It’s that time of year again. VA is increasing compensation payment rates based on the latest cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) announcement. Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, Veterans and beneficiaries who receive VA compensation benefits will see an 8.7% increase in their monthly payments—the largest increase in over 30 years.
The annual COLA increase is tied to the Social Security rate change and is based on the consumer price index (CPI). The CPI, provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, measures the average changes in cost for urban goods and services. The Department of Labor takes a snapshot of the costs of a select group of goods and services and compares those costs to the previous year. When there is an increase, those receiving benefits see a boost in their monthly payments for the upcoming year.
If you are receiving disability compensation benefits from VA, you can use VA disability compensation benefit rates tables to find your current monthly payment amount.
Which VA benefits increase?
This increase affects VA disability compensation, which provides monthly tax-free payments to Veterans who got sick or injured while serving in the military or whose service made an existing condition worse. If you have a physical ailment or mental health condition that developed during or after service, you may be eligible for disability compensation.
Beneficiaries who receive Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) will also see an increase in their payment amounts. DIC provides a surviving spouse, child or parent of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness, with a tax-free monetary benefit.
Recipients of special benefit allowances, which include automobile allowance, clothing allowance and Medal of Honor pension, will also see an increase in benefit payments.
When to expect the increase?
You should see the increased compensation amount starting with your January 2023 payment. If you do not see a difference in the amount, contact the VA regional office near you or call 800-827-1000.
If you have questions about applying for disability benefits or need assistance filing a claim, VA-accredited representatives are available to assist you free-of-charge. To find VA-accredited attorneys, claims agents or Veterans Service Organizations representatives, visit
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I am not a disabled veteran,but have received health care from the VA for over 10 yrs,and the VA has gone above and beyond in all areas of my health care.My doctor,nurses and all the VA staff have always been kind,helpful,respectful in everyway.
everyone check out your states’ Disabled American Veterans they help for free!!!! stay away from advertised attorneys they rob you blind.
did we really receive pay increase I still have problems paying the bills.
Please explain your words, Something does not add up. It sounds ike I was really
getting a increase in pay. To help me out.
Am I getting a cost of living increase because our Government spent to much money causing a carton of eggs to cost as much as a gallon of gas.
If I am wrong or right Please stop talking in half truths. I a big boy and can take the truth. People that are 100% disabled many are nolonger able to live.. Can the VA do a better job to telling the truth so Veteran that are 100% or disable to figure out. How to live in an a world of less than equal opportunity.
Very good news. I also remember reading about V.A. Life insurance effective January 2023. Did I read correctly? Ronald J. Cabral Sr.
Thank you so much. We truly appreciate this. God Bless.
I was Married to my Veteran husband, M.C. Hopson for over 10 years from 1968 to 1971 Common law and Officially marriage and license file in the Court House in Orangeburg South Carolina in 1970. He denied being married and denied having any children all of those years. He was in the Vietnam War and his presently 100% disabile mentally and over the years suffered from . I have two children from this marriage and have never received spousal support. Please advise how I can go about getting what I so very well deserve as a spouse. He was stricken with Agent Orange and suffered for many years with it mentally and physically.
Here is what I believe to be latest inflation % rates for the last several years.
2013 1.7% = 2014 1.5% = 2015 1.5% = 2016 0% = 2017 0.3% = 2018 2% = 2019 2.8% = 2020 1.6% = 2021 1.3% = 2022 5.9% = 2023 8.7%
I’m just saying. I believe that many people in their younger age’s do not think ahead to their older ages and plan for it. The wife never worked outside of being a mother, raising five kids. I worked as a laborer after military service. We live very well, own our home, new vehicle, we have what we want, we traveled all over the states, back to Germany, where the wife is from. I’m 85, wife 83.
Thanks VA this will help a lot
I can use. wi
th. Cost of. Food.and other. cost
As 100% disabled veteran from the U.S.Navy do I have the privilege of utilizing the Military Air Command “AIR SERVICES COMMAND” for overseas flights for, emergencies?
I read some of the comments below. Some peoples are never graceful and thankful. They should be happy to see such a big increase benefits. I can only guest what kind of soldiers they were. Thanks so very much and you want get a complaint out of me. Once a real soldier always a soldier.
Well said!
I am so pleased to see that we have a myriad of learned veterans on this feed and therefore I am submitting this question to you. In recent months I have sought medical help from various VA care centers. On several occasions, depending on my medical concern I was given a pharmaceutical prescription. for GABAPENTIN A recent news article reported that Gabapentin is an Opioid when taken with ————————- could result in drug (addiction) dependency. What are your thoughts?
during the Viet Nam War while Agent Orange was being deployed over the DMZ (Viet Nam) the DOD has now relented that the pesticide was also being dropped over the DMZ in KOREA I was there in 1966-67, but DOD keep changing the time period of the deployment. My prostate cancer is a presumed result of that exposure but the DOD is attempting to avoid admission at every turn What say ye?
God Bless the VA.
Thank you for being there for us. I personally have had excellent care from the V.A. I have read the comments entered on this site and am disappointed by these people who complain about the help they are receiving. This is the only country I know of that offers any kind of post military service. It disturbs me to hear people condemn the only organization that offers help over a wide spectrum of service connected issues. I am also disturbed by comments directed at our government . It may not be perfect but it is better than anything else out there. Let’s continue to support our country and stand by our leaders. Let’s not give support to anyone who would over throw this government by force or fraud. We know who I’m talking about.
So please stand by our folks who are giving us the best care in the world
I so agree. Both myself and my husband got so much from our country. We both each served 20 years and the government doesn’t owe us a thing. We are both disabled, he 100%
Thank you, I am a 100% disabled Veteran, my wife hasn’t received any money since I was young. Can someone help us.
When I evaluate the compensation I receive for my service, the promises made to me prior to joining the USAF are the determining factor. I am confident they have lived up to these promises. In fact they have exceeded them with improvements over the years. I see no reason to complain, nor do I see any benefit in making claims or statements unsupported by the facts. If I don’t understand it, i research it until I know what I am talking about. The VA saved my life during a sepsis attack and paid all expenses. Sometimes
they seem slow, but they can react quickly when it really counts. Many of the items discussed are out of their control. Bashing them for these items does no good.
My hubsand had a 10% disability. He passed away 2017,am I entitled to that money
Check out your stat’s Disabled American Veterans Organization, they have helped me greatly, it’s called they only respond to email as they are swamped with Vets, It;s worth it and it’s free stay away from Attorney’s they will take your entire check and wait 12 months to take all of your Retro active pay which can bee allot!!!
After working with the VA for past 10 YEARS, , I have finally received compensation for my Bilateral Benign Tremor in both of my hands and Periphial Pneurapathy in both of my feet as a result of exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. I’m currently at 70% disability. One just has to be persistant in these matters !!
God Bless , the VA. May all the VA employees and their families have a blessed holiday season.
May God bless and keep all my brother and sister Veterans
I Have irbs and have been trying for the last 5 years for an increase lto my cancer is still here and due to the rad. treatment i got for 43 treatment all it did was mess up my bowl’s to where if i eat any thing at all i have to go to the bath room asap i cant work and now because if that its become impossible for me to do any thing and i cant understand why i cant get the disability i feel u owe me
I do not ask for anything but grateful for all the VA does for me and my brothers (3) who served
The same goes here Manuel. I too had three brothers who served. I have never heard any of them talk ill of their experience.
Very good for the vets.
When recently I travelled to our Roseburg facility for an appointment with an eye doctor, I was given forms that ultimately would enable me to receive a mileage compensation for my travel from North Bend. I filled out the forms (2) and turned them in to our North Bend facility where I was informed that they would fax them to Roseburg and I should expect a reply from them. It hasn’t happened. It has been more than a month and I’m wondering just how long this process should take.
And still nowhere near enough to cover for actual inflation.
This is great news for us as Veterans, since everything has increased in prices and costs of living. I was not sure if we would get an increase in our monthly payments, but, with this wonderful news it’s something to look forward to next month. I appreciate all that the Veterans Department is doing for us as Vets, and this payment cost of living will surely help our households……………………Thanks……………………..Mac
I agree with you Mac! The Veterans have been very good to those who served honorably.
Please add my name and record to VA
this is BS!!!!!!
They send us to War. Because we come back a disable and function like before the at 100% they you a token for your service. they pay us below the poverty line!
But they give Corporations and the 1% who rich, 35% decrease in there taxes which made them even richer. I would say 80% of the House and the Senate have never
service in the military.
We the people should determine by vote 50% / 49% what the President, Senate, House, Supreme Court what they are paid or any increases they get.
We the people should by vote be a part of all concerns that deal all the people.
I’m glad we are getting this but it’s only because inflation has not gone up like the last 2 years in 30 yrs. We needed it with hopes to break even.
I am happy to get any pay increase regardless of percentage. A two percent is two percent more than I had before. 8.7% is a decent increase to me. Can’t remember when I got that big of a pay jump, I believe it was during the Nixon admin when the military increased our pay and got us out of poverty. I forget the amount, but may be able to look it up in old pay records. AS for the VA clinics/hospitals I will say the hospital here in DElaware has show great improvement, can’t say the same about the local clinic (I give them a star out of five). I don’t use the VA medical very often as I like my civilian doctors and I have decent health insurance at minimal cost to me. Those complaining about the percent increase should be happy we get an increase, period. I don’t remember anything in my military contract that said the VA pay and/or would take care of me. I could be wrong, just don’t remember reading it (didn’t read the fine print, eyes are bad). This is just me. HOOAH!
Well spoken Sidney. I agree with you 100%.
It is reprehensible the way the government used us as guinea pigs to test nuclear radiation. I had 10 nuclear bombs dropped on me. My daughters all were born with health problems and one had retinal blastoma (cancer or the eyes). This daughter now has a daughter and granddaughter born with this. Was dna tested through a cancer center and this was not a family heredity, but caused by the effects of nuclear radiation. No help with medical bills for my and all the childrens issues. Took 32 years to get a decent rating. They ruined my life and the life of my children. Yes, sometimes the government “owes” us for the damage they knowlingly did to us.
I’m with you I was out almost 10 years before I was awarded anything and I’m grateful. When I went to Desert Storm I volunteered, since I had bought new cars and went on trips from the money I was making while serving in the Army, I thought it was my duty to go and did so willingly. So, I’m very humble and appreciate anything the government gives me, I admit my health is declining a bit more rapidly because of it but also, I did sign up for it no one twisted my arm, have a blessed day and I’m with you on this one.
Re Award Letter. You van pull it up on “My Health Vet”
H.J. Murphy
My name is it, Sergeant Andrew Gross 29 fish pass it out Brockton Mas 02301 and disabled veteran hearing heart diabetes, and I will station an agent on agent on in Canada
Actually, it is a pay cut. Everyone Knows that the cost of living rose drastically more than 11 percent. The price of groceries with shrinkflation rose over 28.9%. a Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Bowl was $1.99 Now they are $3.99 with much less Eggs, Sausage, and Bacon.. Peoples 401k’s are Devastated. just like in 2008/9. Another generation of people just ready to retire have lost it all.
Is disability compensation eligible for survivors of veterans?
Thanks Joe, this will barely help with the cost of living you created
I’m thankful for the VA and the services I’ve received from them for many years. I’m rated at 100% for a variety of medical / mental problems. I did my 20 years in the military and retired. When I first got approved for 100% disability back in 1996 in December, it was the best Christmas gift I could ask for. Then many years later the government passed the concurrent bill that allowed me to get BOTH my 20 year retirement AND my 100% disability. I never thought I’d ever see that happen. We have a wonderful VA hospital and VA medical clinics here in Las Vegas, NV. Thank you to all the medical personnel who work so hard to keep me and my spouse (also disabled vet) healthy.
good morning to all, even the people that think veterans are being taken care of by the va. if you cain’t beat them join them, sounds like you could stand a little growing up! merry christmas ps i am a 74 year old vietnam veteran and proud of it, and i am really proud to cash my check every month beceause i earned it!
