Nurse Shpresa Islami grew up in Kosovo and fled her country as a small girl. She had an emotional surprise while giving a COVID vaccine.
A VA nurse asked a Veteran about his frequent emergency room visits. What the nurse suggested saved the life of the Veteran and his wife.
Nurses Association honors VA Nurse Cindy Jones for making the ultimate sacrifice. She passed away from COVID-19 in 2020.
Nurse executive La Tara Miller volunteered more than 300 hours providing COVID-19 relief in her community. “I felt like I had to do something. Nurse practitioner or nurse executive, I’m always a nurse.”
During nursing school, Matt Mason felt a connection with his fellow Veterans. He began volunteering and became a VA nurse. “After experience as a patient and volunteer, I knew this is where I wanted to be."
VA nurse, PhD candidate and Air National Guard reservist Jose Gutierrez was called to the front lines to battle the global COVID-19 pandemic. He used his skills to care for patients in the Boston area.
Veteran Bill Schenker received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in his home. He is enrolled in VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System’s Home-Based Primary Care program. As caregiver, his wife qualified also.
VA nurse Cheryl Owens, daughter of Tuskegee, has thought a lot about the weight of history and the skepticism and distrust for the health care industry that lingers in the African American community.
VA nurse Elizabeth Priestley, Tennessee Valley VA, often wondered if all those hours of CPR training was worth her time. Today, she will tell you yes! It helped her save a neighbor’s life.
Amanda Frelka-Bruch brought a homeless man lunch. She was flabbergasted to learn he was a Veteran who had served two tours in Afghanistan. Her sister, a VA nurse, suggested how she could help.
VA nurse Deniece Anderson learned many Veteran patients had no families or no contact with them. She decided to help with a meal and a few gifts. “Veterans Without Families” is now an annual event.
VA nurse Christine Long helps families facing financial hardships during the holidays. "Military service is close to my heart. I understand what these families sacrifice. I love to be able to give back."