Dr. Sheila Rauch, director of mental health research and program evaluation at the Atlanta VA Health Care System, led the study. Despite the surprising finding, she says Veterans with PTSD should not delay treatment thinking that their symptoms will improve over time.
Prolonged exposure for primary care (PE-PC) uses essentially the same concepts in a briefer format, with a less demanding in-session time commitment (four to eight 30-minute sessions versus 8 to 15 90-minute sessions). Plus, all of the treatment is done in a primary care setting.
It was once under the radar of much of the medical community. Now, research by Dr. Vincent Marconi and Dr. Raymond Schinazi has expanded into a potentially impactful finding in the search for treatments to the COVID-19 virus.
We Honor Veterans - National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with VA to care for Veterans at the end of life. Healing for Veterans with other than honorable discharges.
A VA pilot study yielded promising results on a device to detect early diabetic retinopathy and a drug to potentially reverse the symptoms.
The random plasma glucose test predicts who is at risk of developing diabetes within five years, according to a VA study. The finding could help Veterans avoid the disease or get earlier treatment.
Dr. Norberto Fas knew he needed to help his fellow Puerto Ricans following the destruction left by Hurricane Maria when it made landfall Sept. 20. The storm’s powerful 140-mph winds and destructive surge left much of the Caribbean island without potable water, electricity, or adequate health care.