There’s no doubt about it — 2020 was a record-setting […]
Job changes can be stressful — and transitioning to your […]
One of VA’s recruiters provided helpful hints on how to […]
New graduates interested in a VA career can find benefits from VA, like tuition reimbursement, loan forgiveness and other education support.
Are you an IT professional? Apply for a temporary IT specialist opening and help VA support our staff and provide the best care to Veterans.
VA is seeking to quickly fill housekeeping positions across the nation with quality employees that can help Veterans get better fast.
As the COVID-19 situation unfolds in the U.S., VA needs retired VA and federal clinicians to help continue providing Veterans the highest level of care.
Get ready to combine service and skills in a Healthcare […]
Lead the largest electronic health record modernization in U.S. history […]
VA Recruiters will be on hand July 23-28 to showcase nursing careers for the nation’s largest integrated health care organization.
Discover the rewards of providing Veterans with orthopedic care by visiting with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) career recruiters at the American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Annual Leadership Meetings 2019 from June 25 to 29 in San Diego.
Medical instrumentation plays a critical role in healthcare, but only […]