Did you know some Veterans and their family members have access to VA-covered care through several special programs such as the Civilian Health and Medical Program of VA (CHAMPVA)?
More than 700,000 beneficiaries (spouses and children) are eligible to receive specific types of care and services through four family member-focused VA programs:
- Camp LeJeune Family Member Program (CLFMP)
- Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV)
- Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program (SBHCBP).
There are many Veterans and eligible beneficiaries who are not taking advantage of these services that are covered by VA. To get access, you first need to determine if you are eligible for one of the programs.
The four health care benefit programs for Veterans’ family members and dependents (beneficiaries) are based on certain conditions and eligibility requirements.
Civilian Health and Medical Program of VA (CHAMPVA)
What: VA shares the cost of covered health care services for those who are eligible under this program.
Who is eligible for CHAMPVA? A spouse, children of a Veteran, or surviving beneficiaries of a Veteran who is rated permanently and totally disabled for a service-connected disability or who was at the time of death eligible for CHAMPVA. Find out more about the program: CHAMPVA eligibility.
How to apply: Complete and mail in the CHAMPVA application form and Other Health Insurance certification form. If you have Medicare, send a copy of your Medicare card. At this time VFMP cannot take electronic form submissions. Check back on the How to Apply for CHAMPVA webpage.
Mail forms to:
VHA Office of Integrated Veteran Care
CHAMPVA Eligibility
PO Box 469028
Denver, CO 80246-9063
CHAMPVA Help Line: 800-733-8387, open 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.
For more information on CHAMPVA: View this CHAMPVA Fact Sheet or visit the CHAMPVA website.
Camp Lejeune Family Member Program (CLFMP)
What: VA shares the cost of covered health care services for certain conditions for family members of Veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune, Aug. 1, 1953, through Dec. 31, 1987, and exposed to contaminated drinking water.
Who is eligible for CLFMP: Family members (spouse or dependent) of Veterans who lived or served at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987, and were potentially exposed to contaminated drinking water. You must have lived at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more during this time.
How to apply: Apply online (select “Start New Application for Family Member” near the bottom of the page) or fill out this CLFMP application form.
If filling out a paper application, you can fax to (512) 460-5536.
Mail forms to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Financial Services Center
PO BOX 149200
Austin, TX 78714-9200
For questions about the applications, call 866-372-1144.
For more information on CLFMP: Visit the Camp Lejeune Family Member Program webpage.
Children of Women Vietnam Veterans Health Care Benefits Program (CWVV)
What: VA provides health care benefits to biological children of women Vietnam Veterans who the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) determined have a covered birth defect. The CWVV is not a comprehensive health care plan. This program pays for health care services necessary for treating those with a covered birth defect and associated medical conditions.
Who is eligible for CWVV: Children whose biological mother is a Vietnam Veteran and who were conceived after the date the Veteran entered the Republic of Vietnam (period beginning Feb. 28, 1961, and ending May 7, 1975), and who have one of the covered birth defects as determined by VBA.
How to apply: Complete this form, and supply medical evidence such as medical records from your doctor, along with a copy of your birth certificate showing both parents and proof of service in Vietnam. Mail all documents to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Evidence Intake Center
P.O. Box 4444
Janesville, WI 53547-4444
For eligibility questions, call 303-914-2900.
For more information on CWVV: Visit the CWVV webpage.
Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program (SBHCBP)
Overview: VA provides monetary allowances, vocational training and rehabilitation, and VA-financed health care benefits to certain Korea and Vietnam Veterans’ birth children who have been diagnosed with spina bifida.
How to apply: Contact the Denver VA Regional Office at 303-914-2900 or by email to BDEFECTS.VBADEN@va.gov.
Who is eligible for SBHCBP: Children of a Vietnam or Korean War era Veteran who have been diagnosed with spina bifida.
For more information on SBHCBP: Visit the Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program (SBHCBP) webpage.
Reinforcing VA’s commitment to care
VA aims to give Veterans peace of mind by caring for their eligible beneficiaries. Our goal is to continue to simplify access to care while fostering a holistic approach to delivering excellent care for Veterans and eligible family members. VA is committed to assisting beneficiaries in making informed decisions about their care options and maximizing their available benefits.
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