Rhythm challenged? Don’t worry, not all movement to music is dancing. Music moves people – in more ways than one. It makes people forget the actual work in a workout and leads to increased exercise enjoyment. Consider the runner wearing earbuds on the trail, or weightlifters in the gym motivated by loud music: it can move us emotionally, motivating us to move physically.

This Music and Movement exercise is an 18-minute video featuring Matthew G. Lloyd, a Neurologic Music Therapist at the VA Central Iowa Health Care System. Lloyd plays classic country music on his guitar while guiding the viewer through a series of warm-ups and a gentle set of exercises. This routine is designed for the core and improving lower body strength, endurance and motor control.

More information

Want to know more about the benefits music offers in a health care setting? A 2015 article published in the Harvard Health Publishing Blog lists: improvement of patient experience during invasive procedures; restoration of lost speech for those with TBI or stroke; lessen the side effects of cancer therapies; aid in pain relief; and improved quality of life for dementia patients.

You also don’t have to be a musician to experience the health benefits of music. Find a good radio station, seek out live performers in your community, or join a ukulele or guitar class in your community or VA. Learn more ways to bring music into your life in this VA blog: https://news.va.gov/55314/music-matters-bring-music-life/

Or, check out how one Veteran was able to take his post-traumatic stress conditions, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, and turn them into a song. VA board-certified music therapists work with Veterans and community partners, such as Operation Song, to provide opportunities for creative expression through song writing and other forms of music therapy: https://news.va.gov/67104/veteran-turns-his-story-into-song/

Andrea Young is a Field Implementation Team Consultant with the VHA Office of Patient Centered Care & Cultural Transformation

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One Comment

  1. Angela June 18, 2020 at 07:21

    I came to know that from the music we can get relief from pain. it is a nice technique

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