increasing the urgency to find effective methods of treatment.
VA focuses on more than just physical health for its […]
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Three people, two Veterans, one goal – “Bring awareness to […]
Psychologist Peter Tuerk was attracted to the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center because it allowed him to marry two of his passions: clinical treatment of Veterans with PTSD and continuing advancement of PTSD treatments through research.
Clinical Psychologist for the National Center for PTSD
Teams at VA’s National Center for PTSD and DoD’s National Center for Telehealth and Technology have collaborated to create a mobile phone application (app) to help Veterans and Service Members who have, or may have PTSD.
National Geographic debuts their documentary Restrepo, featuring a platoon during its tour in Afghanistan and Medal of Honor recipient Staff Sergeant Giunta.