VA launched a new update for the appeals status tracker and now Veterans with a compensation appeal can view their past and current appeals issues, receive alerts for deadlines when action is required, preview the next events in their timeline, and see estimates of how long it will take to reach those events.
The new tool, designed with help from Veterans, is an effort to improve data and provide transparency. The appeals status tracker now clearly answers three questions the team consistently heard during feedback sessions:
- What’s happening with my appeal and what happens next?
- What do I need to do?
- How long will my case take?
View appeals status and next steps
When Veterans log on to and click “Check your claims and appeals status,” they will go to a screen that lists all of their past and current claims and appeals.
Each appeals card includes information regarding the type of appeal, the date they received the claim decision, a short status update, description of the issue on appeal, and a button that will expand the view and show them information that is more detailed.
When Veterans click the view status button, they will see a descriptive story of their appeal. Veterans can click “See Past Events,” to view all events in the appeal that have led to the current status:
Receive alerts for deadlines
When Veterans need to take action on their appeals there will be an alert box in the detailed view. This alert will tell them what action they need to take (e.g. submit evidence, completing and returning a form) and the date by which they need to take that action.
Locate the case in the progress bar
For each appeal, Veterans will be able to see the next step in the process as well as an estimated wait time for when they will reach that step.
Sometimes the choices a Veteran makes may have an effect on their appeal, for example, submitting new evidence. In these cases, the Veteran will see multiple wait times and events so that they can make informed decisions about which actions they want to take and why those actions may add more time.
When Veterans decide to continue their appeal at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals by submitting the VA Form 9, their appeal will get a spot on the docket. The board hears cases in the order they are received, and the progress bar shows Veterans how many cases are ahead of them.
What’s next for Veteran-facing tools
This appeals status update includes improvements to underlying data that will support future implementations of the Veterans Appeals Improvement & Modernization Act. The focus includes providing more transparency and designing a user interface that is easy to use and allows Veterans to make informed decisions. The team hopes to continue improving the system by possibly connecting claims and appeals information so that Veterans can see their whole story from the original claim through to the appeal decision.
The Digital Service at VA team would like to thank VBA and the Board for providing invaluable feedback and supporting these efforts.
About the author: Gina Kim is a UX Designer and Chris Given is a Data Engineer with Digital Service at VA, an agency team of the U.S. Digital Service, which transforms critical, Veteran-facing digital services by applying modern technology best practices.
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My case had been remanded by the Veterans Court of Appeal to the Veterans Board of Appeal last January 31, 2017 on account of a Clear and Unmistakable Error committed during the early process of adjudicating my claim in 2011. The Veterans Board of Appeal had classified my case as one to be expedited on account of my age being 76 and my failing health. It is now 1 year and 4 months and there are no decision yet made. The errors are so obvious that anybody who can read English can see the mistakes committed and yet they can not produce any decision. I pity my fellow veteran who are on a regular appeal process when compared to my case which is to be expedited is taking more than 1 year and 4 months for a decision.
I gave up, I served in Vietnam on the flight deck of the Coral Sea. My medical records show a hearing loss and I’ve been denied twice. It isn’t worth the aggravation. I have no faith in the VA.
I’ve been on the va help line for over 42 minutes listening to a recording say they will take my call in just one moment.
depending on the claims & benefits depts. for honest decisions is like depending on the lottery for a big win
I checked the site today for my husband, whose appeal was filed in January 2012. His attorney requested a videoconference hearing in Feb 2016. The site says there are 212,164 appeals on the docket and that there are 94,181 appeals in line ahead of his. Then guess what happens when he gets the hearing? He gets in line again for the judge to work on it for review by the Board. How in God’s name is this system acceptable??? What can we do to shine some light on this issue?
Thank You for your message.
John Emmert
my appeal was sudmitted on maech 17 2016, I have been checking regulary for the status of my appeal, it states as success, but no results. I submitted all paper work, did all check-ups requested, still no results, how long does it take. today is my birthday, I am 82 year old, with a lot of medical bills pending. I appreciatre yopu letting me know.
p.g. arnevale USMC (redacted). THANK YOU
I left a comment on March 31,2018 and it was removed WHY?
John Emmert
Mr. Emmert,
Your comment was not deleted. All comments are moderated before being posted.
