A quarter of women Veterans receiving VA health care live in rural areas. VA is making sure their doctors, nurses and staff are up to date on women’s health care needs.
Peter O’Rourke, along with the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman, addressed questions about the historic and transformative improvements being made at VA including the signing of the MISSION Act, consolidating community care programs and implementing the forever GI Bill.
Join us as we celebrate the last 70 years of accomplishments, and continue our march towards full and equal recognition.
Currently home to the highest number of women Veterans in the country, with more than 180,000 in residence, Texas leads the way nationally as a state that serves all Veterans.
The committee advises and recommends policy and legislative changes to VA's secretary to better serve Women Veterans.
National Memorial Day concert highlights women Veterans representing all five branches of the military and service since WWII
Acting Secretary Robert Wilkie honored women service members and Veterans for their selfless service and sacrifice to a grateful nation.
In a past life, these 21 brave soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors were also gunners, pilots and medics who signed up to serve their country. Today was the day that their community stepped up and served these women in return.
Baby shower attendees got a chance to learn more about how today’s VA ans the wraparound services it provides to all those hat have served.
VA’s Nationwide Baby Shower is more than just a baby shower, it also plays a critical role in connecting Veterans with VA benefits, information and other resources they may need.
"Don't give up!" That's what Army Veteran Ardrena Bailey says about dealing with setbacks.
Next month, VA will host baby showers across the country, celebrating over 2,400 Veteran mothers and fathers welcoming babies in 2018. VA’s Nationwide Baby Shower event will have all the trappings of a traditional baby shower