Bill Mulcrevy’s search had come to an end. Gregory Williams, the Navy Corpsman who had saved his and so many other Marines’ lives in Vietnam, died in Illinois in November 2017. He was 73.
Many of the questions about Williams’ life after the Navy and after Vietnam had gone unanswered. The search had concluded with positive identification of a photo and grave marker at Lincoln National Cemetery.
That story, this “never-ending movie,” doesn’t end here, though.
Through Kim Craft at Together We Served, Mulcrevy was eventually put in touch with Gregory’s survivor, Dorothy. Mulcrevy learned that Gregory had transferred to a different unit after his tour of Vietnam, and ultimately left the Navy around 1971. Gregory met Dorothy and married sometime after that.
In November 2019, just two years after Gregory’s passing, Together We Served arranged for Bill Mulcrevy to visit Gregory Williams’ grave at Lincoln National Cemetery. To his surprise, and orchestrated by Kim and Charlie Craft at TWS with assistance from the director of Lincoln National Cemetery, there was a memorial service in honor of Gregory Williams – with Dorothy in attendance.
The pandemic struck right before we had planned to finish this story in March 2020. Leading up this National Vietnam War Veterans Day (March 29), we remember the bravery and service of heroes like Navy Corpsman Gregory Williams, and the people whose lives they’ve touched while in service to this great Nation. We thank Bill Mulcrevy and Jim Johnson for their courageous service, and for sharing these incredible stories to honor their friend. We thank Together We Served and all the dedicated partners who came together to make this story happen, to bring peace to a few buddies separated by time and distance and chance, but more than that, for what they do each day for Veterans around the country.
The memorial service display table with photos of Navy Corpsman Gregory Williams at Lincoln National Cemetery, November 2019.
Medal of Honor Recipient and Together We Served Ambassador “Doc” Donald Ballard spoke at the service.
TWS Chief Admin Kim Craft, Medal of Honor Recipient Doc Donald Ballard (TWS member), Bill Mulcrevy, son Sean Mulcrevy, widow Dorothy Williams, niece Bernie, and Charlie Craft (TWS member)
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As a 77 y/o Corpsman Veteran, HM2, ’65-’69, my service PALES next to and is humbled by all who were in that friggn jungle, earlier and later theaters. My tears flowed how so many here described their stories and of their buddies lost and buddies found, especially their Corpsmen. I was successful in finding a Corpsman buddy I was stationed with at USNH, CHASN., S.C. in 65-67. I must say that I was spared those horrors, being stationed at San Miguel U.S. NAVAL DISPENSARY NW of Subic Bay in ’68. THANK-YOU TWS for this wonderful story! MAY ALL WHO GAVE THEIR ALL R.I.P. (AL CROFT, IF YOU READ THIS, GIMME A SHOUT!)
Praise God for unsung heroes such as this Navy Corpsman. There were countless men who gave it all to help fellow soldiers and Marines.
God bless them all and praise God for those who helped bring this chapter to an end. May he find peace now in his life.
And that God for all those who have fought and died to preserve our Nations freedom.
God bless America.
Amazing story that needed to be told. All of us who were there should be touched by such dedication for not only the ones who did these heroic acts but for those that helped find this forgotten hero.
God bless all who served and are still serving and loving this country of ours.
God bless America and all those who have fought and died to preserve our freedom.
I was an Infantry type (65-66) in RVN, and can absolutely state that all ground troopers love their medic’s, or Corpsmen as the case may be. (I’ve looked for mine for more than 50 years with no success [Army SFC Floyd J. Bass – Tuy Phuoc Sub Sector, Team 27 Binh Dinh Province). No words can express what we feel not only for our own medical personnel, but for all those who served in that capacity in any branch, and in any conflict.
Chuck Irwin, SFC (Ret) USA
Marines love their Corpsmen….. Semper Fi.
When I read or hear stories of my fellow veterans having vivid dreams or nightmares from their service, I can’t imagine the horrors of nam. I served five years USAF 64-68 two years Europe and I volunteered for nam. My Mother had a fit the first of two times I offered, I was single with no kids, better me than my married buddies I told Mom.
