Afghanistan, let’s talk about it.
Due to Veterans from all eras reacting to the events in Afghanistan, such as withdrawal and take over by the Taliban, VA is working quickly to share VA resources, call center information, peer support, and other community services.
VA Resources:
- Vet Centers – Discuss how you feel with other Veterans in these community-based counseling centers. 70% of Vet Center staff are Veterans. Call 1-877-927-8387 or find one near you.
- Veterans Crisis Line – If you are having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-273-8255, then PRESS 1 or visit
- For emergency mental health care, you can also go directly to your local VA medical center 24/7 regardless of your discharge status or enrollment in other VA health care.
- VA Women Veterans Call Center – Call or text 1-855-829-6636 (M-F 8AM – 10PM & SAT 8AM – 6:30PM ET)
- VA Caregiver Support Line – Call 1-855-260-3274 (M-F 8AM – 10PM & SAT 8AM – 5PM ET)
- Download VA’s self-help apps – Tools to help deal with common reactions like, stress, sadness, and anxiety. You can also track your symptoms over time.
- VA Mental Health Services Guide – This guide will help you sign up and access mental health services.
- – information, resources, and Veteran to Veteran videos for challenging life events and experiences with mental health issues.
Community Resources:
- Vets4Warriors – 1-855-838-8255
- Wounded Warrior Project – Need someone to talk to? Connect with your peers. Call 888.WWP.ALUM (997.2586) or visit
- Veteran Wellness Alliance – Need help or want to talk? Check In or call:1-630-522-4904 or email:
- Code of Support 1-571-418-6339 press 1
- Elizabeth Dole Foundation Hidden Heroes – Join the Community or call 202-249-7170
- American Red Cross Military Veteran Caregiver Network – Peer Support and Mentoring or call the Hero Care Network at 1-877-272-7337
- Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) – Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors (TAPS) Is Here For You! or call 800-959-TAPS (8277)
- Travis Manion Foundation – 1-215-348-9080 or email
- America’s Warrior Partnership 1-866-AWPVETS
- RallyPoint – Talk to other Veterans online. Discuss: What are your feelings as the Taliban reclaim Afghanistan after 20 years of US involvement?
- Together We Served –Find your battle buddies through unit pages
- Team Red, White & Blue – Hundreds of events weekly. Find a chapter in your area.
- Student Veterans of America – Find a campus chapter to connect with.
- Independence Fund
- Blue Star Families
- ETS Sponsorship
- Boulder Crest
- Cohen Veterans Network
- Team Rubicon
Veteran Service Organizations:
- The American Legion
- Disabled American Veterans Charity (DAV)
- Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)
Contact them 24/7/365 by calling 855-91RAPID (855-917-2743) or digitally at www.quickreaction
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
- Vietnam Veterans of America
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The administration approval numbers are false. Biden’s real approval rating is barely holding on to 20%.
I must agree with you. And 20% would be too generous.
Agree with you Richard!! Nobody is held accountable. Terrible administration and yet so many STILL approve his overall performance, somewhere in the upper 40’s. He should be in the single digits!! This just shows how bad our country really is.
Biden should be impeached!! He is an empty suit. “We the people” will not see see anyone step down or get fired. The amount of corruption that exists in our government is HUGE! Nobody is at fault; it is everyone else that is wrong. Billions of dollars left behind in military hardware. Biden has lied to the American people over and over. We have open boarders that allow sickness, disease, drugs, and evil people to come into our country. Where is Kamala? She is an empty pantsuit. What is she saying about the Afghan women that fear for their lives and their children? Nothing!!! Washington politics is a swamp!! The media has been protecting Biden and his family all along. Corruption at every level. Why don’t we hear about Hunter Biden’s laptop and what is on it. I am a proud American veteran; however, the best years are behind us in this country!! Too many pant loads that want everything for free. There are those elected officials in our country that want to change the American way of life. I say take your BS and go set up shop in another country; you don’t belong here. The future does not look bright and “We the people” need to change the course!
Thank you for your support. I am an afghan American living in the US for 38 years. I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan and my parents fled the country back in 1982. They already have been through a horrifying experience back then. We were lucky enough to make it to the U.S when we could. My parents still have their close family back in Kabul and the surrounding cities all these years. There is not one day which my family and I do not think about our family at home. My husband’s family are still there as well. Ever since this chaos there is not one minute that goes by which my family or I get online to try to figure out how to help our family back in Kabul. All we can do on this side of the world is pray for them. Pray for their safety and for all safety of our people, men, woman, children. Our heart breaks not only for our family but also our people. I thank all our troops around the world who are risking their lives to be in Afghanistan all these years. I also pray for humanity. This space helped me a little this morning as my mind is racing each day with more and more fear of what will happen every hour. My family and I talk daily to our family to make sure that they are okay. Only thing we are holding onto is one day at a time.
I like to believe that most Vets feel the pride, passion and… pain that I am so proud of!! Whether volunteered or voluntold, no matter the branch, enlisted or commissioned. We served and didn’t ask for anything extra. I feel the weight of the unpaid debt we still owe all of those who served in Vietnam. Every return to fanfare and cheers was accompanied by a feeling of shame knowing our Vietnam era Vets did not get the gratitude and thanks they deserved. It is not often that a day passes without someone thanking me for my service. I acknowledge the thanks and reply in mostly the same fashion each time – “you are welcome, I wouldn’t hesitate for a fraction of a second to go back in time and do it again the same way if ever I were asked”. I too extend a genuine heart felt “thank you” to my fellow Vet’s. My thanks for my fellow Vets comes from a different place than it does for those that have not served. I extend my thanks ( in mostly the same fashion) each time. I thank them and extend my families thanks for the courage and commitment it took to cover my six so that I could come home to my family. We all know how ugly it can get. Unfortunately, some/most/all of us will do battle with parts of that ugly until the day we are dismissed. So, a quick reminder – continue to be “especially watchful” we are getting older and we are beginning to slow a little (very, very little) those monsters and ghosts are not getting older and are not slowing. Please, continue the watch! We are the only ones that can!
This is Incompetence personified. The American people and all service members need an accurate accounting of how this was allowed to happen. A perfect example of bloat at the top and no one accountable except in words only “the buck stops here.” We need new and intelligent leadership to correct this horrific and tragic mess!!! My prayers are with our service members globally and the people of Afghanistan.
Would The President depart The Whitehouse without being protected by The Secret Service, and the security procedures followed to protect the President? So, since President Biden admitted responsibility for this debacle, and his statement of “The Buck Stops with him”, then why did he remove the military troops before transitioning Americans and those who helped us back to America? People have kids in high school who have better judgement! What an international embarrassment!
God have mercy on our military troops, and those remaining in Afghanistan! We pray He will continue to be our security
What a freaking mess! Biden is a idiot. We are the laughing stock of the world. Impeach all of them! Then fire senior military leadership! This is America. 32 years for what? To watch all brothers and sisters in services have to suffer through this!
I suffered thought end of Vietnam nam. Suffered through Carter and Iran rescue botched, through Clinton tearing the military down, gutted the enlisted ranks. Now THIS!
Awesome resource for guidance at this time