Well said Ennis! And welcome home brother. I too am a 74 year old Vietnam vet. Proud that I served my country, but I am very sad for the 58K plus who gave their all. Love the freedom that God and our forefathers have given us.
What are the new rates? I look all over this page and can’t find them….
Thanks to God.
What must a 100% disabled MARINE Vet,(who retired to Philippines, where the weather is helping prolong my life), and, now ,for FOUR YEARS, the U.S.V.A. refuses to help me get ANY CARE from MANILA, and SAYS I MUST PAY FMS, in Denver, For ANY HELP!!?? Without my BPAP- MEDS RILUZOLE PROSTRETE BRACES Cancer- Ed’s etc. EVEN add me PAY $400.00 for Wheelchair batteries $110.00 forSole Replacement on my brace! Had to Fly to USA for the batteries!? Va even refuses all EMAILS?
The Manila VA along with the Manila VA OPC has taken away our medications, taken away our prosthetics, taken away any and all travel reimbursement, and placed all veterans living in the Philippines on the FMP (Foreign Medical Program). In other words, go find a doctor and then send the required paperwork back to the US and hope that they will repay you. But there is a catch and the VA knows it. The FMP will only reimburse with a US Treasury check, which CANNOT be deposited into a Philippine Peso account. So Vets wind up paying out of pocket expenses which are supposed to be covered by the VA and do not get reimbursed.
Concerning travel, those who have to travel over 100 miles either by plane or by ferry, traveling from one island to another, do not get any travel help. They have absolutely stripped away from veterans just about everything that is supposed to be given to VETS who are service connected. When you call the FMP, they say call your local provider. When you try and get reimbursed from CHAMP-VA, they say call your local provider which is Manila. Yet Manila will tell you to call the US. Good luck. In other words, the Manila VA and the Manila VA OPC have taken away everything from veterans. And they don’t care.
What did they tell us veterans living here? If you want the care that due you, move back to the US. Good luck and have a nice day. Incredible! I have given up totally on the failed VA. They don’t care about Veterans living in the Philippines.
Thank you for the good news on behalf of Vietnam Veterans Mike Kusik
God bless our country, the United State of America, and protect our troops.
Why isn’t the mileage allowance increased since the price of gas has doubled ?
What’s wrong with calling it what it is, an inflation adjustment rather than a pay increase?
A really LATE inflation adjustment.
A pay raise is a pay raise no matter the name. Your suggestion does have a ring to it.
will a award letter be sent with the new amount? Sometimes we need verification of our amount.
Login to your VA account and print one out for yourself.
You can always go online and print one off
When I appealed a disability rating that would have not had any impact on my present percentage rating I felt threatened that they would reduce the amount I have now by pursuing it. It was from comments in the response letter and also the evaluator tried to say one item was hereditary after it was diagnosed not to be. She was a physicians asssistant. I ultimately withdrew my claim for fear of reduction due to thier statement.
I did the same. I was always told that if I did anything I could lose what I already have. My condition has increased as I have aged.
My suggestion to you is to contact a veterans service organization like American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of foreign wars, or Vietnam veterans of America.
Have them assist you with your claim from the start and let them represent you during the claims process.
These service organizations go to bat for veterans, their dependants, spouses and survivors every day and work miracles at no charge to the veteran. It makes a real difference having them in your corner. I have had first hand experience with this. I feel that veterans that are represented by an organization or a law firm that specializes in veterans claims have a more successful outcome.
Robert Johnson, you don’t have a clue as to what it’s all about…
I’m amazed at how many veterans and spouses believe the government owes them something. I feel blessed to get whatever I’m offered. We all have issues but we signed up willing to give our lives. Everyone has bills. It’s not the government’s responsibility to support us.
If you have any VA disability pension, do not accept another penny of it. Please give it up so we will know that your opinion is filled with integrity.
Vietnam Veterans did not sign up as you say! Learn a little history about that bungled war and the lousy treatment we got from the politicians and much of the public.
Ruth, I didn’t sign up, I was drafted, the military took two years of my life, sent me into combat to fight in a war. The US military owes me and every veteran who served to protect this country every dollar, benefits, etc for our service.
Not everyone ‘signed’ up willingly; they were drafted. Still have my notice. Some service members gave all, others gave what was asked of them and went on dangerous missions. Meanwhile the government decided to defoliate the jungle with agent orange. I feel that when the government drafts someone (kind of like slavery) then they become responsible for a soldiers care, safety and welfare. War is a dirty business, sometimes less so, but so is normal service in many military occupations. Whether you served in a combat area, a combat zone or actual combat, you are changed forever. I feel that the government’s responsibility for care does not stop the day the veteran goes home because there is sometimes a lot of extra baggage that goes home with them both physically and mentally.
Twist it however you want to justify it in you mind Ruth, but its kid of like having a child or animals on a farm; they did not sign up willingly, but they are our responsibility for care either for life or until adulthood. They will let you know when they are hungry or need something, so are they just showing that someone owes them something; I think not because remember they did not volunteer for the ‘mission’ you chose for them, they are trying to cope, survive and they need the parent or farmers help to achieve that. The same happens with Veterans; they sometimes need help to cope and survive the experience of life after service to their country.
Did you serve?
the Government is not supporting disabled the Veterans, the grateful Americans are supporting them with our tax dollars. Dont give the government any undue thanks or credit.
I’m surprised that you are attacking Veterans , and Spouses. This Government made the laws, for Veterans and Spouses, if a male Veteran or a Female Veteran happens to died, and the Government laws instituted for Veterans Rights to received benefits upon their death for their spouses that happens to be allowed, it’s none of anybody business. Let’s not bring religion in your statement, we are all blessed when we come into this world, and this BS signing up to defend this glorious country ,every American who joins the military knowing death is eminent, still wants to back alive after a war, those who have serve in combat every American wants to see those who have serve come back alive!
Ruth you need your head examine
Well said, I agree completely!
You can’t explain to someone what a year in combat in that jungle is like and what it does to one, especially mentally. You live that every day of your life! It never goes away… without the VA and all it’s help, this country would simply be using up mostly young men and just throwing them away. Often in unnecesary and mostly political wars. If you don’t want to take care of Veteran that you use to supposedly defend this country, stop with the unnecesay stupid freaking WARS! re: Vietnam, Iraq (remember the excuse they had weapons of mass destruction), Afghanistan for twenty years$%^#%!!! And you all that think we’re wasting money on Vets, how much money did we waste in Afghanistan? Trillions? So don’t whine to me about how are we going to pay for it… Combat decorated paratrooper, Vietnam. Of course I would do it again if my country asked me. All I ask in return is do not waste me and honor your commitments to the soldiers you ask to fight your wars.
It’s surprising to me how many people think they are “Owed” something.
The “Department of Defense” has always committed to taking care of service members and their families. I wonder just how many programs you take advantage of and justify them for your own personal gain? You remind me of the conversation I overheard at the pool last year while visiting my sister in Florida. Two gentlemen griping about welfare and in the next sentence on gentlemen was talking about his daughter with a young child whose husband had recently left her and she applied for some program with the government where she received an $8,000.00 welfare or such check from the government and that was ok, because she needed it. In his case he could have afforded to help his daughter as most families that can, should. But, no… it’s ok for them to receive government money but certaintly anyone who really needs it.
Benefits are “earned” while Entitlements are “bestowed”
Veterans earn “benefits” while performing difficult duty of behalf of a non-participating civilian public.
I can see where some service-members would be “surprised” that there are civilians who believe they are entitled to unearned “benefits” in addition to bestowed “Entitlements”.
It is not “owed something “ it is a compensation for services rendered to this country. We as Veterans did volunteer to service, as a result some of us have been hurt or worse, I would bet if you were hurt on your job you would think nothing of receiving workmens comp. Stop belly aching. If not for all the veterans you would not be able to enjoy your freedoms. If anything the disability compensation we receive should be increased to a higher amount than the small pittance that we receive. Some have lost limbs and worse be greatful that there are people willing to do such for people that they do not know. I am one such veteran, but i am greatful and thankful for all who have served and are willing to sacrifice for my freedoms. May god bless ALL veterans!!
Veterans and their families are “owed” something. If you’re a veteran, then thank you for your service. If not, your opinion means little.
Many Veterans, spouses, dependents, widows and widowers are stating in this forum that they are having issues receiving money or benefits they feel they are entitled to.
My suggestion to you is to contact a veterans service organization like American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of foreign wars, or Vietnam veterans of america. These service organizations go to bat for veterans, their dependants, spouses and survivors every day and work miracles at no charge to the veteran. I makes a real difference having them in your corner.
Your next option is to contact your federal senator’s office and file a complaint. They will look into the matter and put pressure where pressure is due.
Lastly, if you are trying to increase your compensation, my son, like myself(army 71-76) is also disabled retired Coast Guard tells me that it is very wise to contact one of the legal firms if you are having trouble with your claim. Service organizations can only do so much until like the veteran they are rebuffed by the VA. Many legal firms represent veterans up front at no cost and then you pay a nominal fee after your claim is won.
There are some very good Veterans Administration employees out there, but there are also the ones that like many agencies are only there for the paycheck and put forth minimal effort. Stick up for your rights.
Everyone have a great holiday season as best you can and may the compensation gods be with you.
The life insurance for Veterans really needs to have someone take a look at it. The rates are very expensive for the minimal coverage they get. They fought and protected this country. VA needs to take better care of the families with better life insurance. Families cannot live with these low paying and high payment life insurance policies.
Mr Carter, it’s true. VGLI turned to private insurance is too expensive when you turn 60,65,70,75 yrs, and premium will continue to increase as we grow older. I was advise there is no value if you surrender your policy. VA should advise younger members about premium increase as they grow older.
I want to thanks VA for the increase along with my SS and my medical treatment I get, keep taking care of us who served proudly and would do it again.
Thanks a proud combat veteran
i reallly appreciiate any increase,, but the government has got to get the money from somewhere..there will be a tax increase somewhere.
I joined the military as I thought it to be an honorable and the right thing to do. I am proud of my military service and expected nothing in return. Cercumstamces surfaced that resulted in my VA disability that I never expected but am thankful for. I am now 78 years old and the disability payments help augment my social security payments making my life easier. Thanks so very much.
Thanks for your constant updates to keep veterans informed.
I am a vet in Alabama rated at 100% disability. I will forever be grateful and humbled for the generosity and assistance I receive from the VA. They often get a bad rap and always seem to get judged harshly but I have found most every VA employee helpful and usually cheerful, working as if their jobs mattered. Well, to me they do and I want to thank them for “Their” service and to wish them all happy holidays and a fantastic new year. One little ps., I have learned over the years that when I seek help with the folks at the VA here in town, I get my attitude reflected back to me. So, be happy get happy. Even when I just act happy, I get much better results. Just a head’s up, god bless.
The increase is going to help, however, the cost of inflation in everyday living is kill us. I would like to know if the VA is going to increase the Travel Expense rate per mile to all my required visits to the VA Clinics? Right now I get $10.77 for on trip to my local VA, however with the cost of gas, insurance, car repairs, I lose more than I receive. Thank you for your prompt assistance.
Sir…I feel your pain but the VA is not responsible for your gas insurance car repair. That’s just the facts of life.