I had relatively easy assignments compared to nam but I still often have nightmares of the work I did so well and where I did it I loved the five years ( one year active reserve) I served with the men and women I did, but do believe if the draft still existed, our politicians would have us involved in more missions than they do now. Maybe they should commit one family member to serve full time if they choose to vote on sending us into combat .
I was pleased to read this great story. I new Gregory one could never forget that smile.. We went to Corps School together, Great Lakes Ill. I too was an HM2 in Vietnam 68. I was on the USS Repose Orthopedic Tech. Also TAD to Quang Tri #rd Marines field Hospital. Left a lot of good friends when I returned to the world .. I’m hoping some fellow Corpsman read this.. Jim Clayton, Jim Bowman ,TK Billy Clem, Cedric Houston.. HM2 Billy Bechtoldt
After some great conversations with Gregory’s widow when we met at the National Cemetery, I would like to let all know that Gregory was as caring in the civilian sector as he was in the military.
He and his wife started a 501.c Charity that was geared toward helping young men and women that seemed lost or alone to find a path in life. Gregory was matching other Veterans and Volunteers with these young boys, girls, and teens to help show them that someone cared and to help them find purpose. It is to this day a wonderful program and is being carried on by his widow, Dorothy.
I spoke with Bill Mulcrevy the other day and he wishes for me to let all that have commented on how much it touched his (what he calls) this old shot up Marine’s heart.
It was an honor of all those involved on TWS to help the VA find Gregory Williams so that Bill could find closure with his ole’ friend.
MORE… This is a story that touches the heart and sole. I am sure that there are many other situations like this that can serve as a reminder of the need for heroism, the importance of selfless teamwork, and having honor for God, country, and your fellow man. How many times has God work through destructive war-time situations, and brought about heart changing memories and feelings. These are the important “take-aways” that we need to remember from VN. Not to suppress the evils of war, but to remind us how to live today and not to repeat past errors. More hero stories like these can help our youth of today understand and respect our soldiers of yesterday. May we thank all who have passed and those who are still here for their service in keeping us a FREE and GREAT country. We can only hope that their examples of self sacrifice and brotherly love will inoculate our country of the selfishness that divides us.
What an honor to read this story, I also tried to find a fellow Marine I served with in Nam, when I was new in country. But I only knew him as Red didn’t know his read name and that he was from the St Louis area. If not for him I may have died over there as he may have after stepping on a mine. I wanted to find him and or his family but with out his name I know it will not happen. This is an awesome story It brought tears to my eyes, not just from the story but also the comments posted here. God Bless you all.
Well done! Many thanks to all of you!
Vince Brennan
180Th. A.S.H.C. Assault Helicopter Company (Big Windy) Viet Nam, 68-69
Moving story, thanks for sharing it.. We salute you that take action when someone must. Thank you all for your service and your personal sacrifices.
I am proud Marine and Navy Veteran. This story was heartfelt. Thank you for sharing and sorry that HM3 Williams had made that transition but his widow was truly honored that her husband was celebrated for a job well done. I was not blessed to see any combat during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm but as a Corpsman I saw and cared for many both active and retired. I loved being a Corpsman and now I am a nurse working with the National Guard as a technician. Thank you again for this touching story.
Like others, this story also brought me to tears. TWS and others provided a very fitting tribute. Bravo Zulu.
Terry Hess, Major, USMC (Retired)
I find this story very moving. I am proud of my service in Viet Nam. It grieves me to think of the many events that took place on the battlefields of Viet Nam that will never be told. I pay my utmost respect to the brave men depicted in this great story or courage, survival and patriotism. May God Bless America and all those who have fought to protect her.
All great comments It’s nice to see that there’s people who care about there fellow veterans thank you and god bless
This story brought me to tears. There are so many veterans that developed friendships in the military and somehow became distant from each other. I am so glad that there are organizations that are dedicated to unite them again. Great job and God Bless every veteran regardless of service affiliation (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard).
