A resume that highlights all the important skills and experience that you can bring to a job is a critical step on the path to success. However, not all resumes are created equal, so we want to offer you some tips to help you get the most out of your resume.

If you’re not sure where to start, you can use the federal resume builder on USAJOBS to begin the process. This has the added bonus of putting all your information in one easily accessible place that can be linked directly to any application.

But where should you go from there? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have a master resume that covers all my experience?
  • Have I read the job announcement?
  • Have I tailored my resume to match the job announcement?
  • Did I proofread my resume?
  • No, seriously, did I proofread my resume?

Some of these questions may seem like common sense, but they also include some of the most common mistakes made by applicants. Take nothing for granted when building your resume, and you will be taking the first step on the path toward success.

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Visit VA Careers now to get answers to the question posed above, and find out how to make your resume shine.

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  1. Rose May 31, 2024 at 21:22

    Who can I ask at VA facility to help me do a resume

  2. D May 30, 2024 at 21:28

    There was no additional or specific assistance or information provided per the title. Unfortunately this article sounds like most of the advice we get upon separation which is really sad. Why publish this at all? It is almost a guarantee formula for failure. What was the major take away from the article that a veteran can actually use other than go to the USAJOBS website.

    • David Newman May 31, 2024 at 16:56

      I’d have to agree with you. I saw this and thought there would be useful stuff for me to pass on to my recently graduated from college daughter. Essentially all it gave was:
      Do I have a master resume that covers all my experience?
      Have I read the job announcement?
      Have I tailored my resume to match the job announcement?
      Did I proofread my resume?

      This was a waste of time. I’d call it clickbait but it didn’t even connect me to something else. The icing on the cake for me was to direct the reader to resume’ builder at usajobs. I will say, as a VA employee of decades, and a former hiring official, the usajobs resume’ is probably the worst resume’ I’ve ever seen. If I were going to advise my daughter of anything, and I think I will, it will be to build a CV, and upload that into usajobs to be used as the resume’

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