Bernardine “Bernie” Donato is a Navy and Air Force Veteran who lives life to the fullest and on her own terms. She is a cancer survivor and lives with two autoimmune disorders; one which affects her joints and the other her muscles. Yet, she’s an athlete, a leader for the Team RWB Durham chapter, and an artist.
Bernie is the first interview in a set of four to help us celebrate Women’s History Month and the Center for Women Veterans’ Women Veteran Athletes Initiative. “The Women Veteran Athletes Initiative will highlight the strength, diversity and resilience of women who served our country,” said VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin. She has seen a woman’s role in the military develop over her lifetime and seen the growing recognition that women Veterans are finally receiving.
She joins Borne the Battle to tell us about her service in the military, supporting her community, staying active, and how she needs to retire from retirement.
The #VApodcast is now available in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, and Spotify. Search “Borne the Battle” in your podcast app of choice to subscribe.
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