I transferred back to G 3/12 from E 2/4 right before Operation Hastings. I had served with E 2/4 as the radio operator (2531} for several operations, most notably Operation Texas. I cannot adequately express my sincere thanks to the corpsmen, medics, doctors and nurses who stood tall for us when wounded or injured. May Corpsman Williams walk Hand in Hand with the Lord and rest in peace. I wish only the best for Mr. McCrevy in the future. Semper Fi!
A remarkable story. It warms my heart to know that the VA has been a valuable asset to all Veterans as well as their family members. I had a similar experience finding a fellow paratrooper who served with me in the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade in Vietnam. I had searched for a combat buddy for over 50 years
and notices this name at our local VAMC on the monitor in the pharmacy clinic pick up area.. bringing this to the attention of that VA’s eligibility department and asking if they could help me find this vet, it fell on deaf ears..They sited the privacy laws as reason, for failure to assist… Now, to make a long story short, I did come across my buddy at another clinic where his name was called as I waited myself at the very same clinic.. It was meant to be I guess after a 50 plus year search we were reunited even though the VA administration at our local VA denied my request for assistance.. It warms my heart that they assisted with the reunification of these two veterans and told the most honorable story of service and sacrifice…I would be amazed if this comment ever sees the light of day…
Your reply has seen the light of day. I appreciate your comment so glad you found your friend!
I spent over 10 years with the Marines mostly out in the field and wilderness for different kind of training including war games. I was fortunate to be one of the Hospital Corpsman who served and provided medical care and treatment for these few proud brave Marines either in the field or in garrison. It’s an honor to be part of them. I can say a great life experience that will live forever.
To all our Marines, for sure,we will always care and protect you no matter what.
To all my fellow corpsman and brother marines, thank you for your sacrifice and service. “YOU AIN’T HEAVY”
HMC Claro B. Cortez, Jr, Ret.
GREAT life experience. I am happy to read the brothers in ARMS have NEVER given up on each other to the last.
I am happy to read the brothers in ARMS have NEVER given up on each other to the last.
We as members of this GREAT NATION we all call the USA should ALWAYS remember WHY we are who we are….
This REALITY of acknowledgement is 100% the HEARTBEAT of AMERICA.
OUR service for COUNTRY does not and should NEVER stop for the SAKE of our future generations. ALL ELECTED officials should NEVER be allowed to take, solely, upon THEMSELFS to THINK that they should only represent a sector of ALL of us for special interest that is not beneficiary to ALL.
OUR differences of skin color and handicaps should always embrace the REALITY of NOT to JUDGE without knowing the FACTS.
SERVICE for COUNTRY is just half of the circle the other half is ALL those that support us as to WHY. We as USA CITIZENS must always remember our forefathers who wrote the USA CONSTITUTION that defines our service not just service in the military but ALL those few that do and die for our existence to our GREAT NATION that we ALL call the USA.
We ALL should ALWAYS hold the LINE and those few that TRY to ERASE it must be HELD accountable ALWAYS or we will cease to EXIST.
As an Air Force veteran with many friends that are veterans of other branches of service that have served from the Spanish American War to the present, I am proud of our veterans. Sorry to hear that US Marine Veteran William Mulcrevy search for his friend came a little late. Least he never forgot his friend HM3 Gregory Williams. I would like to have heard a different outcome, sometimes that is not possible.
I would like to thank all the veterans that served or serving in the medical fields no matter what branch you are in. I was treated in the hospital while in and know it is not easy for them.
The results of ready USMC veteran Mulcrevy story brought to mind what I have tried to do in the past. Try to find follow veterans that I have lost track of since my discharge in 1974. Can I find or other veterans find a better way to try and relocate some of the veterans we served with while in the service?
Again, thank you USMC veteran William Mulcrevy, for not forgetting and bringing us the name of USN Gregory Williams and showing his widow that some one cared.