Wow! Maybe you can fill us in on Edward’s circumstances/rest of the story that receive so little empathy from you?
Thank you very much, Merry Christmas,
please help me get my medal of honor that trump cancelled in april 2020 after i recieve a letter inviting me to the WH to reciieve the medal. senator crez and senator arinton help m. iam 85
Is the veterans with a 10% to 20% compensable included with the increase COLA? If not why not?
The increase is across the board, those with 10 – 20% disability will see an increase. It will just not be as much in terms of specific amount as it is an 8.7% increase of the amount, but the increase will still be there (i.e an 8.7% increase is going to be greater for $200 is than an 8.7% increase for $100).
Carey, Navy.
Thank you for the VA Compensation, there’s no other country provide as such…
Just remember that VA benefits are set up as charities (by law) not as a right owed. If it was something owed, we could use the regular court system instead of having to challenge VA’s actions through VA.
I am also a widow. My husband passed in may of 2022. It took over 4 months to receive any survivor benefits. I recived no help wth the filing of paperwork nor was i informed what needed to be filled out. When I called no one had time to help. I am still trying to climb out of the defecit this put me in. I am relying on my children for support. My husband served his country proudly for 40 years and this is how they treat the widow of veterans. I am struggling to make ends meet!!
are you working with a service advisor in your area
Ms. Joan, in many states there are state run VA Service Centers who help veterans and their survivors. The one where I life helped me do everything when I did a VA claim, and it is all free of charge. go to any search engines and look for “state veteran service centers near me” and you should be able to find one. The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) can also help. I wish you well in your endeavors.
Yep, finally. However “veterans will start seeing the increase in the January payment…” well that’s not until February .
No, I believe that you will find that the increase will be first seen in the payment that you will receive at the end of December. At least that is what it looks like when I looked through my VA account.
It will be in your end of the month payment in Dec. I have already received a letter from the VA stating that it will be my Jan payment, which will be paid on 29 or 30 Dec (depends on your bank for the actual date).
Sorry sir, but you are mistaken. We will see the COLA increase on 01 January 2023
the VA took my whole life away and the 100% is suppose to make up for it. HA !
Dead man talking?
What did the VA do to “take your whole live away”? If you hate the VA that much, you could always just break off any contact with them and not accept anything they send you: mail, phone calls, checks, etc. or take them to court. I would like to hear how you believe that the VA, as an organization, took your life away, though, as I may be missing something here.
Sorry Joe, but your comment doesn’t make sense. Can you clarify how the VA took your whole life away?
Great, great! Inflation is pushing 18% and we get 8.7. I suppose we need to make sure The Big Guy gets his 10%, right??
Just wanted to point out something about Tricare. I am not sure who is out there paying high monthly cost for there Tricare insurance and then to see 8.7% + 1% more increase in monthly cost. All I know is I am retired after 22 years of Active Duty and I am on Tricare Select for life. I have a monthly payment as well. I have never read anything on Tricare being so expensive and these large rate increases do not make sense. My monthly Tricare allotment that is pulled from my retirement check did go up but only 1%
Why didn’t you sign up for Tricare Prime? I heard a LtCol did Tricare Select, then his wife got cancer and it cost him big time.
Have you tried going to your VA instead? Or a local clinic that accepts VA? I have Tricare Select as well and have begun using my VA and haven’t used my Tricare anymore. Maybe you can try that instead, if possible. Just a thought. Good luck.
I don’t know why you pay for TRICARE; I served 20 years and have TRICARE for Life, and don’t pay anything, with MEDICARE pays first, then the bill is sent to TRICARE for life as second payer. very seldom is I have to pay anything for my family (wife). I am 100% disabled and receive all my medical and meds from the VA.
Also, I would like to point out, if you are 100% disabled have you also filed for Social Security Disability.
after 70 the ssi wont give u disability no matter what I’ve
We have just been given an 8.7% in crease in our disability pay.
It is the old sameo sameo. (one step forward and two steps backward ).
The VA will never catch up to what they owe the veterans of this
great country of ours. Started my disability claim in 1968 and received
100% in 2017. (49 years) (retro to 2005). I had to use a lawyer firm out of
Rhode Island to get it done. my package came to me on a CD, marked mission
complete. (4,200 pages.
Yes I gave up 30% but I got to keep 70%. Be happy with you get, use lawyers in the know,
I am a veteran getting 20%, is my spouse supposed to get compensated also?
is she a veteran?
When they approve more conditions that I have that concern Agent Orange and am I already enrolled and will automatically be compensated or do I need to see an Service Agent and go to my local VA?
You only get additional compensation for dependents when you hit 30%
Yes, if you’re married, there’s a place online to add her, but it gives you additional money for the spouse, nothing goes to her. It will also give you some back pay.
what site do i go to
No, only one person receives compensation.
No, she’s not entitled to compensation.
Sorry but no, your VA monies do not apply to your wife unless you have a minimum of a 30% service disability
Thank you President Richard Nixon for signing into Law H.R. 11333 on January 3, 1974 that that gives this raise.
Interesting that inflation is higher than it has been for 40 years and the VA is telling us how we will be receiving an 8.7 percent increase (the highest in 30 years). I do appreciate the contribution to my retirement income, and understand how this is a positive step, somehow it strikes me odd that we are still 10 years behind…
I am the widow of Edward Mack and has not received any benefit since his passing on March 10th 2022. I called and was told that there is lot of clients to serve. That is not any help to me. It’s been 9 months since I have been waiting for compensation. Thanks for your immediate attention. Edna Mack Would like some help he was a Vietnam vet.
Contact your local Congressional Rep or your US Senators. They may be able to put some help in your corner.
Edna good advice from Carson and I agreed. I contacted Senator Ron Waydens office ( hes in Oregon) and filed a congressional complaint on my fathers behalf. Got great results in short order. I did not vote him in but who cares, they did what they were obligated to do since he lived in there district. Congressional complaints have their place in time of need. They can do deep diving on research and catch this things other agencies and such miss along the way. Something to think about.
I know it’s a pain to deal with but you have to keep on them about your benefits, I would go to a va hospital near you and ask them to look into enrollment for your husband(RIP) and make sure you have his SSN with you good luck and God Speed yo you.
Have you contacted a local VA center or reached out to VA benefits at 800-827-1000? If you can get the casualty office they will help you out. I sympathize with you. I helped a Veteran spouse and she started receiving her funds right away when I took her casualty office they filed her paperwork immediately.
I truly believe this will help our Veterans and their families who became injured in the line of service, who can no longer work in the manual physical labor field. I am positive that all of those who exist solely on their disability will deeply appreciate this 8.7% increase.
Good news, but I am being paid as a single person, however Iam married.
My husband was being paid as a single person, although we’ve been married over 40 years. When I realized it, I contacted the VA, and the reason they gave was that they did not have my Social Security Number. I gave it to them over the telephone. They immediately corrected the record and started paying him as married. However, they refused to pay any back pay.
They actually put in the letter that although he was married, they were paying him as single because they did not have my Social Security Number. My question was, how could someone complete a pay action, knowing they needed additional information and made no attempt to get it. Good Luck.
You are only entitled to back pay from the day they applied to the time you receive the additional benefit. Ma’am, it is not the job of the VA to figure out any dependents we may have
My name is Michael I had APL leukemia. The VA gave me a 100% disability for agent orange. Then a few months later they took the 100% away they said it was the wrong leukemia. I guess I’m asking if anyone has dealt with this leukemia. I could use some import if you have. Thank You
Any information on Agent Orange cases post conflict era in the Republic of South Korea (beyond 1975) would be greatly appreciated.
In my case they shouldn’t call it va disability payment, as my disability compensation comes from my military retirement check sent to the va and then returned to me as a disability payment
Could the difference be that your retirement is TAXED? And compensation is not? Lowering your taxable income
THANK YOU VA FOR EVERYTHING////////////////////////////////////////
Does anyone know of or heard of any “Presumptive” cases of Agent Orange exposure from the DMZ in Korea? I served there post war in 1978-1980 and 1983-1985. I was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer and I feel that this is a contributing factor. I’ve also had several squamous cancer spots on my face, arms and hands but I have not added these to my already approved rating. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yea I heard that agent orange is presumptive for Korea DMZ for bladder cancer
Yeah, that is nice. But, unfortunately our Tricare costs will increase that 9.7%!! They wrote it into law that our Tricare costs would always go up the amount of our pay increase PLUS an additional 1%.
How thoughtful, huh? Maybe more veteran’s should be aware of just how screwed they are getting by the very people who swore to take care of us.
Thank God for the service of our country ??God bless the VA
Its a net loss as inflation went up more than the increase
All these people leaving thank you notes should simply consider that the increase wouldn’t have been necessary nor this large if the economy wasn’t in the toilet due to the current mishandling in Washington. When the economy is in good shape, the COLA is lower. A big jump means recession/depression is here (and likely to stay).
DEAR VA: It’s not like you did anything to make this happen. The COLA law was established in 1975 to increase SSI annually based on the year’s inflation. VA benefits are legally required to keep up with the increases in SSI. You’ll take credit for the 8.7% increase, but just like every year, the truth is you are doing nothing actively to make this happen, and nothing more than the legally required bare minimum.
You all do realize that the VA is not doing this, this policy was signed I to law under the Nixon administration. This increase is also due to record high inflation. Not a good thing in the least to celebrate. Just saying.
Thank god for the VA benefits I receive because if not for these I would be a homeless female Veteran. Also this increase will help a lot.
Same here, my sister.
I think it is great
This increase in benefits is something that will help all our Veterans to be able to live a better life. As a USAF/ Vietnam veteran I can Appreciate everything that goes into all the discussion when dealing with Veterans Affairs. I Thank You for this increase in our Veterans Benefits!
I want to thank the VA for finally recognizing my severe PSYCHOLOGICAL needs and I want to thank them for taking credit for our increase, now let’s help other veterans please because we all need your help….grateful beyond measure.
I have nothing but love to the VA I don’t know what my economic situation would be now if I and my family were not getting that extra tax free money. Sometimes we just have to be thankful for what is provided to us. Much love devil dog from Cali!!
Thank God for the V. A.
Amen brother
I was rated 100% after prostate cancer then it was reduced to 40 % after a year. I fought VA for a year then went to regional office and got help from DAV or American Legion rep there who got my case reviewed resulting in 70% disability plus 30% unemployability for 100% total and no cost to me. I recommend getting help from a vets service organization who knows the ropes.
im going thro the exact same thing and now after 5 years i what office do i need to talk to my last experience with the DAV was a joke cant work
Thank you VA for this increase. It is much needed and we will use it wisely
The V.A…..The only place I know that a Peon is treated like a General……….Thank you and God Bless
Thank you, I am grateful for every gift I receive as compensation for my husband’s suffering from the Vietnam war.
Great read, simple and to the point…thanks!!
I too thank the VA for my health care and Tricare as well as for my wife. This past year with my pension and VA I have saved more money and have received great care for myself and my wife, Thank You VA.
Thank you so much . I only went from 30% tp 100% last year due to Agent orange, i just wish that I had not been exposed because now I have to deal with Diabetes, Parkinson and other things that are caused by agent orange.i would drather have my heath than the money, but it does help out since I have all this and I am sure that there are plenty out that that was exposed that don’t even know that some of there sickness is coming from being exposed.Thanks and Merry Christmas.
I am 100%disabled due to agent orange exposure with multiple medical issues. Assuming I will die from one of those issues, will my wife be entitled to survivor benefits?
Thank you.
