Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Jimmie Kanaya. Kanaya served as a medic during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
His COVID-19 symptoms are relatively light. But he sometimes experiences debilitating nausea at random.
Day was shot down by enemy ground fire while flying over North Vietnam. He is often referred to as being the most decorated service member since MacArthur.
After witnessing his father deteriorate from the Vietnam war the author, also a Vietnam Navy Veteran, shares his backstory and passion for non-profit work.
As a commemorative partner, VA joins nearly 10,000 organizations across the Nation supporting the Department of Defense in this mission to honor and thank our Vietnam Veterans.
Since 1995, the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial has provided a place to honor those who have served and continue to serve our country.
Louisiana Public Broadcasting hosted a free preview screening of The Vietnam War for Veterans and staff at the Alexandria VA Medical Center auditorium in Pineville, Louisiana.