Must have had a misprint. The Spanish American War had for funding the battle cry “Remember the Maine”
We won Cuba, Philippines and happened around 1900. Bunches of later wars before 1974.
Camp Buckley between Windmill and Hidden Beach sheltered our Marines in the 60’s until they were moved to Marine Point overlooking Gitmo Bay
I went to A School at Balboa in 1977 and did a few clinicals in the Hospital, but was promptly sent off up the road to FMF school at Pendleton. So much for hospitals and ships. The ships came later. Anyway, serving with the Marines was very rewarding. The Marines took care of their “doc” because they would never know when he or (she now) would be called upon to render aid.
Years ago, I saw a story in either the NEW magazine, or the American Legion magazine “Thorns in the Heart”
It told the story of a nurse who was stationed in Vietnam and told of the wounded warriors that came through the hospital where she worked.
I lost the article,and have not been able to find it.
I cried at the thought of the nurses seeing the very worse of war and be unable to save the wounded.
Is that article still out there?
Thanks for a great story, and thanks to all who served and those serving now.
Great story!!
I am also a veteran of the Gulf War, and still serving as a civilian. This story has brought tears and a joy of fulfillment. No matter what service we serve we all come together as veterans and continue to help each other with pride.
This was a remarkable story thank you so much for Sharing this with the world. We really needed something like this.
Great story and thank you to all those that served and continue to serve.
As a Veteran, this story touched my heart.
Those we share time during our service to our country become very important to us.
I am glad this search for the Corman went into such detail and that a memorial service was held for him and his remaining relative.
This is a great service the Veteran’s Service provides.
It is a shame that so many like myself didn’t know about this service till I just read the story here in this newsletter.
Thank you for the efforts those of you who help us find our old buddies. It is agift to find people you were so close to for such a long time.
Thank you-,
Debi LeBourveau Meyer
APRIL 1977 THROUGH FEB 22 1978
“A never ending movie.” The perfect description.
Such a touching story. I’m so sorry the 2 Corpsman never had the opportunity to meet. The Memorial service brings tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for your service to our country!
Great story – thanks for sharing it. I spent many nights in Da Nang as an aircrew refueling from the USS Coral Sea in 1971.
Correction to my comments from Neil Doherty the date of being at Con Thien in September was not in 1966 it was 1967. With Lima 3/9 marine Corpsman.
an incredible story. God bless all involved and Gregory is a true hero.
I would have liked to learn more of Gregory Williams’s life after the Navy. Thank you for your service, Greg.
As a corpsman myself with Lima 3/9 in September of 1966 at Con Thien many marines were severely wounded and died on that hill. My mind always goes back to that time and I reflect on all the unbelievable wounds from shelling. So many marines young and doing a job that was impossible to explain to anyone who was not there. These young men were the best of the best. I have trouble remembering names of the men I treated but believe this was my mind trying to protect me from this horror. I hope my services got them home but I will never know. God bless these men, many with god now.
Delta 1/9 (walking dead) and 3rd Med Battalion 1968-69 Semper Fi and thanks for serving
Thank you for sharing this. I was a Corpsman serving aboard USS Sanctuary AH-17. Worked in triage and anesthesia. “Doc, don’t let me die” was a familiar refrain. Those words are just as vivid today as they were in 1969. I was inspired by some good role models and became a CRNA myself. Thanks for your service
Corpsman with 1/9 and then 3rd Med battalion in Quan Tri 68-69. The Repose and Sanctuary used to rotate off the coast and I have slides of a helicopter ride I took ~Feb or March 1969 out to the Sanctuary and landing there and taking a quick tour of parts of the ship. You guys were awesome and such a joy to see how our guys were cared for often after transferring from 3rd Med ICU where I worked 12 on 12 off. May God grant you Peace. Semper Fi and thanks for serving
What an incredibly moving story. I thought for sure in the end they would find this incredible hero alive. As a veteran Hospital Corpsman who spent four years with the marines at Pendelton and Okinawa, I salute this “doc” who showed us all the way a grunt corpsman was called to serve his fellow marine. I entered a few years after Vietnam in 1977 and by the grace of God, I never saw combat over the 11 years that I served. If called to combat during that span I pray that in that moment I would have been as cool, calm, and collect, not to mention incredibly brave as HM3 Gregory Williams was back in that South Asian hole with the bullets flying, almost an afterthought to him. We all salute you HM3 Gregory Williams. Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Thank you…..Feeling somewhat of a connection having been there at the time while serving with “K” Co. 3/5 in Operation Hastings, I fulling related to the story Bill Mulcrevy told. It refreshes my memory of how our Corpsmen were looked upon as being angels of mercy. I, but a mere grunt, am grateful for the times they rendered service to me while in the bush. That and the compassion they showed, leads me to believe at times they were not only a doctor….but a mix of a Chaplin to a degree as well.
