Low back pain is the most common pain experience. The majority of adults will experience low back pain in their lives; for most people it is short-lived and resolves on its own. For others, low back pain is an on-going concern that needs to be managed.
Self-care tools can help reduce the frequency and duration of low back pain. Knowing what to do to take care of yourself can give you some control and confidence. Home care exercises—such as stretching, the use of ice or heat and this simple acupressure routine—are great strategies to manage low back pain.
Acupressure involves pressing on certain areas of the body, both in the area of complaint (the low back) and in other areas like the lower legs and hands. The nervous system and the brain react to pressure in these areas and provide relief. Pressure reduces inflammation and relaxes tight muscles in the back.
This acupressure routine is specifically designed to help with low back pain. It only takes a few minutes to learn and practice this technique. Once learned, the acupressure routine can be repeated several times a day to reduce back pain. There is a handout linked beneath the video that accompanies this routine to better remember the points so it can be repeated as needed.
Ready to try acupressure for your own self-care? Check out this 11-minute self-care acupressure session for low back pain led by Licensed Acupuncturist Dr. Stephanie Gregory from the Portland VA Medical Center.
Most of us have bodies that are out of alignment due to the ways that we sit, stand and move each day. Learn more about positioning your body for optimum alignment and ease: Ergonomics_Final508_07-25-2019.pdf (va.gov).
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Great to know that there are self help options for acupressure. I will try this to alleviate my occasional lower back pain.
Thank you. The acupressure routine did help relax my sciatic area. I plan to use this daily.
Very good! After each session, I feel a bit flushed. I think it is an increase in blood flow. It seems to help my lower back pain as well as neck pain. Very nice.
Link to the handout with pictures of the acupressure points: https://www.va.gov/files/2021-12/4309_Acupressure_For_Back_Pain.pdf
Looks and I feel sure it will help, I followed presentation and will pass it on where I can. Thanks
I’m interested in this
This video came at a moment when I was experiencing lower back pain. This was very helpful.
How do I download this video to a computer file once, so, I can view it on my large computer screen when I do all the various pressures every day?
Thank you. I’m going to save it.
For those who can’t find where the pressure points are, while watching the video above, left-click “click link” in the upper right corner of the video.
Very True, thank you.
At the end of the video a comment is made that there’s a handout with pictures of the acupressure points in a link below–but I don’t see the referenced link (I only see the link to the ergonomics handout).
Can you please post the acupressure handout link?
select YouTube o lower right of the video screen and when the video appears scroll down a bit you will see the blue lettering for the handout of the points. Click here: https://www.va.gov/files/2021-12/4309… to download a handout to accompany the video above.
Trying it now. Seems to be working.
I cannot find the handout. I want to explore this more and the handout ould be helpful.
Wow I could feel the release almost right away. Thanks!
I’m 79 and have had lower back pain for a long time. I was convinced to try acupuncture which I did for I think 6 months. I’ve tried in Vietnam and China. To no avail. All the guys from my group said it did wonders for them. Me. Nothing. Just little sores from where some of the pins were inserted.
Yes I was disappointed, but I realize that every pill I get that is good for me while it’s not good for others.
Don’t give up until you really know it won’t work.
Merry Christmas