If the last time you visited VA was many years ago, or if you have never visited us, we invite you to come see why more and more women Veterans are turning to VA for their health care. Currently, women make up about 30% of all new VA patients.
Consider VA today
Today’s VA provides gender-specific care and continues to expand available services for women Veterans. Your VA health benefits include services like comprehensive primary care, including routine check-ups and chronic disease management, cancer screenings, birth control, mammograms, maternity care, mental health care and more.
You’re always welcome at VA and you’ll be treated with the respect you deserve.
If you served honorably, you may be eligible for VA health care benefits
To be eligible for VA health care, you do not have to have a disability or a service-connected injury. All Veterans, including National Guard and Reserve, may be eligible even if they never deployed to a combat zone.
In addition, you are eligible for care if you experienced military sexual trauma (MST), which is sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced during military service. You can receive MST-related care if you are not eligible for other VA care, are not enrolled in benefits, and even if you never reported the incident and have no proof that it happened.
At VA, Veterans can get comprehensive health care and it’s all coordinated in one place. From mental health to preventive health, to gynecologic care, mammograms, emergency care and prescriptions, VA can do it all.
You have choices at VA
You have the right to choose the gender of your provider, including primary care, mental health and any specialty provider referrals. VA provides chaperones for sensitive exams like breast and pelvic exams. You may request a chaperone for any exam.
VA offers telehealth or in-person appointments, mailed or pick-up prescriptions. There is an online system for making appointments, messaging your health care team and accessing your health records. Sign in to My HealtheVet to manage your health care.
VA has specially trained staff to care for you
Women Veterans have unique health care needs. VA has designated staff and providers who have specialized training and interest in working with women Veterans, including:
- Patient Aligned Care Teams, which are teams of medical professionals who help coordinate your care to align with your personal health plans and goals.
- Women Veteran Program Managers are specially trained women’s health professionals who can help you navigate VA and access services specific to women Veterans.
- Women’s Mental Health Champions are mental health professionals who have received special training in women Veterans’ mental health.
- Women’s Health Primary Care Providers care for your general health as well as gender-specific services such as breast and reproductive care. They specialize in caring for women Veterans and understand how military service impacts health.
You belong at VA
Caring for women Veterans’ specific health care needs is one of VA’s top priorities. Learn more reasons why women Veterans should consider VA for their health care.
Getting started with VA health care is only one call away. Trained women representatives at the Women Veterans Call Center can answer questions about eligibility and VA benefits, and it will connect you with your local Women Veteran Program Manager for appointments.
The call center is open on weekdays 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. ET and Saturdays from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. ET. Call or text 855-829-6636.
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sure, as if this works, i saw my health care provider last year in december (after waiting 2 months for the appointment) and since then have had 3 appointments canceled that were scheduled for future on that date and have been unable to get new ones scheduled. called 5 days in a row, system put me on hold waiting for someone to answer and after waiting for over 30 minutes got hung up on each time. this is how they treat women. the guys i work with never get their appointments canceled.
VA Seattle On Columbia way, You call to get an appt. but my primary doesn’t do afternoon appts., so they transfer me to the women’s clinic who never answers it goes to an answering machine, than i get a call back, than I call back and get the same main number which than they transfer me to the women’s clinic who never answers and I get a call back to call the main number and around and around we go and I NEVER GET AN APPT. They have also open to clinics closer to where I, live but I am not allowed to transfer.
Yes they say they believe you about MST, however, get an experienced provider and not a student. Your diagnosis may never get into the system or get deleted. Especially if you live in a red state. As a female you are still disposable, and their help is just to make them look better. As I was told by senior enlisted, it’s how we are seen addressing the issue not how we actually treat the member or patient. So get documentation on every visit.
Thank you for this information! I think that sometimes, yes, some individuals believe that VA healthcare is like “Grandpa’s” – but no, it’s not!
I hope your not preforming abortions. The VA is outlawed from performing abortions, although the current corrupt Biden administration is attempting to circumvent the law. Do NOT allow it VA!
Where , in all this, did you read anything about abortions? You have some heinous control issues. The VA does provide mental health care- perhaps you should address your mental instability and your apparent need for control over women’s health care.