Only if you pass from a S-C
Injury or disease and MD
States in written form that
On a more than likely than
Not level you passed from
The connection or was aggravate, the the S-C issues contributed or caused your death.
Edna. I know it doesn’t help in the short run, however, I thought it would be helpful if you were fully aware of the following. Assuming you properly applied for benefits, once the final approval is promulgated, payment, by law, is retroactive to the original date of the application. As an American Legion Post Service officer, I have had applicants who received tens of thousands of dollars in their first payment due to the time element between application and final approval. I suggest you request the date of the original application (not the approval date) and then make certain that date agrees with your records.
Frank McCarthy
Maj USMC Ret.
For years, did not apply for VA benefits because I thought I should save the benefit for a service member that needed it worse than me. I recently found that it doesn’t work that way. I am extremely happy I applied. The VA is a true blessing for those of us who are disabled. I am treated like royalty when I go to the clinic or hospital. Thank you, VA from a grateful veteran.
When I went through my out-processing classes, they encouraged us to read a book called “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging” by Sebastian Junger. It addresses exactly the scenario that you described and how people don’t claim their benefits that they are entitled to because of a sense of guilt that it would be taking something away from someone else.
I recommend that book to anyone I meet who is approaching their separation date.
I am one of a handful of Korean Veterans still alive and existing on VA Benefits. The increase is fantastic advantage when the cost of everything has reduced my ability to enjoy my remaining days. I am grateful for the VA Benefits I receive, the fantastic VA Physician assigned to me in Chattanooga, and the additional outside medical care offered to me when needed. I am equally appreciative of the talented medical support team such as the Xray Technicians, Ultrasound Technicians, Audio and Ultrasound personnel and Lab workers who serve my general needs. Thank you all for your continued support.
Thank you for your service Brother. Vietnam ’67-’68.
Thank You and God Bless
I thank God every day for the VA. without my disability compensation and The VA hospital my wife and I would be hard pressed to get by.
Will I revive payment for 10% disability for tinnitus?
I was rec.10 % for A loss of left testicle. By not being let to go to
The hospital on time. Now as got older I have more pain they cut me down
To $77.00 why? I’m 78 can’t work
Need ever penny?
Thank you!
Thank you so much
Thanks for the great care and support of compensation
Never expected that when in Korea
back in 1953
Next time you guys go through disability benefits make sure you are not that rough with people that have been messed up during service like I was. And of course, stop doing sneaky stuff with claims. I have seen all the things you guys do to not increase %. But thank you for at least increasing some
This is certainly an unexpected increase in disability. Thanks to all involved at the VA and elsewhere. Merry Christmas to all.
Thank you. I am going through a rough path and this will help a little bit. I’m surviving thanks to this!
Thank you so very much for the increase . God bless all the VA workers that do such a good job for the veterans. Korea 1953-1954.
Thank you!
Thank-you…I humbly appreciate it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks, for caring for all Americans veterans who gave so much to protect American freedom. Some gave some some gave all. Thanks you.
I’m very grateful. This has truly been a blessing over the years!!
i am a veteran on 30% disability, is my spouse entitled to any benefits?
You should get a monthly allowance for her also
Just curious as to why the spouse gets a benefit, and what is the benefit.?
[Editor: The spouse doesn’t get a benefit; the Veteran gets an extra benefit for dependents: ]
Thank you so much for keeping us Vetarans up to date with the latese information that concerns veterans.
For what it’s worth…. The VA login platform is not compatible with none windows based products, users (Apple, Mac, etc). As a none window user, viewing and trying to sign into the website with a none windows platform is a nightmare requiring consistent calls to the Helpdesk and DMDC for support. In addition, it takes a minimum of 20 minutes of hold time to reach someone on the phone.
[Editor: The login is compatible with Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, on both Windows- and iOs-based machines.]
Why not? When you destroy a currency, do it across the board.
What? What is your ignorant problem? I have 32 service connected disabilities. I have a 100% rating, I can NOT stand longer than 5 minutes with out taking a knee. I have an electrical implant in my back that allows me to even walk. I have titanium in my face, as a lower orbital, holding one of my feet together, I cant walk or run any distance. ALL of this was due to 3 deployments to Iraq, one of which was a no poop, we were shooting at each other and I was blown up once. I do work, but very limited. So what in the world is your problem with my disability getting a small cost of living bump in order to keep up with inflation so I dont have to choose between having heat in my house or food to eat? Like charles below said, I didnt join to get free anything, I did it for the cause of defending my country. BUT. if I get hurt on the job, I expect some form of workers comp to assist with my life long disabilities. Regardless of employer. So take your statement and stick it. Go join the military, get blown up, hit by a car, have your face smashed in by a supposed ally and then tell me you have an issue with the disability getting a cola bump.
Is there any way to check the status of a pending claim, other than the website, which only shows the standard ‘in review process’ ?
I’d like to speak with someone who can provide specific information.
Thank for your comments.
Mr. Torborg: I just did this the other day. Call 1-800-827-1000. I had to wait 25 minutes on hold, but a
real person came on and gave me a fairly good update.. Good luck..
you can call 800-827-1000
I volunteered to join the Army and go to Vietnam.I didn,t do it hoping to get a financial windfall in the future from the VA.I did it because my father was at the battle of the bulge,I made him proud.We served because our country needed us,it doesn,t get any better than that.
VA benefits are earned through the blood sweat and tears of those who served, it is and will never be a “handout “
Great…..if you can get in. DD214 says, 4.2 mortar, 90mm tanks, CIB, Viet Nam. But, the hearing loss was not service connected. The ACL tear a friend got playing Tennis at Gitmo in the Navy Reserve justified a check a month for the last 40 years. Want to clear the backlog? Start with 11B, 11C and 11D. Half of the rest are scammers.
Thanks for the COLA increase. Much appreciated!
Please someone tell me how 20% disability help me? They took $300.00 from my retirement check and gave it back in a separate check this will lower my tax. I am wondering who was behind this dumb scheme. They must thank veterans are down right stupid.
How does 20% disability help you? The $300 that the VA gives you is non-taxable dollars so you get $3600 every year in non-taxable income. The $300 they take from your retired pay is taxable income so you lose $3600 in taxable income.
The tax rates, depending on marital status and taxable income range from 10-12%, to 20-22%, to 32-35%, to 37-50%. That small reduction of your taxable income actually saves you, depending on which of those tax brackets you fall into, $360-$432, $720-$792, $1066-$1260, or $1332-$1800 every year! Now while I suspect that, like most of us here, you probably don’t fall into that top income bracket, if you do then you probably don’t miss that $300/month taken from your retirement check, you probably don’t really miss that $300/month that they take away.
No, I don’t think that “they” believe veterans are stupid at all. If you believe that exchanging taxable income for non-taxable income is stupid, you could always just go ahead and include that VA payment in with your taxable income! Just saying…..
Very well put Tom Putnam. Tax-free income is better than taxable income.
Thank the God’s it’s about time Veterans deserve this and a lot more.
good news for the new year. merry christmasto all va workers
The Va is so good to me. I appreciate it so much Thank you!!
There is A God up there Amen
Thank you.
VA has been very good and helpful to me. Thanks to all who work there and our government.
May God continue to bless America.
Thank you
Thank you God and thank you Jesus!!!
We strongly appreciate the increase. Our gratitude is demonstrated through our support for all veterans. Thank you
Our pay may be going up, but so did our insurance co pays…once AGAIN! It’s funny how our military who deserve FREE health insurance and should be getting a much higher pay to begin with find themselves to still be struggling. That’s okay let’s continue pay congress and athletes a ridicules amount of money, while the people who actually defend this country so these overpaid hypocrites can struggle day after day!!!
When are they going to change the pay scale rating I’m 100% but the basic rate is below 2022 living scale. Veterans serve their country when they retire we are thrown alway some employees are there for the check doctors who don’t care just want the check. When you are in need you are on a scale if you make a certain amount of money you are over the limit it’s time to make a change
Veterans Affairs – Would you reevaluate your compensation to include UP TO the new year?
The VA’s annual compensation adjustment doesn’t account for the previous OR upcoming year, it only adjusts up to what the market says it is, on the first day of the new year. It doesn’t account for inflation from the second day of the year up to the last day of the year forward or backward. To be fair, it should ALSO be retroactively adjusting for inflation, back to either the second day of the year, or the second month of the year, through the end of the year when the inflation actually occurred.
The current 100% VA disability rating, (with no dependents), is $3,332.06 per month. An 8.7% increase would be an additional $289.88 per month for a total of $3,621.94. For someone receiving a 50% rating (and no dependents), their compensation is $958.44 a month. With an identical 8.7% increase, that results in a monthly increase of $83.38. That adjustment helps, but it is only an accurate representation of actual inflation, for that day/ that one month of January (1st).
The 8.7% inflation increase is justified, but it didn’t happen overnight. It happened over the course of the previous year, (since the last inflation adjustment). For an 8.7% increase after a year; then after six months there would have been a roughly 50% of the 8.7% or a 4.35% increase. After nine months a 75% of 8.75%, or a 6.525% actual inflation increase, (8.7% / 12 months = 0.725% inflation rate per month). The annual increase is only market accurate during the one day/month the increase happens (January (1st)).
I believe this is a fair request to be reevaluated, because of what this is about. Unlike benefits from any job someone may get, government compensation and retirement benefit’s amounts change because of ONLY ONE thing, and that is inflation, / the cost of living. That is the ONLY factor in determining the COLA. If inflation were to somehow never happen for twenty years, then the benefit amounts would also not change for twenty years. So when inflation does happen, and if the entire point of those set compensation amounts, is to provide a specific quality of life, based on a specific cost of living; then shouldn’t veterans be allowed to live at that level for the entire year, and not just one day or even one month? The second the cost of living goes up by one penny, we are no longer at the goal for that quality of life.
The FAIR thing to do would be to retroactively compensate for the increase that happened over the previous year that got us to that acknowledged inflation increase. The easy thing to do would be to calculate it as linear, (as a steady increase every month over the year), into a one time “retroactive COLA adjustment” payment that would be paid annually, after the new rate is calculated.
The easy calculation would be to take the increase from the previous year, and multiply it times half of twelve months.
For the same 100% rating that would be a one-time payment of ($289.88 x 6 = $1,793.28 / or 6 x 8.7 = 52.2 x one month = ) $1,793.28. For the same 50% rating if you multiply it times 11 months, that would be $458.59 to compensate them across the year.
The current method is only accurately accounting for inflation FOR JANUARY (1ST). For the current method to be completely accurate, it would require all inflation to happen overnight, the night before the new adjustment takes place with the new fiscal year. This retroactive adjustment would be the only accurate way to fairly and accurately account for inflation over the entire previous year.
My analogy is: if I paid my income taxes at the start of the year, instead of at the end. If before the start of the year my boss said I was going to get a raise, and we decided to wait. On January 1st, I pay my taxes for all the upcoming year at a rate of $50K annually. On January 2nd I get my raise, and then I make $75K a year. What you are doing is as If I then say, “I have already paid my taxes for the year, I will increase what I pay on my taxes to $75K a year, starting on the next January 1st”. – You wouldn’t be okay with that if you are receiving the money. Why are you okay with it when it’s your obligation to pay it out?
The current method for calculating veteran’s benefits, will continue to be incomplete, until you include this.
Thank you.
[Editor: More info, here: ]
Ditto. Facts! Unlikely to happen. Excellent calculation, analysis, and analogy. I support your efforts.
Thank you. The VA wants to take credit for an 8.7% increase, but the reality is, they are shorting us the 8.7% inflation that happened over the last year.