Excellent and heartfelt story. We shall never forget. I served in Vietnam 1970-71.
Such a touching story of two brave men who served our country. I salute both men!
What a powerful story. I appreciate all the research effort that was required to pull this story together and allow some closing for Bill Mulcrevy. I also served as a Corpsman in the DaNang area of Vietnam in 1965-1966. I have a similar interest to connect with any wounded Marines I treated under an ambush attack during Operation Long Lance. The day was January 5th, 1966. As far back as that history is today, I can remember every detail of that long and intense period of non-stop ambush combat that killed two Marines and wounded eight others from the Second Platoon, Company D, First Battalion, First Marines. I was recently attached to that company and can not remember the names of those eight I treated under fire. I have searched unsuccessfully many times. I am hopeful maybe some of the researchers in this group can help with finding any Marines who also experienced that ambush. I ended up with a Purple Heart and Silver Star for my effort and still today this represents the most important moment of my life. I am now 78. I live in South Carolina. I’m healthy and I serve as a Military Transition Specialist.
Nice to see a story like this about any of my fellow soldiers. I served with the USAF from 1961-1984, and flew on B-52 and KC-135 combat missions in SEA in each of the years 1968/1969/1970 and 1971. I served for 23 years, which included 7 years overseas.
My uncle, a WW 2 Naval Lt, was killed in Nov 1942 in the Solomon Islands. He was awarded the Navy Cross and the Purple Heart. One year after his death he had a destroyer escort, the USS Lt Richard A Haines, named in honor of him. His widow Mary christened the ship at it’s launching, and the ship promptly went into battle and won a battle star.
I was born in Aug 1943 and was named in his honor, as Richard A. Haines Showers. It has been an honor for me to carry his name and to tell part of his story.
This is both a sad and heartwarming story.
I myself, being a Corpsman (another life ago)
remember so many things that at the time of it happening not realizing , the life long bonds that were being made.
The experiences I had in the service will always be with me and I wouldn’t trade them for anything! I mean anything!
God bless USA
I still remember and think about the patients I cared for as a Corpsman at Balboa Naval Hospital It was an honor and privilege to care for these retired, disabled veterans, most served during WWll. I remember them and their family’s and they were all wonderful people. It was an honor and a privilege to help them, I will never forget them.
Great story! As a Navy Hospital Corpsman myself who served in Vietnam, it made me proud to read about a “brother Corpsman” who served so honorably and courageously. What a great tribute to him and closure for the Marine he saved. Kudos to TWS for the work they are doing.
Great story !!!!
As a nurse anesthetist in RVN I often reflex on patients who I was able to care for after being hurt. Many saying “Don’t let me die”.
I remember many who didn’t, I would respond “I will do the best I am able with God’ help.
Think of someone you love and I will make your pain stop and go to sleep”.
Being the last person speaking to another human before their death makes me reflect what their death means on their families and their loss.
I can’t imagine how you could do your job. But I know there are hundreds of injuries men and women thankful you were able to. You are truly a blessing from God.
I pray you have been able to learn to live with the nightmares I’m sure you see every day.
Thank you and God Bless you
Douglas Rafferty Sgt USAF