PTSD affects many areas of a woman’s life, including relationships, work, sleep and even reproductive health. Dr. Nillni’s research aims to understand the ways that trauma and PTSD impact women in their childbearing years, and especially during and right after pregnancy. Her research helps women get better care for PTSD during pregnancy, which benefits their families too.
Actor Mikal Vega combats mild TBI and Post Traumatic Stress through yoga and started the Vital Warrior non profit to help other Veterans.
Air Force and Vietnam War Veteran Dave Hanson came home to flashbacks, nightmares, and more. Here, he recounts how VA treatment helped him to recover.
While cheering crowds, roaring music and shaking stadiums may not sound like an ideal environment for those struggling with post-traumatic stress, many Veterans are finding relief in attending these types of events.
Exercise and physical activity are essential to both a healthy […]
For too many Veterans and service members suffering from post-traumatic […]
Recognizing the signs of PTS and PTSD could save a life in crisis.