Very interesting comment from Justin Florek. The one flaw in this analysis is that the VA does not calculate or give COLA adjustments, Congress did and the law is that a COLA increase will happen every year based on the inflation, with certain adjustments, during the past year. In essence, our COLA adjustment pays us all year in 2023 for the increase we had in our living expenses during the 2022 year. So, we are getting an adequate increase, albeit a little late. Your analogy is not an accurate depiction of our Veteran benefits or of the Income Tax laws – BOTH are retrospective as we see what happens in 2022 and we adjust or pay in 2023. We should be happy we are not in a hyper-inflationary situation where the cost of living increases by 8% a month or almost 100% for the year. Then we really could have used an increase in our VA Compensation every month. Just pray hyper-inflation does not happen.
Our COLA is legally required to keep up with SSI. SSI is legally required to keep up with inflation. There are no “other adjustments”. There is nothing that is actively done to effect the rates. The law that governs them was passed in 1975, and we continue to receive the bare minimum THAT IS REQUIRED BY LAW.
“Our COLA adjustment pays us all year in 2023 for the increase we had in our living expenses during the 2022 year.” Right, but all it does is catch us up to what the inflation rate is ON JANUARY 1ST. It does NOTHING to bring our quality of life, up to what it was set at on each January 1st.
I want you to think of a right angle triangle. On the bottom, horizontal flat line is ONE YEAR. Then each year we come to the VERTICAL LINE, that is straight up that is the COLA adjustment. The THIRD LINE, THE LONG LINE, that would be drawn between each January 1st, is the ACTUAL inflation that we experience. The more inflation that happens, the more we drop below that quality of life that the compensation is intended to provide. There should be a retroactive payment that covers the difference in the long line, and the horizontal line, IF THE INTENTION of VA benefits is to provide a certain quality of life. (If it’s not then the number is arbitrary, which it isn’t).
Benefits are not retrospective (or retroactive, and that’s my point is that they need to be). The only response I need to prove that wrong, is that if someone started receiving benefits in 2022, then if the adjustment was intended to be retroactive, they would be receiving an overpayment if they received the same adjustment.
I’m not sure what you think “hyper infation” has anything to do with what I am saying. There is no reason to create fictional situations. If your argument needs those, then you already know it isn’t based on reason.
I promise you, my bills have gone up more than $300 a month over this last year, and they didn’t want until December 31st to do it.
VETERANS: We have to be the only group that has to fight for every piece, of what we are promised we are already receiving, and criticized by us, when we are trying to help us.
[Editor: The intent for compensation is to make up for the potential lost wages (and time off needed to deal with medical appointments, etc.) a sc-Veteran is suspected of losing were it not for her SC conditions.]
I understand completely what you are saying. I am one of the few commentators that apparently do, so you are probably wasting your time. The fact the editor is involved, indicates you are in a spot they don’t want you to be. We all appreciate the increase in benefits but let us keep them in perspective. They are not a gift or an award. They are earned by all who will receive them. They will never come close to what is owed by this nation to those that have served her purpose. As a 79 year old disabled Veteran I have a deep respect for the workers in the VA hospitals and clinics. Most are where they should be. Some are not. Government has been trying to fix the VA for years with mixed success. You never fix from the bottom up but from the top down and this they have never done. Just saying.
I never said VA calculated COLA. COLA is adjusted for SSI based on inflation. VA COLA is required by law to keep up with SSI. I’m not talking about changing COLA, or the way it is calculated. I am saying there is a variable that is missing if the goal is to maintain a certain quality of life.
Hyper-inflation has nothing to do with what I am saying, and does not currently exist. It’s irrelevant. Benefits are NOT retrospective, or retroactive. The simple example would be, that if they were; anyone who started receiving benefits in 2022, would either not get the same increase, or they would be getting an overpayment.
“In essence, our COLA adjustment pays us all year in 2023 for the increase we had in our living expenses during the 2022 year.” —
Not exactly . COLA adjusts to what the inflation rate is ON JANUARY FIRST. What I’m proposing would be the only way to compensate for the actual inflation we experienced over the course of the previous year, that got us to the January 1st COLA.
You can think it’s adequate, I don’t. Think of a right angle triangle.
The bottom / horizontal line would represent one year.
Then we reach a vertical line, which would represent the COLA. (This would go on every year and look like a set of steps with different heights to represent different inflation rates).
THE THIRD LINE, the long, diagonal line, is the line of ACTUAL INFLATION. The third line would connect January 1st to January 1st a year later. The difference between the horizontal line and the diagonal line is what we are being shorted. It is the actual inflation that is reducing our quality of life below the January 1st target.
The adjustment for 2023, currently has NOTHING to do with 2022 benefits, and that’s the problem. ALL COLA DOES, is catch us up to what January 1st inflation is. What about the other 364 days where we fall below the quality of life it is intended to provide?
Dear Editor: I have been trying to keep my responses to this comment professional. You keep denying my comments that reply to this person’s comment specifically. What I don’t understand is how my comments are not allowed, yet this one is. This comment has false information, and the comment about hyperinflation is completely irrelevant, as if its them either telling me to shut up and accept it, or used as a scare tactic. (If you’re going to allow the rest of my comment this was meant to be deleted after you read it).
I have never said VA calculates COLA adjustments. COLA is an adjustment based on inflation for SSI, and the VA keeps up with SSI.
Tax laws are not retrospective and neither are VA benefits, and that is the problem. Tax payments are retrospective, and I think you focused on the wrong part of my analogy. They are not adjusted for what happened the previous year, they are to catch us up to the start of the new year. VA benefits SHOULD BE retrospective, THAT IS WHAT I AM SUGGESTING. VA benefits at no time are retrospective, (and I’m not talking about backdating claims).
Hyper-inflation is not a thing that is happening, irrelevant, and off topic to what this conversation is about.
I would like you to think of a right angle triangle. The horizontal line at the bottom would represent one year. The vertical line would be on January 1st and represent the COLA. The problem with how VA benefits are calculated, and the missing variable in the equation is the diagonal line. The diagonal line that would directly connect January 1st, to January 1st of the next year. That is the ACTUAL inflation that we experience over the year. The difference between the horizontal line at the bottom and the diagonal line is the inflation that we are eating. It is the inflation that is reducing our quality of life below the January 1st target.
This could easily be retroactively corrected taking the increase from the previous year, and multiplying it times half of twelve months / or times 6, (flip the triangle image 180 degrees, and stack it for a rectangle. The top half we would not receive, because inflation hasn’t yet occurred. The bottom, (climbing) half is my point here). It would be twelve months if you calculate only the day is accurate. It would be 11 months (or times 5.5), if the first month is accurate.
[Editor: We do not allow advertising or promotions in this space. You can read our social media policy, here: ]
Dear Editor: I appreciate the link you provided. I have to say, I don’t believe my request to provide the link or anything else I have said, violates in that any way. I don’t make any money through the petition, and the only purpose it serves is for recognition and support for an issue that I believe has just been missed. I have not said the VA has done anything wrong, (at least not in the petition I didn’t), but just that this point has gone unnoticed/ passed over/ overlooked. I don’t believe I contradicted the VA, or attacked the VA, nor did I provide any misinformation, (although “quality of life” is a term that doesn’t define it exactly how I think it should). My attempt is not to bash, blame, or insult the VA, but merely to say, HEY, What do you think about this? I don’t think this question has been denied; I think it just hasn’t been asked yet.
At this point, my guess is this link and set of threads will go unnoticed. Those who were going to visit here and read these comments, already have. I would hope that you would be interested in helping vets by furthering my petition in some direct way. By either to Vets through this platform, or even by your professional chain of command inside the VA.
I’m going to keep pursuing this, but obviously who ever you are, you could make a big difference in getting the word out to the right people who are going to care. Thank you.
As a 100% service connected disabled retired combat veteran, and DAV volunteer service officer, I am truly grateful for to see this for all disabled veterans. DAV Chapter 57 Burnsville, North Carolina 28714
I submitted a claim in June for several conditions believed to be related to the camp, Lejune toxic water. One of which is I have been diagnosed with multifocal motor neuropathy, had very large pre-cancerous, polyps, removed from my colon, and we suffered through two miscarriages. The VA accepted a portion of my claim, my neurological condition, but on an extremely limited basis, and a 10% rating. MMN is a condition for which there is no cure and is permanent. I have begun the appeal process and hope that I do not have to fight too hard in order to be given a much higher disability rating. A 10% rating in the amount it pays on a monthly basis comes nowhere close to the out-of-pocket expenses. I haven’t heard over the past few decades.
God bless you all and happy holidays to each and everyone of you!
Please forgive my typos in my original post. Here is what it was supposed to say:
A 10% rating and the amount it pays on a monthly basis comes nowhere close to the out-of-pocket expenses. I have incurred over the past few decades.
Carl, if you did suffer from the water contamination at Camp Lejune you should find out about submitting a claim from the monetary fund set up to compensate people who were exposed to that contamination. This is outside the VA but you should be able to get some kind monetary compensation. The commercials are real though I don’t know if you would want to call one of the tv lawyers as they will have fees ranging in the 20 – 30% range.
I wish you the best in getting your justly deserved settlement for this horrible affliction you are suffering from.
Fantastic news! This increase will help to take the financial pressure off my wife and I. ??????
I’m 100% grateful for the increase.
Thank you. God Bless.
I appreciate the 8.7% cola increase for all disabled Veterans However, this current increase does not in any way make up for numerous years where cost of living far outdistanced cola increases for Vets leaving them at the bottom of the financial ladder. Shame on those who say they support Veterans and then vote against providing benefits to the Vets. I don’t want to hear, “Well we can’t look back gotta move forward’ Without understanding how, what and why we are where we are, the same decisions will continue without accountability.
The VA has done more to hurt me than any enemy of our nation. No amount of money will ever make up for that betrayal.
I hear you !!!
Thanks VA News I appreciate your service and keep me well informed the updates is very important to me and my family wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and happy New Year’s stay safe GOD BLESS
Thanks for not bothering to give us a pay table. Lazy ass Jerks
[Editor: The link to the pay tables is in the third paragraph, the one that says “…you can use VA disability compensation benefit rates tables to find your current monthly payment amount”: ]
You need to up your reading and comprehension game. Look for the live link that reads “Find your current monthly payment amount.” Amazingly, there it is. Just like magic. I appreciate the hard work and effort(s) everyone at the VA does. Thank you for all you do.
I myself, have had no problems with finding the payment tables.
So easy to find
Lazy people who make no effort what so ever to look or try to understand is a BIG reason why so many people hate on the VA. Also, the VA must play by the rules set on them by the NON VETERANS in CONGRESS. They control the check book and the VA MUST play by the rules, CFR 38 / USC 18. which is also the LAW. Do a little bit of research before showing your 4th point of contact.
Is this more money taken out of our base military retirement pay again and are taxes we give this to going up that much to make it a wash ?
Just pulling a portion of regular base pay for income tax exemption means little to those of us already so far below the poverty level that taxes are inconsequential anyway.
Not being petty here just confused. I remember the years on active duty the tall tale confirmation that a rumored coming raise was indeed happening is when the unit pop machines went up in price a month before “the raise” as well as deductions from our LES pay stubs.
Why are military retirees penalized by having to fund their disability benefits because of sub 50% service connected ratings?
This is such good news even though I dont receive this benefit myself I’m involved in the camp Lejeune toxic water (my dad was a 30 year marine) I know this increase will help those who are receiving this benefit its way way past time to take care of our veterans
Thanks for the update on the increase in benefits
Great news! VA healthcare has helped me tremendously. Thanks
My Father was a survivor of the Bataan Death March, he suffered like all the others in that terrible march. My question is; are there benefits for his family?
