Salem VA Medical Center celebrates it's 85th year delivering exceptional health care to those that have Borne the Battle.
More than 200 volunteers and 62 community partners came together in Tulsa on Saturday, Sept. 21, to provide a one-stop, one-shop resource event for homeless Veterans and formerly homeless Veterans who are receiving housing assistance.
Your VA dietitian can help you with lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol and your risk for heart disease. He or she can really help clear the confusion. Call your VA and request a visit with a Registered Dietitian today!
VA North Texas suicide prevention teams hold suicide call simulation training to train employees to know what to do when a Veteran is in crisis.
New Orleans VA's Dr. Jody Simon performed the first corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) procedure ever completed at a VA medical center.
On an early Friday afternoon in August, Nurse Practitioner Marilyn Latin answered a telephone call from a Veteran contemplating suicide. The Veteran randomly dialed Latin’s office phone seeking assistance, and Latin brought him to VA.
Navy sailors recently visited the Oklahoma VA to pay tribute to the Veterans who went before them, marching in cadence, and singing throughout the hospital.
the Eastern Oklahoma VA Health Care System conducted a Mental Health Summit to discuss how VA and community providers can better meet Veterans' mental health needs.
Carl Davis had been homeless for most of the past 40 years. The signature on his new apartment lease gave him a new lease on life.
In June, the MOVE! program at SLVHCS graduated its first group of Veterans since restructuring the program at the medical center. The graduation was the culmination of six months of work toward managing their weight and living a healthier lifestyle.
The Iowa City Veterans Healthcare System and DAV hosted the National Disabled Veterans TEE (Train, Expose, Experience) Tournament (NDVTEE), a week-long adaptive golf program that rehabilitates Veterans with life-changing disabilities.
The Last Roll Call Remembrance program honors the lives and service of the Veterans, and the family and friends who supported them.