Thank You , You answered my Question My comment BLOB has not been removed.since it takes time to be moderated
John Emmert
In keeping with my past experience, the joy I felt upon receiving news of the new information tool for appeal status reports was quickly doused.when I discovered that the system is not uploading data. “Check back in an hour” is now three days old. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me an infinite number of times, it is no longer a matter of shame it is a matter of criminal neglect!
Why won’t the VA help me with being gang stalked by the federal state and local law enforcement authorities. I have been gang stalked for nearly 6. Years. The perpetrators have infiltrated the VA.
I cannot trust the VA doctors or personnel and I need medical attention. I am not alone because I know of other Veterans facing the same harassment. The police gave enlisted neighborhood watch groups to carry out the harassment. Some of these people work at the VA. They attempt to harm me everyday with road rage, hitting my car and employing microwave and the mosquito anti-loitering equipment. They target myself, my family and friends.
Why is there no legal help to stop these people from violating my civil liberties and civil rights. They have threatened my life and have been told there is a $25000 bounty on me.
Their goal is to destroy my character to the public, destroy me financially and to drive me crazy to the point of committing suicide. It they will kill me.
Why are veterans like me treated as a threat to America when I have sacrificed so much and asked for nothing in return? Is it because I took a life ong oath to protect and defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic. I do not stand alone. There are many veterans that have become hermits and fear going out in society.
Some days it as if I am all alone but my resolve has hardened and I will not let evil win over Democracy.
I went on after hearing of the new appeals tracking status update procedures. When I got to the status bar for my appeal it shows that the appeals are closed as of March, 2018 however my appeal has been at the board awaiting a hearing for almost 2 years..Is there a reason for this..
I am a 80 yr. Old Korean Veteran who served our country in the Navy from 1954 to 1957. I have a severe Hearing loss and Tinnitus. I have been compensated since 2006. My hearing loss has increased since that time and I am filing to increase my compensation…
Hearing Loss is the number one VA Compensation Claims..I am reading that the scientist are relating a Severe Hearing loss to PTSD. This is in the early stages.; Who Knows what will happen..My Claim has been in process for two and a half years. It is now sitting in Washington D.C. Court of Appeals. I am now being told it can take at least another 270 days.During the interim I have filed for four more related service connected military disabilities. What I am trying to say since one has time on their hands take advantage of it and increase your compensation claim. Who knows I may be dead before my compensation is approved.; however my spouse will receive my compensation when its approved.
Have 2 NODs that are over 3 years old and are still waiting without a hearing date. TALK ABOUT REAL BULL (redacted).
I am not sure what to do next? I was in Vietam in 1970, drove a tank and got blown up. I was Medivaced from Vietnam and in the Letterman Hospital at the Prasido of San Francisco for five months. I sent my appeal in at the end of the summer of 2017 and have not herd a word? What do I do next VA Board? Thank you. Freddie Chapin.
I think the VA is fine. No wonder the US looses wars with all the crybabies out there
I’ve also felt the same as you. I even called the WhiteHouse VA Hotline and even though that line is for complaining, I gave the VA an at-a-boy……Since then I’ve changed my mind just a little, but not for the VA health side, I know they are the greatest. Just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
Go back refile again . if u do it your self it takes longer, scruples you know like the gov don’t have any . lol some times it takes a service officer from a VFW or American Legion plus’s you can find one at a VA
I Know… lets call DR Schulkin- for sure he will know how to find my appeal. YEAH right…like the hip bone is connected to the knee bone….
Maybe Klapper and Rosenstein can tell us where the appeals are.. they spied on everyone and know everything important that there is to know. Does anyone have Klappers address at the University in Virginia?
sadly cant say much good about this part of the VA 80 % turn around of all appeals to favor the VET says it all !!!! every one of my claims has been a battle against the perverted system they (VA bureaucrats) have created to favor themselves and their jobs
My husband’s appeal was filed in 2012. Still waiting 6 years and counting.
My claims were from 2008. Deny Deny Deny. I even have them remanded and sitting somewhere over the rainbow. I have two VA statements from my Colonel Physician and RN. And still sits idle somewhere. I filed with Army Review Board and that one hasn’t came back yet either. It is not acceptable.