I would prefer a 0.1 percent increase; at least that would indicate a small inflation rate. Please explain to your readers the real reason behind this ‘record pay increase’.
Have you checked the cost of living lately where you live?
Hi William, I’ll take your other 8.6% if you’re looking to offload it!
Are surviving spouses eligible for any disability payments?
I must thank the Veterans Administration for all their help and support in my time of need.The VA seems (thank Heaven) to hire gentle, understanding, knowledgeable, and sometimes humorous people to work for the VA.
Merry Christmas to all of you, and a New Year filled with hope for the world.
Thank you
If they incurred the disability while serving the military, then YES, they can get disability. Otherwise, they can apply for the survivors Pension which is needs based (based on income) or for DIC which is if the Veteran spouse died from service connected disabilities, or if the service connected disabitlily was a player in the cause of death. On the death certificate is the line for immediate cause of death and then there are 5 lines for contributing factors. As long as the service connected disability is on one of the 6 lines, the spouse will qualify for DIC. YES… Survivors pension AND DIC qualify for the COLA.
I applied for Agent Orange exposure (verified by the VA) compensation for a hypothyroid condition in 2020. Denied. I’ve been treated with radiation for cancer due to AO.
I appealed, denied, and applied again after Congress added hypothyroidism to the presumptive list, denied again. Exposure agreed to, but with zero compensation. As an aside, both daughters had great difficulty bearing children. Next generation effects of AO exposure? Perhaps someday we’ll know. Ashamed of a government that refuses to compensate those of us that put our lives on the line.
John Don’t give up brother. I fought the VA for ten years for hypothyroidism and finally recieved compensation this past January. Iam 78 years old and I will fight until Iam 100 if I live that long. If you have more problems contact a law firm that deals with veterans. I have a good firm in Nebraska that work their butts off for vets because they are veterans too. Good luck and keep up the fight.
Thank you Ted!
Yep It’s DENY DENY DENY till they die!!!!
John, I too have been fighting the VA for the same . Yes they agreed I have it, but 0% compensation, beats me
0% says it is service connected, but not at a level that gets compensation. These are all listed in the CFR, which CONGRESS writes.
Here is a link:
However, being service connected at 0% still 1.
makes you qualified for VA healthcare regardless of how much income you make.
2. also makes the cost of care for that 0% item cost free thru the VHA (VA Healthcare system)
The VA is 3 separate organizations. VHA – Healthcare, VBA – Benefits and Graves and memorials.
What about Vets on Income based benefits? I receive healthcare based on my income and that restrict how much I can earn. I’m non-service connected disabled, but I have to limit my income to near poverty to keep my healthcare.
I’m trying to contact the VA about thi, but I’m getting nowhere. No one I talk to seems to know anything about it.
Does this mean that more money will be taken from my Retirement Pay and make it Tax-Exempt and calling it a Disability Pay increase? Taking from Peter to pay Paul?
You can’t double dip. This should have been explained to you when you retired.
TRY TURNING OFF CAPS LOCK. Nobody cares about your opinion.
THAT’s the Christmas Spirit, Loren.
Mr. Howard, this is what rthey want you to do… Stand up and fight for your rights as a veteran. Tell they you want a differnt Doctor, and push the issue. They will do what is right but some times in may take a nudge or a big push to help them get going in the right direction. I have been through 5 VA doctors, but I have one now that care about my health issues…
Your attitude is so negative that it probably causes VA doctors to not know how to really treat you. I have found the VA to be wonderful and caring.
I assist veterans with their disability claims and if they came in with howards attitude, I would just give them the paperwork and tell them where to send it. If he came in angry but not insulting, I would do all of it for him except sign it. You go into C&P exams insulting the VA and the doctors, they wont help at all. PROOF is requried, but only up to probable cause. just because you said so, is not enough. ask the swampy lake in AZ about opinions versus facts.
I really did NOT understand if my costs would increase in January.
I receive only medicines and health care provided by the doctors in the VA.
Is the cost of medicines or doctors visits going to increase?
Thank for the information.
So far I have had fairly decent service from the VA, Health and Benefits.
do not give up…..I have been fighting the VA for 10 years and 4 cancers caused by AO…….I finally received 100% at the age of 76…….get a VSO and be a pain in the ass…….it takes time but will finally be worth it
Dont be a PITA. be a squeeky wheel, check on your claim with the CVSO monthly. if your a PITA, you will get ignored. (I AM a CVSO, squeeky wheel is ok, a pain is not)
Not anywhere close to actual inflation.
Why does it have to be so hard to get help
Thank you for our increase.
Uhhh yeah ok we got a big “raise” no where in this article did it say why. The reason for this COLA being the largest in 30 years is because inflation has not been this high in over 30 years. Inflation is so high because this regime thinks that printing money is ok. This regime will give over $100B to protect Ukraine’s border but not $5B to protect ours…..yeah whohoo a raise….smh
Concur sir.
Thank you, my husband a marine station at camp Lejeune 61 thru 66. Then a police officer , and had Parkinson’s, dies last year. And always so proud to be a marine. I know he’s great full for passing his benefits to me. I miss him so very much. We were married 52 years, he passed 4 days before our 53 anniversary. The marine Corp flag and the American flag will always be waving in the wind. Sincerely j.m
I am so sorry for your loss Jan. Your husband spent his life serving others. What an honorable Man and a fellow Marine. I can tell just how proud you are, and rightfully so. Blessings to you and your family.
Please explain to me how a raise of $8 to $278 from $270 is an 8,7% raise? Or is a low income wartime pension not in the plan for a raise? after receiving the inquiry would not respond telling me I was an “unauthorized user” after having used the site multiple times
The VA will never get better until it becomes a requirement for Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen to serve in the uniformed service.
Thanks!!! Right on time with the cost of inflation due to the coronavirus and other issues.
Praise God!…for the raise…touching the heart of those who are making a difference,
Furthermore, our military service members deserve it; because, of their continued commitment and dedication and willingness, as they proudly serve God and Country!
It’s a crock that only disabled get the increase.
Regular vets should also see the increase as well. Disabled are not the only ones feeling the crunch with rising prices.
um, what does the federal government give to just any Veteran that is NOT on disability or pension? Just give ALL vets money for nothing? it doesn’t work that way Mary.
if you had put in 20 yrs active duty with no disability, you would have received a 8.7% COLA on your retirement income. you have to put in the time to reap the rewards. nothing in life is free!
Grate compensation thanks to this most Veterans get more money to his needs and have a better life
Does SMC’s increase?
YES… SMC’s are part of your disability. ALL of the compensation is subject to the COLA
I used to be an IT. Working around ionized antennas and radars doing maintenance. Also Our Ship had an emergency leak of radiation. I got burned by the boiling water coming out of the showers. Saying that I came with a big 13 centimeters tumor in my stomach while I was active duty. Thank God It was benign. They open me like a frog. Never ever got a cent from it because I came out good from the surgery. I’ve tried getting compensation for it. All the radiation I was exposed inclusively the incident at the ship. Has anyone got a case like this to prove and win?
I’ve won one. You need the science based research to show that non-ionized radiation causes the health problems you are claiming. Antennaes do NOT transmit Xrays or Gamma Rays. Those are ionizing. Your words on your claim MATTER very much. If your claiming ionized radiation – you will never win your claim. It is not hard, just need evidence and proper wording.
The VA is trying to get everyone on disability so that they can declare us incompetent so they can take our guns away from us you promised me that I could get health care here in the Philippines but now they say that I have to be disabled well you can kiss my ass
NO. they are NOT. WHere is your proof? Even the Veterans I assist their claims with that get 100% ratings with PTSD still get the keep their guns. Show your proof before posting garbage like this.
stop the fake news. educate yourself and become a responsible citizen and human being!
not sure why the VA needs to lie to people for this increase, the only reason its this big is because of the inflation we have suffered. but sure pat each other on the back for making the cost of living go so high that the increase doesn’t even match, but nice increase
When will you fix the Travel Reimbursement due Veterans? The Department of Veterans Affair that handles this compensation is the worst interagency department. It was done correctly when a Veteran would requests compensation from a kiosk when signing in to their appointment. They have totally trashed this system. Further; the apps ap the VA has is rediculous. It’s the worst app in the whole system of apps.
That is great news as the cost of living grows it makes it hard for disabled veterans to keep up with living expenses. Thanks
The V.F.W. and other Veterans Organizations needs to STOP COMPLETELY advocating for V.A. System. All Vetrans should be treated equally throughout the country regardless of injuries acquired during their service. The discrimination act that the V.A. is imposeing is not fair and unjustified. The Men and Women that voluntary raised thier right hand and swore to protect this Country,should be treated equally and fairly regardless of injury or noninvasive action taken against them. You will receive equall treatment and compensation. No questions asked. This is a right that we earned as Veterans. The V.A. SYSTEM is still BROKEN.
It doesnt work that way. You and ALL veterans need to push CONGRESS to pay for it. Currently there are the priority groups for a reason. They VA doesnt have the funding to pay for all healthcare for 10+ Million Veterans including the billions spend on disability, pension, survivors pension, DIC etc. Get congress to allocate the fuding and then the VA will provide the care for all, but no party will approve that and THAT is WHY the VA can NOT provide the same healthcare for ALL veterans.
This story is incorrect. The 8.7% started as of 1 December 2022 and will be seen in the End of December 2022 entitlements check. Not as of January 1, 2023.
The VA pays on the 1st of the month unless it falls on a holiday or weekend. Otherwise, It is 1 Jan 2023.
about freaking time! let’s push for a 2024 adjustment.
If you are having problems with your VA claim and have been going it alone, I strongly recommend you contact a VSR for help. Do not use one of these attorneys unless it is a last resort because they will get a piece of your award if you do win, and bringing in lawyers can put the VA into “defense mode” and they will make things even more difficult for you to get your benefits. I went with Disabled American Veterans (DAV) but there are also VSRs at the VFW, American Legion, Order of the Purple Heart, AMVETS and Wounded Warrior. Your state Veterans Office can also help you. It can be frustrating dealing with the VA, but remember they are here to help you. If you knew the amount of people who try and con them out of benefits they aren’t entitled to it would blow your mind! I was in a group with a woman who was bemoaning the VA because they wouldn’t approve her PTSD claim, after asking her some questions I found out that she had never deployed and had an admin job stateside and her stressor was that she was traumatized because her drill sergeant yelled at her during basic training! Another guy was a seaman in the Persian Gulf during the OIF and was claiming PTSD because watching the nightly news coverage on TV had traumatized him. Finally, there was a Cold War era vet trying to get compensation for an injury 30 years later for his back after a career in construction post-military. Problem is, he never even went to sick call for his alleged injury and had no records or even witness statements to support his claim. Keep these cases in mind when you want to trash the VA, in my experience they may have moved a bit slow, but in the end they have always treated me fair.
Good Words… Are you in Ga..LOL
I used the American legion for information and legal representation.
I first tried to represent myself and was denied a hearing.
Long story short…the Legion did me a solid
Thank you jesus
Thank God for record INFLATION…
Here is a simple way to get your claim properly processed and approved.. Hire an attorney that specializes in VA claims. Thats it.
