Did you know that VA conducts the largest medical education program in the country? Through numerous partnerships and programs, we are constantly striving to improve the quality of health care we provide Veterans, and the Employee Education System (EES) is just one piece of that network.
As the nation’s largest single provider of accredited learning with over 20 major health care accreditations, we make sure over 9 million Veterans receive safe, high-quality health care from committed, expert VA employees.
Educating our employees
If you’re looking to enhance your clinical, operational or administrative knowledge, there is no better place to start than the EES.
The EES coordinates learning opportunities for more than 650,000 employees, including pharmacists, social workers, psychologist, dietitians, occupational therapists, optometrists, physical therapists, physician assistants and respiratory therapists.
Every day, our EES provides VA staff with essential skills that improve Veteran care and enhance health care leadership, investing in employees and increasing Veterans’ access to integrated, high-quality health care.
Through extended partnerships at VA offices, Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs) and medical facilities, this system provides workforce education and training to improve outcomes in Veteran care, using innovative and emerging learning platforms and technology.
From your first day and across the life cycle of your career with VA, you can benefit from EES-developed learning programs and products that help you:
- Onboard and orient to the organization;
- Learn the most effective means to care for a unique Veteran patient population;
- Maintain licenses and certifications through high-quality accredited content;
- Acquire skills to advance into new roles and lead VA into the future;
- Access state-of-the-art education and training solutions.
Sharing our knowledge
The EES regularly shares its vast body of accredited knowledge with myriad professional health organizations, local metropolitan emergency managers, and training liaisons for fire, EMS, law enforcement and hospitals.
This training is also made available for free to community health care providers to share a common knowledge of best practices related to Veteran care.
Offering this information supports our mission-critical training and deployment during important initiatives and crises, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the EES extended its role as an approved provider to promote public health across the nation.
Work at VA
As a VA employee, the EES can provide you with dynamic learning to develop yourself into a high-performing member of our VA workforce.
- READ more about the EES.
- EXPLORE the courses available through the EES.
- SIGN UP for emails announcing new courses.
- LEARN more about education opportunities at VACareers.va.gov.
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