I give up trying to complete that last section?
I did not understand that final thing after my E mail address?
I just wrote comments that filled up most of the area one finger at a time and now you voided all of it! Icant do it over again ! my perifical neuropathe is all over my body includind my speech!! I flew on a b29 during the Korean war,and also served during world 2 in japan from 1949 to 1949. I am now wheelchair bound. this is my last try .what is the last chain after name name and Email address?
I have had a knee replacement and a hip replacement. I was sent to a doctor in basic and now they can not find that part of my medical records while in the service. That means I will not be able to apply for a connection to service.
I filed a PTSD claim that VA themselves diagnosed. Disapproved because there was nothing to back the VA doctors diagnoses. Now that is a bad case of neither hand not knowing what’s going on. Oh, still no claim.
It’s such a great program that you can’t even access it on for almost 2 weeks. Great job!
I was told years ago that it takes 75 days to do this, and 45 to that, filed dozens of forms, jumped through hoops to help establish the facts, but the VA basically lied about my case in every was possible going back to May 1971 when I was medivac’d out of Vietnam with conditions they could not treat or solve. I was issued a permanent profile level 3 (P-3) for permanent defects that still exist, but it has never been acknowledged. The raters say I never complained while in the military service, but I was hospitalized several times, nice fit a month in Vietnam. My claim has been through the system several times with at least three reconsiderations. The VA refuses to release my medical records for at least six months immediately following my return to the United States. I have to sue them to see the records that they have withheld for 47 years now. I should have been medically retired because of their disabling experiments or exposure to Dioxin, which ever is true. I can’t get ANY TRUTH, and that’s been the problem. I will not believe transparency until it happens in my case, happens honestly, correctly, permanently and totally. That’s the LEAST THE VA SHOULD DO!
Guess I’m not up to being computer smart. When I try and enter pass words it flags me and says in effect, that I don’t know how to. Another page says they are having trouble with the pages. Doesn’t the VA make test runs on their newest and brightest Web page to make sure they operate in an easy and friendly way? The VA must not realize that there are a whole lot of us grey haired Vietnam Vets who are in no way up to the being as computer smart as our children or maybe even over grand children. As my boot camp DI said on many occasions, “get with the program”!
they dont care about any of us, it is a game to see who can screw over the most vets. If we think they really care about us we are the dumb ones we keep coming back for more abuse and miss treatment. here take 2 800 mg motrin and 48 hour light duty chit.
This is outrageous. We served without question, and it can take up to 20 months to get an answer on a Notice of Disagreement. Horse hockey. There was never had a backlog at the enlistment center in 1964. Some of us may be dead before we get an answer. Many older veterans have issues that take decades to show up, and accelerate at the end.
I completely agree with William Cook’s comments of March 30 2018. Is it BS, job security, lack of personnel, or do they get bonus’s for the NO syndrome? Even with documented medical records of conditions from Physicians with lab results. They know where we were, what we did and the latency period of certain exposures, and it ticks me off.
I would like to know the status of my claim for diabetes associated with exposure to agent orange.Thank you.
This is nuts ! But if you hire a lawyer they get more then you do ! They told me they can file , most likely they will get approved because they know how to file but then we lose all of out back payments to the lawyers ! I think that the Government should have to pay these fees not the Veteran when we have the proper medical documents to prove original injury’s that they denied ! They need to properly respect the VSO’s not the Lawyers feeding off of our misery ! !
Win or loose the VA should foot the bill , the VSO that supposedly represent vet should do better some of them or responsible for the delays and rejection of appeals they should network better on matters that affect appeals
It is time for the VA to hire more employees to handle the “back-log” of Appeal Claims. It is time for the VA to insure that Appeal Disputes can be resolved at the Regional Level. The Regional Office (RO) is notorious for denying Appeals that are meritorious and causing the overload of Appeals to the Board of Veterans Appeals (BOA). This is where the problem lies and its time to correct this issue.