Thanks bro, reading 5x 5. Good sht can happen in spite of reality. It all helps
I have had nothing but positive experiences with the VA. Since my Type II Diabetes and High Blood Pressure issues were automatically covered at a 20% disability rate with service in South Vietnam, I have been receiving those disability payments for several years now. Back at the end of August (actually, August 31st). the disability VA claims specialist at the Owensboro, KY VA Clinic, submitted my claim…within the next month I was notified of two different doctor appointments. I was sent to Owensboro, KY for one and on to Brentwood, TN for the other. In November I was notified that my disability rate was approved for 70%! I received a check in November that included the months of September and October for just over $2500. In December I received my first regular disability check at the 70% rate (just over $1500 and in January 2023, the amount increases to just over $1600. I don’t understand why anyone is having so much difficulty with dealing with the VA. I have never had any problems with the VA.
Still not enough to keep up with the current increase in cost that our economy is providing us with.
the 8.7% increase will be offset by a decrease in my army pension since I am at 30% rating.
I have very poor hearing even with my VA hearing aids. I was put at 10% disabilitly, but i am definitely 90% or more, even if I am yelled at. A lot is from Gun noise from Army National guard and also from Honor Guard services with the Gun Salute. But i know my hearing is almost 100 % lost with out any hearing aids, and i have a lot of ear wax which makes most hearing aids tough, Daily cleaning of wax out of the aids is necessary. I wish i could wear the hidden aids like most, but it is what it is I guess. i need to have my hearing retested I was told and make sure that my hearing capability is listed properly as I should be given much more compensation.
i also do not understand why I, with 22 years and retirement, have to pay so much a month for hearing aids, and then get that back from the VA, But those that had like 6 or so years with the army National Guard do not have to pay monthly for aids, they just get the money back from VA??? ThaT does not seem right to me. I am retired and have to pay in and get back from VA, and others with just a few years just get back payment for aids??? Something is wrong here and I want some answers please. Fran DeBaere
Go to Sams Club or some other place that offers free hearing test. If they are inline with what you are saying about your hearing loss. Take that report to the VA and talk to the audio department. I had my primary care Dr. (tricare), order a sleep study, because the VA was dragging their feet. They excepted the Sleep Study and took corrective measures at their (VAs) expense. They will happy to use out side Dr. tests if it saves them from having to work…
To bad this “pay raise” doesn’t come close to keeping up with the disastrous economical “Progressive ” pathway the current Administration has placed the country on. We can give HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to the Ukraine but THIS ADMINISTRATION won’t address the backlog of disability claims request for our brothers and sisters, our Wounded Warriors, I’ve been waiting SEVEN YEARS to have the VA finalize my claim. Every freaking time I call and ask about its status, I’m told “It’s in processing. “. Seven years to process a disability claim, really??
just stay with it. it will come and they will have to start your claim from date you file it. Squeaky wheel gets the grease
Please keep after them. If you have the right to appeal to Headquarters, do so. It wasn’t until I requested a hearing in D.C. that they suddenly found the records needed and granted me the DIC based upon my husband’s exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Is this VA compensation benefit increase separate from Social Security increase?
Is this an increase in both?
Yes, totally different benefit increases.
Thank God.
You do know that North Carolina cost of living was 12%.
If you look at it from the other side, it was a 4% cut, but thanks?
I came home in 1976 and my claim was settled in my favor in 2019.
USMC 1973-76
Awesome, where’s the other 30% to go with the record inflation? Don’t crap on us and tell us it’s sunshine and rainbows
Thanks for the input.
?? Yea good news!!!!!!!! Thanks
Thank You for this informative notification regards to my 100% disability rating.
I am going to be 98 years old next month and don’t have any idea The Good Lord decides for me to continue. I was on Normandy Beach on D-Day, I still drive my F150 but it gets more difficult as times keep on. Am I eligible for any Auto Expenditure that would be a help to me? Or maybe even a 1 time weekly maid service?
happy Holidays
Hello Harold. Thank you for your service in WW-2.
Does this include Marine vets who trained at Camp Legume in 1960, or there abouts
Very appreciative for the information!
Great news! But what good is it when inflation vastly outpaced the increase? The net result is actually a decrease.
I need an increase
This is so wonderful! I can not thank the VA enough!
What good are a few dollars raised? A dozen eggs used to cost a $1.00 a year ago. It is now up to $8.00 in neck of the woods.
Is there a pay chart that will show exactly how much we’ll be getting?
I applied for my benefits in Feb 2017. I retired in August of 2017.
I was denied for my back ,which I injured twice in Iraq, my knees and my hearing. I was only given 50% for PTSD. I started receiving my benefits in January of 2018, which is five months after I retired. Did not receive retro pay. Months later, the VA said that I was overpaid and I owed them over $1400. I asked how and they said that I cannot receive drill pay and compensation at the same time. I stated that I retired back in August 2017 and didn’t receive compensation until 2018. How could I have received both at the same time? Nobody looked at my file. It clearly shows when I retired and when I received compensation. They took the money. All the forms they emailed me basically was to dispute the number of drill days I actually had. I kept emailing back saying that I wasn’t disputing the number of drill days, but disputing the the fact that I never received drill pay and compensation together. I never got my $1400+ back or my retro pay. The VA doesn’t give a crap about us.
Join your local DAV I had them do the contact work for me after messing around for years and they got very quick results going back to when I first applied I didn’t know that either. Threatening them doesn’t help they just answer the phone and most could care less unless you are lucky and are speaking with a vet who cares
Increase benefits but still have a lame duck worthless website. It kicks you off as soon as you log on. Cannot add dependants, download VA letters. Good thing I have outside VA rep that is worth something. You suck VA. ” Call your rep, contact your state senator” why are these needed , fix your mess. We joined healthy and you broke us. I’m young and I feel for those older vets, making them jump through hoops just to prove they served. Why do I have to go through a third party to get help?
I have found that the D.A.V. takes good care of you. I started at %100 Navy disability, then I lived, they brought it down to %30… The VA then started me at %30, then after using the DAV, got bumped to %50 * , then %80, then %90 with %10 un-employability… %100 permanent disability. They really helped me and I am now a Lifelong member.
* They give you %10 for Tendanitis if you required hearing gear in service… That was unexpected… thought it was old age.
Bill you are totally off base and very wrong. Instead of bashing these guys, go to VFW and get yourself a rep to help you. I’ve always worked with a rep and have been well taken care of.
I’m still laughing that you believe they get bonuses for denying you.
What if I’m going through an existing condition, but was told I could not file until the condition gets worse..
By then it might be too late.
I can’t get a hold of any VOS to refill a claim
An increarse When will we see it appear as a direct deposit in our bank account, 1 Jan or 1 Feb?
The VA pays backwards. You must complete the month to get the month. COLA’s with the VA take place on 1 december so your first compensation check, in the new year, (1 Jan), will reflect the increased disability payment.
I’m grateful to the VA. If I did not receive my monthly compensation I’m not sure what me and my family would do. Also using the VA hospital for my illness and surgeries would have put us into bankruptcy. There is problems with the VA, but if you hang in there the results could/can be good. Thanks for all.
It should have been more. Inflation has raised prices for many necessities to almost double the 8.7% that was approved by congress. It’s not enough. One way that disabled veterans could benefit greatly is if congress would create a bill to let veterans who get only VA compensation as their sole income to be allowed to get federally funded food benefits, the same that low income persons are entitled to get…food stamps is what it used to be called, and in getting this benefit, disabled veterans could use compensation funds to pay other bills, mortgages, rent, utilities and such bills that require payments aside from the high cost of food. This could easily be done if the House and Senate could show enough compassion regarding the economic beating that this economy is dishing out to those of us who put our lives on the line to serve this country, and becoming wounded, damaged or injured for the sake of those who could not serve, or would not serve. The country owes its disabled veterans this small gesture of gratitude. Most of us are barely scraping by to meet our budgets, and the first thing to fall off of that list is likely to be food. Food stamps would help us in such a big way.
At 100%, your security is of utmost importance. Expect pressure from top, to bottom.
Victories matter. Someone said to call a Congressman, it might be easier to help make one. We the people needed adjusting, and an investment of insurance paid handsomely; a crisis. Being retired is a job you’ll love, the caveat… #usa.
It’s wonderful, yes. But unfortunately, it doesn’t help much. Prices for most goods and services have increased markedly also. The monthly fee for my husband, who is in an assisted living facility with severe dementia, is going up by 10%, which will eat up our SSA and VA COLAs altogether. Guess I should be grateful for the COLA increases, though. It would all be much worse if they hadn’t been granted.
I appreciate everything I receive from the VA. They are making great progress helping the Vets in need.
Thank you! That is terrific. I can use it. I appreciate he help. Well done, VA!
Ask your local DAV Chapter to help you. They are well versed in how to deal with the claims system.
Any increase is appreciated but Biden’s inflation & destruction of the fossil fuel industry still leaves us in the hole. 8.7% increase to veterans does not begin to compare to 30+% increases in food, housing, and gasoline costs. Sorry, but NO CIGAR.
The reason it can be hard to get the proper disability rating is easy…thank all the generations who previously scammed the system for the extensive scrutiny. I’m all for it.
That’s only because of inflation. This is nothing to brag about and cause to fire every US Federal politician
Has anyone been approved for issues from the Desert Shield/Storm BURN PITS? Merry Christmas to ALL!
Read the PACT act. All of that stuff cant be rated until starting 1 January 2023. Then YES.
This is great news. I am greatful and I look forward to seeing the increase in my next pay. I hope that inflation will not swoop in and take it all away.
I do need help on this
I was hurt in the army in 1980 and started to try to get benefits from a chronic lumbarscular strain and keep getting the run a round. Started my claim in 2017 and i WILL NOT give up.
Don’t ever give up. Fought the VA for over 30 years and I won some battles but some I’m still fighting like: hypertension, hypothyroidism and tinnitis and maybe I’ll win some more if they reduce this volume of paperwork and examination requirements. Look, the bottom line is that want all Vietnam Vets dead and forgotten, you may not believe that but take a survey of all of us and see if we conclude something different. ’67 and ’68 in country……………..Keep the faith brothers…………….
Unless you have to pay separation recoupment, then VA is taking all of that COLA. Even though I had a repayment schedule set up, anytime there is an increase, they take all of it and say “it’s going to be paid off sooner.” Except my cost of living still increases and my disability remains the same.
After years (16 of them) of going thru red tape, denials and appeals to the VA, I requested an appeal to a law judge. Yes they told me it could take up to 2-7 years because of the backlog. If your claim is in order, don’t give up. The Law Judge saw thru the VA, and I was given 100% total & permanent disability, from the date of my initial claim.
I have a 36 year old mentally challenged son. He has been my dependent for well over 20 years. On my new projective pay for January 1, 2023 it is showing that I am not getting credit for an incapacitated child over 18 years of age.
I have had none of these issues. I applied in June. The claim was denied. I asked for a higher level review. I learned that the PACT act doesn’t get funded until January 1. 2023 at which time they will begin to process claims. My clim is pending until Jan 1.
Served in Desert Storm and have multiple conditions due to the burn pits. VA denied all of them .. Incredible.. Had to get an attorney to appeal. So sad the do not want to take care of the veterans !!!
That still leaves vets behind …. It isn’t breaking even with rising costs.
That’s because we have record inflation.
Thanks for looking out for Veterans and keeping us all inform with needed information.
Will we receive a benefit letter like Social Security sends out?
YES, you get your annual letter reflecting the current rating you have, the monthly payment you will get, etc. they are mailed out in February EVERY year. If your not getting them, then call 800-827-1000 and verify the VBA has your current address. Just because VHA (Healthcare) has it, doesn’t mean benefits has it.
Is it not the case that previous COLAs provided to Social Security required that the Congress then vote such that said COLAs would then be granted to VA Compensation, and that now (due to legislation in the past year) Compensation awardees will automatically receive the COLAs provided Social Security and that this will be the case going forward?
ALOT of people don’t realize that social security and VA disability is tied extremely cose together…. Whatever S. S. Gets so does VA.
Thank you for the clarification on this re COLA. This is warmly appreciated along with all the deeply caring and highly professional VA Services and Community providers in VA related health care givers that we do receive as Veterans with Military related disabilities, (in my case at a permanent 100% level).
There is a sense a warm camaraderie when at the VA. In this. I am indeed most grateful for the care I receive at the VA’s White River Medical Center, VT. I should mention the excellent medical, nursing and staffing personnel in the Primary, Vision, Audiatry, Podiatry, Occupational Therapy Clinics & Community Services Department – (as well the accredited community providers when needed in Dental Care & at the Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth Hitchcock in Keene, NH).
Thank you one and all!
Respectfully written with the traditiona Maritime Services – “Semper Fidelis, With Fair Winds and Following Seas”.
I have applied for my Hypertension Benefits since June, 2021. Nothing but repeated paperwork to stall and stop me from me to apply. The people answering the phone actually have very limited experience and are no help. They switch me over to there so-called supervisor who knows even less. I served 2 tours of duty in Vietnam and was (proven records) exposed to Agent Orange. They VA claim that is is correct but we can not pay you for it even though it is considered “presumptive”
I have now a stack of 3″ of paperwork. It is still their goal to deny as many claims as possible. And yes, they will still get a Bonus for doing so.
Talk to your local patient advocate, threaten to contact your congressional reps (state and federal) and the news media, then see how quickly you get a response. Don’t let the frustration make you give up. Press the issue.
I have disability for my blood pressure. First was you diagnosed with high blood pressure while in the military? Are you currently on BP medication do you check your pressure regularly. You might want to chk your medical records if your BP while service ever over 140/80 if so that’s grounds to request disability but if you had Hight blood pressure when u were in the military you definitely would have a good chance of getting it! Check the website for blood pressure rating with the va if you are currently on medication and it’s high now maybe you can get disability secondary to another disability that you currently have
Media, get Real. That ain’t going to help at all, will only slow you down. Local Congress will help. Overall, Applicant must be Tedious to move forward, don’t let their claims falls through the crack.
They stalled my husband with every excuse in the book.He fought them till the day he died.He was under their care for a long time.The day he was dying they called and said we need him to come in for exam.I said only if you send a quick ambulance.On his death certificate it stated he died of agent orange connected problem.In the end I won !~Please don’t give up!!!!!!!
I was denied benefits for 40 years (yes, 40 yrs) and I began an investigation after I requested my records! I had to get my Congressman involved and get my records. Tedious and troublesome. Once I obtained my records the investigation was initiated and I contacted the men that served with me so I can obtain buddy letters. Results, I was able to get the benefits that I deserved and also a positive claim result.
I am a certified VSO and have finally won a claim that was outstanding for 56 years and the VA gave my client the minimum and set it at latest filing date. Don’t waste your time writing your congressman or senator. They have a clerk that takes your letter to them and then forwards it to the VA. When they get the answer they simply send it back to you and say “this is what the VA tells us” Your representative never sees it and all you get is a honey coated letter saying we tried. If you have a congressman or senator that gets personally involved, three wisemen are coming out of the East again riding camels.
Hoorah. It took me over ten. Welcome home.
Do I have to add my child and spouse to my benefits. I was single when I was discharged but now I am married and has a child. Can it be possible to add them to my benefits.
you need to get a good VSO (Veteran Service Officer)
What do you mean saying that you cannot get paid for it? Did you get service connection but at 0%? That is an appropriate evaluation unless your blood pressure is really high. You can still get VA treatment for it for free, as well as free medication.
Hopefully you are using a VSO (Veterans Service Officer) to assist you in filing your claim as one of the biggest reason for denials are incomplete claims being submitted.
Contact the DAV
Do what Demetrios and Ron suggested. Don’t just mention contacting your congressional representatives, go ahead and do it. They are there to help you, and chances are, they will.
The hypertension was not included as a presumptive condition of agent orange exposure until October 2022.
Maybe you need to reapply??? I don’t believe the VA will go back and look for us that were exposed to agent orange and denied benefits prior to October 22
You need to contact the local DAV office and have them advocate for you! You’ll get nowhere doing it alone!
Hang in there. It took me year for my benefit to be approved all retroactively Rich e Portland Oregon
Hypertension did not become “presumptive” until August 2022 when the PACT act was passed. But the VA does not get the funding for the PACT act changes until Jan 2023. If you filed and got denied in the past, you should file a supplemental claim to have the VA reconsider their decision. Check out the website for more information.
Hi William,
I would contact American Legion and the DAV and let them see what they can do. The VA is great about dragging their feet on helping veterans.
I would also send a formal, written letter to your Congressman. Do not email it , because it will get lost in the system. Make sure to keep a copy of all items pertaining to your case. In 1973, the records warehouse burned down and hopefully you have previous paperwork. You could also consult a lawyer that deals in military compensation. Wish the best in your fight. Oh, before I forget the VA now has to review all military for toxic chemical exposure. Call and make an appointment .
Tanya, a disabled veteran
Have you contacted your local DAV or Veterans Affairs office? I got help obtaining my disability rating.
Contact Disabled American Veterans organization. They will help you with your claim for free. They helped me!!!
Talk to The American Legion or other veteran organizations. They initially helped me with my claim. I wouldn’t give up!!!
Don’t get weary. I applied for several disabilities in 2011 and was not granted any until 2017. They kept denying me and I kept appealing the denials. Stay with it!
Go to Disabled Vets, they are disabled vets also and they got my claim done in about 3 months and that was when they were stalling everything. I didn’t even intend to put in for the disability, I asked her if she could help me contact SSI and get my disability approved. She said, let’s put in a VA claim also and see what happens.
Go to your DAV office they helped me after 30 years Vietnam Veteran
i am a vietnam vet too and carried ptsd and other things around in my head and had a lot of problems at home with my family and everyone else.yes for those who served were drafted or joined which i did in the middle of the war.i feel that anything we get from the government has been very well earned and is not a handout as some of you say.i am 74 years young and despite my problems i do wood working as a hobby and stay active all the time.hope you have a great new year my brother may god bless and stay safe tony.
William, if you are trying to get those benefits through the VA, you’re going the wrong route. The VA is tight fisted with Disability money. You need to contact your local DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Office. They are the best organization to go through to get your disability benefits. In order to be a Service Officer for the DAV you have to be a disabled veteran, and they understand what you are going through. They also use outside contractors to do the required medical exam who are veteran owned and run and are more friendly to the veteran than the VA doctors. Go to You can look up the closest DAV office to call. I don’t know what state you are in, some offices may be close to you, some you may have to drive a ways to get to. Or you can ask that DAV office to find the closest DAV Chapter to you. They usually have a monthly meeting that start around 7PM. Call them and find out what day of the month they meet. You can then talk directly to a Service Officer. The thing about the DAV is that they take over all of the paperwork and headaches. Or you can go to and look up the closest Chapter to you yourself. Good luck in your search, and don’t give up.
Brother Bill you Vietnam guys need to look into the PACT Act because it covers you all as well for exposure to toxic chemicals. This is the closest will ever get to them saying agent orange did it, Gulf War syndrome did it, depleted uranium did it, burn pits did it, etc etc. Dioxins & insecticides too damn specific for VA I guess. I can already tell they really don’t like saying Traumatic Brain Injury because everything in Mr records says “residual of head injuries” at least it’s plural! Sitting at 90% with an Epilepsy diagnosis that came back non service connected because all perfectly healthy mid 40 somethings suddenly become epileptic don’t we? Sorry, I’m epileptic to my outside provider; non specific seizure disorder to the VA. Appeal just entered year 4… PACT ACT FELLAS you guys have waited long enough!!!
How they continue to screw over Vietnam vets is beyond me. I would contact your local DAV. I am an OIF Vet & I kept getting the run-around. When I got the DAV involved, my claims flew through. And all of that back pay was wonderful. When you get approved you get all of the back pay from when you initially filed your claim. They more than likely will give you 10%-20% off the bat to hope you go away. DONT! Keep at it. You deserve your benefits.
Reach out to your local VSO (Veteran Service Office) every county has one. They should have great contacts to help you move forward more quickly. I should know I used to be one! Good luck and don’t give up, you deserve it!
Go to a VSO, I recommend DAV. If you are local-ish to me, I can help.
Hi Bill, I’m sorry. The VA is such a hard platform to navigate! Call your local VA office in your area. It seems impossible to get benefits and they will make you jump through hoops and no one knows the same 1 thing! Don’t give up!
Don’t give up/ Your June 2021 dated is set as the benchmark. Once you get all the hurdles met the back dated compensation will make up for the hassle. I would strongly urge you to contact a VFW VSO so that they can help get everything lined out. It took me a year and a half to get my claim decision. That was eight years ago.
Call the DAV (Disabled American Veterans.
Hi Bill. Sign up for Veterans2Veterans; lots of members someone may be able to help. It’s free on Facebook
Don’t give up! Don’t threaten, just reach out to your congressman/woman for assistance. Every state has at least one that champions veteran’s causes, particularly record retention, transparency and expedited service on your case. Also, many VA attorneys are available to fight your case for you. Buddy letters, field records, and logs are extremely beneficial. Good advise “Ron T.”
Don’t give up. Plus don’t stall. For example, if you get a denial letter, appeal appeal and appeal again. Don’t let time pass before filing or keeping the case open. Why????? because the VA will not count that first date you filled if they have to compensate you. The VA will attempt to award benefits based on the “last date” the case was filed. That will dramatically decrease your award amount when the VA is found owing.
Disabled American Veterans or DAV provides help for veterans seeking VA benefits. I’ve been a life member for over 20 years and they are an excellent organization. Reach out to them and they will help you. Best of luck to you.
well I’m been dealing with the VA for some time now had over 80% dropped it to 60 % now with no ideal or a cue from them they are dropping it
to 50% . theirs another form to appeal it. 0995 is a appeal form…which is crazy. I’m trying to get with american legions for the form and appeal…
I’ve been to every CPA DOC. that they sent me to. even doc’s were in my favor for increase in my rating. It just pisses me off dealing with these Non-Military
What I understand is that hypertension for agent orange exposure in Vietnam was approved in the PACT act and will start paying after January when the budget is approved.
I also am waiting on a claim for hypetension. I have had my C&P exam and am in a holding pattern.
I too have applied for Hypertension Benefits in August 2022. I read in the new Pact Act law that the Hypertension Benefits do not start until 2026. I got a letter from the VA that my claim was deferred until that time. I hope this helps.
In talking with my VA rep here in Pittsburgh, I also filed a claim for my hypertension, I was told that the VA had not deiced the % for this condition. They would have an answer after Jan 1, when they had the new funding.
The issue is how hypertension is disabling in my mind. I have it service connected with 0%.
Hi, I handled the process of getting my father his benefits, so I feel your pain. The process is very frustrating. I highly recommend you find a VA specialist in your area. I went through a company called Senior Solutions, they are in Indianapolis, IN. They did all the paperwork for me, and hand delivered paperwork to the VA. Through this process I was told by Senior Solutions that if any paperwork is delivered without a certain form, which VA tells you nothing about, your paperwork will be thrown out. Good Luck.
Hypertension is part of the PACT act and congress wrote the law that the VA can NOT grant that until 1 January 2023. (as a presumptive) otherwise typically ONLY those that had hypertension while IN the service were getting it granted. mostly. there are cases where service connected IHD caused hypertension but then you would have gotten it as a 2nd to your heart condition.
Keep up the wonderful work. We all need the help and camaraderie. THANKS