William, Did they actually send your appeal on to the board? I just discovered that the Non-VA Care office (now the VA Community Care office) had been using the wrong date for every appeal they received and were flagging them as “received late” and tossing them in the garbage. It cost me a 2 1/2 year wait for nothing – just to get put on the bottom of a longer wait list. It took a Congressional Inquiry to find this out and a complaint for failure to cooperate with a federal investigation to get the VA to even cooperate and look at the correct date. Several people on here are correct – the staff that review and process Claims all need to be REPLACED! They have been doing their jobs wrong – probably due to poor training – for too many years to be corrected with a couple classes. I also think a prerequisite for this job is to be an A**H*** and treat Veterans terribly.
William I am a viet-nam vet and I will agree with you 100% to bad look like we the veterans are the only people who know it need fixing bad also have you ever thought about this we veterans have two things working against #1The people up their who suppose to be working for us at (ro) a lot of them is mad because we is intitle to something they can”nt get #2 even the vet reps if they are not from the same branch as you they seem to not to be willing to work in your favor as they suppose to that’s where the claim passing come into play C C
This is my 2nd attempt since I could not get the captcha code in correctly. I think I am not smart enough to copy codes.
Anyway I read this morning where there was a new Status Appeal tool website available. Hurried and excitedly I went through the inquiry filling out of forms to only find that I needed to check back in an hour. I was no longer excited but mad.
Let me try again to get the captcha code correct!
I am having trouble getting the site to recognize the code they just sent me. I have tried twice to get a code and both times they said the code is inaccurate. I don’t know what to do now.
Ronnie L. Ives
Why the hell do they need a CAPTCHA Code anyway and why make it so hard? I have to go through one just to reply!
I have tried the code 8 times. Error every time! GOD help us. The VA will not!
I read your article and was so excited to see that the appeals process would be updated and posted for my review. It was going to provide more information than a person on VA’s 800 number. They typically tell you it is on appeal and a review board has it…duh, duh. I went to the website and it was not available. They asked me to check back in 1 hour. Sadly I was no longer excited, just mad.
I have ringing in the ears from the aircraft I flew in the Navy which were propeller type engines and on start up the windows had to be open, thus the loud noise of the engine. I had Auburn University do an independent exam and send it to the VA which confirmed the loss of hearing. @nd – Second I had an independent exam for leg neuropathy con firming severe nerve loss in both legs due to Diabetes do to Agent Orange and sent to the VA. NOTHING NOTHING for replies
I’m hearing stories that if the case is to complicated the reviewer is to lazy to proces it , that they shove it to another desk for someone else to process. IS THIS TRUE ? THEY should be FIRED>
CAPTCHA code will not work keeps giving ERROR . I tried the code with what looks like spaces between chaarcters and same code with out spaces noe work fix you damn progam you idiotd.
I injured my left knee while on active duty in 1969. Had reconstructive surgery and have been receiving 10% disability. My problem is that the sharp pains I`ve been having in my knee are getting worse than ever. Have gone to the VA several times and have had X rays done . Dr. said considering my injuries the knee looked pretty good. other than taking ibuprofen there nothing that can be done. I feel that my disability should be increased due to the severe pains I have during cold or damp days What can I do ?
I have ringing in the ears from the aircraft I flew in the Navy which were propeller type engines and on start up the windows had to be open, thus the loud noise of the engine. I had Auburn University do an independent exam and send it to the VA which confirmed the loss of hearing. @nd – Second I had an independent exam for leg neuropathy con firming severe nerve loss in both legs due to Diabetes do to Agent Orange and sent to the VA. NOTHING NOTHING for replies
I’m hearing stories that if the case is to complicated the reviewer is to lazy to proces it , that they shove it to another desk for someone else to process. IS THIS TRUE ? THEY should be FIRED>
If I injured my left knee many yrs ago when I was in tech school at Sheppard AF Base, and I’m not having trouble with it, can I fill out claim for it?
keep fighting man do”nt let um win fight to the end because we earn every thing we get and more
This is shameful.
I am 79 and do not see a sense of urgency on the VBA’s part. Had three C&P hearing exams in past 5 months. All three audiologists reported the same profound hearing loss.
Congratulations dude keep it going and don’t stop telling like it is -God bless‼️
Way too complicated way to have Veitnam Era Veterans (Seniors) track the case management.
Code for appeals should be a hyperlink direct to their case status. Complicated web navigation is not unlike hiding behind red tape.
Has anybody actually been able to log in to Waited hours watching the circular signing in logo four times.